blob: 3b17bd111902b8d4e99df344ecd909e345e2ba11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Helpers for parsing Code object name produced by Code::QualifiedName
// Wrapper around the name of a Code object produced by Code::QualifiedName.
// Raw textual representation of the name contains not just the name of itself,
// but also various attributes (whether this code object originates from the
// Dart function or from a stub, whether it is optimized or not, whether
// it corresponds to some synthetic function, etc).
class Name {
/// Raw textual representation of the name as it occurred in the output
/// of the AOT compiler.
final String raw;
String _scrubbed;
/// Pretty version of the name, with some of the irrelevant information
/// removed from it.
/// Note: we still expect this name to be unique within compilation,
/// so we are not removing any details that are used for disambiguation.
/// The only exception are type testing stubs, these refer to type names
/// and types names are not bound to be unique between compilations.
String get scrubbed => _scrubbed ??=
raw.replaceAll(isStub ? _stubScrubbingRe : _scrubbingRe, '');
/// Returns true if this name refers to a stub.
bool get isStub => raw.startsWith('[Stub] ');
/// Returns true if this name refers to an allocation stub.
bool get isAllocationStub => raw.startsWith('[Stub] Allocate ');
/// Returns ture if this name refers to a type testing stub.
bool get isTypeTestingStub => raw.startsWith('[Stub] Type Test ');
/// Split this name into individual '.' separated components (e.g. names of
/// its parent functions).
List<String> get components {
// Break the rest of the name into components.
final result = scrubbed.split('.');
// Constructor names look like this 'new <ClassName>.<CtorName>' so
// we need to concatenate the first two components back to form
// the constructor name.
if (result.first.startsWith('new ')) {
result[0] = '${result[0]}${result[1]}';
return result;
/// Split raw name into individual '.' separated components (e.g. names of
/// its parent functions).
List<String> get rawComponents {
// Break the rest of the name into components.
final result = raw.split('.');
// Constructor names look like this 'new <ClassName>.<CtorName>' so
// we need to concatenate the first two components back to form
// the constructor name.
if (result.first.startsWith('new ')) {
result[0] = '${result[0]}.${result[1]}';
return result;
static String collapse(String name) =>
name.replaceAll(_collapseRe, '<anonymous closure>');
// Remove useless prefixes and private library suffixes from the raw name.
// Note that we want to keep anonymous closure token positions in the name
// still, these names are formatted as '<anonymous closure @\d+>'.
final _scrubbingRe =
// Remove useless prefixes and private library suffixes from the raw name
// for stubs.
final _stubScrubbingRe = RegExp(r'\[Stub\]\s*|@\d+|\(H[a-f\d]+\) ');
// Remove token positions from anonymous closure names.
final _collapseRe = RegExp(r'<anonymous closure @\d+>');