blob: 24876a6bf136f410536203be17f5e0784400c0ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' show DartType, Member;
import 'package:kernel/src/text_util.dart';
/// Convert '→' to '->' because '→' doesn't show up in some terminals.
/// Remove prefixes that are used very often in tests.
String _shortenInstrumentationString(String s) => s
.replaceAll('→', '->')
.replaceAll('dart.core::', '')
.replaceAll('dart.async::', '')
.replaceAll('test::', '')
.replaceAll(new RegExp(r'\s*/\*.*?\*/\s*'), '');
/// Interface providing the ability to record property/value pairs associated
/// with source file locations. Intended to facilitate testing.
abstract class Instrumentation {
/// Records a property/value pair associated with the given URI and offset.
void record(Uri uri, int offset, String property, InstrumentationValue value);
/// Interface for values recorded by [Instrumentation].
abstract class InstrumentationValue {
const InstrumentationValue();
/// Checks if the given String is an accurate description of this value.
/// The default implementation just checks for equality with the return value
/// of [toString], however derived classes may want a more sophisticated
/// implementation (e.g. to allow abbreviations in the description).
/// Derived classes should ensure that the invariant holds:
/// `this.matches(this.toString())` should always return `true`.
bool matches(String description) => description == toString();
/// Instance of [InstrumentationValue] describing a [Member].
class InstrumentationValueForMember extends InstrumentationValue {
final Member member;
String toString() => _shortenInstrumentationString(
qualifiedMemberNameToString(member, includeLibraryName: true));
/// Instance of [InstrumentationValue] describing a [DartType].
class InstrumentationValueForType extends InstrumentationValue {
final DartType type;
String toString() =>
/// Instance of [InstrumentationValue] describing a list of [DartType]s.
class InstrumentationValueForTypeArgs extends InstrumentationValue {
final List<DartType> types;
String toString() => types
.map((type) => new InstrumentationValueForType(type).toString())
.join(', ');
/// Instance of [InstrumentationValue] which only matches the given literal
/// string.
class InstrumentationValueLiteral extends InstrumentationValue {
final String value;
const InstrumentationValueLiteral(this.value);
String toString() => value;