| // Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import 'dart:collection'; |
| |
| import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/scope.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart'; |
| |
| /// A visitor that visits ASTs and fills [UsedImportedElements]. |
| class GatherUsedImportedElementsVisitor extends RecursiveAstVisitor { |
| final LibraryElement library; |
| final UsedImportedElements usedElements = UsedImportedElements(); |
| |
| GatherUsedImportedElementsVisitor(this.library); |
| |
| @override |
| visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) { |
| _recordAssignmentTarget(node, node.leftHandSide); |
| return super.visitAssignmentExpression(node); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) { |
| _recordIfExtensionMember(node.staticElement); |
| return super.visitBinaryExpression(node); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitExportDirective(ExportDirective node) { |
| _visitDirective(node); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitFunctionExpressionInvocation(FunctionExpressionInvocation node) { |
| _recordIfExtensionMember(node.staticElement); |
| return super.visitFunctionExpressionInvocation(node); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitImportDirective(ImportDirective node) { |
| _visitDirective(node); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitIndexExpression(IndexExpression node) { |
| _recordIfExtensionMember(node.staticElement); |
| return super.visitIndexExpression(node); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitLibraryDirective(LibraryDirective node) { |
| _visitDirective(node); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpression node) { |
| _recordAssignmentTarget(node, node.operand); |
| return super.visitPostfixExpression(node); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression node) { |
| _recordAssignmentTarget(node, node.operand); |
| _recordIfExtensionMember(node.staticElement); |
| return super.visitPrefixExpression(node); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) { |
| _visitIdentifier(node, node.staticElement); |
| } |
| |
| void _recordAssignmentTarget( |
| CompoundAssignmentExpression node, |
| Expression target, |
| ) { |
| if (target is PrefixedIdentifier) { |
| _visitIdentifier(target.identifier, node.readElement); |
| _visitIdentifier(target.identifier, node.writeElement); |
| } else if (target is PropertyAccess) { |
| _visitIdentifier(target.propertyName, node.readElement); |
| _visitIdentifier(target.propertyName, node.writeElement); |
| } else if (target is SimpleIdentifier) { |
| _visitIdentifier(target, node.readElement); |
| _visitIdentifier(target, node.writeElement); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _recordIfExtensionMember(Element? element) { |
| if (element != null) { |
| var enclosingElement = element.enclosingElement; |
| if (enclosingElement is ExtensionElement) { |
| _recordUsedExtension(enclosingElement); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// If the given [identifier] is prefixed with a [PrefixElement], fill the |
| /// corresponding `UsedImportedElements.prefixMap` entry and return `true`. |
| bool _recordPrefixMap(SimpleIdentifier identifier, Element element) { |
| bool recordIfTargetIsPrefixElement(Expression? target) { |
| if (target is SimpleIdentifier) { |
| var targetElement = target.staticElement; |
| if (targetElement is PrefixElement) { |
| List<Element> prefixedElements = usedElements.prefixMap |
| .putIfAbsent(targetElement, () => <Element>[]); |
| prefixedElements.add(element); |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| var parent = identifier.parent; |
| if (parent is MethodInvocation && parent.methodName == identifier) { |
| return recordIfTargetIsPrefixElement(parent.target); |
| } |
| if (parent is PrefixedIdentifier && parent.identifier == identifier) { |
| return recordIfTargetIsPrefixElement(parent.prefix); |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| /// Records use of an unprefixed [element]. |
| void _recordUsedElement(Element element) { |
| // Ignore if an unknown library. |
| var containingLibrary = element.library; |
| if (containingLibrary == null) { |
| return; |
| } |
| // Ignore if a local element. |
| if (library == containingLibrary) { |
| return; |
| } |
| // Remember the element. |
| usedElements.elements.add(element); |
| } |
| |
| void _recordUsedExtension(ExtensionElement extension) { |
| // Ignore if a local element. |
| if (library == extension.library) { |
| return; |
| } |
| // Remember the element. |
| usedElements.usedExtensions.add(extension); |
| } |
| |
| /// Visit identifiers used by the given [directive]. |
| void _visitDirective(Directive directive) { |
| directive.documentationComment?.accept(this); |
| directive.metadata.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| void _visitIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier identifier, Element? element) { |
| if (element == null) { |
| return; |
| } |
| // Record `importPrefix.identifier` into 'prefixMap'. |
| if (_recordPrefixMap(identifier, element)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| var enclosingElement = element.enclosingElement; |
| if (enclosingElement is CompilationUnitElement) { |
| _recordUsedElement(element); |
| } else if (enclosingElement is ExtensionElement) { |
| _recordUsedExtension(enclosingElement); |
| return; |
| } else if (element is PrefixElement) { |
| usedElements.prefixMap.putIfAbsent(element, () => <Element>[]); |
| } else if (element is MultiplyDefinedElement) { |
| // If the element is multiply defined then call this method recursively |
| // for each of the conflicting elements. |
| List<Element> conflictingElements = element.conflictingElements; |
| int length = conflictingElements.length; |
| for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { |
| Element elt = conflictingElements[i]; |
| _visitIdentifier(identifier, elt); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Instances of the class `ImportsVerifier` visit all of the referenced |
| /// libraries in the source code verifying that all of the imports are used, |
| /// otherwise a [HintCode.UNUSED_IMPORT] hint is generated with |
| /// [generateUnusedImportHints]. |
| /// |
| /// Additionally, [generateDuplicateImportHints] generates |
| /// [HintCode.DUPLICATE_IMPORT] hints and [HintCode.UNUSED_SHOWN_NAME] hints. |
| /// |
| /// While this class does not yet have support for an "Organize Imports" action, |
| /// this logic built up in this class could be used for such an action in the |
| /// future. |
| class ImportsVerifier { |
| /// All [ImportDirective]s of the current library. |
| final List<ImportDirective> _allImports = <ImportDirective>[]; |
| |
| /// A list of [ImportDirective]s that the current library imports, but does |
| /// not use. |
| /// |
| /// As identifiers are visited by this visitor and an import has been |
| /// identified as being used by the library, the [ImportDirective] is removed |
| /// from this list. After all the sources in the library have been evaluated, |
| /// this list represents the set of unused imports. |
| /// |
| /// See [ImportsVerifier.generateUnusedImportErrors]. |
| final List<ImportDirective> _unusedImports = <ImportDirective>[]; |
| |
| /// After the list of [unusedImports] has been computed, this list is a proper |
| /// subset of the unused imports that are listed more than once. |
| final List<ImportDirective> _duplicateImports = <ImportDirective>[]; |
| |
| /// The cache of [Namespace]s for [ImportDirective]s. |
| final HashMap<ImportDirective, Namespace> _namespaceMap = |
| HashMap<ImportDirective, Namespace>(); |
| |
| /// This is a map between prefix elements and the import directives from which |
| /// they are derived. In cases where a type is referenced via a prefix |
| /// element, the import directive can be marked as used (removed from the |
| /// unusedImports) by looking at the resolved `lib` in `lib.X`, instead of |
| /// looking at which library the `lib.X` resolves. |
| final HashMap<PrefixElement, List<ImportDirective>> _prefixElementMap = |
| HashMap<PrefixElement, List<ImportDirective>>(); |
| |
| /// A map of identifiers that the current library's imports show, but that the |
| /// library does not use. |
| /// |
| /// Each import directive maps to a list of the identifiers that are imported |
| /// via the "show" keyword. |
| /// |
| /// As each identifier is visited by this visitor, it is identified as being |
| /// used by the library, and the identifier is removed from this map (under |
| /// the import that imported it). After all the sources in the library have |
| /// been evaluated, each list in this map's values present the set of unused |
| /// shown elements. |
| /// |
| /// See [ImportsVerifier.generateUnusedShownNameHints]. |
| final HashMap<ImportDirective, List<SimpleIdentifier>> _unusedShownNamesMap = |
| HashMap<ImportDirective, List<SimpleIdentifier>>(); |
| |
| /// A map of names that are hidden more than once. |
| final HashMap<NamespaceDirective, List<SimpleIdentifier>> |
| _duplicateHiddenNamesMap = |
| HashMap<NamespaceDirective, List<SimpleIdentifier>>(); |
| |
| /// A map of names that are shown more than once. |
| final HashMap<NamespaceDirective, List<SimpleIdentifier>> |
| _duplicateShownNamesMap = |
| HashMap<NamespaceDirective, List<SimpleIdentifier>>(); |
| |
| void addImports(CompilationUnit node) { |
| for (Directive directive in node.directives) { |
| if (directive is ImportDirective) { |
| var libraryElement = directive.uriElement; |
| if (libraryElement == null) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| _allImports.add(directive); |
| _unusedImports.add(directive); |
| // |
| // Initialize prefixElementMap |
| // |
| if (directive.asKeyword != null) { |
| var prefixIdentifier = directive.prefix; |
| if (prefixIdentifier != null) { |
| var element = prefixIdentifier.staticElement; |
| if (element is PrefixElement) { |
| var list = _prefixElementMap[element]; |
| if (list == null) { |
| list = <ImportDirective>[]; |
| _prefixElementMap[element] = list; |
| } |
| list.add(directive); |
| } |
| // TODO (jwren) Can the element ever not be a PrefixElement? |
| } |
| } |
| _addShownNames(directive); |
| } |
| if (directive is NamespaceDirective) { |
| _addDuplicateShownHiddenNames(directive); |
| } |
| } |
| if (_unusedImports.length > 1) { |
| // order the list of unusedImports to find duplicates in faster than |
| // O(n^2) time |
| List<ImportDirective> importDirectiveArray = |
| List<ImportDirective>.from(_unusedImports); |
| importDirectiveArray.sort(ImportDirective.COMPARATOR); |
| ImportDirective currentDirective = importDirectiveArray[0]; |
| for (int i = 1; i < importDirectiveArray.length; i++) { |
| ImportDirective nextDirective = importDirectiveArray[i]; |
| if (ImportDirective.COMPARATOR(currentDirective, nextDirective) == 0) { |
| // Add either the currentDirective or nextDirective depending on which |
| // comes second, this guarantees that the first of the duplicates |
| // won't be highlighted. |
| if (currentDirective.offset < nextDirective.offset) { |
| _duplicateImports.add(nextDirective); |
| } else { |
| _duplicateImports.add(currentDirective); |
| } |
| } |
| currentDirective = nextDirective; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Any time after the defining compilation unit has been visited by this |
| /// visitor, this method can be called to report an |
| /// [HintCode.DUPLICATE_IMPORT] hint for each of the import directives in the |
| /// [duplicateImports] list. |
| /// |
| /// @param errorReporter the error reporter to report the set of |
| /// [HintCode.DUPLICATE_IMPORT] hints to |
| void generateDuplicateImportHints(ErrorReporter errorReporter) { |
| int length = _duplicateImports.length; |
| for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { |
| errorReporter.reportErrorForNode( |
| HintCode.DUPLICATE_IMPORT, _duplicateImports[i].uri); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Report a [HintCode.DUPLICATE_SHOWN_HIDDEN_NAME] hint for each duplicate |
| /// shown or hidden name. |
| /// |
| /// Only call this method after all of the compilation units have been visited |
| /// by this visitor. |
| /// |
| /// @param errorReporter the error reporter used to report the set of |
| /// [HintCode.UNUSED_SHOWN_NAME] hints |
| void generateDuplicateShownHiddenNameHints(ErrorReporter reporter) { |
| _duplicateHiddenNamesMap.forEach( |
| (NamespaceDirective directive, List<SimpleIdentifier> identifiers) { |
| int length = identifiers.length; |
| for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { |
| Identifier identifier = identifiers[i]; |
| reporter.reportErrorForNode( |
| HintCode.DUPLICATE_HIDDEN_NAME, identifier, [identifier.name]); |
| } |
| }); |
| _duplicateShownNamesMap.forEach( |
| (NamespaceDirective directive, List<SimpleIdentifier> identifiers) { |
| int length = identifiers.length; |
| for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { |
| Identifier identifier = identifiers[i]; |
| reporter.reportErrorForNode( |
| HintCode.DUPLICATE_SHOWN_NAME, identifier, [identifier.name]); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /// Report an [HintCode.UNNECESSARY_IMPORT] hint for each unnecessary import. |
| /// |
| /// Only call this method after unused imports have been determined by |
| /// [removeUsedElements]. |
| void generateUnnecessaryImportHints(ErrorReporter errorReporter, |
| List<UsedImportedElements> usedImportedElementsList) { |
| var usedImports = {..._allImports}..removeAll(_unusedImports); |
| |
| var verifier = _UnnecessaryImportsVerifier(_namespaceMap, usedImports); |
| verifier.processUsedElements( |
| usedImportedElementsList, _prefixElementMap, _allImports); |
| verifier.reportImports(errorReporter); |
| } |
| |
| /// Report an [HintCode.UNUSED_IMPORT] hint for each unused import. |
| /// |
| /// Only call this method after all of the compilation units have been visited |
| /// by this visitor. |
| /// |
| /// @param errorReporter the error reporter used to report the set of |
| /// [HintCode.UNUSED_IMPORT] hints |
| void generateUnusedImportHints(ErrorReporter errorReporter) { |
| int length = _unusedImports.length; |
| for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { |
| ImportDirective unusedImport = _unusedImports[i]; |
| // Check that the imported URI exists and isn't dart:core |
| var importElement = unusedImport.element; |
| if (importElement != null) { |
| var libraryElement = importElement.importedLibrary; |
| if (libraryElement == null || |
| libraryElement.isDartCore || |
| libraryElement.isSynthetic) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| } |
| StringLiteral uri = unusedImport.uri; |
| errorReporter |
| .reportErrorForNode(HintCode.UNUSED_IMPORT, uri, [uri.stringValue]); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Use the error [reporter] to report an [HintCode.UNUSED_SHOWN_NAME] hint |
| /// for each unused shown name. |
| /// |
| /// This method should only be invoked after all of the compilation units have |
| /// been visited by this visitor. |
| void generateUnusedShownNameHints(ErrorReporter reporter) { |
| _unusedShownNamesMap.forEach( |
| (ImportDirective importDirective, List<SimpleIdentifier> identifiers) { |
| if (_unusedImports.contains(importDirective)) { |
| // The whole import is unused, not just one or more shown names from it, |
| // so an "unused_import" hint will be generated, making it unnecessary |
| // to generate hints for the individual names. |
| return; |
| } |
| int length = identifiers.length; |
| for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { |
| Identifier identifier = identifiers[i]; |
| var duplicateNames = _duplicateShownNamesMap[importDirective]; |
| if (duplicateNames == null || !duplicateNames.contains(identifier)) { |
| // Only generate a hint if we won't also generate a |
| // "duplicate_shown_name" hint for the same identifier. |
| reporter.reportErrorForNode( |
| HintCode.UNUSED_SHOWN_NAME, identifier, [identifier.name]); |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /// Remove elements from [_unusedImports] using the given [usedElements]. |
| void removeUsedElements(UsedImportedElements usedElements) { |
| bool everythingIsKnownToBeUsed() => |
| _unusedImports.isEmpty && _unusedShownNamesMap.isEmpty; |
| |
| // Process import prefixes. |
| for (var entry in usedElements.prefixMap.entries) { |
| if (everythingIsKnownToBeUsed()) { |
| return; |
| } |
| var prefix = entry.key; |
| var importDirectives = _prefixElementMap[prefix]; |
| if (importDirectives == null) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| var elements = entry.value; |
| // Find import directives using namespaces. |
| for (var importDirective in importDirectives) { |
| if (elements.isEmpty) { |
| // [prefix] and [elements] were added to [usedElements.prefixMap] but |
| // [elements] is empty, so the prefix was referenced incorrectly. |
| // Another diagnostic about the prefix reference is reported, and we |
| // shouldn't confuse by also reporting an unused prefix. |
| _unusedImports.remove(importDirective); |
| } |
| var namespace = _namespaceMap.computeNamespace(importDirective); |
| if (namespace == null) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| for (var element in elements) { |
| if (namespace.providesPrefixed(prefix.name, element)) { |
| _unusedImports.remove(importDirective); |
| _removeFromUnusedShownNamesMap(element, importDirective); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Process top-level elements. |
| for (Element element in usedElements.elements) { |
| if (everythingIsKnownToBeUsed()) { |
| return; |
| } |
| // Find import directives using namespaces. |
| for (ImportDirective importDirective in _allImports) { |
| var namespace = _namespaceMap.computeNamespace(importDirective); |
| if (namespace == null) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (namespace.provides(element)) { |
| _unusedImports.remove(importDirective); |
| _removeFromUnusedShownNamesMap(element, importDirective); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| // Process extension elements. |
| for (ExtensionElement extensionElement in usedElements.usedExtensions) { |
| if (everythingIsKnownToBeUsed()) { |
| return; |
| } |
| var elementName = extensionElement.name!; |
| // Find import directives using namespaces. |
| for (ImportDirective importDirective in _allImports) { |
| var namespace = _namespaceMap.computeNamespace(importDirective); |
| if (namespace == null) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| var prefix = importDirective.prefix?.name; |
| if (prefix == null) { |
| if (namespace.get(elementName) == extensionElement) { |
| _unusedImports.remove(importDirective); |
| _removeFromUnusedShownNamesMap(extensionElement, importDirective); |
| } |
| } else { |
| // An extension might be used solely because one or more instance |
| // members are referenced, which does not require explicit use of the |
| // prefix. We still indicate that the import directive is used. |
| if (namespace.getPrefixed(prefix, elementName) == extensionElement) { |
| _unusedImports.remove(importDirective); |
| _removeFromUnusedShownNamesMap(extensionElement, importDirective); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Add duplicate shown and hidden names from [directive] into |
| /// [_duplicateHiddenNamesMap] and [_duplicateShownNamesMap]. |
| void _addDuplicateShownHiddenNames(NamespaceDirective directive) { |
| for (Combinator combinator in directive.combinators) { |
| // Use a Set to find duplicates in faster than O(n^2) time. |
| Set<Element> identifiers = <Element>{}; |
| if (combinator is HideCombinator) { |
| for (SimpleIdentifier name in combinator.hiddenNames) { |
| var element = name.staticElement; |
| if (element != null) { |
| if (!identifiers.add(element)) { |
| // [name] is a duplicate. |
| List<SimpleIdentifier> duplicateNames = _duplicateHiddenNamesMap |
| .putIfAbsent(directive, () => <SimpleIdentifier>[]); |
| duplicateNames.add(name); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } else if (combinator is ShowCombinator) { |
| for (SimpleIdentifier name in combinator.shownNames) { |
| var element = name.staticElement; |
| if (element != null) { |
| if (!identifiers.add(element)) { |
| // [name] is a duplicate. |
| List<SimpleIdentifier> duplicateNames = _duplicateShownNamesMap |
| .putIfAbsent(directive, () => <SimpleIdentifier>[]); |
| duplicateNames.add(name); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Add every shown name from [importDirective] into [_unusedShownNamesMap]. |
| void _addShownNames(ImportDirective importDirective) { |
| List<SimpleIdentifier> identifiers = <SimpleIdentifier>[]; |
| _unusedShownNamesMap[importDirective] = identifiers; |
| for (Combinator combinator in importDirective.combinators) { |
| if (combinator is ShowCombinator) { |
| for (SimpleIdentifier name in combinator.shownNames) { |
| if (name.staticElement != null) { |
| identifiers.add(name); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Remove [element] from the list of names shown by [importDirective]. |
| void _removeFromUnusedShownNamesMap( |
| Element element, ImportDirective importDirective) { |
| var identifiers = _unusedShownNamesMap[importDirective]; |
| if (identifiers == null) { |
| return; |
| } |
| int length = identifiers.length; |
| for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { |
| Identifier identifier = identifiers[i]; |
| if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) { |
| // If the getter or setter of a variable is used, then the variable (the |
| // shown name) is used. |
| if (identifier.staticElement == element.variable) { |
| identifiers.remove(identifier); |
| break; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (identifier.staticElement == element) { |
| identifiers.remove(identifier); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (identifiers.isEmpty) { |
| _unusedShownNamesMap.remove(importDirective); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// A container with information about used imports prefixes and used imported |
| /// elements. |
| class UsedImportedElements { |
| /// The map of referenced prefix elements and the elements that they prefix. |
| final Map<PrefixElement, List<Element>> prefixMap = {}; |
| |
| /// The set of referenced top-level elements. |
| final Set<Element> elements = {}; |
| |
| /// The set of extensions defining members that are referenced. |
| final Set<ExtensionElement> usedExtensions = {}; |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which verifies (and reports) whether any import directives are |
| /// unnecessary. |
| /// |
| /// In a given library, every import directive has a set of "used elements," the |
| /// subset of elements provided by the import which are used in the library. In |
| /// a given library, an import directive is "unnecessary" if there exists at |
| /// least one other import directive with the same prefix as the aforementioned |
| /// import directive, and a "used elements" set which is a proper superset of |
| /// the aforementioned import directive's "used elements" set. |
| class _UnnecessaryImportsVerifier { |
| /// The cache of [Namespace]s for [ImportDirective]s. |
| final Map<ImportDirective, Namespace> _namespaceMap; |
| |
| /// The set of imports which provide at least one element used in the library. |
| final Set<ImportDirective> _usedImports; |
| |
| /// The mapping of each import to its "used elements" set. |
| /// |
| /// This is computed in [processUsedElements]. |
| final Map<ImportDirective, Set<Element>> _usedElementSets = {}; |
| |
| _UnnecessaryImportsVerifier(this._namespaceMap, this._usedImports); |
| |
| /// Determines the "used elements" set for each import directive in |
| /// [allImports]. |
| void processUsedElements( |
| List<UsedImportedElements> usedImportedElementsList, |
| Map<PrefixElement, List<ImportDirective>> prefixElementMap, |
| List<ImportDirective> allImports, |
| ) { |
| assert(_usedElementSets.isEmpty); |
| for (var usedElements in usedImportedElementsList) { |
| _processPrefixedElements(usedElements, prefixElementMap); |
| _processUnprefixedElements(usedElements); |
| _processExtensionElements(usedElements, allImports); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Reports the import directives which are unnecessary. |
| void reportImports(ErrorReporter errorReporter) { |
| for (var importDirective in _usedImports) { |
| if (!_usedElementSets.containsKey(importDirective)) continue; |
| for (var otherImport in _usedImports) { |
| if (otherImport == importDirective) continue; |
| if (importDirective.prefix?.name != otherImport.prefix?.name) continue; |
| if (!_usedElementSets.containsKey(otherImport)) continue; |
| var importElementSet = _usedElementSets[importDirective]!; |
| var otherElementSet = _usedElementSets[otherImport]!; |
| if (otherElementSet.containsAll(importElementSet)) { |
| if (otherElementSet.length > importElementSet.length) { |
| StringLiteral uri = importDirective.uri; |
| errorReporter.reportErrorForNode(HintCode.UNNECESSARY_IMPORT, uri, |
| [uri.stringValue, otherImport.uri.stringValue]); |
| // Break out of the loop of "other imports" to prevent reporting |
| // UNNECESSARY_IMPORT on [importDirective] multiple times. |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _processExtensionElements( |
| UsedImportedElements usedElements, List<ImportDirective> allImports) { |
| for (ExtensionElement extensionElement in usedElements.usedExtensions) { |
| var elementName = extensionElement.name; |
| if (elementName == null) break; |
| // Find import directives using namespaces. |
| for (ImportDirective importDirective in allImports) { |
| var namespace = _namespaceMap.computeNamespace(importDirective); |
| if (namespace == null) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| var prefix = importDirective.prefix?.name; |
| if (prefix == null) { |
| if (namespace.get(elementName) == extensionElement) { |
| _usedElementSets |
| .putIfAbsent(importDirective, () => {}) |
| .add(extensionElement); |
| } |
| } else { |
| // An extension might be used solely because one or more instance |
| // members are referenced, which does not require explicit use of |
| // the prefix. We still indicate that the import directive is used. |
| if (namespace.getPrefixed(prefix, elementName) == extensionElement) { |
| _usedElementSets |
| .putIfAbsent(importDirective, () => {}) |
| .add(extensionElement); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _processPrefixedElements(UsedImportedElements usedElements, |
| Map<PrefixElement, List<ImportDirective>> prefixElementMap) { |
| usedElements.prefixMap |
| .forEach((PrefixElement prefix, List<Element> elements) { |
| var importsForPrefix = prefixElementMap[prefix]; |
| if (importsForPrefix == null) { |
| return; |
| } |
| for (var importDirective in importsForPrefix) { |
| var namespace = _namespaceMap.computeNamespace(importDirective); |
| if (namespace == null) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| for (var element in elements) { |
| if (namespace.providesPrefixed(prefix.name, element)) { |
| _usedElementSets |
| .putIfAbsent(importDirective, () => {}) |
| .add(element); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| void _processUnprefixedElements(UsedImportedElements usedElements) { |
| for (var element in usedElements.elements) { |
| for (var importDirective in _usedImports) { |
| var namespace = _namespaceMap.computeNamespace(importDirective); |
| if (namespace == null) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (namespace.provides(element)) { |
| _usedElementSets.putIfAbsent(importDirective, () => {}).add(element); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| extension on Map<ImportDirective, Namespace> { |
| /// Lookup and return the [Namespace] in this Map. |
| /// |
| /// If this map does not have the computed namespace, compute it and cache it |
| /// in this map. If [importDirective] is not resolved or is not resolvable, |
| /// `null` is returned. |
| Namespace? computeNamespace(ImportDirective importDirective) { |
| var namespace = this[importDirective]; |
| if (namespace == null) { |
| var importElement = importDirective.element; |
| if (importElement != null) { |
| namespace = importElement.namespace; |
| this[importDirective] = namespace; |
| } |
| } |
| return namespace; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| extension on Namespace { |
| /// Returns whether this provides [element], taking into account system |
| /// library shadowing. |
| bool provides(Element element) { |
| var elementFromNamespace = get(element.name!); |
| return elementFromNamespace != null && |
| !_isShadowing(element, elementFromNamespace); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns whether this provides [element] with [prefix], taking into account |
| /// system library shadowing. |
| bool providesPrefixed(String prefix, Element element) { |
| var elementFromNamespace = getPrefixed(prefix, element.name!); |
| return elementFromNamespace != null && |
| !_isShadowing(element, elementFromNamespace); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns whether [e1] shadows [e2], assuming each is an imported element, |
| /// and that each is imported with the same prefix. |
| /// |
| /// Returns false if the source of either element is `null`. |
| bool _isShadowing(Element e1, Element e2) { |
| var source1 = e1.source; |
| if (source1 == null) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| var source2 = e2.source; |
| if (source2 == null) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| return !source1.isInSystemLibrary && source2.isInSystemLibrary; |
| } |
| } |