blob: e862b14957a9a5ab22f0beb354e2dd20d3273b94 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library elements.modelx;
import 'elements.dart';
import '../constants/expressions.dart';
import '../helpers/helpers.dart'; // Included for debug helpers.
import '../tree/tree.dart';
import '../util/util.dart';
import '../resolution/resolution.dart';
import '../resolution/class_members.dart' show ClassMemberMixin;
import '../dart2jslib.dart' show invariant,
import '../dart_types.dart';
import '../scanner/scannerlib.dart' show
import '../ordered_typeset.dart' show OrderedTypeSet;
import 'visitor.dart' show ElementVisitor;
abstract class DeclarationSite {
abstract class ElementX extends Element {
static int elementHashCode = 0;
final String name;
final ElementKind kind;
final Element enclosingElement;
final int hashCode = ++elementHashCode;
Link<MetadataAnnotation> metadata = const Link<MetadataAnnotation>();
ElementX(, this.kind, this.enclosingElement) {
assert(isErroneous || implementationLibrary != null);
Modifiers get modifiers => Modifiers.EMPTY;
Node parseNode(DiagnosticListener listener) {
'parseNode not implemented on $this.');
return null;
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
"computeType not implemented on $this.");
return null;
void addMetadata(MetadataAnnotationX annotation) {
assert(annotation.annotatedElement == null);
annotation.annotatedElement = this;
void addMetadataInternal(MetadataAnnotation annotation) {
metadata = metadata.prepend(annotation);
bool get isClosure => false;
bool get isClassMember {
// Check that this element is defined in the scope of a Class.
return enclosingElement != null && enclosingElement.isClass;
bool get isInstanceMember => false;
bool get isDeferredLoaderGetter => false;
bool get isFactoryConstructor => modifiers.isFactory;
bool get isConst => modifiers.isConst;
bool get isFinal => modifiers.isFinal;
bool get isStatic => modifiers.isStatic;
bool get isOperator => Elements.isOperatorName(name);
bool get impliesType => (kind.category & ElementCategory.IMPLIES_TYPE) != 0;
bool get isPatched => false;
bool get isPatch => false;
bool get isImplementation => true;
bool get isDeclaration => true;
bool get isInjected => !isPatch && implementationLibrary.isPatch;
Element get implementation => this;
Element get declaration => this;
Element get patch {
throw new UnsupportedError('patch is not supported on $this');
Element get origin {
throw new UnsupportedError('origin is not supported on $this');
bool get isSynthesized => false;
bool get isForwardingConstructor => false;
bool get isMixinApplication => false;
bool get isLocal => false;
// TODO(johnniwinther): This breaks for libraries (for which enclosing
// elements are null) and is invalid for top level variable declarations for
// which the enclosing element is a VariableDeclarations and not a compilation
// unit.
bool get isTopLevel {
return enclosingElement != null && enclosingElement.isCompilationUnit;
bool get isAssignable {
if (isFinal || isConst) return false;
if (isFunction || isGenerativeConstructor) return false;
return true;
Token get position => null;
Token findMyName(Token token) {
return findNameToken(token, isConstructor, name,;
static Token findNameToken(Token token, bool isConstructor, String name,
String enclosingClassName) {
// We search for the token that has the name of this element.
// For constructors, that doesn't work because they may have
// named formed out of multiple tokens (named constructors) so
// for those we search for the class name instead.
String needle = isConstructor ? enclosingClassName : name;
// The unary '-' operator has a special element name (specified).
if (needle == 'unary-') needle = '-';
for (Token t = token; EOF_TOKEN != t.kind; t = {
if (t is !ErrorToken && needle == t.value) return t;
return token;
CompilationUnitElement get compilationUnit {
Element element = this;
while (!element.isCompilationUnit) {
element = element.enclosingElement;
return element;
LibraryElement get library => enclosingElement.library;
LibraryElement get implementationLibrary {
Element element = this;
while (!identical(element.kind, ElementKind.LIBRARY)) {
element = element.enclosingElement;
return element;
ClassElement get enclosingClass {
for (Element e = this; e != null; e = e.enclosingElement) {
if (e.isClass) return e;
return null;
Element get enclosingClassOrCompilationUnit {
for (Element e = this; e != null; e = e.enclosingElement) {
if (e.isClass || e.isCompilationUnit) return e;
return null;
Element get outermostEnclosingMemberOrTopLevel {
// TODO(lrn): Why is this called "Outermost"?
// TODO(johnniwinther): Clean up this method: This method does not return
// the outermost for elements in closure classses, but some call-sites rely
// on that behavior.
for (Element e = this; e != null; e = e.enclosingElement) {
if (e.isClassMember || e.isTopLevel) {
return e;
return null;
ClassElement get contextClass {
ClassElement cls;
for (Element e = this; e != null; e = e.enclosingElement) {
if (e.isClass) {
// Record [e] instead of returning it directly. We need the last class
// in the chain since the first classes might be closure classes.
cls = e.declaration;
return cls;
* Creates the scope for this element.
Scope buildScope() => enclosingElement.buildScope();
String toString() {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Test for nullness of name, or make non-nullness an
// invariant for all element types?
var nameText = name != null ? name : '?';
if (enclosingElement != null && !isTopLevel) {
String holderName = != null
: '${enclosingElement.kind}?';
return '$kind($holderName#${nameText})';
} else {
return '$kind(${nameText})';
String _fixedBackendName = null;
bool _isNative = false;
bool get isNative => _isNative;
bool get hasFixedBackendName => _fixedBackendName != null;
String get fixedBackendName => _fixedBackendName;
// Marks this element as a native element.
void setNative(String name) {
_isNative = true;
_fixedBackendName = name;
void setFixedBackendName(String name) {
_fixedBackendName = name;
FunctionElement asFunctionElement() => null;
bool get isAbstract => modifiers.isAbstract;
bool isForeign(Backend backend) => backend.isForeign(this);
void diagnose(Element context, DiagnosticListener listener) {}
bool get hasTreeElements => analyzableElement.hasTreeElements;
TreeElements get treeElements => analyzableElement.treeElements;
AnalyzableElement get analyzableElement {
Element element = outermostEnclosingMemberOrTopLevel;
if (element.isAbstractField || element.isPrefix) return element.library;
return element;
DeclarationSite get declarationSite => null;
class ErroneousElementX extends ElementX implements ErroneousElement {
final MessageKind messageKind;
final Map messageArguments;
ErroneousElementX(this.messageKind, this.messageArguments,
String name, Element enclosing)
: super(name, ElementKind.ERROR, enclosing);
bool get isTopLevel => false;
bool get isSynthesized => true;
AbstractFieldElement abstractField;
unsupported() {
throw 'unsupported operation on erroneous element';
get asyncMarker => AsyncMarker.SYNC;
Link<MetadataAnnotation> get metadata => unsupported();
bool get hasNode => false;
get node => unsupported();
get hasResolvedAst => false;
get resolvedAst => unsupported();
get type => unsupported();
get cachedNode => unsupported();
get functionSignature => unsupported();
get patch => null;
get origin => this;
get immediateRedirectionTarget => unsupported();
get nestedClosures => unsupported();
get memberContext => unsupported();
get executableContext => unsupported();
bool get isRedirectingFactory => unsupported();
computeSignature(compiler) => unsupported();
bool get hasFunctionSignature => false;
get effectiveTarget => this;
computeEffectiveTargetType(InterfaceType newType) => unsupported();
get definingConstructor => null;
FunctionElement asFunctionElement() => this;
String get message => '${messageKind.message(messageArguments)}';
String toString() => '<$name: $message>';
accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitErroneousElement(this);
/// A message attached to a [WarnOnUseElementX].
class WrappedMessage {
/// The message position. If [:null:] the position of the reference to the
/// [WarnOnUseElementX] is used.
final Spannable spannable;
* The message to report on resolving a wrapped element.
final MessageKind messageKind;
* The message arguments to report on resolving a wrapped element.
final Map messageArguments;
WrappedMessage(this.spannable, this.messageKind, this.messageArguments);
class WarnOnUseElementX extends ElementX implements WarnOnUseElement {
/// Warning to report on resolving this element.
final WrappedMessage warning;
/// Info to report on resolving this element.
final WrappedMessage info;
/// The element whose usage cause a warning.
final Element wrappedElement;
WarnOnUseElementX(WrappedMessage this.warning, WrappedMessage,
Element enclosingElement, Element wrappedElement)
: this.wrappedElement = wrappedElement,
super(, ElementKind.WARN_ON_USE, enclosingElement);
Element unwrap(DiagnosticListener listener, Spannable usageSpannable) {
var unwrapped = wrappedElement;
if (warning != null) {
Spannable spannable = warning.spannable;
if (spannable == null) spannable = usageSpannable;
spannable, warning.messageKind, warning.messageArguments);
if (info != null) {
Spannable spannable = info.spannable;
if (spannable == null) spannable = usageSpannable;
spannable, info.messageKind, info.messageArguments);
if (unwrapped.isWarnOnUse) {
unwrapped = unwrapped.unwrap(listener, usageSpannable);
return unwrapped;
accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitWarnOnUseElement(this);
class AmbiguousElementX extends ElementX implements AmbiguousElement {
* The message to report on resolving this element.
final MessageKind messageKind;
* The message arguments to report on resolving this element.
final Map messageArguments;
* The first element that this ambiguous element might refer to.
final Element existingElement;
* The second element that this ambiguous element might refer to.
final Element newElement;
AmbiguousElementX(this.messageKind, this.messageArguments,
Element enclosingElement, Element existingElement, Element newElement)
: this.existingElement = existingElement,
this.newElement = newElement,
super(, ElementKind.AMBIGUOUS, enclosingElement);
Setlet flatten() {
Element element = this;
var set = new Setlet();
while (element.isAmbiguous) {
AmbiguousElement ambiguous = element;
element = ambiguous.existingElement;
return set;
void diagnose(Element context, DiagnosticListener listener) {
Setlet ambiguousElements = flatten();
MessageKind code = (ambiguousElements.length == 1)
LibraryElementX importer = context.library;
for (Element element in ambiguousElements) {
var arguments = {'name':};
listener.reportInfo(element, code, arguments);
Link<Import> importers = importer.importers.getImports(element);
listener.withCurrentElement(importer, () {
for (; !importers.isEmpty; importers = importers.tail) {
importers.head, MessageKind.IMPORTED_HERE, arguments);
accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitAmbiguousElement(this);
bool get isTopLevel => false;
class ScopeX {
final Map<String, Element> contents = new Map<String, Element>();
bool get isEmpty => contents.isEmpty;
Iterable<Element> get values => contents.values;
Element lookup(String name) {
return contents[name];
void add(Element element, DiagnosticListener listener) {
String name =;
if (element.isAccessor) {
addAccessor(element, contents[name], listener);
} else {
Element existing = contents.putIfAbsent(name, () => element);
if (!identical(existing, element)) {
element, MessageKind.DUPLICATE_DEFINITION, {'name': name});
MessageKind.EXISTING_DEFINITION, {'name': name});
* Adds a definition for an [accessor] (getter or setter) to a scope.
* The definition binds to an abstract field that can hold both a getter
* and a setter.
* The abstract field is added once, for the first getter or setter, and
* reused if the other one is also added.
* The abstract field should not be treated as a proper member of the
* container, it's simply a way to return two results for one lookup.
* That is, the getter or setter does not have the abstract field as enclosing
* element, they are enclosed by the class or compilation unit, as is the
* abstract field.
void addAccessor(FunctionElementX accessor,
Element existing,
DiagnosticListener listener) {
void reportError(Element other) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Make this an info instead of a fatal error.
if (existing != null) {
if (!identical(existing.kind, ElementKind.ABSTRACT_FIELD)) {
} else {
AbstractFieldElementX field = existing;
accessor.abstractField = field;
if (accessor.isGetter) {
if (field.getter != null && field.getter != accessor) {
field.getter = accessor;
} else {
if (field.setter != null && field.setter != accessor) {
field.setter = accessor;
} else {
Element container = accessor.enclosingClassOrCompilationUnit;
AbstractFieldElementX field =
new AbstractFieldElementX(, container);
accessor.abstractField = field;
if (accessor.isGetter) {
field.getter = accessor;
} else {
field.setter = accessor;
add(field, listener);
class CompilationUnitElementX extends ElementX
implements CompilationUnitElement {
final Script script;
PartOf partTag;
Link<Element> localMembers = const Link<Element>();
CompilationUnitElementX(Script script, LibraryElement library)
: this.script = script,
library) {
void forEachLocalMember(f(Element element)) {
void addMember(Element element, DiagnosticListener listener) {
// Keep a list of top level members.
localMembers = localMembers.prepend(element);
// Provide the member to the library to build scope.
if (enclosingElement.isPatch) {
implementationLibrary.addMember(element, listener);
} else {
library.addMember(element, listener);
void setPartOf(PartOf tag, DiagnosticListener listener) {
LibraryElementX library = enclosingElement;
if (library.entryCompilationUnit == this) {
listener.reportError(tag, MessageKind.ILLEGAL_DIRECTIVE);
if (!localMembers.isEmpty) {
listener.reportError(tag, MessageKind.BEFORE_TOP_LEVEL);
if (partTag != null) {
listener.reportWarning(tag, MessageKind.DUPLICATED_PART_OF);
partTag = tag;
LibraryName libraryTag = library.libraryTag;
String actualName =;
if (libraryTag != null) {
String expectedName =;
if (expectedName != actualName) {
{'libraryName': expectedName});
} else {
{'libraryName': actualName});
bool get hasMembers => !localMembers.isEmpty;
int compareTo(CompilationUnitElement other) {
if (this == other) return 0;
return '${script.readableUri}'.compareTo('${other.script.readableUri}');
Element get analyzableElement => library;
accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitCompilationUnitElement(this);
class Importers {
Map<Element, Link<Import>> importers = new Map<Element, Link<Import>>();
Link<Import> getImports(Element element) {
Link<Import> imports = importers[element];
return imports != null ? imports : const Link<Import>();
Import getImport(Element element) => getImports(element).head;
void registerImport(Element element, Import import) {
if (import == null) return;
importers[element] =
importers.putIfAbsent(element, () => const Link<Import>())
class ImportScope {
* Map for elements imported through import declarations.
* Addition to the map is performed by [addImport]. Lookup is done trough
* [find].
final Map<String, Element> importScope =
new Map<String, Element>();
* Adds [element] to the import scope of this library.
* If an element by the same name is already in the imported scope, an
* [ErroneousElement] will be put in the imported scope, allowing for
* detection of ambiguous uses of imported names.
void addImport(Element enclosingElement,
Element element,
Import import,
DiagnosticListener listener) {
LibraryElementX library = enclosingElement.library;
Importers importers = library.importers;
String name =;
// The loadLibrary function always shadows existing bindings to that name.
if (element.isDeferredLoaderGetter) {
// TODO(sigurdm): Print a hint.
Element existing = importScope.putIfAbsent(name, () => element);
importers.registerImport(element, import);
void registerWarnOnUseElement(Import import,
MessageKind messageKind,
Element hidingElement,
Element hiddenElement) {
Uri hiddenUri = hiddenElement.library.canonicalUri;
Uri hidingUri = hidingElement.library.canonicalUri;
Element element = new WarnOnUseElementX(
new WrappedMessage(
null, // Report on reference to [hidingElement].
{'name': name, 'hiddenUri': hiddenUri, 'hidingUri': hidingUri}),
new WrappedMessage(
{'name': name}),
enclosingElement, hidingElement);
importScope[name] = element;
importers.registerImport(element, import);
if (existing != element) {
Import existingImport = importers.getImport(existing);
Element newElement;
if (existing.library.isPlatformLibrary &&
!element.library.isPlatformLibrary) {
// [existing] is implicitly hidden.
import, MessageKind.HIDDEN_IMPORT, element, existing);
} else if (!existing.library.isPlatformLibrary &&
element.library.isPlatformLibrary) {
// [element] is implicitly hidden.
if (import == null) {
// [element] is imported implicitly (probably through dart:core).
existingImport, MessageKind.HIDDEN_IMPLICIT_IMPORT,
existing, element);
} else {
import, MessageKind.HIDDEN_IMPORT, existing, element);
} else {
Element ambiguousElement = new AmbiguousElementX(
MessageKind.DUPLICATE_IMPORT, {'name': name},
enclosingElement, existing, element);
importScope[name] = ambiguousElement;
importers.registerImport(ambiguousElement, import);
importers.registerImport(ambiguousElement, existingImport);
Element operator [](String name) => importScope[name];
class LibraryElementX
extends ElementX with AnalyzableElementX, PatchMixin<LibraryElementX>
implements LibraryElement {
final Uri canonicalUri;
CompilationUnitElement entryCompilationUnit;
Link<CompilationUnitElement> compilationUnits =
const Link<CompilationUnitElement>();
LinkBuilder<LibraryTag> tagsBuilder = new LinkBuilder<LibraryTag>();
List<LibraryTag> tagsCache;
LibraryName libraryTag;
bool canUseNative = false;
Link<Element> localMembers = const Link<Element>();
final ScopeX localScope = new ScopeX();
final ImportScope importScope = new ImportScope();
/// A mapping from an imported element to the "import" tag.
final Importers importers = new Importers();
* Link for elements exported either through export declarations or through
* declaration. This field should not be accessed directly but instead through
* the [exports] getter.
* [LibraryDependencyHandler] sets this field through [setExports] when the
* library is loaded.
Link<Element> slotForExports;
final Map<LibraryDependency, LibraryElement> tagMapping =
new Map<LibraryDependency, LibraryElement>();
LibraryElementX(Script script,
[Uri canonicalUri, LibraryElementX origin])
: this.canonicalUri =
((canonicalUri == null) ? script.readableUri : canonicalUri),
super(, ElementKind.LIBRARY, null) {
entryCompilationUnit = new CompilationUnitElementX(script, this);
if (origin != null) {
bool get isDartCore => canonicalUri == Compiler.DART_CORE;
Link<MetadataAnnotation> get metadata {
return (libraryTag == null) ? super.metadata : libraryTag.metadata;
set metadata(value) {
// The metadata is stored on [libraryTag].
throw new SpannableAssertionFailure(this, 'Cannot set metadata on Library');
CompilationUnitElement get compilationUnit => entryCompilationUnit;
Element get analyzableElement => this;
void addCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitElement element) {
compilationUnits = compilationUnits.prepend(element);
void addTag(LibraryTag tag, DiagnosticListener listener) {
if (tagsCache != null) {
"Library tags for $this have already been computed.");
Iterable<LibraryTag> get tags {
if (tagsCache == null) {
tagsCache = tagsBuilder.toList();
tagsBuilder = null;
return tagsCache;
void recordResolvedTag(LibraryDependency tag, LibraryElement library) {
assert(tagMapping[tag] == null);
tagMapping[tag] = library;
LibraryElement getLibraryFromTag(LibraryDependency tag) => tagMapping[tag];
* Adds [element] to the import scope of this library.
* If an element by the same name is already in the imported scope, an
* [ErroneousElement] will be put in the imported scope, allowing for
* detection of ambiguous uses of imported names.
void addImport(Element element, Import import, DiagnosticListener listener) {
importScope.addImport(this, element, import, listener);
void addMember(Element element, DiagnosticListener listener) {
localMembers = localMembers.prepend(element);
addToScope(element, listener);
void addToScope(Element element, DiagnosticListener listener) {
localScope.add(element, listener);
Element localLookup(String elementName) {
Element result = localScope.lookup(elementName);
if (result == null && isPatch) {
result = origin.localLookup(elementName);
return result;
* Returns [:true:] if the export scope has already been computed for this
* library.
bool get exportsHandled => slotForExports != null;
Link<Element> get exports {
assert(invariant(this, exportsHandled,
message: 'Exports not handled on $this'));
return slotForExports;
* Sets the export scope of this library. This method can only be called once.
void setExports(Iterable<Element> exportedElements) {
assert(invariant(this, !exportsHandled,
message: 'Exports already set to $slotForExports on $this'));
assert(invariant(this, exportedElements != null));
var builder = new LinkBuilder<Element>();
for (Element export in exportedElements) {
slotForExports = builder.toLink();
LibraryElement get library => isPatch ? origin : this;
* Look up a top-level element in this library. The element could
* potentially have been imported from another library. Returns
* null if no such element exist and an [ErroneousElement] if multiple
* elements have been imported.
Element find(String elementName) {
Element result = localScope.lookup(elementName);
if (result != null) return result;
if (origin != null) {
result = origin.localScope.lookup(elementName);
if (result != null) return result;
result = importScope[elementName];
if (result != null) return result;
if (origin != null) {
result = origin.importScope[elementName];
if (result != null) return result;
return null;
/** Look up a top-level element in this library, but only look for
* non-imported elements. Returns null if no such element exist. */
Element findLocal(String elementName) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): How to handle injected elements in the patch
// library?
Element result = localScope.lookup(elementName);
if (result == null || result.library != this) return null;
return result;
Element findExported(String elementName) {
for (Link link = exports; !link.isEmpty; link = link.tail) {
Element element = link.head;
if ( == elementName) return element;
return null;
void forEachExport(f(Element element)) {
exports.forEach((Element e) => f(e));
Link<Import> getImportsFor(Element element) => importers.getImports(element);
void forEachLocalMember(f(Element element)) {
if (isPatch) {
// Patch libraries traverse both origin and injected members.
void filterPatch(Element element) {
if (!element.isPatch) {
// Do not traverse the patch members.
} else {
Iterable<Element> getNonPrivateElementsInScope() {
return localScope.values.where((Element element) {
// At this point [localScope] only contains members so we don't need
// to check for foreign or prefix elements.
return !isPrivateName(;
bool hasLibraryName() => libraryTag != null;
* Returns the library name, which is either the name given in the library tag
* or the empty string if there is no library tag.
String getLibraryName() {
if (libraryTag == null) return '';
* Returns the library name (as defined by the library tag) or for script
* (which have no library tag) the script file name. The latter case is used
* to private 'library name' for scripts to use for instance in dartdoc.
* Note: the returned filename will still be escaped ("a%20b.dart" instead of
* "a b.dart").
String getLibraryOrScriptName() {
if (libraryTag != null) {
} else {
// Use the file name as script name.
String path = canonicalUri.path;
return path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
Scope buildScope() => new LibraryScope(this);
bool get isPlatformLibrary => canonicalUri.scheme == 'dart';
bool get isPackageLibrary => canonicalUri.scheme == 'package';
bool get isInternalLibrary =>
isPlatformLibrary && canonicalUri.path.startsWith('_');
String toString() {
if (origin != null) {
return 'patch library(${canonicalUri})';
} else if (patch != null) {
return 'origin library(${canonicalUri})';
} else {
return 'library(${canonicalUri})';
int compareTo(LibraryElement other) {
if (this == other) return 0;
return getLibraryOrScriptName().compareTo(other.getLibraryOrScriptName());
accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitLibraryElement(this);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove these when issue 18630 is fixed.
LibraryElementX get patch => super.patch;
LibraryElementX get origin => super.origin;
class PrefixElementX extends ElementX implements PrefixElement {
Token firstPosition;
final ImportScope importScope = new ImportScope();
bool get isDeferred => _deferredImport != null;
// Only needed for deferred imports.
Import _deferredImport;
Import get deferredImport => _deferredImport;
PrefixElementX(String prefix, Element enclosing, this.firstPosition)
: super(prefix, ElementKind.PREFIX, enclosing);
bool get isTopLevel => false;
Element lookupLocalMember(String memberName) => importScope[memberName];
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) => const DynamicType();
Token get position => firstPosition;
void addImport(Element element, Import import, DiagnosticListener listener) {
importScope.addImport(this, element, import, listener);
accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitPrefixElement(this);
void markAsDeferred(Import deferredImport) {
_deferredImport = deferredImport;
class TypedefElementX extends ElementX
with AstElementMixin,
implements TypedefElement {
Typedef cachedNode;
* The type annotation which defines this typedef.
DartType alias;
/// [:true:] if the typedef has been checked for cyclic reference.
bool hasBeenCheckedForCycles = false;
int resolutionState = STATE_NOT_STARTED;
TypedefElementX(String name, Element enclosing)
: super(name, ElementKind.TYPEDEF, enclosing);
bool get hasNode => cachedNode != null;
Typedef get node {
assert(invariant(this, cachedNode != null,
message: "Node has not been computed for $this."));
return cachedNode;
* Function signature for a typedef of a function type. The signature is
* kept to provide full information about parameter names through the mirror
* system.
* The [functionSignature] is not available until the typedef element has been
* resolved.
FunctionSignature functionSignature;
TypedefType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
if (thisTypeCache != null) return thisTypeCache;
Typedef node = parseNode(compiler);
setThisAndRawTypes(compiler, createTypeVariables(node.typeParameters));
return thisTypeCache;
void ensureResolved(Compiler compiler) {
if (resolutionState == STATE_NOT_STARTED) {
TypedefType createType(List<DartType> typeArguments) {
return new TypedefType(this, typeArguments);
Scope buildScope() {
return new TypeDeclarationScope(enclosingElement.buildScope(), this);
void checkCyclicReference(Compiler compiler) {
if (hasBeenCheckedForCycles) return;
var visitor = new TypedefCyclicVisitor(compiler, this);
computeType(compiler).accept(visitor, null);
hasBeenCheckedForCycles = true;
accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitTypedefElement(this);
// A typedef cannot be patched therefore defines itself.
AstElement get definingElement => this;
// This class holds common information for a list of variable or field
// declarations. It contains the node, and the type. A [VariableElementX]
// forwards its [computeType] and [parseNode] methods to this class.
class VariableList implements DeclarationSite {
VariableDefinitions definitions;
DartType type;
final Modifiers modifiers;
Link<MetadataAnnotation> metadata = const Link<MetadataAnnotation>();
VariableList(Modifiers this.modifiers);
VariableList.node(VariableDefinitions node, this.type)
: this.definitions = node,
this.modifiers = node.modifiers {
assert(modifiers != null);
VariableDefinitions parseNode(Element element, DiagnosticListener listener) {
return definitions;
DartType computeType(Element element, Compiler compiler) => type;
abstract class VariableElementX extends ElementX with AstElementMixin
implements VariableElement {
final Token token;
final VariableList variables;
VariableDefinitions definitionsCache;
Expression initializerCache;
Modifiers get modifiers => variables.modifiers;
VariableElementX(String name,
ElementKind kind,
Element enclosingElement,
VariableList variables,
: this.variables = variables,
super(name, kind, enclosingElement);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Ensure that the [TreeElements] for this variable hold
// the mappings for all its metadata.
Link<MetadataAnnotation> get metadata => variables.metadata;
void addMetadataInternal(MetadataAnnotation annotation) {
variables.metadata = variables.metadata.prepend(annotation);
// A variable cannot be patched therefore defines itself.
AstElement get definingElement => this;
bool get hasNode => definitionsCache != null;
VariableDefinitions get node {
assert(invariant(this, definitionsCache != null,
message: "Node has not been computed for $this."));
return definitionsCache;
Expression get initializer {
assert(invariant(this, definitionsCache != null,
message: "Initializer has not been computed for $this."));
return initializerCache;
Node parseNode(DiagnosticListener listener) {
if (definitionsCache != null) return definitionsCache;
VariableDefinitions definitions = variables.parseNode(this, listener);
return definitionsCache;
void createDefinitions(VariableDefinitions definitions) {
assert(invariant(this, definitionsCache == null,
message: "VariableDefinitions has already been computed for $this."));
Expression node;
int count = 0;
for (Link<Node> link = definitions.definitions.nodes;
!link.isEmpty; link = link.tail) {
Expression initializedIdentifier = link.head;
Identifier identifier = initializedIdentifier.asIdentifier();
if (identifier == null) {
SendSet sendSet = initializedIdentifier.asSendSet();
identifier = sendSet.selector.asIdentifier();
if (identical(name, identifier.source)) {
node = initializedIdentifier;
initializerCache = sendSet.arguments.first;
} else if (identical(name, identifier.source)) {
node = initializedIdentifier;
invariant(definitions, node != null, message: "Could not find '$name'.");
if (count == 1) {
definitionsCache = definitions;
} else {
// Create a [VariableDefinitions] node for the single definition of
// [node].
definitionsCache = new VariableDefinitions(definitions.type,
definitions.modifiers, new NodeList(
const Link<Node>().prepend(node),
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
if (variables.type != null) return variables.type;
// Call [parseNode] to ensure that [definitionsCache] and [initializerCache]
// are set as a consequence of calling [computeType].
return compiler.withCurrentElement(this, () {
return variables.computeType(this, compiler);
DartType get type {
assert(invariant(this, variables.type != null,
message: "Type has not been computed for $this."));
return variables.type;
bool get isInstanceMember => isClassMember && !isStatic;
// Note: cachedNode.beginToken will not be correct in all
// cases, for example, for function typed parameters.
Token get position => token;
accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitVariableElement(this);
DeclarationSite get declarationSite => variables;
class LocalVariableElementX extends VariableElementX
implements LocalVariableElement {
LocalVariableElementX(String name,
ExecutableElement enclosingElement,
VariableList variables,
Token token)
: super(name, ElementKind.VARIABLE, enclosingElement, variables, token) {
ExecutableElement get executableContext => enclosingElement;
ExecutableElement get memberContext => executableContext.memberContext;
bool get isLocal => true;
class FieldElementX extends VariableElementX
with AnalyzableElementX implements FieldElement {
List<FunctionElement> nestedClosures = new List<FunctionElement>();
FieldElementX(Identifier name,
Element enclosingElement,
VariableList variables)
: super(name.source, ElementKind.FIELD, enclosingElement,
variables, name.token);
accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitFieldElement(this);
MemberElement get memberContext => this;
void reuseElement() {
/// [Element] for a parameter-like element.
class FormalElementX extends ElementX
with AstElementMixin
implements FormalElement {
final VariableDefinitions definitions;
final Identifier identifier;
DartType typeCache;
* Function signature for a variable with a function type. The signature is
* kept to provide full information about parameter names through the mirror
* system.
FunctionSignature functionSignatureCache;
FormalElementX(ElementKind elementKind,
FunctionTypedElement enclosingElement,
Identifier identifier)
: this.identifier = identifier,
super(identifier.source, elementKind, enclosingElement);
FunctionTypedElement get functionDeclaration => enclosingElement;
Modifiers get modifiers => definitions.modifiers;
Token get position => identifier.getBeginToken();
Node parseNode(DiagnosticListener listener) => definitions;
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
assert(invariant(this, type != null,
message: "Parameter type has not been set for $this."));
return type;
DartType get type {
assert(invariant(this, typeCache != null,
message: "Parameter type has not been set for $this."));
return typeCache;
FunctionSignature get functionSignature {
assert(invariant(this, typeCache != null,
message: "Parameter signature has not been set for $this."));
return functionSignatureCache;
bool get hasNode => true;
VariableDefinitions get node => definitions;
FunctionType get functionType => type;
accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitFormalElement(this);
// A parameter is defined by the declaration element.
AstElement get definingElement => declaration;
/// [Element] for a formal parameter.
/// A [ParameterElementX] can be patched. A parameter of an external method is
/// patched with the corresponding parameter of the patch method. This is done
/// to ensure that default values on parameters are computed once (on the
/// origin parameter) but can be found through both the origin and the patch.
abstract class ParameterElementX extends FormalElementX
with PatchMixin<ParameterElement> implements ParameterElement {
final Expression initializer;
ParameterElementX(ElementKind elementKind,
FunctionElement functionDeclaration,
VariableDefinitions definitions,
Identifier identifier,
: super(elementKind, functionDeclaration, definitions, identifier);
FunctionElement get functionDeclaration => enclosingElement;
ExecutableElement get executableContext => enclosingElement;
MemberElement get memberContext => executableContext.memberContext;
accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitParameterElement(this);
bool get isLocal => true;
class LocalParameterElementX extends ParameterElementX
implements LocalParameterElement {
LocalParameterElementX(FunctionElement functionDeclaration,
VariableDefinitions definitions,
Identifier identifier,
Expression initializer)
: super(ElementKind.PARAMETER, functionDeclaration,
definitions, identifier, initializer);
/// Parameters in constructors that directly initialize fields. For example:
/// `A(this.field)`.
class InitializingFormalElementX extends ParameterElementX
implements InitializingFormalElement {
FieldElement fieldElement;
InitializingFormalElementX(ConstructorElement constructorDeclaration,
VariableDefinitions variables,
Identifier identifier,
Expression initializer,
: super(ElementKind.INITIALIZING_FORMAL, constructorDeclaration,
variables, identifier, initializer);
accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitFieldParameterElement(this);
MemberElement get memberContext => enclosingElement;
bool get isLocal => false;
class AbstractFieldElementX extends ElementX implements AbstractFieldElement {
FunctionElementX getter;
FunctionElementX setter;
AbstractFieldElementX(String name, Element enclosing)
: super(name, ElementKind.ABSTRACT_FIELD, enclosing);
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
throw "internal error: AbstractFieldElement has no type";
Node parseNode(DiagnosticListener listener) {
throw "internal error: AbstractFieldElement has no node";
Token get position {
// The getter and setter may be defined in two different
// compilation units. However, we know that one of them is
// non-null and defined in the same compilation unit as the
// abstract element.
// TODO(lrn): No we don't know that if the element from the same
// compilation unit is patched.
// We need to make sure that the position returned is relative to
// the compilation unit of the abstract element.
if (getter != null
&& identical(getter.compilationUnit, compilationUnit)) {
return getter.position;
} else {
return setter.position;
Modifiers get modifiers {
// The resolver ensures that the flags match (ignoring abstract).
if (getter != null) {
return new Modifiers.withFlags(
getter.modifiers.flags | Modifiers.FLAG_ABSTRACT);
} else {
return new Modifiers.withFlags(
setter.modifiers.flags | Modifiers.FLAG_ABSTRACT);
bool get isInstanceMember {
return isClassMember && !isStatic;
accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitAbstractFieldElement(this);
bool get isAbstract {
return getter != null && getter.isAbstract
|| setter != null && setter.isAbstract;
// TODO(johnniwinther): [FunctionSignature] should be merged with
// [FunctionType].
// TODO(karlklose): all these lists should have element type [FormalElement].
class FunctionSignatureX implements FunctionSignature {
final Link<Element> requiredParameters;
final Link<Element> optionalParameters;
final int requiredParameterCount;
final int optionalParameterCount;
final bool optionalParametersAreNamed;
final List<Element> orderedOptionalParameters;
final FunctionType type;
final bool hasOptionalParameters;
FunctionSignatureX({this.requiredParameters: const Link<Element>(),
this.requiredParameterCount: 0,
Link<Element> optionalParameters: const Link<Element>(),
this.optionalParameterCount: 0,
this.optionalParametersAreNamed: false,
this.orderedOptionalParameters: const <Element>[],
: optionalParameters = optionalParameters,
hasOptionalParameters = !optionalParameters.isEmpty;
void forEachRequiredParameter(void function(Element parameter)) {
for (Link<Element> link = requiredParameters;
link = link.tail) {
void forEachOptionalParameter(void function(Element parameter)) {
for (Link<Element> link = optionalParameters;
link = link.tail) {
Element get firstOptionalParameter => optionalParameters.head;
void forEachParameter(void function(Element parameter)) {
void orderedForEachParameter(void function(Element parameter)) {
int get parameterCount => requiredParameterCount + optionalParameterCount;
* Check whether a function with this signature can be used instead of a
* function with signature [signature] without causing a `noSuchMethod`
* exception/call.
bool isCompatibleWith(FunctionSignature signature) {
if (optionalParametersAreNamed) {
if (!signature.optionalParametersAreNamed) {
return requiredParameterCount == signature.parameterCount;
// If both signatures have named parameters, then they must have
// the same number of required parameters, and the names in
// [signature] must all be in [:this:].
if (requiredParameterCount != signature.requiredParameterCount) {
return false;
Set<String> names = optionalParameters.mapToSet(
(Element element) =>;
for (Element namedParameter in signature.optionalParameters) {
if (!names.contains( {
return false;
} else {
if (signature.optionalParametersAreNamed) return false;
// There must be at least as many arguments as in the other signature, but
// this signature must not have more required parameters. Having more
// optional parameters is not a problem, they simply are never provided
// by call sites of a call to a method with the other signature.
int otherTotalCount = signature.parameterCount;
return requiredParameterCount <= otherTotalCount
&& parameterCount >= otherTotalCount;
return true;
abstract class BaseFunctionElementX
extends ElementX with PatchMixin<FunctionElement>, AstElementMixin
implements FunctionElement {
DartType typeCache;
final Modifiers modifiers;
List<FunctionElement> nestedClosures = new List<FunctionElement>();
FunctionSignature functionSignatureCache;
final bool _hasNoBody;
AbstractFieldElement abstractField;
AsyncMarker asyncMarker = AsyncMarker.SYNC;
BaseFunctionElementX(String name,
ElementKind kind,
Modifiers this.modifiers,
Element enclosing,
bool hasNoBody)
: super(name, kind, enclosing),
_hasNoBody = hasNoBody {
assert(modifiers != null);
bool get isInstanceMember {
return isClassMember
&& !isConstructor
&& !isStatic;
bool get hasFunctionSignature => functionSignatureCache != null;
FunctionSignature computeSignature(Compiler compiler) {
if (functionSignatureCache != null) return functionSignatureCache;
compiler.withCurrentElement(this, () {
functionSignatureCache = compiler.resolver.resolveSignature(this);
return functionSignatureCache;
FunctionSignature get functionSignature {
assert(invariant(this, functionSignatureCache != null,
message: "Function signature has not been computed for $this."));
return functionSignatureCache;
FunctionType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
if (typeCache != null) return typeCache;
typeCache = computeSignature(compiler).type;
return typeCache;
FunctionType get type {
assert(invariant(this, typeCache != null,
message: "Type has not been computed for $this."));
return typeCache;
FunctionElement asFunctionElement() => this;
String toString() {
if (isPatch) {
return 'patch ${super.toString()}';
} else if (isPatched) {
return 'origin ${super.toString()}';
} else {
return super.toString();
bool get isAbstract {
return !modifiers.isExternal &&
(isFunction || isAccessor) &&
accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitFunctionElement(this);
// A function is defined by the implementation element.
AstElement get definingElement => implementation;
abstract class FunctionElementX extends BaseFunctionElementX
with AnalyzableElementX implements MemberElement {
FunctionElementX(String name,
ElementKind kind,
Modifiers modifiers,
Element enclosing,
bool hasNoBody)
: super(name, kind, modifiers, enclosing, hasNoBody);
MemberElement get memberContext => this;
void reuseElement() {
functionSignatureCache = null;
typeCache = null;
class LocalFunctionElementX extends BaseFunctionElementX
implements LocalFunctionElement {
final FunctionExpression node;
LocalFunctionElementX(String name,
FunctionExpression this.node,
ElementKind kind,
Modifiers modifiers,
ExecutableElement enclosing)
: super(name, kind, modifiers, enclosing, false);
ExecutableElement get executableContext => enclosingElement;
MemberElement get memberContext => executableContext.memberContext;
bool get hasNode => true;
FunctionExpression parseNode(DiagnosticListener listener) => node;
Token get position {
// Use the name as position if this is not an unnamed closure.
if ( != null) {
} else {
return node.getBeginToken();
bool get isLocal => true;
abstract class ConstructorElementX extends FunctionElementX
implements ConstructorElement {
ConstructorElementX(String name,
ElementKind kind,
Modifiers modifiers,
Element enclosing)
: super(name, kind, modifiers, enclosing, false);
FunctionElement immediateRedirectionTarget;
bool get isRedirectingFactory => immediateRedirectionTarget != null;
/// This field is set by the post process queue when checking for cycles.
ConstructorElement internalEffectiveTarget;
DartType effectiveTargetType;
void set effectiveTarget(ConstructorElement constructor) {
assert(constructor != null && internalEffectiveTarget == null);
internalEffectiveTarget = constructor;
ConstructorElement get effectiveTarget {
if (Elements.isErroneousElement(immediateRedirectionTarget)) {
return immediateRedirectionTarget;
assert(!isRedirectingFactory || internalEffectiveTarget != null);
return isRedirectingFactory ? internalEffectiveTarget : this;
InterfaceType computeEffectiveTargetType(InterfaceType newType) {
if (!isRedirectingFactory) return newType;
assert(invariant(this, effectiveTargetType != null,
message: 'Redirection target type has not yet been computed for '
return effectiveTargetType.substByContext(newType);
ConstructorElement get definingConstructor => null;
ClassElement get enclosingClass => enclosingElement;
class DeferredLoaderGetterElementX extends FunctionElementX {
final PrefixElement prefix;
DeferredLoaderGetterElementX(PrefixElement prefix)
: this.prefix = prefix,
prefix, true);
FunctionSignature computeSignature(Compiler compiler) {
if (functionSignatureCache != null) return functionSignature;
compiler.withCurrentElement(this, () {
DartType inner = new FunctionType(this);
functionSignatureCache = new FunctionSignatureX(type: inner);
return functionSignatureCache;
bool get isClassMember => false;
bool isForeign(Backend backend) => true;
bool get isSynthesized => true;
bool get isFunction => false;
bool get isDeferredLoaderGetter => true;
bool get isGetter => true;
bool get isTopLevel => true;
// By having position null, the enclosing elements location is printed in
// error messages.
Token get position => null;
FunctionExpression parseNode(DiagnosticListener listener) => null;
bool get hasNode => false;
FunctionExpression get node => null;
class ConstructorBodyElementX extends BaseFunctionElementX
implements ConstructorBodyElement {
ConstructorElement constructor;
ConstructorBodyElementX(FunctionElement constructor)
: this.constructor = constructor,
constructor.enclosingElement, false) {
functionSignatureCache = constructor.functionSignature;
bool get hasNode => constructor.hasNode;
FunctionExpression get node => constructor.node;
bool get isInstanceMember => true;
FunctionType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
compiler.internalError(this, '$this.computeType.');
return null;
Token get position => constructor.position;
Element get outermostEnclosingMemberOrTopLevel => constructor;
Element get analyzableElement => constructor.analyzableElement;
accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitConstructorBodyElement(this);
MemberElement get memberContext => constructor;
* A constructor that is not defined in the source code but rather implied by
* the language semantics.
* This class is used to represent default constructors and forwarding
* constructors for mixin applications.
class SynthesizedConstructorElementX extends ConstructorElementX {
final ConstructorElement definingConstructor;
final bool isDefaultConstructor;
SynthesizedConstructorElementX(String name,
Element enclosing,
: super(name,
SynthesizedConstructorElementX.forDefault(superMember, Element enclosing)
: this('', superMember, enclosing, true);
FunctionExpression parseNode(DiagnosticListener listener) => null;
bool get hasNode => false;
FunctionExpression get node => null;
Token get position => enclosingElement.position;
bool get isSynthesized => true;
FunctionSignature computeSignature(compiler) {
if (functionSignatureCache != null) return functionSignatureCache;
if (isDefaultConstructor) {
return functionSignatureCache = new FunctionSignatureX(
type: new FunctionType(this, enclosingClass.thisType));
if (definingConstructor.isErroneous) {
return functionSignatureCache =
// TODO(johnniwinther): Ensure that the function signature (and with it the
// function type) substitutes type variables correctly.
return functionSignatureCache =
accept(ElementVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitFunctionElement(this);
abstract class TypeDeclarationElementX<T extends GenericType>
implements TypeDeclarationElement {
* The `this type` for this type declaration.
* The type of [:this:] is the generic type based on this element in which
* the type arguments are the declared type variables. For instance,
* [:List<E>:] for [:List:] and [:Map<K,V>:] for [:Map:].
* For a class declaration this is the type of [:this:].
* This type is computed in [computeType].
T thisTypeCache;
* The raw type for this type declaration.
* The raw type is the generic type base on this element in which the type
* arguments are all [dynamic]. For instance [:List<dynamic>:] for [:List:]
* and [:Map<dynamic,dynamic>:] for [:Map:]. For non-generic classes [rawType]
* is the same as [thisType].
* The [rawType] field is a canonicalization of the raw type and should be
* used to distinguish explicit and implicit uses of the [dynamic]
* type arguments. For instance should [:List:] be the [rawType] of the
* [:List:] class element whereas [:List<dynamic>:] should be its own
* instantiation of [InterfaceType] with [:dynamic:] as type argument. Using
* this distinction, we can print the raw type with type arguments only when
* the input source has used explicit type arguments.
* This type is computed together with [thisType] in [computeType].
T rawTypeCache;
T get thisType {
assert(invariant(this, thisTypeCache != null,
message: 'This type has not been computed for $this'));
return thisTypeCache;
T get rawType {
assert(invariant(this, rawTypeCache != null,
message: 'Raw type has not been computed for $this'));
return rawTypeCache;
T createType(List<DartType> typeArguments);
void setThisAndRawTypes(Compiler compiler, List<DartType> typeParameters) {
assert(invariant(this, thisTypeCache == null,
message: "This type has already been set on $this."));
assert(invariant(this, rawTypeCache == null,
message: "Raw type has already been set on $this."));
thisTypeCache = createType(typeParameters);
if (typeParameters.isEmpty) {
rawTypeCache = thisTypeCache;
} else {
List<DartType> dynamicParameters =
new List.filled(typeParameters.length, const DynamicType());
rawTypeCache = createType(dynamicParameters);
List<DartType> get typeVariables => thisType.typeArguments;
* Creates the type variables, their type and corresponding element, for the
* type variables declared in [parameter] on [element]. The bounds of the type
* variables are not set until [element] has been resolved.
List<DartType> createTypeVariables(NodeList parameters) {
if (parameters == null) return const <DartType>[];
// Create types and elements for type variable.
Link<Node> nodes = parameters.nodes;
List<DartType> arguments =
new List.generate(nodes.slowLength(), (_) {
TypeVariable node = nodes.head;
String variableName =;
nodes = nodes.tail;
TypeVariableElementX variableElement =
new TypeVariableElementX(variableName, this, node);
TypeVariableType variableType = new TypeVariableType(variableElement);
variableElement.typeCache = variableType;
return variableType;
}, growable: false);
return arguments;
bool get isResolved => resolutionState == STATE_DONE;
abstract class BaseClassElementX extends ElementX
with AstElementMixin,
implements ClassElement {
final int id;
DartType supertype;
Link<DartType> interfaces;
String nativeTagInfo;
int supertypeLoadState;
int resolutionState;
bool isProxy = false;
bool hasIncompleteHierarchy = false;
// backendMembers are members that have been added by the backend to simplify
// compilation. They don't have any user-side counter-part.
Link<Element> backendMembers = const Link<Element>();
OrderedTypeSet allSupertypesAndSelf;
Link<DartType> get allSupertypes => allSupertypesAndSelf.supertypes;
int get hierarchyDepth => allSupertypesAndSelf.maxDepth;
BaseClassElementX(String name,
Element enclosing,,
int initialState)
: supertypeLoadState = initialState,
resolutionState = initialState,
super(name, ElementKind.CLASS, enclosing);
int get hashCode => id;
bool get hasBackendMembers => !backendMembers.isEmpty;
bool get isUnnamedMixinApplication => false;
bool get isEnumClass => false;
InterfaceType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
if (thisTypeCache == null) {
computeThisAndRawType(compiler, computeTypeParameters(compiler));
return thisTypeCache;
void computeThisAndRawType(Compiler compiler, List<DartType> typeVariables) {
if (thisTypeCache == null) {
if (origin == null) {
setThisAndRawTypes(compiler, typeVariables);
} else {
thisTypeCache = origin.computeType(compiler);
rawTypeCache = origin.rawType;
InterfaceType createType(List<DartType> typeArguments) {
return new InterfaceType(this, typeArguments);
List<DartType> computeTypeParameters(Compiler compiler);
InterfaceType asInstanceOf(ClassElement cls) {
if (cls == this) return thisType;
return allSupertypesAndSelf.asInstanceOf(cls);
bool get isObject {
assert(invariant(this, isResolved,
message: "isObject has not been computed for $this."));
return supertype == null;
void ensureResolved(Compiler compiler) {
if (resolutionState == STATE_NOT_STARTED) {
void setDefaultConstructor(FunctionElement constructor, Compiler compiler);
void addBackendMember(Element member) {
// TODO(ngeoffray): Deprecate this method.
backendMembers = backendMembers.prepend(member);
void reverseBackendMembers() {
backendMembers = backendMembers.reverse();
* Lookup local members in the class. This will ignore constructors.
Element lookupLocalMember(String memberName) {
var result = localLookup(memberName);
if (result != null && result.isConstructor) return null;
return result;
/// Lookup a synthetic element created by the backend.
Element lookupBackendMember(String memberName) {
for (Element element in backendMembers) {
if ( == memberName) {
return element;
return null;
* Lookup super members for the class. This will ignore constructors.
Element lookupSuperMember(String memberName) {
return lookupSuperMemberInLibrary(memberName, library);
* Lookup super members for the class that is accessible in [library].
* This will ignore constructors.
Element lookupSuperMemberInLibrary(String memberName,
LibraryElement library) {
bool isPrivate = isPrivateName(memberName);
for (ClassElement s = superclass; s != null; s = s.superclass) {
// Private members from a different library are not visible.
if (isPrivate && !identical(library, s.library)) continue;
Element e = s.lookupLocalMember(memberName);
if (e == null) continue;
// Static members are not inherited.
if (e.isStatic) continue;
return e;
return null;
* Find the first member in the class chain with the given [selector].
* This method is NOT to be used for resolving
* unqualified sends because it does not implement the scoping
* rules, where library scope comes before superclass scope.
* When called on the implementation element both members declared in the
* origin and the patch class are returned.
Element lookupSelector(Selector selector) {
return internalLookupSelector(selector, false);
Element lookupSuperSelector(Selector selector) {
return internalLookupSelector(selector, true);
Element internalLookupSelector(Selector selector,
bool isSuperLookup) {
String name =;
bool isPrivate = isPrivateName(name);
LibraryElement library = selector.library;
for (ClassElement current = isSuperLookup ? superclass : this;
current != null;
current = current.superclass) {
Element member = current.lookupLocalMember(name);
if (member == null && current.isPatched) {
// Doing lookups on selectors is done after resolution, so it
// is safe to look in the patch class.
member = current.patch.lookupLocalMember(name);
if (member == null) continue;
// Private members from a different library are not visible.
if (isPrivate && !identical(library, member.library)) continue;
// Static members are not inherited.
if (member.isStatic && !identical(this, current)) continue;
// If we find an abstract field we have to make sure that it has
// the getter or setter part we're actually looking
// for. Otherwise, we continue up the superclass chain.
if (member.isAbstractField) {
AbstractFieldElement field = member;
FunctionElement getter = field.getter;
FunctionElement setter = field.setter;
if (selector.isSetter) {
// Abstract members can be defined in a super class.
if (setter != null && !setter.isAbstract) return setter;
} else {
assert(selector.isGetter || selector.isCall);
if (getter != null && !getter.isAbstract) return getter;
// Abstract members can be defined in a super class.
} else if (!member.isAbstract) {
return member;
return null;
* Find the first member in the class chain with the given
* [memberName]. This method is NOT to be used for resolving
* unqualified sends because it does not implement the scoping
* rules, where library scope comes before superclass scope.
Element lookupMember(String memberName) {
Element localMember = lookupLocalMember(memberName);
return localMember == null ? lookupSuperMember(memberName) : localMember;
* Returns true if the [fieldMember] shadows another field. The given
* [fieldMember] must be a member of this class, i.e. if there is a field of
* the same name in the superclass chain.
* This method also works if the [fieldMember] is private.
bool hasFieldShadowedBy(Element fieldMember) {
String fieldName =;
bool isPrivate = isPrivateName(fieldName);
LibraryElement memberLibrary = fieldMember.library;
ClassElement lookupClass = this.superclass;
while (lookupClass != null) {
Element foundMember = lookupClass.lookupLocalMember(fieldName);
if (foundMember != null) {
if (foundMember.isField) {
if (!isPrivate || memberLibrary == foundMember.library) {
// Private fields can only be shadowed by a field declared in the
// same library.
return true;
lookupClass = lookupClass.superclass;
return false;
Element validateConstructorLookupResults(Selector selector,
Element result,
Element noMatch(Element)) {
if (result == null
|| !result.isConstructor
|| (isPrivateName(
&& result.library != selector.library)) {
result = noMatch != null ? noMatch(result) : null;
return result;
// TODO( Peter believes that it would be great to
// make noMatch a required argument. Peter's suspicion is that most
// callers of this method would benefit from using the noMatch method.
Element lookupConstructor(Selector selector, [Element noMatch(Element)]) {
Element result = localLookup(;
return validateConstructorLookupResults(selector, result, noMatch);
Link<Element> get constructors {
// TODO(ajohnsen): See if we can avoid this method at some point.
Link<Element> result = const Link<Element>();
// TODO(johnniwinther): Should we include injected constructors?
forEachMember((_, Element member) {
if (member.isConstructor) result = result.prepend(member);
return result;
* Returns the super class, if any.
* The returned element may not be resolved yet.
ClassElement get superclass {
assert(supertypeLoadState == STATE_DONE);
return supertype == null ? null : supertype.element;
* Runs through all members of this class.
* The enclosing class is passed to the callback. This is useful when
* [includeSuperAndInjectedMembers] is [:true:].
* When called on an implementation element both the members in the origin
* and patch class are included.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Clean up lookup to get rid of the include predicates.
void forEachMember(void f(ClassElement enclosingClass, Element member),
{includeBackendMembers: false,
includeSuperAndInjectedMembers: false}) {
bool includeInjectedMembers = includeSuperAndInjectedMembers || isPatch;
ClassElement classElement = declaration;
do {
// Iterate through the members in textual order, which requires
// to reverse the data structure [localMembers] we created.
// Textual order may be important for certain operations, for
// example when emitting the initializers of fields.
classElement.forEachLocalMember((e) => f(classElement, e));
if (includeBackendMembers) {
classElement.forEachBackendMember((e) => f(classElement, e));
if (includeInjectedMembers) {
if (classElement.patch != null) {
classElement.patch.forEachLocalMember((e) {
if (!e.isPatch) f(classElement, e);
classElement = includeSuperAndInjectedMembers
? classElement.superclass
: null;
} while (classElement != null);
* Runs through all instance-field members of this class.
* The enclosing class is passed to the callback. This is useful when
* [includeSuperAndInjectedMembers] is [:true:].
* When called on the implementation element both the fields declared in the
* origin and in the patch are included.
void forEachInstanceField(void f(ClassElement enclosingClass,
FieldElement field),
{bool includeSuperAndInjectedMembers: false}) {
// Filters so that [f] is only invoked with instance fields.
void fieldFilter(ClassElement enclosingClass, Element member) {
if (member.isInstanceMember && member.kind == ElementKind.FIELD) {
f(enclosingClass, member);
includeSuperAndInjectedMembers: includeSuperAndInjectedMembers);
/// Similar to [forEachInstanceField] but visits static fields.
void forEachStaticField(void f(ClassElement enclosingClass, Element field)) {
// Filters so that [f] is only invoked with static fields.
void fieldFilter(ClassElement enclosingClass, Element member) {
if (!member.isInstanceMember && member.kind == ElementKind.FIELD) {
f(enclosingClass, member);
void forEachBackendMember(void f(Element member)) {
bool implementsInterface(ClassElement intrface) {
for (DartType implementedInterfaceType in allSupertypes) {
ClassElement implementedInterface = implementedInterfaceType.element;
if (identical(implementedInterface, intrface)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if [this] is a subclass of [cls].
* This method is not to be used for checking type hierarchy and
* assignments, because it does not take parameterized types into
* account.
bool isSubclassOf(ClassElement cls) {
// Use [declaration] for both [this] and [cls], because
// declaration classes hold the superclass hierarchy.
cls = cls.declaration;
for (ClassElement s = declaration; s != null; s = s.superclass) {
if (identical(s, cls)) return true;
return false;
bool get isNative => nativeTagInfo != null;
void setNative(String name) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Assert that this is only called once. The memory
// compiler copies pre-processed elements into a new compiler through
// [Compiler.onLibraryScanned] and thereby causes multiple calls to this
// method.
assert(invariant(this, nativeTagInfo == null || nativeTagInfo == name,
message: "Native tag info set inconsistently on $this: "
"Existing name '$nativeTagInfo', new name '$name'."));
nativeTagInfo = name;
FunctionType get callType {
MemberSignature member =
lookupInterfaceMember(const PublicName(Compiler.CALL_OPERATOR_NAME));
return member != null && member.isMethod ? member.type : null;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove these when issue 18630 is fixed.
ClassElement get patch => super.patch;
ClassElement get origin => super.origin;
// A class declaration is defined by the declaration element.
AstElement get definingElement => declaration;
abstract class ClassElementX extends BaseClassElementX {
Link<Element> localMembersReversed = const Link<Element>();
final ScopeX localScope = new ScopeX();
Link<Element> localMembersCache;
Link<Element> get localMembers {
if (localMembersCache == null) {
localMembersCache = localMembersReversed.reverse();
return localMembersCache;
ClassElementX(String name, Element enclosing, int id, int initialState)
: super(name, enclosing, id, initialState);
bool get isMixinApplication => false;
bool get hasLocalScopeMembers => !localScope.isEmpty;
void addMember(Element element, DiagnosticListener listener) {
localMembersCache = null;
localMembersReversed = localMembersReversed.prepend(element);
addToScope(element, listener);
void addToScope(Element element, DiagnosticListener listener) {
if (element.isField && == name) {
listener.reportError(element, MessageKind.MEMBER_USES_CLASS_NAME);
localScope.add(element, listener);
Element localLookup(String elementName) {
Element result = localScope.lookup(elementName);
if (result == null && isPatch) {
result = origin.localLookup(elementName);
return result;
void forEachLocalMember(void f(Element member)) {
bool get hasConstructor {
// Search in scope to be sure we search patched constructors.
for (var element in localScope.values) {
if (element.isConstructor) return true;
return false;
void setDefaultConstructor(FunctionElement constructor, Compiler compiler) {
// The default constructor, although synthetic, is part of a class' API.
addMember(constructor, compiler);
List<DartType> computeTypeParameters(Compiler compiler) {
ClassNode node = parseNode(compiler);
return createTypeVariables(node.typeParameters);
Scope buildScope() => new ClassScope(enclosingElement.buildScope(), this);
String toString() {
if (origin != null) {
return 'patch ${super.toString()}';
} else if (patch != null) {
return 'origin ${super.toString()}';
} else {
return super.toString();
class EnumClassElementX extends ClassElementX implements EnumClassElement {
final Enum node;
Iterable<FieldElement> _enumValues;
EnumClassElementX(String name, Element enclosing, int id, this.node)
: super(name, enclosing, id, STATE_NOT_STARTED);
bool get hasNode => true;
Token get position =>;
bool get isEnumClass => true;
Node parseNode(Compiler compiler) => node;
accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitEnumClassElement(this);
List<DartType> computeTypeParameters(Compiler compiler) => const <DartType>[];
Iterable<FieldElement> get enumValues {
assert(invariant(this, _enumValues != null,
message: "enumValues has not been computed for $this."));
return _enumValues;
void set enumValues(Iterable<FieldElement> values) {
assert(invariant(this, _enumValues == null,
message: "enumValues has already been computed for $this."));
_enumValues = values;
class EnumConstructorElementX extends ConstructorElementX {
final FunctionExpression node;
EnumConstructorElementX(EnumClassElementX enumClass,
Modifiers modifiers,
: super('', // Name.
bool get hasNode => true;
FunctionExpression parseNode(Compiler compiler) => node;
class EnumMethodElementX extends FunctionElementX {
final FunctionExpression node;
EnumMethodElementX(String name,
EnumClassElementX enumClass,
Modifiers modifiers,
: super(name,
bool get hasNode => true;
FunctionExpression parseNode(Compiler compiler) => node;
class EnumFormalElementX extends InitializingFormalElementX {
EnumFormalElementX(ConstructorElement constructor,
VariableDefinitions variables,
Identifier identifier,
EnumFieldElementX fieldElement)
: super(constructor, variables, identifier, null, fieldElement) {
typeCache = fieldElement.type;
class EnumFieldElementX extends FieldElementX {
EnumFieldElementX(Identifier name,
EnumClassElementX enumClass,
VariableList variableList,
Node definition,
[Expression initializer])
: super(name, enumClass, variableList) {
definitionsCache = new VariableDefinitions(null,
variableList.modifiers, new NodeList.singleton(definition));
initializerCache = initializer;
class MixinApplicationElementX extends BaseClassElementX
implements MixinApplicationElement {
final Node node;
final Modifiers modifiers;
Link<FunctionElement> constructors = new Link<FunctionElement>();
InterfaceType mixinType;
MixinApplicationElementX(String name, Element enclosing, int id,
this.node, this.modifiers)
: super(name, enclosing, id, STATE_NOT_STARTED);
ClassElement get mixin => mixinType != null ? mixinType.element : null;
bool get isMixinApplication => true;
bool get isUnnamedMixinApplication => node is! NamedMixinApplication;
bool get hasConstructor => !constructors.isEmpty;
bool get hasLocalScopeMembers => !constructors.isEmpty;
get patch => null;
get origin => null;
bool get hasNode => true;
Token get position => node.getBeginToken();
Node parseNode(DiagnosticListener listener) => node;
FunctionElement lookupLocalConstructor(String name) {
for (Link<Element> link = constructors;
link = link.tail) {
if ( == name) return link.head;
return null;
Element localLookup(String name) {
Element constructor = lookupLocalConstructor(name);
if (constructor != null) return constructor;
if (mixin == null) return null;
Element mixedInElement = mixin.localLookup(name);
if (mixedInElement == null) return null;
return mixedInElement.isInstanceMember ? mixedInElement : null;
void forEachLocalMember(void f(Element member)) {
if (mixin != null) mixin.forEachLocalMember((Element mixedInElement) {
if (mixedInElement.isInstanceMember) f(mixedInElement);
void addMember(Element element, DiagnosticListener listener) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot add member to $this.");
void addToScope(Element element, DiagnosticListener listener) {
listener.internalError(this, 'Cannot add to scope of $this.');
void addConstructor(FunctionElement constructor) {
constructors = constructors.prepend(constructor);
void setDefaultConstructor(FunctionElement constructor, Compiler compiler) {
List<DartType> computeTypeParameters(Compiler compiler) {
NamedMixinApplication named = node.asNamedMixinApplication();
if (named == null) {
throw new SpannableAssertionFailure(node,
"Type variables on unnamed mixin applications must be set on "
return createTypeVariables(named.typeParameters);
accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitMixinApplicationElement(this);
class LabelDefinitionX implements LabelDefinition {
final Label label;
final String labelName;
final JumpTarget target;
bool isBreakTarget = false;
bool isContinueTarget = false;
LabelDefinitionX(Label label, String labelName,
: this.label = label,
this.labelName = labelName;
// In case of a synthetic label, just use [labelName] for identifying the
// label.
String get name => label == null ? labelName : label.identifier.source;
void setBreakTarget() {
isBreakTarget = true;
target.isBreakTarget = true;
void setContinueTarget() {
isContinueTarget = true;
target.isContinueTarget = true;
bool get isTarget => isBreakTarget || isContinueTarget;
String toString() => 'Label:${name}';
class JumpTargetX implements JumpTarget {
final ExecutableElement executableContext;
final Node statement;
final int nestingLevel;
Link<LabelDefinition> labels = const Link<LabelDefinition>();
bool isBreakTarget = false;
bool isContinueTarget = false;
JumpTargetX(this.statement, this.nestingLevel, this.executableContext);
String get name => "target";
bool get isTarget => isBreakTarget || isContinueTarget;
LabelDefinition addLabel(Label label, String labelName) {
LabelDefinition result = new LabelDefinitionX(label, labelName, this);
labels = labels.prepend(result);
return result;
bool get isSwitch => statement is SwitchStatement;
String toString() => 'Target:$statement';
class TypeVariableElementX extends ElementX with AstElementMixin
implements TypeVariableElement {
final Node node;
TypeVariableType typeCache;
DartType boundCache;
TypeVariableElementX(String name, TypeDeclarationElement enclosing, this.node)
: super(name, ElementKind.TYPE_VARIABLE, enclosing);
TypeDeclarationElement get typeDeclaration => enclosingElement;
TypeVariableType computeType(compiler) => type;
TypeVariableType get type {
assert(invariant(this, typeCache != null,
message: "Type has not been set on $this."));
return typeCache;
DartType get bound {
assert(invariant(this, boundCache != null,
message: "Bound has not been set on $this."));
return boundCache;
bool get hasNode => true;
Node parseNode(compiler) => node;
String toString() => "${enclosingElement.toString()}.${name}";
Token get position => node.getBeginToken();
accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitTypeVariableElement(this);
// A type variable cannot be patched therefore defines itself.
AstElement get definingElement => this;
* A single metadata annotation.
* For example, consider:
* class Data {
* const Data();
* }
* const data = const Data();
* @data
* class Foo {}
* @data @data
* class Bar {}
* In this example, there are three instances of [MetadataAnnotation]
* and they correspond each to a location in the source code where
* there is an at-sign, '@'. The [constant] of each of these instances
* are the same compile-time constant, [: const Data() :].
* The mirror system does not have a concept matching this class.
abstract class MetadataAnnotationX implements MetadataAnnotation {
* The compile-time constant which this annotation resolves to.
* In the mirror system, this would be an object mirror.
ConstantExpression constant;
Element annotatedElement;
int resolutionState;
* The beginning token of this annotation, or [:null:] if it is synthetic.
Token get beginToken;
MetadataAnnotationX([this.resolutionState = STATE_NOT_STARTED]);
MetadataAnnotation ensureResolved(Compiler compiler) {
if (annotatedElement.isClass || annotatedElement.isTypedef) {
TypeDeclarationElement typeDeclaration = annotatedElement;
if (resolutionState == STATE_NOT_STARTED) {
return this;
Node parseNode(DiagnosticListener listener);
String toString() => 'MetadataAnnotation($constant, $resolutionState)';
/// Metadata annotation on a parameter.
class ParameterMetadataAnnotation extends MetadataAnnotationX {
final Metadata metadata;
ParameterMetadataAnnotation(Metadata this.metadata);
Node parseNode(DiagnosticListener listener) => metadata.expression;
Token get beginToken => metadata.getBeginToken();
Token get endToken => metadata.getEndToken();
bool get hasNode => true;
Metadata get node => metadata;
/// Mixin for the implementation of patched elements.
/// See [:patch_parser.dart:] for a description of the terminology.
abstract class PatchMixin<E extends Element> implements Element {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Use type variables when issue 18630 is fixed.
Element/*E*/ patch = null;
Element/*E*/ origin = null;
bool get isPatch => origin != null;
bool get isPatched => patch != null;
bool get isImplementation => !isPatched;
bool get isDeclaration => !isPatch;
Element/*E*/ get implementation => isPatched ? patch : this;
Element/*E*/ get declaration => isPatch ? origin : this;
/// Applies a patch to this element. This method must be called at most once.
void applyPatch(PatchMixin<E> patch) {
assert(invariant(this, this.patch == null,
message: "Element is patched twice."));
assert(invariant(this, this.origin == null,
message: "Origin element is a patch."));
assert(invariant(patch, patch.origin == null,
message: "Element is patched twice."));
assert(invariant(patch, patch.patch == null,
message: "Patch element is patched."));
this.patch = patch;
patch.origin = this;
/// Abstract implementation of the [AstElement] interface.
abstract class AstElementMixin implements AstElement {
/// The element whose node defines this element.
/// For patched functions the defining element is the patch element found
/// through [implementation] since its node define the implementation of the
/// function. For patched classes the defining element is the origin element
/// found through [declaration] since its node define the inheritance relation
/// for the class. For unpatched elements the defining element is the element
/// itself.
AstElement get definingElement;
bool get hasResolvedAst => definingElement.hasTreeElements;
ResolvedAst get resolvedAst {
return new ResolvedAst(declaration,
definingElement.node, definingElement.treeElements);