blob: b39a6735fbcee292a5f9fe91424c18ece774cc91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// @dart = 2.9
/// Dart test on the usage of method type arguments in type expressions.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
bool f1<T>(Object o) => o is T;
bool f2<T>(Object o) => o is List<T>;
bool f3<T>(Object o) => o is! T;
bool f4<T>(Object o) => o is! List<T>;
T f5<T>(Object o) => o as T;
List<T> f6<T>(Object o) => o as List<T>;
Type f7<T>() => T;
class TypeValue<X> {
Type get value => X;
Type f8<T>() => new TypeValue<List<T>>().value;
bool f9<T>(Object o) => o is Map<T, String>;
class IsMap<A> {
bool check<B>(o) => o is Map<A, B>;
main() {
String s = "Hello!";
List<String> ss = <String>[s];
Expect.isFalse(f2<String>(<int>[42])); // `is List<String>` is false.
Expect.isTrue(f4<String>(<int>[42])); // `is! List<dynamic>` is true.
Expect.equals(f5<String>(s), s); // `s as String == s`
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => f5<int>(s)); // `s as int == s`
Expect.equals(f6<String>(ss), ss);
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => f6<int>(ss)); // `as List<int>` fails.
Expect.equals(f7<int>(), int);
// Returns `List<int>`.
Expect.equals(f8<int>(), new TypeValue<List<int>>().value);
Expect.isTrue(f9<int>(<int, String>{}));
Expect.isFalse(f9<int>(<bool, String>{}));
Expect.isFalse(f9<int>(<int, int>{}));
Expect.isTrue(new IsMap<int>().check<String>(<int, String>{}));
Expect.isFalse(new IsMap<int>().check<int>(<int, String>{}));