blob: db47a2d0c28cbf7c01baf5843cb24bc531d2a6e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
ReturnStatement createRedirectingFactoryBody(
Member target, List<DartType> typeArguments, FunctionNode function) {
return new ReturnStatement(
_makeForwardingCall(target, typeArguments, function));
ReturnStatement createRedirectingFactoryErrorBody(String errorMessage) {
return new ReturnStatement(new InvalidExpression(errorMessage));
Expression _makeForwardingCall(
Member target, List<DartType> typeArguments, FunctionNode function) {
final List<Expression> positional = function.positionalParameters
.map<Expression>((v) => new VariableGet(v)..fileOffset = v.fileOffset)
final List<NamedExpression> named = function.namedParameters
.map((v) => new NamedExpression(!, new VariableGet(v)..fileOffset = v.fileOffset)
..fileOffset = v.fileOffset)
final Arguments args =
new Arguments(positional, named: named, types: typeArguments);
if (target is Procedure) {
return new StaticInvocation(target, args)..fileOffset = function.fileOffset;
} else if (target is Constructor) {
return new ConstructorInvocation(target, args)
..fileOffset = function.fileOffset;
} else {
// Coverage-ignore-block(suite): Not run.
throw 'Unexpected target for redirecting factory:'
' ${target.runtimeType} $target';