| # Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file. |
| |
| # Note that test/spelling: Status will have no effect. Spelling errors can |
| # always be fixed by either spelling correctly or updating the dictionary. |
| |
| AbstractClassInstantiation/example: Fail |
| AbstractExtensionField/analyzerCode: Fail |
| AbstractExtensionField/example: Fail |
| AbstractFieldConstructorInitializer/analyzerCode: Fail |
| AbstractFieldInitializer/analyzerCode: Fail |
| AbstractNotSync/example: Fail |
| AbstractRedirectedClassInstantiation/example: Fail |
| AccessError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| AccessError/example: Fail |
| AgnosticWithStrongDillLibrary/analyzerCode: Fail |
| AgnosticWithStrongDillLibrary/example: Fail |
| AgnosticWithWeakDillLibrary/analyzerCode: Fail |
| AgnosticWithWeakDillLibrary/example: Fail |
| AgnosticWithWeakDillLibrary/spelling: Fail |
| AmbiguousExtensionMethod/analyzerCode: Fail |
| AmbiguousExtensionOperator/analyzerCode: Fail |
| AmbiguousExtensionProperty/analyzerCode: Fail |
| AmbiguousSupertypes/example: Fail |
| AnnotationOnEnumConstant/example: Fail |
| AnnotationOnFunctionTypeTypeVariable/analyzerCode: Fail |
| AnonymousBreakTargetOutsideFunction/part_wrapped_statement: Fail |
| AnonymousBreakTargetOutsideFunction/statement: Fail # Duplicated error as parser also complains. |
| AnonymousContinueTargetOutsideFunction/part_wrapped_statement: Fail |
| AnonymousContinueTargetOutsideFunction/statement: Fail # Duplicated error as parser also complains. |
| AssertAsExpression/analyzerCode: Fail |
| AssertAsExpression/example: Fail |
| AssertExtraneousArgument/analyzerCode: Fail |
| AssertExtraneousArgument/example: Fail |
| AsyncAsIdentifier/example: Fail |
| AwaitAsIdentifier/example: Fail |
| AwaitInLateLocalInitializer/analyzerCode: Fail |
| AwaitInLateLocalInitializer/example: Fail |
| AwaitNotAsync/example: Fail |
| BuiltInIdentifierAsType/example: Fail |
| BuiltInIdentifierInDeclaration/example: Fail |
| BytecodeLimitExceededTooManyArguments/analyzerCode: Fail |
| BytecodeLimitExceededTooManyArguments/example: Fail |
| CannotAssignToConstVariable/analyzerCode: Fail |
| CannotAssignToExtensionThis/analyzerCode: Fail |
| CannotAssignToFinalVariable/analyzerCode: Fail |
| CannotAssignToParenthesizedExpression/example: Fail |
| CannotAssignToSuper/example: Fail |
| CannotAssignToTypeLiteral/analyzerCode: Fail |
| CannotReadPackagesFile/analyzerCode: Fail |
| CannotReadPackagesFile/example: Fail |
| CannotReadSdkSpecification/analyzerCode: Fail |
| CannotReadSdkSpecification/example: Fail |
| CantDetermineConstness/analyzerCode: Fail |
| CantDisambiguateAmbiguousInformation/analyzerCode: Fail # There's no analyzer code for that error yet. |
| CantDisambiguateNotEnoughInformation/analyzerCode: Fail # There's no analyzer code for that error yet. |
| CantInferPackagesFromManyInputs/analyzerCode: Fail |
| CantInferPackagesFromManyInputs/example: Fail |
| CantInferPackagesFromPackageUri/analyzerCode: Fail |
| CantInferPackagesFromPackageUri/example: Fail |
| CantInferTypeDueToCircularity/example: Fail |
| CantReadFile/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Importing file in the (now) part. |
| CantUseControlFlowOrSpreadAsConstant/example: Fail |
| CantUseDeferredPrefixAsConstant/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Importing file in the (now) part. |
| CantUsePrefixAsExpression/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Importing file in the (now) part. |
| CantUsePrefixWithNullAware/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Importing file in the (now) part. |
| CantUseSuperBoundedTypeForInstanceCreation/analyzerCode: Fail |
| CantUseSuperBoundedTypeForInstanceCreation/example: Fail |
| ClassInNullAwareReceiver/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ColonInPlaceOfIn/example: Fail |
| CompilingWithSoundNullSafety/analyzerCode: Fail |
| CompilingWithoutSoundNullSafety/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ConflictingModifiers/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| ConflictingModifiers/script1: Fail |
| ConflictsWithConstructor/example: Fail |
| ConflictsWithFactory/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ConflictsWithFactory/example: Fail |
| ConflictsWithMember/example: Fail |
| ConflictsWithMemberWarning/example: Fail |
| ConflictsWithSetter/example: Fail |
| ConflictsWithSetterWarning/example: Fail |
| ConflictsWithTypeVariable/example: Fail |
| ConstAndFinal/declaration3: Fail |
| ConstAndFinal/declaration4: Fail |
| ConstAndFinal/part_wrapped_declaration3: Fail |
| ConstAndFinal/part_wrapped_declaration4: Fail |
| ConstConstructorInSubclassOfMixinApplication/example: Fail |
| ConstConstructorLateFinalFieldError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ConstConstructorLateFinalFieldError/example: Fail |
| ConstConstructorLateFinalFieldWarning/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ConstConstructorLateFinalFieldWarning/example: Fail |
| ConstConstructorNonFinalField/example: Fail |
| ConstConstructorRedirectionToNonConst/analyzerCode: Fail # The analyzer doesn't report this error. |
| ConstEvalCaseImplementsEqual/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ConstEvalCaseImplementsEqual/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalCircularity/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalContext/analyzerCode: Fail # This is just used for displaying the context. |
| ConstEvalContext/example: Fail # This is just used for displaying the context. |
| ConstEvalDeferredLibrary/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalDuplicateElement/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalDuplicateKey/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalElementImplementsEqual/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalExtension/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalFailedAssertion/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalFailedAssertionWithMessage/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalFreeTypeParameter/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ConstEvalFreeTypeParameter/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalInvalidBinaryOperandType/analyzerCode: Fail # CONST_EVAL_TYPE_NUM / CONST_EVAL_TYPE_BOOL |
| ConstEvalInvalidBinaryOperandType/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalInvalidEqualsOperandType/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ConstEvalInvalidEqualsOperandType/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalInvalidMethodInvocation/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalInvalidPropertyGet/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalInvalidStaticInvocation/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalInvalidStringInterpolationOperand/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalInvalidSymbolName/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalInvalidType/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalIterationInConstList/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalIterationInConstMap/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalIterationInConstSet/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalKeyImplementsEqual/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalNegativeShift/analyzerCode: Fail # http://dartbug.com/33481 |
| ConstEvalNegativeShift/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalNonConstantVariableGet/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalNonNull/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ConstEvalNonNull/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalNotListOrSetInSpread/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalNotMapInSpread/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalNullValue/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalStartingPoint/analyzerCode: Fail # This is just used for displaying the starting point. |
| ConstEvalStartingPoint/example: Fail # This is just used for displaying the starting point. |
| ConstEvalTruncateError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ConstEvalTruncateError/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalUnevaluated/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ConstEvalUnevaluated/example: Fail |
| ConstEvalZeroDivisor/example: Fail |
| ConstFieldWithoutInitializer/example: Fail |
| ConstructorNotFound/example: Fail |
| ConstructorNotSync/example: Fail |
| ContinueLabelNotTarget/example: Fail |
| ContinueOutsideOfLoop/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| ContinueOutsideOfLoop/script1: Fail |
| ContinueWithoutLabelInCase/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| ContinueWithoutLabelInCase/script1: Fail |
| CouldNotParseUri/analyzerCode: Fail |
| CouldNotParseUri/example: Fail |
| CovariantAndStatic/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| CovariantAndStatic/part_wrapped_script2: Fail |
| CovariantAndStatic/script1: Fail |
| CovariantAndStatic/script2: Fail |
| CovariantMember/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| CovariantMember/part_wrapped_script2: Fail |
| CovariantMember/script1: Fail |
| CovariantMember/script2: Fail |
| CyclicClassHierarchy/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| CyclicClassHierarchy/part_wrapped_script2: Fail |
| CyclicClassHierarchy/script1: Fail # We report an error for each class involved in the cycle. |
| CyclicClassHierarchy/script2: Fail # We report an error for each class involved in the cycle. |
| CyclicTypedef/example: Fail |
| DefaultListConstructorError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| DefaultListConstructorError/example: Fail |
| DefaultListConstructorWarning/analyzerCode: Fail |
| DefaultListConstructorWarning/example: Fail |
| DeferredAfterPrefix/example: Fail |
| DeferredExtensionImport/analyzerCode: Fail |
| DeferredExtensionImport/part_wrapped_script: Fail |
| DeferredPrefixDuplicated/example: Fail |
| DeferredTypeAnnotation/example: Fail |
| DillOutlineSummary/analyzerCode: Fail |
| DillOutlineSummary/example: Fail |
| DirectiveAfterDeclaration/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| DirectiveAfterDeclaration/part_wrapped_script2: Fail |
| DirectiveAfterDeclaration/script1: Fail |
| DirectiveAfterDeclaration/script2: Fail |
| DuplicateDeferred/example: Fail |
| DuplicatePrefix/example: Fail |
| DuplicatedDeclarationUse/analyzerCode: Fail # No corresponding analyzer code. |
| DuplicatedDeclarationUse/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| DuplicatedDeclarationUse/part_wrapped_script2: Fail |
| DuplicatedDeclarationUse/script1: Fail # This test can't pass. |
| DuplicatedDeclarationUse/script2: Fail # Wrong error. |
| DuplicatedDefinition/analyzerCode: Fail |
| DuplicatedDefinition/example: Fail |
| DuplicatedExport/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Exporting file in the (now) part. |
| DuplicatedExportInType/analyzerCode: Fail |
| DuplicatedExportInType/example: Fail |
| DuplicatedImportInType/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Importing file in the (now) part. |
| DuplicatedLibraryExport/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Exporting file in the (now) part. |
| DuplicatedLibraryImport/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Importing file in the (now) part. |
| DuplicatedModifier/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| DuplicatedModifier/script1: Fail |
| DuplicatedName/example: Fail |
| DuplicatedNamedArgument/example: Fail |
| DuplicatedParameterName/example: Fail |
| Encoding/analyzerCode: Fail |
| EnumConstantSameNameAsEnclosing/example: Fail |
| EnumInstantiation/example: Fail |
| EqualityCannotBeEqualityOperand/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| EqualityCannotBeEqualityOperand/part_wrapped_script2: Fail |
| EqualityCannotBeEqualityOperand/script1: Fail |
| EqualityCannotBeEqualityOperand/script2: Fail |
| ExceptionReadingFile/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ExceptionReadingFile/example: Fail |
| ExpectedBlock/part_wrapped_script: Fail |
| ExpectedBlock/script: Fail |
| ExpectedBlockToSkip/part_wrapped_script: Fail |
| ExpectedBlockToSkip/script: Fail |
| ExpectedButGot/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| ExpectedButGot/part_wrapped_script2: Fail |
| ExpectedButGot/script1: Fail |
| ExpectedButGot/script2: Fail |
| ExpectedClassMember/example: Fail |
| ExpectedClassOrMixinBody/example: Fail |
| ExpectedDeclaration/example: Fail |
| ExpectedElseOrComma/example: Fail |
| ExpectedFunctionBody/example: Fail |
| ExpectedNamedArgument/example: Fail |
| ExpectedOneExpression/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ExpectedOneExpression/example: Fail |
| ExpectedOpenParens/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ExpectedOpenParens/example: Fail |
| ExpectedStatement/part_wrapped_statement: Fail |
| ExpectedStatement/statement: Fail |
| ExpectedString/example: Fail |
| ExpectedToken/example: Fail |
| ExpectedType/example: Fail |
| ExpectedUri/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ExpectedUri/example: Fail |
| ExperimentDisabled/example: Fail |
| ExperimentDisabledInvalidLanguageVersion/example: Fail |
| ExperimentNotEnabled/example: Fail |
| ExperimentNotEnabledNoFlag/example: Fail |
| ExperimentNotEnabledNoFlagInvalidLanguageVersion/example: Fail |
| ExplicitExtensionArgumentMismatch/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ExplicitExtensionArgumentMismatch/example: Fail |
| ExplicitExtensionAsExpression/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ExplicitExtensionAsExpression/example: Fail |
| ExplicitExtensionAsLvalue/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ExplicitExtensionAsLvalue/example: Fail |
| ExplicitExtensionTypeArgumentMismatch/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ExplicitExtensionTypeArgumentMismatch/example: Fail |
| ExportAfterPart/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| ExportAfterPart/script1: Fail |
| ExportOptOutFromOptIn/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ExportOptOutFromOptIn/part_wrapped_script: Fail |
| ExpressionNotMetadata/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ExpressionNotMetadata/example: Fail |
| ExtendFunction/part_wrapped_script: Fail |
| ExtendFunction/script: Fail # TODO(johnniwinther): This message is currently ignored. |
| ExtendingEnum/example: Fail |
| ExtendingRestricted/example: Fail |
| ExtendsDynamic/analyzerCode: Fail # Feature not yet in analyzer. |
| ExtendsDynamic/example: Fail # Feature not yet enabled by default. |
| ExtendsFunctionType/analyzerCode: Fail # Feature not yet in analyzer. |
| ExtendsFunctionType/example: Fail # Feature not yet enabled by default. |
| ExtendsFutureOr/analyzerCode: Fail # Feature not yet in analyzer. |
| ExtendsFutureOr/example: Fail # Feature not yet enabled by default. |
| ExtendsNever/analyzerCode: Fail # Feature not yet in analyzer. |
| ExtendsNever/example: Fail # Feature not yet enabled by default. |
| ExtendsVoid/analyzerCode: Fail # Feature not yet in analyzer. |
| ExtendsVoid/example: Fail # Feature not yet enabled by default. |
| ExtensionDeclaresAbstractMember/example: Fail |
| ExtensionDeclaresConstructor/example: Fail |
| ExtensionDeclaresInstanceField/example: Fail |
| ExtensionMemberConflictsWithObjectMember/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ExternalConstructorWithBody/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| ExternalConstructorWithBody/script1: Fail |
| ExternalConstructorWithFieldInitializers/example: Fail |
| ExternalFactoryRedirection/example: Fail |
| ExternalFactoryWithBody/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| ExternalFactoryWithBody/script1: Fail |
| ExternalFieldConstructorInitializer/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ExternalFieldInitializer/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/part_wrapped_script10: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/part_wrapped_script11: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/part_wrapped_script12: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/part_wrapped_script13: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/part_wrapped_script16: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/part_wrapped_script17: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/part_wrapped_script18: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/part_wrapped_script19: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/part_wrapped_script20: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/part_wrapped_script2: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/part_wrapped_script3: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/part_wrapped_script4: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/part_wrapped_script5: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/part_wrapped_script6: Fail # Fails because two errors are given. Only one should be given though. |
| ExtraneousModifier/part_wrapped_script7: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/part_wrapped_script8: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/part_wrapped_script9: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/script10: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/script11: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/script12: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/script13: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/script16: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/script17: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/script18: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/script19: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/script1: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/script20: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/script2: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/script3: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/script4: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/script5: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/script6: Fail # Fails because two errors are given. Only one should be given though. |
| ExtraneousModifier/script7: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/script8: Fail |
| ExtraneousModifier/script9: Fail |
| FactoryNotSync/example: Fail |
| FastaCLIArgumentRequired/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FastaCLIArgumentRequired/example: Fail |
| FastaUsageLong/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FastaUsageLong/example: Fail |
| FastaUsageShort/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FastaUsageShort/example: Fail |
| FfiDartTypeMismatch/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FfiEmptyStruct/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FfiExceptionalReturnNull/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FfiExpectedConstant/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FfiExpectedExceptionalReturn/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FfiExpectedNoExceptionalReturn/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FfiExtendsOrImplementsSealedClass/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FfiFieldAnnotation/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FfiFieldCyclic/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FfiFieldInitializer/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FfiFieldNoAnnotation/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FfiNotStatic/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FfiStructAnnotation/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FfiStructGeneric/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FfiTypeInvalid/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FfiTypeMismatch/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FieldInitializedOutsideDeclaringClass/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| FieldInitializedOutsideDeclaringClass/script1: Fail |
| FieldInitializerOutsideConstructor/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| FieldInitializerOutsideConstructor/script1: Fail |
| FieldNonNullableNotInitializedByConstructorError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FieldNonNullableNotInitializedByConstructorError/example: Fail |
| FieldNonNullableNotInitializedByConstructorWarning/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FieldNonNullableNotInitializedByConstructorWarning/example: Fail |
| FieldNonNullableWithoutInitializerError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FieldNonNullableWithoutInitializerError/example: Fail |
| FieldNonNullableWithoutInitializerWarning/analyzerCode: Fail |
| FieldNonNullableWithoutInitializerWarning/example: Fail |
| FinalAndCovariant/part_wrapped_script2: Fail |
| FinalAndCovariant/script2: Fail |
| FinalFieldWithoutInitializer/example: Fail |
| ForInLoopExactlyOneVariable/analyzerCode: Fail # The analyzer doesn't recover well. |
| ForInLoopExactlyOneVariable/part_wrapped_statement: Fail |
| ForInLoopExactlyOneVariable/statement: Fail # Fasta reports too many errors. |
| ForInLoopNotAssignable/analyzerCode: Fail # The analyzer reports a different error. |
| ForInLoopNotAssignable/part_wrapped_statement: Fail |
| ForInLoopNotAssignable/statement: Fail |
| ForInLoopTypeNotIterablePartNullability/example: Fail # Cannot occur but needed for symmetry with ForInLoopTypeNotIterableNullability |
| ForInLoopWithConstVariable/example: Fail |
| FunctionTypeDefaultValue/example: Fail |
| FunctionTypedParameterVar/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| FunctionTypedParameterVar/script1: Fail |
| GeneratorReturnsValue/example: Fail |
| GetterNotFound/example: Fail |
| GetterWithFormals/example: Fail |
| IllegalAssignmentToNonAssignable/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| IllegalAssignmentToNonAssignable/script1: Fail |
| IllegalAsyncGeneratorVoidReturnType/analyzerCode: Fail # The analyzer doesn't report this error. |
| IllegalMixin/example: Fail |
| IllegalMixinDueToConstructors/example: Fail |
| IllegalRecursiveType/analyzerCode: Fail |
| IllegalRecursiveType/part_wrapped_script: Fail |
| IllegalRecursiveType/script: Fail |
| IllegalSyncGeneratorVoidReturnType/analyzerCode: Fail # The analyzer doesn't report this error. |
| ImplementFunction/part_wrapped_script: Fail |
| ImplementFunction/script: Fail # TODO(johnniwinther): This message is currently ignored. |
| ImplementsBeforeExtends/part_wrapped_script: Fail |
| ImplementsBeforeExtends/script: Fail |
| ImplementsBeforeOn/part_wrapped_script: Fail |
| ImplementsBeforeOn/script: Fail |
| ImplementsBeforeWith/part_wrapped_script: Fail |
| ImplementsBeforeWith/script: Fail |
| ImplementsDynamic/analyzerCode: Fail # Feature not yet in analyzer. |
| ImplementsDynamic/example: Fail # Feature not yet enabled by default. |
| ImplementsFunctionType/analyzerCode: Fail # Feature not yet in analyzer. |
| ImplementsFunctionType/example: Fail # Feature not yet enabled by default. |
| ImplementsFutureOr/analyzerCode: Fail # The analyzer doesn't report this error. |
| ImplementsFutureOr/example: Fail # Feature not yet enabled by default. |
| ImplementsFutureOr/part_wrapped_script1: Fail # Importing file in the (now) part. |
| ImplementsNever/analyzerCode: Fail # Feature not yet in analyzer. |
| ImplementsNever/example: Fail # Feature not yet enabled by default. |
| ImplementsVoid/analyzerCode: Fail # Feature not yet in analyzer. |
| ImplementsVoid/example: Fail # Feature not yet enabled by default. |
| ImplicitCallOfNonMethod/example: Fail |
| ImplicitMixinOverride/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ImplicitMixinOverride/example: Fail |
| ImplicitReturnNull/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ImportAfterPart/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| ImportAfterPart/script1: Fail |
| IncompatibleRedirecteeFunctionType/part_wrapped_script6: Fail |
| IncompatibleRedirecteeFunctionType/script6: Fail # Triggers multiple errors. |
| IncompatibleRedirecteeFunctionTypeWarning/example: Fail |
| IncorrectTypeArgumentInReturnTypeWarning/example: Fail |
| IncorrectTypeArgumentInSupertypeInferredWarning/example: Fail |
| IncorrectTypeArgumentInSupertypeWarning/example: Fail |
| IncorrectTypeArgumentInferredWarning/example: Fail |
| IncorrectTypeArgumentQualifiedInferredWarning/example: Fail |
| IncorrectTypeArgumentQualifiedWarning/example: Fail |
| IncorrectTypeArgumentWarning/example: Fail |
| IncrementalCompilerIllegalParameter/analyzerCode: Fail |
| IncrementalCompilerIllegalParameter/example: Fail |
| IncrementalCompilerIllegalTypeParameter/analyzerCode: Fail |
| IncrementalCompilerIllegalTypeParameter/example: Fail |
| InitializerForStaticField/example: Fail |
| InitializerOutsideConstructor/example: Fail |
| InputFileNotFound/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InputFileNotFound/example: Fail |
| IntegerLiteralIsOutOfRange/example: Fail |
| InterfaceCheck/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InterfaceCheck/example: Fail |
| InterpolationInUri/example: Fail |
| InvalidAssignmentWarning/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidAssignmentWarning/example: Fail |
| InvalidBreakTarget/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidBreakTarget/example: Fail |
| InvalidCastFunctionExpr/example: Fail |
| InvalidCastLiteralList/example: Fail |
| InvalidCastLiteralMap/example: Fail |
| InvalidCastLiteralSet/example: Fail |
| InvalidCastLocalFunction/example: Fail |
| InvalidCastNewExpr/example: Fail |
| InvalidCastStaticMethod/example: Fail |
| InvalidCastTopLevelFunction/example: Fail |
| InvalidCatchArguments/example: Fail |
| InvalidContinueTarget/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidContinueTarget/example: Fail |
| InvalidGetterSetterType/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidGetterSetterTypeBothInheritedField/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidGetterSetterTypeBothInheritedFieldLegacy/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidGetterSetterTypeBothInheritedGetter/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidGetterSetterTypeBothInheritedGetterLegacy/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidGetterSetterTypeFieldInherited/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidGetterSetterTypeFieldInheritedLegacy/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidGetterSetterTypeGetterInherited/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidGetterSetterTypeGetterInheritedLegacy/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidGetterSetterTypeLegacy/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidGetterSetterTypeSetterInheritedField/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidGetterSetterTypeSetterInheritedFieldLegacy/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidGetterSetterTypeSetterInheritedGetter/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidGetterSetterTypeSetterInheritedGetterLegacy/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidInitializer/example: Fail |
| InvalidNnbdDillLibrary/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidNnbdDillLibrary/example: Fail |
| InvalidPackageUri/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidPackageUri/example: Fail |
| InvalidReturn/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidReturnAsync/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidReturnAsyncNullability/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidReturnAsyncNullabilityNull/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidReturnAsyncNullabilityNullType/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidReturnAsyncPartNullability/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidReturnNullability/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidReturnNullabilityNull/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidReturnNullabilityNullType/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidReturnPartNullability/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidSuperInInitializer/example: Fail |
| InvalidThisInInitializer/example: Fail |
| InvalidTypeVariableInSupertype/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidTypeVariableInSupertypeWithVariance/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidTypeVariableInSupertypeWithVariance/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Triggers multiple errors |
| InvalidTypeVariableInSupertypeWithVariance/script: Fail # Triggers multiple errors |
| InvalidTypeVariableVariancePosition/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidTypeVariableVariancePosition/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Triggers multiple errors |
| InvalidTypeVariableVariancePosition/script: Fail # Triggers multiple errors |
| InvalidTypeVariableVariancePositionInReturnType/analyzerCode: Fail |
| InvalidTypeVariableVariancePositionInReturnType/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Triggers multiple errors |
| InvalidTypeVariableVariancePositionInReturnType/script: Fail # Triggers multiple errors |
| InvalidUseOfNullAwareAccess/example: Fail |
| InvalidVoid/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| InvalidVoid/part_wrapped_script2: Fail |
| InvalidVoid/script1: Fail |
| InvalidVoid/script2: Fail |
| JsInteropAnonymousFactoryPositionalParameters/analyzerCode: Fail # Web compiler specific |
| JsInteropAnonymousFactoryPositionalParameters/example: Fail # Web compiler specific |
| JsInteropDartClassExtendsJSClass/analyzerCode: Fail # Web compiler specific |
| JsInteropDartClassExtendsJSClass/example: Fail # Web compiler specific |
| JsInteropEnclosingClassJSAnnotation/analyzerCode: Fail # Web compiler specific |
| JsInteropEnclosingClassJSAnnotation/example: Fail # Web compiler specific |
| JsInteropIndexNotSupported/analyzerCode: Fail # Web compiler specific |
| JsInteropIndexNotSupported/example: Fail # Web compiler specific |
| JsInteropJSClassExtendsDartClass/analyzerCode: Fail # Web compiler specific |
| JsInteropJSClassExtendsDartClass/example: Fail # Web compiler specific |
| JsInteropNamedParameters/analyzerCode: Fail # Web compiler specific |
| JsInteropNamedParameters/example: Fail # Web compiler specific |
| JsInteropNativeClassInAnnotation/analyzerCode: Fail # Web compiler specific |
| JsInteropNativeClassInAnnotation/example: Fail # Web compiler specific |
| JsInteropNonExternalConstructor/analyzerCode: Fail # Web compiler specific |
| JsInteropNonExternalConstructor/example: Fail # Web compiler specific |
| JsInteropNonExternalMember/analyzerCode: Fail # Web compiler specific |
| JsInteropNonExternalMember/example: Fail # Web compiler specific |
| LanguageVersionInvalidInDotPackages/analyzerCode: Fail |
| LanguageVersionMismatchInPart/analyzerCode: Fail |
| LanguageVersionMismatchInPart/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Part in (now) part. |
| LanguageVersionMismatchInPatch/analyzerCode: Fail |
| LanguageVersionMismatchInPatch/example: Fail |
| LanguageVersionTooHigh/analyzerCode: Fail |
| LanguageVersionTooHigh/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Content comes after "part of [...]" meaning it's not actually a language version specification. |
| LateDefinitelyAssignedError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| LateDefinitelyUnassignedError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| LibraryDirectiveNotFirst/part_wrapped_script1: Fail # Defining library name in the (now) part. |
| LibraryDirectiveNotFirst/part_wrapped_script2: Fail |
| LibraryDirectiveNotFirst/part_wrapped_script3: Fail |
| LibraryDirectiveNotFirst/script2: Fail |
| LibraryDirectiveNotFirst/script3: Fail |
| ListLiteralTooManyTypeArguments/example: Fail |
| LoadLibraryTakesNoArguments/example: Fail |
| MainNotFunctionDeclaration/analyzerCode: Fail |
| MainNotFunctionDeclarationExported/analyzerCode: Fail |
| MainNotFunctionDeclarationExported/part_wrapped_script: Fail |
| MainRequiredNamedParameters/analyzerCode: Fail |
| MainRequiredNamedParametersExported/analyzerCode: Fail |
| MainRequiredNamedParametersExported/part_wrapped_script: Fail |
| MainTooManyRequiredParameters/analyzerCode: Fail |
| MainTooManyRequiredParametersExported/analyzerCode: Fail |
| MainTooManyRequiredParametersExported/part_wrapped_script: Fail |
| MainWrongParameterType/analyzerCode: Fail |
| MainWrongParameterTypeExported/analyzerCode: Fail |
| MainWrongParameterTypeExported/part_wrapped_script: Fail |
| MapLiteralTypeArgumentMismatch/example: Fail |
| MetadataTypeArguments/example: Fail |
| MethodNotFound/example: Fail |
| MissingArgumentList/analyzerCode: Fail |
| MissingArgumentList/example: Fail |
| MissingAssignableSelector/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| MissingAssignableSelector/script1: Fail |
| MissingAssignmentInInitializer/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| MissingAssignmentInInitializer/script1: Fail |
| MissingInput/analyzerCode: Fail |
| MissingInput/example: Fail |
| MissingMain/analyzerCode: Fail |
| MissingMain/example: Fail |
| MissingPartOf/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Using 'part' in the (now) part. |
| MissingPrefixInDeferredImport/example: Fail |
| MixinDeclaresConstructor/example: Fail |
| MixinFunction/part_wrapped_script: Fail |
| MixinFunction/script: Fail # TODO(johnniwinther): This message is currently ignored. |
| MixinInferenceNoMatchingClass/example: Fail |
| ModifierOutOfOrder/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| ModifierOutOfOrder/script1: Fail |
| MultipleImplements/part_wrapped_script: Fail |
| MultipleImplements/script: Fail |
| MultipleLibraryDirectives/example: Fail |
| MultipleOnClauses/part_wrapped_script: Fail |
| MultipleOnClauses/script: Fail |
| MultipleVarianceModifiers/example: Fail # All trigger multiple errors for variance experiment |
| MultipleWith/part_wrapped_script: Fail |
| MultipleWith/script: Fail |
| NamedFunctionExpression/example: Fail |
| NamedMixinOverride/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NamedMixinOverride/example: Fail |
| NativeClauseShouldBeAnnotation/example: Fail |
| NeverReachableSwitchDefaultError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NeverReachableSwitchDefaultError/example: Fail |
| NeverReachableSwitchDefaultWarning/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NeverReachableSwitchDefaultWarning/example: Fail |
| NeverValueError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NeverValueError/example: Fail |
| NeverValueWarning/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NeverValueWarning/example: Fail |
| NoFormals/example: Fail |
| NoSuchNamedParameter/example: Fail |
| NoUnnamedConstructorInObject/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NoUnnamedConstructorInObject/example: Fail |
| NonAgnosticConstant/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NonAgnosticConstant/example: Fail |
| NonAsciiIdentifier/expression: Fail |
| NonAsciiIdentifier/part_wrapped_expression: Fail |
| NonConstConstructor/example: Fail |
| NonConstFactory/example: Fail |
| NonInstanceTypeVariableUse/example: Fail |
| NonNullAwareSpreadIsNull/analyzerCode: Fail # There's no analyzer code for that error yet. |
| NonNullableInNullAware/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NonNullableInNullAware/example: Fail |
| NonNullableNotAssignedError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NonNullableNotAssignedWarning/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NonNullableNotAssignedWarning/example: Fail |
| NonNullableOptOutExplicit/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NonNullableOptOutExplicit/example: Fail |
| NonNullableOptOutImplicit/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NonNullableOptOutImplicit/example: Fail |
| NonPartOfDirectiveInPart/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| NonPartOfDirectiveInPart/script1: Fail |
| NotAConstantExpression/example: Fail |
| NotAType/example: Fail |
| NotAnLvalue/example: Fail |
| NotBinaryOperator/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NotConstantExpression/example: Fail |
| NullAwareCascadeOutOfOrder/example: Fail |
| NullableExpressionCallError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NullableExpressionCallError/example: Fail |
| NullableExpressionCallWarning/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NullableExpressionCallWarning/example: Fail |
| NullableInterfaceError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NullableInterfaceError/example: Fail |
| NullableInterfaceWarning/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NullableInterfaceWarning/example: Fail |
| NullableMethodCallError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NullableMethodCallError/example: Fail |
| NullableMethodCallWarning/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NullableMethodCallWarning/example: Fail |
| NullableMixinError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NullableMixinError/example: Fail |
| NullableMixinWarning/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NullableMixinWarning/example: Fail |
| NullableOperatorCallError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NullableOperatorCallError/example: Fail |
| NullableOperatorCallWarning/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NullableOperatorCallWarning/example: Fail |
| NullablePropertyAccessError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NullablePropertyAccessError/example: Fail |
| NullablePropertyAccessWarning/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NullablePropertyAccessWarning/example: Fail |
| NullableSpreadError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NullableSpreadError/example: Fail |
| NullableSuperclassError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NullableSuperclassError/example: Fail |
| NullableSuperclassWarning/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NullableSuperclassWarning/example: Fail |
| NullableTearoffError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NullableTearoffError/example: Fail |
| NullableTearoffWarning/analyzerCode: Fail |
| NullableTearoffWarning/example: Fail |
| OperatorMinusParameterMismatch/example: Fail |
| OperatorParameterMismatch0/analyzerCode: Fail |
| OperatorParameterMismatch0/example: Fail |
| OperatorParameterMismatch1/example: Fail |
| OperatorParameterMismatch2/example: Fail |
| OperatorWithOptionalFormals/analyzerCode: Fail |
| OperatorWithOptionalFormals/example: Fail |
| OverrideFewerNamedArguments/example: Fail |
| OverrideFewerPositionalArguments/example: Fail |
| OverrideMismatchNamedParameter/example: Fail |
| OverrideMismatchRequiredNamedParameter/analyzerCode: Fail |
| OverrideMoreRequiredArguments/example: Fail |
| OverrideTypeMismatchParameter/example: Fail |
| OverrideTypeMismatchParameterWarning/example: Fail |
| OverrideTypeMismatchReturnType/example: Fail |
| OverrideTypeMismatchReturnTypeWarning/example: Fail |
| OverrideTypeMismatchSetter/example: Fail |
| OverrideTypeMismatchSetterWarning/example: Fail |
| OverrideTypeVariablesBoundMismatch/analyzerCode: Fail |
| OverrideTypeVariablesBoundMismatch/example: Fail |
| OverrideTypeVariablesMismatch/example: Fail |
| PackageNotFound/analyzerCode: Fail |
| PackageNotFound/example: Fail |
| PackagesFileFormat/analyzerCode: Fail # Analyzer crashes when .packages file has format error |
| PartExport/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Exporting file in the (now) part. |
| PartInPart/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Using 'part' in the (now) part. |
| PartOfInLibrary/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Importing file in the (now) part. |
| PartOfLibraryNameMismatch/example: Fail |
| PartOfSelf/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Using 'part' in the (now) part. |
| PartOfTwice/part_wrapped_script1: Fail # Using 'part' in the (now) part. |
| PartOfTwice/part_wrapped_script2: Fail # Using 'part' in the (now) part. |
| PartOfTwice/part_wrapped_script3: Fail # Using 'part' in the (now) part. |
| PartOfTwoLibraries/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Defining library name in the (now) part. |
| PartOfUriMismatch/example: Fail |
| PartOfUseUri/example: Fail |
| PartOrphan/analyzerCode: Fail # Analyzer can't handle this situation |
| PartOrphan/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Already using 'part of' in the (now) part. |
| PartTwice/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Using 'part' in the (now) part. |
| PatchClassTypeVariablesMismatch/analyzerCode: Fail |
| PatchClassTypeVariablesMismatch/example: Fail |
| PatchDeclarationMismatch/analyzerCode: Fail |
| PatchDeclarationMismatch/example: Fail |
| PatchInjectionFailed/analyzerCode: Fail |
| PatchInjectionFailed/example: Fail |
| PatchNonExternal/analyzerCode: Fail |
| PatchNonExternal/example: Fail |
| PlatformPrivateLibraryAccess/example: Fail |
| PositionalAfterNamedArgument/example: Fail |
| PrefixAfterCombinator/example: Fail |
| PreviousUseOfName/analyzerCode: Fail |
| PreviousUseOfName/example: Fail |
| PrivateNamedParameter/example: Fail |
| RedirectingConstructorWithBody/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| RedirectingConstructorWithBody/script1: Fail |
| RedirectingFactoryIncompatibleTypeArgumentWarning/example: Fail |
| RedirectionInNonFactory/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| RedirectionInNonFactory/script1: Fail |
| RedirectionTargetNotFound/example: Fail |
| RequiredNamedParameterHasDefaultValueError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| RequiredNamedParameterHasDefaultValueError/example: Fail |
| RequiredNamedParameterHasDefaultValueWarning/analyzerCode: Fail |
| RequiredNamedParameterHasDefaultValueWarning/example: Fail |
| RethrowNotCatch/example: Fail |
| ReturnTypeFunctionExpression/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ReturnTypeFunctionExpression/example: Fail |
| ReturnWithoutExpressionAsync/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ReturnWithoutExpressionSync/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ReturnWithoutExpressionSync/part_wrapped_script: Fail |
| SdkRootNotFound/analyzerCode: Fail |
| SdkRootNotFound/example: Fail |
| SdkSpecificationNotFound/analyzerCode: Fail |
| SdkSpecificationNotFound/example: Fail |
| SdkSummaryNotFound/analyzerCode: Fail |
| SdkSummaryNotFound/example: Fail |
| SetLiteralTooManyTypeArguments/analyzerCode: Fail |
| SetLiteralTooManyTypeArguments/example: Fail |
| SetOrMapLiteralTooManyTypeArguments/analyzerCode: Fail |
| SetOrMapLiteralTooManyTypeArguments/example: Fail |
| SetterNotFound/example: Fail |
| SetterNotSync/example: Fail |
| SetterWithWrongNumberOfFormals/example: Fail |
| SourceBodySummary/analyzerCode: Fail |
| SourceBodySummary/example: Fail |
| SourceOutlineSummary/analyzerCode: Fail |
| SourceOutlineSummary/example: Fail |
| SpreadMapEntryTypeMismatch/analyzerCode: Fail # There's no analyzer code for that error yet. |
| SpreadTypeMismatch/analyzerCode: Fail # There's no analyzer code for that error yet. |
| StackOverflow/example: Fail |
| StrongModeNNBDButOptOut/analyzerCode: Fail |
| StrongModeNNBDButOptOut/example: Fail |
| StrongModeNNBDPackageOptOut/analyzerCode: Fail |
| StrongModeNNBDPackageOptOut/example: Fail |
| StrongWithWeakDillLibrary/analyzerCode: Fail |
| StrongWithWeakDillLibrary/example: Fail |
| StrongWithWeakDillLibrary/spelling: Fail |
| SuperAsExpression/example: Fail |
| SuperAsIdentifier/example: Fail |
| SuperNullAware/example: Fail |
| SuperclassHasNoDefaultConstructor/example: Fail |
| SuperclassHasNoGetter/example: Fail |
| SuperclassHasNoMethod/example: Fail |
| SuperclassHasNoSetter/example: Fail |
| SuperclassMethodArgumentMismatch/analyzerCode: Fail |
| SuperclassMethodArgumentMismatch/example: Fail |
| SupertypeIsFunction/analyzerCode: Fail |
| SupertypeIsFunction/example: Fail |
| SupertypeIsIllegal/example: Fail |
| SupertypeIsTypeVariable/example: Fail |
| SwitchCaseFallThrough/example: Fail |
| SwitchExpressionNotSubtype/analyzerCode: Fail |
| SwitchExpressionNotSubtype/example: Fail |
| SwitchExpressionUserDefinedEquals/analyzerCode: Fail |
| SwitchExpressionUserDefinedEquals/example: Fail |
| SyntheticToken/example: Fail # Can't be tested, used to recover from other errors. |
| ThisAccessInFieldInitializer/example: Fail |
| ThisAsIdentifier/example: Fail |
| ThisInNullAwareReceiver/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ThisOrSuperAccessInFieldInitializer/example: Fail |
| ThrowingNotAssignableToObjectError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ThrowingNotAssignableToObjectError/example: Fail |
| ThrowingNotAssignableToObjectWarning/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ThrowingNotAssignableToObjectWarning/example: Fail |
| TooFewArguments/example: Fail |
| TooManyArguments/example: Fail |
| TypeAfterVar/example: Fail |
| TypeArgumentMismatch/example: Fail |
| TypeArgumentsOnTypeVariable/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| TypeArgumentsOnTypeVariable/script1: Fail |
| TypeNotFound/example: Fail |
| TypeVariableDuplicatedName/example: Fail |
| TypeVariableSameNameAsEnclosing/example: Fail |
| TypedefNotFunction/example: Fail |
| TypedefNotType/example: Fail # Feature not yet enabled by default. |
| TypedefNullableType/analyzerCode: Fail |
| TypedefTypeVariableNotConstructor/analyzerCode: Fail # Feature not yet enabled by default. |
| TypedefTypeVariableNotConstructor/example: Fail # Feature not yet enabled by default. |
| UnexpectedToken/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| UnexpectedToken/script1: Fail |
| UnmatchedToken/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| UnmatchedToken/part_wrapped_script3: Fail |
| UnmatchedToken/script1: Fail |
| UnmatchedToken/script3: Fail |
| Unspecified/analyzerCode: Fail |
| Unspecified/example: Fail |
| UnterminatedString/part_wrapped_script2: Fail |
| UnterminatedString/part_wrapped_script4: Fail |
| UnterminatedString/part_wrapped_script5: Fail |
| UnterminatedString/part_wrapped_script6: Fail |
| UnterminatedString/part_wrapped_script7: Fail |
| UnterminatedString/part_wrapped_script8: Fail |
| UnterminatedString/script2: Fail |
| UnterminatedString/script4: Fail |
| UnterminatedString/script5: Fail |
| UnterminatedString/script6: Fail |
| UnterminatedString/script7: Fail |
| UnterminatedString/script8: Fail |
| UnterminatedToken/analyzerCode: Fail |
| UnterminatedToken/example: Fail |
| UntranslatableUri/part_wrapped_script: Fail # Importing file in the (now) part. |
| ValueForRequiredParameterNotProvidedError/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ValueForRequiredParameterNotProvidedError/example: Fail |
| ValueForRequiredParameterNotProvidedWarning/analyzerCode: Fail |
| ValueForRequiredParameterNotProvidedWarning/example: Fail |
| VarAsTypeName/part_wrapped_script1: Fail |
| VarAsTypeName/script1: Fail # Too many problems |
| WeakWithStrongDillLibrary/analyzerCode: Fail |
| WeakWithStrongDillLibrary/example: Fail |
| WebLiteralCannotBeRepresentedExactly/analyzerCode: Fail |
| WebLiteralCannotBeRepresentedExactly/example: Fail |
| YieldAsIdentifier/example: Fail |
| YieldNotGenerator/example: Fail |