blob: 362ec6acf0e6d3f359f36ef0a8a4424168207bcf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart2js.mirrors;
class Dart2JsLibraryMirror
extends Dart2JsElementMirror
with ObjectMirrorMixin, ContainerMixin
implements LibrarySourceMirror {
List<LibraryDependencySourceMirror> _libraryDependencies;
Dart2JsLibraryMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem system, LibraryElement library)
: super(system, library);
Function operator [](Symbol name) {
throw new UnsupportedError('LibraryMirror.operator [] unsupported.');
LibraryElement get _element => super._element;
Uri get uri => _element.canonicalUri;
DeclarationMirror get owner => null;
bool get isPrivate => false;
LibraryMirror library() => this;
* Returns the library name (for libraries with a library tag) or the script
* file name (for scripts without a library tag). The latter case is used to
* provide a 'library name' for scripts, to use for instance in dartdoc.
String get _simpleNameString {
if (_element.libraryTag != null) {
} else {
// Use the file name as script name.
String path = _element.canonicalUri.path;
return path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
Symbol get qualifiedName => simpleName;
void _forEachElement(f(Element element)) => _element.forEachLocalMember(f);
Iterable<Dart2JsDeclarationMirror> _getDeclarationMirrors(Element element) {
if (element.isClass || element.isTypedef) {
return [mirrorSystem._getTypeDeclarationMirror(element)];
} else {
return super._getDeclarationMirrors(element);
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get topLevelMembers => null;
* Computes the first token of this library using the first library tag as
* indicator.
Token getBeginToken() {
if (_element.libraryTag != null) {
return _element.libraryTag.getBeginToken();
} else if (!_element.tags.isEmpty) {
return _element.tags.first.getBeginToken();
return null;
* Computes the first token of this library using the last library tag as
* indicator.
Token getEndToken() {
if (!_element.tags.isEmpty) {
return _element.tags.last.getEndToken();
return null;
void _ensureLibraryDependenciesAnalyzed() {
if (_libraryDependencies == null) {
_libraryDependencies = <LibraryDependencySourceMirror>[];
for (LibraryTag node in _element.tags) {
LibraryDependency libraryDependency = node.asLibraryDependency();
if (libraryDependency != null) {
LibraryElement targetLibraryElement =
assert(targetLibraryElement != null);
LibraryMirror targetLibrary =
_libraryDependencies.add(new Dart2JsLibraryDependencyMirror(
libraryDependency, this, targetLibrary));
List<LibraryDependencyMirror> get libraryDependencies {
return _libraryDependencies;
class Dart2JsLibraryDependencyMirror implements LibraryDependencySourceMirror {
final LibraryDependency _node;
final Dart2JsLibraryMirror _sourceLibrary;
final Dart2JsLibraryMirror _targetLibrary;
List<CombinatorMirror> _combinators;
SourceLocation get location {
return new Dart2JsSourceLocation(
List<CombinatorMirror> get combinators {
if (_combinators == null) {
_combinators = <CombinatorMirror>[];
if (_node.combinators != null) {
for (Combinator combinator in _node.combinators.nodes) {
List<String> identifiers = <String>[];
for (Identifier identifier in combinator.identifiers.nodes) {
_combinators.add(new Dart2JsCombinatorMirror(
identifiers, isShow: combinator.isShow));
return _combinators;
LibraryMirror get sourceLibrary => _sourceLibrary;
LibraryMirror get targetLibrary => _targetLibrary;
/*String*/ get prefix {
Import import = _node.asImport();
if (import != null && import.prefix != null) {
return import.prefix.source;
return null;
bool get isImport => _node.asImport() != null;
bool get isExport => _node.asExport() != null;
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata => const <InstanceMirror>[];
class Dart2JsCombinatorMirror implements CombinatorSourceMirror {
final List/*<String>*/ identifiers;
final bool isShow;
Dart2JsCombinatorMirror(this.identifiers, {bool isShow: true})
: this.isShow = isShow;
bool get isHide => !isShow;
class Dart2JsSourceLocation implements SourceLocation {
final Script _script;
final SourceSpan _span;
int _line;
int _column;
Dart2JsSourceLocation(this._script, this._span);
int _computeLine() {
var sourceFile = _script.file;
if (sourceFile != null) {
return sourceFile.getLine(offset) + 1;
var index = 0;
var lineNumber = 0;
while (index <= offset && index < sourceText.length) {
index = sourceText.indexOf('\n', index) + 1;
if (index <= 0) break;
return lineNumber;
int get line {
if (_line == null) {
_line = _computeLine();
return _line;
int _computeColumn() {
if (length == 0) return 0;
var sourceFile = _script.file;
if (sourceFile != null) {
return sourceFile.getColumn(sourceFile.getLine(offset), offset) + 1;
int index = offset - 1;
var columnNumber = 0;
while (0 <= index && index < sourceText.length) {
var codeUnit = sourceText.codeUnitAt(index);
if (codeUnit == $CR || codeUnit == $LF) {
return columnNumber;
int get column {
if (_column == null) {
_column = _computeColumn();
return _column;
int get offset => _span.begin;
int get length => _span.end - _span.begin;
String get text => _script.text.substring(_span.begin, _span.end);
Uri get sourceUri => _script.resourceUri;
String get sourceText => _script.text;