| // Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import 'dart:async'; |
| import 'dart:math' show max, sqrt; |
| |
| import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; |
| |
| import '../../test/integration/support/integration_test_methods.dart'; |
| import '../../test/integration/support/integration_tests.dart'; |
| import 'operation.dart'; |
| |
| final SPACE = ' '.codeUnitAt(0); |
| |
| void _printColumn(StringBuffer sb, String text, int keyLen, |
| {bool rightJustified = false}) { |
| if (!rightJustified) { |
| sb.write(text); |
| sb.write(','); |
| } |
| for (var i = text.length; i < keyLen; ++i) { |
| sb.writeCharCode(SPACE); |
| } |
| if (rightJustified) { |
| sb.write(text); |
| sb.write(','); |
| } |
| sb.writeCharCode(SPACE); |
| } |
| |
| /// [Driver] launches and manages an instance of analysis server, |
| /// reads a stream of operations, sends requests to analysis server |
| /// based upon those operations, and evaluates the results. |
| class Driver extends IntegrationTestMixin { |
| /// The amount of time to give the server to respond to a shutdown request |
| /// before forcibly terminating it. |
| static const Duration SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT = Duration(seconds: 5); |
| |
| final Logger logger = Logger('Driver'); |
| |
| /// The diagnostic port for Analysis Server or `null` if none. |
| final int diagnosticPort; |
| |
| /// A flag indicating whether the server is running. |
| bool running = false; |
| |
| @override |
| Server server; |
| |
| /// The results collected while running analysis server. |
| final Results results = Results(); |
| |
| /// The [Completer] for [runComplete]. |
| final Completer<Results> _runCompleter = Completer<Results>(); |
| |
| Driver({this.diagnosticPort}); |
| |
| /// Return a [Future] that completes with the [Results] of running |
| /// the analysis server once all operations have been performed. |
| Future<Results> get runComplete => _runCompleter.future; |
| |
| /// Perform the given operation. |
| /// Return a [Future] that completes when the next operation can be performed, |
| /// or `null` if the next operation can be performed immediately |
| Future perform(Operation op) { |
| return op.perform(this); |
| } |
| |
| /// Send a command to the server. An 'id' will be automatically assigned. |
| /// The returned [Future] will be completed when the server acknowledges the |
| /// command with a response. If the server acknowledges the command with a |
| /// normal (non-error) response, the future will be completed with the |
| /// 'result' field from the response. If the server acknowledges the command |
| /// with an error response, the future will be completed with an error. |
| Future<Map<String, dynamic>> send( |
| String method, Map<String, dynamic> params) { |
| return server.send(method, params); |
| } |
| |
| /// Launch the analysis server. |
| /// Return a [Future] that completes when analysis server has started. |
| Future startServer() async { |
| logger.log(Level.FINE, 'starting server'); |
| initializeInttestMixin(); |
| server = Server(); |
| var serverConnected = Completer(); |
| onServerConnected.listen((_) { |
| logger.log(Level.FINE, 'connected to server'); |
| serverConnected.complete(); |
| }); |
| running = true; |
| return server |
| .start(diagnosticPort: diagnosticPort /*profileServer: true*/) |
| .then((params) { |
| server.listenToOutput(dispatchNotification); |
| server.exitCode.then((_) { |
| logger.log(Level.FINE, 'server stopped'); |
| running = false; |
| _resultsReady(); |
| }); |
| return serverConnected.future; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /// Shutdown the analysis server if it is running. |
| Future stopServer([Duration timeout = SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT]) async { |
| if (running) { |
| logger.log(Level.FINE, 'requesting server shutdown'); |
| // Give the server a short time to comply with the shutdown request; if it |
| // doesn't exit, then forcibly terminate it. |
| sendServerShutdown(); |
| await server.exitCode.timeout(timeout, onTimeout: () { |
| return server.kill('server failed to exit'); |
| }); |
| } |
| _resultsReady(); |
| } |
| |
| /// If not already complete, signal the completer with the collected results. |
| void _resultsReady() { |
| if (!_runCompleter.isCompleted) { |
| _runCompleter.complete(results); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// [Measurement] tracks elapsed time for a given operation. |
| class Measurement { |
| final String tag; |
| final bool notification; |
| final List<Duration> elapsedTimes = <Duration>[]; |
| int errorCount = 0; |
| int unexpectedResultCount = 0; |
| |
| Measurement(this.tag, this.notification); |
| |
| int get count => elapsedTimes.length; |
| |
| void printSummary(int keyLen) { |
| var count = 0; |
| var maxTime = elapsedTimes[0]; |
| var minTime = elapsedTimes[0]; |
| var totalTimeMicros = 0; |
| for (var elapsed in elapsedTimes) { |
| ++count; |
| var timeMicros = elapsed.inMicroseconds; |
| maxTime = maxTime.compareTo(elapsed) > 0 ? maxTime : elapsed; |
| minTime = minTime.compareTo(elapsed) < 0 ? minTime : elapsed; |
| totalTimeMicros += timeMicros; |
| } |
| var meanTime = (totalTimeMicros / count).round(); |
| var sorted = elapsedTimes.toList()..sort(); |
| var time90th = sorted[(sorted.length * 0.90).round() - 1]; |
| var time99th = sorted[(sorted.length * 0.99).round() - 1]; |
| var differenceFromMeanSquared = 0; |
| for (var elapsed in elapsedTimes) { |
| var timeMicros = elapsed.inMicroseconds; |
| var differenceFromMean = timeMicros - meanTime; |
| differenceFromMeanSquared += differenceFromMean * differenceFromMean; |
| } |
| var variance = differenceFromMeanSquared / count; |
| var standardDeviation = sqrt(variance).round(); |
| |
| var sb = StringBuffer(); |
| _printColumn(sb, tag, keyLen); |
| _printColumn(sb, count.toString(), 6, rightJustified: true); |
| _printColumn(sb, errorCount.toString(), 6, rightJustified: true); |
| _printColumn(sb, unexpectedResultCount.toString(), 6, rightJustified: true); |
| _printDuration(sb, Duration(microseconds: meanTime)); |
| _printDuration(sb, time90th); |
| _printDuration(sb, time99th); |
| _printDuration(sb, Duration(microseconds: standardDeviation)); |
| _printDuration(sb, minTime); |
| _printDuration(sb, maxTime); |
| _printDuration(sb, Duration(microseconds: totalTimeMicros)); |
| print(sb.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| void record(bool success, Duration elapsed) { |
| if (!success) { |
| ++errorCount; |
| } |
| elapsedTimes.add(elapsed); |
| } |
| |
| void recordUnexpectedResults() { |
| ++unexpectedResultCount; |
| } |
| |
| void _printDuration(StringBuffer sb, Duration duration) { |
| _printColumn(sb, duration.inMilliseconds.toString(), 15, |
| rightJustified: true); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// [Results] contains information gathered by [Driver] |
| /// while running the analysis server |
| class Results { |
| Map<String, Measurement> measurements = <String, Measurement>{}; |
| |
| /// Display results on stdout. |
| void printResults() { |
| print(''); |
| print('=================================================================='); |
| print(''); |
| var keys = measurements.keys.toList()..sort(); |
| var keyLen = keys.fold(0, (int len, String key) => max(len, key.length)); |
| _printGroupHeader('Request/Response', keyLen); |
| var totalCount = 0; |
| var totalErrorCount = 0; |
| var totalUnexpectedResultCount = 0; |
| for (var tag in keys) { |
| var m = measurements[tag]; |
| if (!m.notification) { |
| m.printSummary(keyLen); |
| totalCount += m.count; |
| totalErrorCount += m.errorCount; |
| totalUnexpectedResultCount += m.unexpectedResultCount; |
| } |
| } |
| _printTotals( |
| keyLen, totalCount, totalErrorCount, totalUnexpectedResultCount); |
| print(''); |
| _printGroupHeader('Notifications', keyLen); |
| for (var tag in keys) { |
| var m = measurements[tag]; |
| if (m.notification) { |
| m.printSummary(keyLen); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// TODO(danrubel) *** print warnings if driver caches are not empty **** |
| print(''' |
| |
| (1) uxr = UneXpected Results or responses received from the server |
| that do not match the recorded response for that request. |
| (2) all times in milliseconds'''); |
| } |
| |
| /// Record the elapsed time for the given operation. |
| void record(String tag, Duration elapsed, |
| {bool notification = false, bool success = true}) { |
| var measurement = measurements[tag]; |
| if (measurement == null) { |
| measurement = Measurement(tag, notification); |
| measurements[tag] = measurement; |
| } |
| measurement.record(success, elapsed); |
| } |
| |
| void recordUnexpectedResults(String tag) { |
| measurements[tag].recordUnexpectedResults(); |
| } |
| |
| void _printGroupHeader(String groupName, int keyLen) { |
| var sb = StringBuffer(); |
| _printColumn(sb, groupName, keyLen); |
| _printColumn(sb, 'count', 6, rightJustified: true); |
| _printColumn(sb, 'error', 6, rightJustified: true); |
| _printColumn(sb, 'uxr(1)', 6, rightJustified: true); |
| sb.write(' '); |
| _printColumn(sb, 'mean(2)', 15); |
| _printColumn(sb, '90th', 15); |
| _printColumn(sb, '99th', 15); |
| _printColumn(sb, 'std-dev', 15); |
| _printColumn(sb, 'minimum', 15); |
| _printColumn(sb, 'maximum', 15); |
| _printColumn(sb, 'total', 15); |
| print(sb.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| void _printTotals(int keyLen, int totalCount, int totalErrorCount, |
| int totalUnexpectedResultCount) { |
| var sb = StringBuffer(); |
| _printColumn(sb, 'Totals', keyLen); |
| _printColumn(sb, totalCount.toString(), 6, rightJustified: true); |
| _printColumn(sb, totalErrorCount.toString(), 6, rightJustified: true); |
| _printColumn(sb, totalUnexpectedResultCount.toString(), 6, |
| rightJustified: true); |
| print(sb.toString()); |
| } |
| } |