blob: aacf754fa391ac8e89b8490e522844351b53d125 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import 'package:dev_compiler/src/kernel/module_symbols.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../shared_test_options.dart';
import 'module_symbols_test_shared.dart';
void main() async {
for (var mode in [
NullSafetyTestOption('Sound Mode:', true),
NullSafetyTestOption('Weak Mode:', false)
]) {
group(mode.description, () {
var options = SetupCompilerOptions(soundNullSafety: mode.soundNullSafety);
group('simple class debug symbols', () {
TestDriver driver;
ClassSymbol classSymbol;
final source = '''
class A {}
setUpAll(() async {
driver = TestDriver(options, source);
var result = await driver.compile();
classSymbol = result.symbols.classes.single;
tearDownAll(() {
test('has name', () async {
expect(, equals('A'));
test('is not abstract', () async {
expect(classSymbol.isAbstract, isFalse);
// TODO test isConst
test('has no superclassId', () async {
expect(classSymbol.superClassId, isNull);
test('empty interfacesIds', () async {
expect(classSymbol.interfaceIds, isEmpty);
test('empty typeParameters', () async {
expect(classSymbol.typeParameters, isEmpty);
test('has localId', () async {
expect(classSymbol.localId, equals('A'));
test('has library scopeId', () async {
expect(classSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('package:foo/foo.dart'));
group('location', () {
test('has scriptId', () async {
expect(classSymbol.location.scriptId, endsWith('/foo.dart'));
test('has start token', () async {
22 + options.dartLangComment.length);
test('has end token', () async {
31 + options.dartLangComment.length);
test('no fields', () async {
expect(classSymbol.variableIds, isEmpty);
// TODO only has the implicit constructor in scopeIds.
group('abstract class debug symbols', () {
TestDriver driver;
ClassSymbol classSymbol;
final source = '''
abstract class A {}
setUpAll(() async {
driver = TestDriver(options, source);
var result = await driver.compile();
classSymbol = result.symbols.classes.single;
tearDownAll(() {
test('is abstract', () async {
expect(classSymbol.isAbstract, isTrue);
group('class extends debug symbols', () {
TestDriver driver;
ClassSymbol classSymbol;
final source = '''
class A extends B {}
class B {}
setUpAll(() async {
driver = TestDriver(options, source);
var result = await driver.compile();
classSymbol =
result.symbols.classes.where((c) => c.localId == 'A').single;
tearDownAll(() {
test('has superclass', () async {
expect(classSymbol.superClassId, 'B');
group('class implements debug symbols', () {
TestDriver driver;
List<ClassSymbol> classSymbols;
final source = '''
class A implements B, C {}
class B implements C {}
class C {}
setUpAll(() async {
driver = TestDriver(options, source);
var result = await driver.compile();
classSymbols = result.symbols.classes;
tearDownAll(() {
test('single implements', () async {
var classSymbol = classSymbols.singleWhere((c) => c.localId == 'B');
expect(classSymbol.interfaceIds, orderedEquals(['C']));
test('multiple implements', () async {
var classSymbol = classSymbols.singleWhere((c) => c.localId == 'A');
expect(classSymbol.interfaceIds, orderedEquals(['B', 'C']));
group('class public static field debug symbols', () {
TestDriver driver;
ClassSymbol classSymbol;
String fieldId;
VariableSymbol fieldSymbol;
final source = '''
class A {
static String publicStaticField = 'Cello';
setUpAll(() async {
driver = TestDriver(options, source);
var result = await driver.compile();
classSymbol = result.symbols.classes.single;
fieldId = classSymbol.fieldIds.single;
fieldSymbol = result.symbols.variables.single;
tearDownAll(() {
test('fieldId in classSymbol', () async {
expect(fieldId, endsWith('A|publicStaticField'));
test('has class scopeId', () async {
expect(fieldSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
test('is field', () async {
expect(fieldSymbol.kind, VariableSymbolKind.field);
test('is static', () async {
expect(fieldSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
group('class private static field debug symbols', () {
TestDriver driver;
ClassSymbol classSymbol;
String fieldId;
VariableSymbol fieldSymbol;
final source = '''
class A {
static String _privateStaticField = 'Fosse';
setUpAll(() async {
driver = TestDriver(options, source);
var result = await driver.compile();
classSymbol = result.symbols.classes.single;
fieldId = classSymbol.fieldIds.single;
fieldSymbol = result.symbols.variables.single;
tearDownAll(() {
test('fieldId in classSymbol', () async {
expect(fieldId, endsWith('A|_privateStaticField'));
test('has class scopeId', () async {
expect(fieldSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
test('is field', () async {
expect(fieldSymbol.kind, VariableSymbolKind.field);
test('is static', () async {
expect(fieldSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
group('class public instance field debug symbols', () {
TestDriver driver;
ClassSymbol classSymbol;
String fieldId;
VariableSymbol fieldSymbol;
final source = '''
class A {
String publicInstanceField = 'Cello';
setUpAll(() async {
driver = TestDriver(options, source);
var result = await driver.compile();
classSymbol = result.symbols.classes.single;
fieldId = classSymbol.fieldIds.single;
fieldSymbol = result.symbols.variables.single;
tearDownAll(() {
test('fieldId in classSymbol', () async {
expect(fieldId, endsWith('A|publicInstanceField'));
test('has class scopeId', () async {
expect(fieldSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
test('is field', () async {
expect(fieldSymbol.kind, VariableSymbolKind.field);
test('is not static', () async {
expect(fieldSymbol.isStatic, isFalse);
group('class private instance field debug symbols', () {
TestDriver driver;
ClassSymbol classSymbol;
String fieldId;
VariableSymbol fieldSymbol;
final source = '''
class A {
String privateInstanceField = 'Cello';
setUpAll(() async {
driver = TestDriver(options, source);
var result = await driver.compile();
classSymbol = result.symbols.classes.single;
fieldId = classSymbol.fieldIds.single;
fieldSymbol = result.symbols.variables.single;
tearDownAll(() {
test('fieldId in classSymbol', () async {
expect(fieldId, endsWith('A|privateInstanceField'));
test('has class scopeId', () async {
expect(fieldSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
test('is field', () async {
expect(fieldSymbol.kind, VariableSymbolKind.field);
test('is not static', () async {
expect(fieldSymbol.isStatic, isFalse);