blob: 99e80ca7705c104284157ab1b9e541df052a18b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library builtin;
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:async';
// import 'root_library'; happens here from C Code
// The root library (aka the script) is imported into this library. The
// standalone embedder uses this to lookup the main entrypoint in the
// root library's namespace.
Function _getMainClosure() => main;
// Corelib 'print' implementation.
void _print(arg) {
class _Logger {
static void _printString(String s) native "Logger_PrintString";
_getPrintClosure() => _print;
void _logResolution(String msg) {
final enabled = false;
if (enabled) {
// Corelib 'Uri.base' implementation.
Uri _uriBase() {
return new Uri.file(Directory.current.path + "/");
_getUriBaseClosure() => _uriBase;
var _httpRequestResponseCode = 0;
var _httpRequestStatusString;
var _httpRequestResponse;
_getHttpRequestResponseCode() => _httpRequestResponseCode;
_getHttpRequestStatusString() => _httpRequestStatusString;
_getHttpRequestResponse() => _httpRequestResponse;
void _requestCompleted(List<int> data, HttpClientResponse response) {
_httpRequestResponseCode = response.statusCode;
_httpRequestStatusString = '${response.statusCode} ${response.reasonPhrase}';
_httpRequestResponse = null;
if (response.statusCode != 200 ||
(response.headers.contentType != null &&
response.headers.contentType.mimeType == 'application/json')) {
_httpRequestResponse = data;
void _requestFailed(error) {
_httpRequestResponseCode = 0;
_httpRequestStatusString = error.toString();
_httpRequestResponse = null;
void _makeHttpRequest(String uri) {
var _client = new HttpClient();
_httpRequestResponseCode = 0;
_httpRequestStatusString = null;
_httpRequestResponse = null;
try {
Uri requestUri = Uri.parse(uri);
.then((HttpClientRequest request) => request.close())
.then((HttpClientResponse response) {
return response
.fold(new BytesBuilder(), (b, d) => b..add(d))
.then((builder) {
_requestCompleted(builder.takeBytes(), response);
// This client is only used for a single request. Force closing
// it now otherwise we wait around until it times out.
}).catchError((error) {
} catch (error) {
// TODO(floitsch): remove this line. It's just here to push an event on the
// event loop so that we invoke the scheduled microtasks. Also remove the
// import of dart:async when this line is not needed anymore. {});
// Are we running on Windows?
var _isWindows = false;
var _workingWindowsDrivePrefix;
// The current working directory
var _workingDirectoryUri;
// The URI that the entry point script was loaded from. Remembered so that
// package imports can be resolved relative to it.
var _entryPointScript;
// The directory to look in to resolve "package:" scheme URIs.
var _packageRoot;
void _setWindows() {
_isWindows = true;
_sanitizeWindowsPath(path) {
// For Windows we need to massage the paths a bit according to
// Convert
// C:\one\two\three
// to
// /C:/one/two/three
if (_isWindows == false) {
// Do nothing when not running Windows.
return path;
var fixedPath = "${path.replaceAll('\\', '/')}";
if ((path.length > 2) && (path[1] == ':')) {
// Path begins with a drive letter.
return '/$fixedPath';
return fixedPath;
_enforceTrailingSlash(uri) {
// Ensure we have a trailing slash character.
if (!uri.endsWith('/')) {
return '$uri/';
return uri;
_extractDriveLetterPrefix(cwd) {
if (!_isWindows) {
return null;
if (cwd.length > 1 && cwd[1] == ':') {
return '/${cwd[0]}:';
return null;
void _setWorkingDirectory(cwd) {
_workingWindowsDrivePrefix = _extractDriveLetterPrefix(cwd);
cwd = _sanitizeWindowsPath(cwd);
cwd = _enforceTrailingSlash(cwd);
_workingDirectoryUri = new Uri(scheme: 'file', path: cwd);
_logResolution('# Working Directory: $cwd');
_setPackageRoot(String packageRoot) {
packageRoot = _enforceTrailingSlash(packageRoot);
if (packageRoot.startsWith('file:') ||
packageRoot.startsWith('http:') ||
packageRoot.startsWith('https:')) {
_packageRoot = _workingDirectoryUri.resolve(packageRoot);
} else {
_packageRoot = _workingDirectoryUri.resolveUri(new Uri.file(packageRoot));
_logResolution('# Package root: $packageRoot -> $_packageRoot');
String _resolveScriptUri(String scriptName) {
if (_workingDirectoryUri == null) {
throw 'No current working directory set.';
scriptName = _sanitizeWindowsPath(scriptName);
var scriptUri = Uri.parse(scriptName);
if (scriptUri.scheme != '') {
// Script has a scheme, assume that it is fully formed.
_entryPointScript = scriptUri;
} else {
// Script does not have a scheme, assume that it is a path,
// resolve it against the working directory.
_entryPointScript = _workingDirectoryUri.resolve(scriptName);
_logResolution('# Resolved entry point to: $_entryPointScript');
return _entryPointScript.toString();
String _resolveUri(String base, String userString) {
var baseUri = Uri.parse(base);
_logResolution('# Resolving: $userString from $base');
var uri = Uri.parse(userString);
var resolved;
if ('dart-ext' == uri.scheme) {
// Relative URIs with scheme dart-ext should be resolved as if with no
// scheme.
resolved = baseUri.resolve(uri.path);
if (resolved.scheme == 'package') {
// If we are resolving relative to a package URI we go directly to the
// file path and keep the dart-ext scheme. Otherwise, we will lose the
// package URI path part.
var path = _filePathFromPackageUri(resolved);
if (path.startsWith('http:')) {
throw "Native extensions not supported in "
"packages loaded over http: %path";
resolved = new Uri.file(path);
resolved = new Uri(scheme: 'dart-ext', path: resolved.path);
} else {
resolved = baseUri.resolve(userString);
_logResolution('# Resolved to: $resolved');
return resolved.toString();
// Returns either a file path or a URI starting with http:, as a String.
String _filePathFromUri(String userUri) {
var uri = Uri.parse(userUri);
_logResolution('# Getting file path from: $uri');
var path;
switch (uri.scheme) {
case '':
case 'file':
return uri.toFilePath();
case 'dart-ext':
// Relative file URIs don't start with file:///.
var scheme = (uri.path.startsWith('/') ? 'file' : '');
return new Uri(scheme: scheme,
path: uri.path).toFilePath();
case 'package':
return _filePathFromPackageUri(uri);
case 'http':
return uri.toString();
// Only handling file, dart-ext, http, and package URIs
// in standalone binary.
_logResolution('# Unknown scheme (${uri.scheme}) in $uri.');
throw 'Not a known scheme: $uri';
String _filePathFromPackageUri(Uri uri) {
if (! {
var path = (uri.path != '') ? '${}${uri.path}' :;
var right = 'package:$path';
var wrong = 'package://$path';
throw "URIs using the 'package:' scheme should look like "
"'$right', not '$wrong'.";
var packageRoot = _packageRoot == null ?
_entryPointScript.resolve('packages/') :
return _filePathFromUri(packageRoot.resolve(uri.path).toString());