blob: 74e408f7bd913f97ea1d6fcd04ad26855761bd20 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart2js;
* If true, print a warning for each method that was resolved, but not
* compiled.
const bool REPORT_EXCESS_RESOLUTION = false;
* Contains backend-specific data that is used throughout the compilation of
* one work item.
class ItemCompilationContext {
abstract class WorkItem {
final ItemCompilationContext compilationContext;
* Documentation wanted -- johnniwinther
* Invariant: [element] must be a declaration element.
final AstElement element;
TreeElements get resolutionTree;
WorkItem(this.element, this.compilationContext) {
assert(invariant(element, element.isDeclaration));
void run(Compiler compiler, Enqueuer world);
/// [WorkItem] used exclusively by the [ResolutionEnqueuer].
class ResolutionWorkItem extends WorkItem {
TreeElements resolutionTree;
ResolutionWorkItem(AstElement element,
ItemCompilationContext compilationContext)
: super(element, compilationContext);
void run(Compiler compiler, ResolutionEnqueuer world) {
compiler.analyze(this, world);
resolutionTree = element.resolvedAst.elements;
bool isAnalyzed() => resolutionTree != null;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Split this class into interface and implementation.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Move this implementation to the JS backend.
class CodegenRegistry extends Registry {
final Compiler compiler;
final TreeElements treeElements;
CodegenRegistry(this.compiler, this.treeElements);
bool get isForResolution => false;
Element get currentElement => treeElements.analyzedElement;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this getter when [Registry] creates a
// dependency node.
Setlet<Element> get otherDependencies => treeElements.otherDependencies;
CodegenEnqueuer get world => compiler.enqueuer.codegen;
js_backend.JavaScriptBackend get backend => compiler.backend;
void registerDependency(Element element) {
void registerInlining(Element inlinedElement, Element context) {
if (compiler.dumpInfo) {
compiler.dumpInfoTask.registerInlined(inlinedElement, context);
void registerInstantiatedClass(ClassElement element) {
world.registerInstantiatedClass(element, this);
void registerInstantiatedType(InterfaceType type) {
world.registerInstantiatedType(type, this);
void registerStaticUse(Element element) {
void registerDynamicInvocation(Selector selector) {
compiler.dumpInfoTask.elementUsesSelector(currentElement, selector);
void registerDynamicSetter(Selector selector) {
compiler.dumpInfoTask.elementUsesSelector(currentElement, selector);
void registerDynamicGetter(Selector selector) {
compiler.dumpInfoTask.elementUsesSelector(currentElement, selector);
void registerGetterForSuperMethod(Element element) {
void registerFieldGetter(Element element) {
void registerFieldSetter(Element element) {
void registerIsCheck(DartType type) {
world.registerIsCheck(type, this);
backend.registerIsCheckForCodegen(type, world, this);
void registerCompileTimeConstant(ConstantValue constant) {
backend.registerCompileTimeConstant(constant, this);
void registerTypeVariableBoundsSubtypeCheck(DartType subtype,
DartType supertype) {
backend.registerTypeVariableBoundsSubtypeCheck(subtype, supertype);
void registerClosureWithFreeTypeVariables(FunctionElement element) {
backend.registerClosureWithFreeTypeVariables(element, world, this);
void registerGetOfStaticFunction(FunctionElement element) {
void registerSelectorUse(Selector selector) {
void registerFactoryWithTypeArguments() {
void registerConstSymbol(String name) {
backend.registerConstSymbol(name, this);
void registerSpecializedGetInterceptor(Set<ClassElement> classes) {
void registerUseInterceptor() {
void registerTypeConstant(ClassElement element) {
backend.customElementsAnalysis.registerTypeConstant(element, world);
void registerStaticInvocation(Element element) {
void registerInstantiation(InterfaceType type) {
world.registerInstantiatedType(type, this);
/// [WorkItem] used exclusively by the [CodegenEnqueuer].
class CodegenWorkItem extends WorkItem {
Registry registry;
final TreeElements resolutionTree;
CodegenWorkItem(AstElement element,
ItemCompilationContext compilationContext)
: this.resolutionTree = element.resolvedAst.elements,
super(element, compilationContext) {
assert(invariant(element, resolutionTree != null,
message: 'Resolution tree is null for $element in codegen work item'));
void run(Compiler compiler, CodegenEnqueuer world) {
if (world.isProcessed(element)) return;
registry = new CodegenRegistry(compiler, resolutionTree);
compiler.codegen(this, world);
typedef void DeferredAction();
class DeferredTask {
final Element element;
final DeferredAction action;
DeferredTask(this.element, this.action);
/// Interface for registration of element dependencies.
abstract class Registry {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this getter when [Registry] creates a
// dependency node.
Iterable<Element> get otherDependencies;
void registerDependency(Element element);
bool get isForResolution;
void registerStaticInvocation(Element element);
void registerInstantiation(InterfaceType type);
void registerGetOfStaticFunction(FunctionElement element);
abstract class Backend {
final Compiler compiler;
/// The [ConstantSystem] used to interpret compile-time constants for this
/// backend.
ConstantSystem get constantSystem;
/// The constant environment for the backend interpretation of compile-time
/// constants.
BackendConstantEnvironment get constants;
/// The compiler task responsible for the compilation of constants for both
/// the frontend and the backend.
ConstantCompilerTask get constantCompilerTask;
/// Backend callback methods for the resolution phase.
ResolutionCallbacks get resolutionCallbacks;
/// Set of classes that need to be considered for reflection although not
/// otherwise visible during resolution.
Iterable<ClassElement> classesRequiredForReflection = const [];
// Given a [FunctionElement], return a buffer with the code generated for it
// or null if no code was generated.
CodeBuffer codeOf(Element element) => null;
void initializeHelperClasses() {}
void enqueueHelpers(ResolutionEnqueuer world, Registry registry);
void codegen(CodegenWorkItem work);
// The backend determines the native resolution enqueuer, with a no-op
// default, so tools like dart2dart can ignore the native classes.
native.NativeEnqueuer nativeResolutionEnqueuer(world) {
return new native.NativeEnqueuer();
native.NativeEnqueuer nativeCodegenEnqueuer(world) {
return new native.NativeEnqueuer();
void assembleProgram();
List<CompilerTask> get tasks;
void onResolutionComplete() {}
ItemCompilationContext createItemCompilationContext() {
return new ItemCompilationContext();
bool classNeedsRti(ClassElement cls);
bool methodNeedsRti(FunctionElement function);
/// Called during codegen when [constant] has been used.
void registerCompileTimeConstant(ConstantValue constant, Registry registry) {}
/// Called during resolution when a constant value for [metadata] on
/// [annotatedElement] has been evaluated.
void registerMetadataConstant(MetadataAnnotation metadata,
Element annotatedElement,
Registry registry) {}
/// Called during resolution to notify to the backend that a class is
/// being instantiated.
void registerInstantiatedClass(ClassElement cls,
Enqueuer enqueuer,
Registry registry) {}
/// Register an is check to the backend.
void registerIsCheckForCodegen(DartType type,
Enqueuer enqueuer,
Registry registry) {}
/// Register a runtime type variable bound tests between [typeArgument] and
/// [bound].
void registerTypeVariableBoundsSubtypeCheck(DartType typeArgument,
DartType bound) {}
/// Returns `true` if [element] represent the assert function.
bool isAssertMethod(Element element) => false;
* Call this to register that an instantiated generic class has a call
* method.
void registerCallMethodWithFreeTypeVariables(
Element callMethod,
Enqueuer enqueuer,
Registry registry) {}
* Call this to register that a getter exists for a function on an
* instantiated generic class.
void registerClosureWithFreeTypeVariables(
Element closure,
Enqueuer enqueuer,
Registry registry) {}
/// Call this to register that a member has been closurized.
void registerBoundClosure(Enqueuer enqueuer) {}
/// Call this to register that a static function has been closurized.
void registerGetOfStaticFunction(Enqueuer enqueuer) {}
* Call this to register that the [:runtimeType:] property has been accessed.
void registerRuntimeType(Enqueuer enqueuer, Registry registry) {}
* Call this method to enable [noSuchMethod] handling in the
* backend.
void enableNoSuchMethod(Element context, Enqueuer enqueuer) {
/// Call this method to enable support for isolates.
void enableIsolateSupport(Enqueuer enqueuer) {}
void registerRequiredType(DartType type, Element enclosingElement) {}
void registerClassUsingVariableExpression(ClassElement cls) {}
void registerConstSymbol(String name, Registry registry) {}
void registerNewSymbol(Registry registry) {}
bool isNullImplementation(ClassElement cls) {
return cls == compiler.nullClass;
ClassElement get intImplementation => compiler.intClass;
ClassElement get doubleImplementation => compiler.doubleClass;
ClassElement get numImplementation => compiler.numClass;
ClassElement get stringImplementation => compiler.stringClass;
ClassElement get listImplementation => compiler.listClass;
ClassElement get growableListImplementation => compiler.listClass;
ClassElement get fixedListImplementation => compiler.listClass;
ClassElement get constListImplementation => compiler.listClass;
ClassElement get mapImplementation => compiler.mapClass;
ClassElement get constMapImplementation => compiler.mapClass;
ClassElement get functionImplementation => compiler.functionClass;
ClassElement get typeImplementation => compiler.typeClass;
ClassElement get boolImplementation => compiler.boolClass;
ClassElement get nullImplementation => compiler.nullClass;
ClassElement get uint32Implementation => compiler.intClass;
ClassElement get uint31Implementation => compiler.intClass;
ClassElement get positiveIntImplementation => compiler.intClass;
ClassElement defaultSuperclass(ClassElement element) => compiler.objectClass;
bool isDefaultNoSuchMethodImplementation(Element element) {
assert( == Compiler.NO_SUCH_METHOD);
ClassElement classElement = element.enclosingClass;
return classElement == compiler.objectClass;
bool isInterceptorClass(ClassElement element) => false;
/// Returns `true` if [element] is a foreign element, that is, that the
/// backend has specialized handling for the element.
bool isForeign(Element element) => false;
/// Returns `true` if [library] is a backend specific library whose members
/// have special treatment, such as being allowed to extends blacklisted
/// classes or member being eagerly resolved.
bool isBackendLibrary(LibraryElement library) {
// TODO(johnnwinther): Remove this when patching is only done by the
// JavaScript backend.
Uri canonicalUri = library.canonicalUri;
if (canonicalUri == js_backend.JavaScriptBackend.DART_JS_HELPER ||
canonicalUri == js_backend.JavaScriptBackend.DART_INTERCEPTORS) {
return true;
return false;
void registerStaticUse(Element element, Enqueuer enqueuer) {}
/// This method is called immediately after the [LibraryElement] [library] has
/// been created.
void onLibraryCreated(LibraryElement library) {}
/// This method is called immediately after the [library] and its parts have
/// been scanned.
Future onLibraryScanned(LibraryElement library, LibraryLoader loader) {
if (library.isPlatformLibrary && !library.isPatched) {
// Apply patch, if any.
Uri patchUri = compiler.resolvePatchUri(library.canonicalUri.path);
if (patchUri != null) {
return compiler.patchParser.patchLibrary(loader, patchUri, library);
if (library.canUseNative) {
library.forEachLocalMember((Element element) {
if (element.isClass) {
checkNativeAnnotation(compiler, element);
return new Future.value();
/// This method is called when all new libraries loaded through
/// [LibraryLoader.loadLibrary] has been loaded and their imports/exports
/// have been computed.
Future onLibrariesLoaded(LoadedLibraries loadedLibraries) {
return new Future.value();
/// Called by [MirrorUsageAnalyzerTask] after it has merged all @MirrorsUsed
/// annotations. The arguments corresponds to the unions of the corresponding
/// fields of the annotations.
void registerMirrorUsage(Set<String> symbols,
Set<Element> targets,
Set<Element> metaTargets) {}
/// Returns true if this element needs reflection information at runtime.
bool isAccessibleByReflection(Element element) => true;
/// Returns true if this element is covered by a mirrorsUsed annotation.
/// Note that it might still be ok to tree shake the element away if no
/// reflection is used in the program (and thus [isTreeShakingDisabled] is
/// still false). Therefore _do not_ use this predicate to decide inclusion
/// in the tree, use [requiredByMirrorSystem] instead.
bool referencedFromMirrorSystem(Element element, [recursive]) => false;
/// Returns true if this element has to be enqueued due to
/// mirror usage. Might be a subset of [referencedFromMirrorSystem] if
/// normal tree shaking is still active ([isTreeShakingDisabled] is false).
bool requiredByMirrorSystem(Element element) => false;
/// Returns true if global optimizations such as type inferencing
/// can apply to this element. One category of elements that do not
/// apply is runtime helpers that the backend calls, but the
/// optimizations don't see those calls.
bool canBeUsedForGlobalOptimizations(Element element) => true;
/// Called when [enqueuer]'s queue is empty, but before it is closed.
/// This is used, for example, by the JS backend to enqueue additional
/// elements needed for reflection. [recentClasses] is a collection of
/// all classes seen for the first time by the [enqueuer] since the last call
/// to [onQueueEmpty].
/// A return value of [:true:] indicates that [recentClasses] has been
/// processed and its elements do not need to be seen in the next round. When
/// [:false:] is returned, [onQueueEmpty] will be called again once the
/// resolution queue has drained and [recentClasses] will be a superset of the
/// current value.
/// There is no guarantee that a class is only present once in
/// [recentClasses], but every class seen by the [enqueuer] will be present in
/// [recentClasses] at least once.
bool onQueueEmpty(Enqueuer enqueuer, Iterable<ClassElement> recentClasses) {
return true;
/// Called after [element] has been resolved.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Change [TreeElements] to [Registry] or a dependency
// node. [elements] is currently unused by the implementation.
void onElementResolved(Element element, TreeElements elements) {}
// Does this element belong in the output
bool shouldOutput(Element element) => true;
FunctionElement helperForBadMain() => null;
FunctionElement helperForMissingMain() => null;
FunctionElement helperForMainArity() => null;
void forgetElement(Element element) {}
void registerMainHasArguments(Enqueuer enqueuer) {}
/// Backend callbacks function specific to the resolution phase.
class ResolutionCallbacks {
/// Register that [node] is a call to `assert`.
void onAssert(Send node, Registry registry) {}
/// Called during resolution to notify to the backend that the
/// program uses string interpolation.
void onStringInterpolation(Registry registry) {}
/// Called during resolution to notify to the backend that the
/// program has a catch statement.
void onCatchStatement(Registry registry) {}
/// Called during resolution to notify to the backend that the
/// program explicitly throws an exception.
void onThrowExpression(Registry registry) {}
/// Called during resolution to notify to the backend that the
/// program has a global variable with a lazy initializer.
void onLazyField(Registry registry) {}
/// Called during resolution to notify to the backend that the
/// program uses a type variable as an expression.
void onTypeVariableExpression(Registry registry) {}
/// Called during resolution to notify to the backend that the
/// program uses a type literal.
void onTypeLiteral(DartType type, Registry registry) {}
/// Called during resolution to notify to the backend that the
/// program has a catch statement with a stack trace.
void onStackTraceInCatch(Registry registry) {}
/// Register an is check to the backend.
void onIsCheck(DartType type, Registry registry) {}
/// Register an as check to the backend.
void onAsCheck(DartType type, Registry registry) {}
/// Registers that a type variable bounds check might occur at runtime.
void onTypeVariableBoundCheck(Registry registry) {}
/// Register that the application may throw a [NoSuchMethodError].
void onThrowNoSuchMethod(Registry registry) {}
/// Register that the application may throw a [RuntimeError].
void onThrowRuntimeError(Registry registry) {}
/// Register that the application may throw an
/// [AbstractClassInstantiationError].
void onAbstractClassInstantiation(Registry registry) {}
/// Register that the application may throw a [FallThroughError].
void onFallThroughError(Registry registry) {}
/// Register that a super call will end up calling
/// [: super.noSuchMethod :].
void onSuperNoSuchMethod(Registry registry) {}
/// Register that the application creates a constant map.
void onConstantMap(Registry registry) {}
/// Called when resolving the `Symbol` constructor.
void onSymbolConstructor(Registry registry) {}
* Key class used in [TokenMap] in which the hash code for a token is based
* on the [charOffset].
class TokenKey {
final Token token;
int get hashCode => token.charOffset;
operator==(other) => other is TokenKey && token == other.token;
/// Map of tokens and the first associated comment.
* This implementation was chosen among several candidates for its space/time
* efficiency by empirical tests of running dartdoc on dartdoc itself. Time
* measurements for the use of [Compiler.commentMap]:
* 1) Using [TokenKey] as key (this class): ~80 msec
* 2) Using [TokenKey] as key + storing a separate map in each script: ~120 msec
* 3) Using [Token] as key in a [Map]: ~38000 msec
* 4) Storing comments is new field in [Token]: ~20 msec
* (Abandoned due to the increased memory usage)
* 5) Storing comments in an [Expando]: ~14000 msec
* 6) Storing token/comments pairs in a linked list: ~5400 msec
class TokenMap {
Map<TokenKey,Token> comments = new Map<TokenKey,Token>();
Token operator[] (Token key) {
if (key == null) return null;
return comments[new TokenKey(key)];
void operator[]= (Token key, Token value) {
if (key == null) return;
comments[new TokenKey(key)] = value;
abstract class Compiler implements DiagnosticListener {
static final Uri DART_CORE = new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: 'core');
static final Uri DART_MIRRORS = new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: 'mirrors');
static final Uri DART_NATIVE_TYPED_DATA =
new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: '_native_typed_data');
static final Uri DART_INTERNAL = new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: '_internal');
static final Uri DART_ASYNC = new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: 'async');
final Stopwatch totalCompileTime = new Stopwatch();
int nextFreeClassId = 0;
World world;
String assembledCode;
Types types;
final CacheStrategy cacheStrategy;
* Map from token to the first preceeding comment token.
final TokenMap commentMap = new TokenMap();
* Records global dependencies, that is, dependencies that don't
* correspond to a particular element.
* We should get rid of this and ensure that all dependencies are
* associated with a particular element.
Registry globalDependencies;
* Dependencies that are only included due to mirrors.
* We should get rid of this and ensure that all dependencies are
* associated with a particular element.
// TODO(johnniwinther): This should not be a [ResolutionRegistry].
final Registry mirrorDependencies =
new ResolutionRegistry.internal(null, new TreeElementMapping(null));
final bool enableMinification;
/// When `true` emits URIs in the reflection metadata.
final bool preserveUris;
final bool enableTypeAssertions;
final bool enableUserAssertions;
final bool trustTypeAnnotations;
final bool trustPrimitives;
final bool enableConcreteTypeInference;
final bool disableTypeInferenceFlag;
final bool dumpInfo;
final bool useContentSecurityPolicy;
final bool enableExperimentalMirrors;
* The maximum size of a concrete type before it widens to dynamic during
* concrete type inference.
final int maxConcreteTypeSize;
final bool analyzeAllFlag;
final bool analyzeOnly;
/// If true, disable tree-shaking for the main script.
final bool analyzeMain;
* If true, skip analysis of method bodies and field initializers. Implies
* [analyzeOnly].
final bool analyzeSignaturesOnly;
final bool enableNativeLiveTypeAnalysis;
* If true, stop compilation after type inference is complete. Used for
* debugging and testing purposes only.
bool stopAfterTypeInference = false;
* If [:true:], comment tokens are collected in [commentMap] during scanning.
final bool preserveComments;
* Is the compiler in verbose mode.
final bool verbose;
* URI of the main source map if the compiler is generating source
* maps.
final Uri sourceMapUri;
* URI of the main output if the compiler is generating source maps.
final Uri outputUri;
/// Emit terse diagnostics without howToFix.
final bool terseDiagnostics;
/// If `true`, warnings and hints not from user code are reported.
final bool showPackageWarnings;
/// `true` if the last diagnostic was filtered, in which case the
/// accompanying info message should be filtered as well.
bool lastDiagnosticWasFiltered = false;
/// Map containing information about the warnings and hints that have been
/// suppressed for each library.
Map<Uri, SuppressionInfo> suppressedWarnings = <Uri, SuppressionInfo>{};
final bool suppressWarnings;
/// `true` if async/await features are supported.
final bool enableAsyncAwait;
/// `true` if enum declarations are supported.
final bool enableEnums;
/// If `true`, some values are cached for reuse in incremental compilation.
/// Incremental compilation is basically calling [run] more than once.
final bool hasIncrementalSupport;
api.CompilerOutputProvider outputProvider;
bool disableInlining = false;
/// True if compilation was aborted with a [CompilerCancelledException]. Only
/// set after Future retuned by [run] has completed.
bool compilerWasCancelled = false;
List<Uri> librariesToAnalyzeWhenRun;
Tracer tracer;
CompilerTask measuredTask;
Element _currentElement;
LibraryElement coreLibrary;
LibraryElement mainApp;
FunctionElement mainFunction;
/// Initialized when dart:mirrors is loaded.
LibraryElement mirrorsLibrary;
/// Initialized when dart:typed_data is loaded.
LibraryElement typedDataLibrary;
ClassElement objectClass;
ClassElement boolClass;
ClassElement numClass;
ClassElement intClass;
ClassElement doubleClass;
ClassElement stringClass;
ClassElement functionClass;
ClassElement nullClass;
ClassElement listClass;
ClassElement typeClass;
ClassElement mapClass;
ClassElement symbolClass;
ClassElement stackTraceClass;
ClassElement typedDataClass;
ClassElement futureClass;
ClassElement iterableClass;
ClassElement streamClass;
/// The constant for the [proxy] variable defined in dart:core.
ConstantValue proxyConstant;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Move this to the JavaScriptBackend.
/// The constant for the [patch] variable defined in dart:_js_helper.
ConstantValue patchConstant;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Move this to the JavaScriptBackend.
ClassElement nativeAnnotationClass;
// Initialized after symbolClass has been resolved.
FunctionElement symbolConstructor;
// Initialized when dart:mirrors is loaded.
ClassElement mirrorSystemClass;
// Initialized when dart:mirrors is loaded.
ClassElement mirrorsUsedClass;
// Initialized after mirrorSystemClass has been resolved.
FunctionElement mirrorSystemGetNameFunction;
// Initialized when dart:_internal is loaded.
ClassElement symbolImplementationClass;
// Initialized when symbolImplementationClass has been resolved.
FunctionElement symbolValidatedConstructor;
// Initialized when mirrorsUsedClass has been resolved.
FunctionElement mirrorsUsedConstructor;
// Initialized when dart:mirrors is loaded.
ClassElement deferredLibraryClass;
/// Document class from dart:mirrors.
ClassElement documentClass;
Element identicalFunction;
Element loadLibraryFunction;
Element functionApplyMethod;
Element intEnvironment;
Element boolEnvironment;
Element stringEnvironment;
fromEnvironment(String name) => null;
Element get currentElement => _currentElement;
String tryToString(object) {
try {
return object.toString();
} catch (_) {
return '<exception in toString()>';
* Perform an operation, [f], returning the return value from [f]. If an
* error occurs then report it as having occurred during compilation of
* [element]. Can be nested.
withCurrentElement(Element element, f()) {
Element old = currentElement;
_currentElement = element;
try {
return f();
} on SpannableAssertionFailure catch (ex) {
if (!hasCrashed) {
hasCrashed = true;
} on CompilerCancelledException catch (ex) {
} on StackOverflowError catch (ex) {
// We cannot report anything useful in this case, because we
// do not have enough stack space.
} catch (ex) {
if (hasCrashed) rethrow;
try {
} catch (doubleFault) {
// Ignoring exceptions in exception handling.
} finally {
_currentElement = old;
List<CompilerTask> tasks;
ScannerTask scanner;
DietParserTask dietParser;
ParserTask parser;
PatchParserTask patchParser;
LibraryLoaderTask libraryLoader;
ResolverTask resolver;
closureMapping.ClosureTask closureToClassMapper;
TypeCheckerTask checker;
IrBuilderTask irBuilder;
ti.TypesTask typesTask;
Backend backend;
GenericTask reuseLibraryTask;
/// The constant environment for the frontend interpretation of compile-time
/// constants.
ConstantEnvironment constants;
EnqueueTask enqueuer;
DeferredLoadTask deferredLoadTask;
MirrorUsageAnalyzerTask mirrorUsageAnalyzerTask;
DumpInfoTask dumpInfoTask;
String buildId;
/// A customizable filter that is applied to enqueued work items.
QueueFilter enqueuerFilter = new QueueFilter();
static const String MAIN = 'main';
static const String CALL_OPERATOR_NAME = 'call';
static const String NO_SUCH_METHOD = 'noSuchMethod';
static const int NO_SUCH_METHOD_ARG_COUNT = 1;
static const String CREATE_INVOCATION_MIRROR =
static const String RUNTIME_TYPE = 'runtimeType';
static const String UNDETERMINED_BUILD_ID =
"build number could not be determined";
final Selector iteratorSelector =
new Selector.getter('iterator', null);
final Selector currentSelector =
new Selector.getter('current', null);
final Selector moveNextSelector =
new'moveNext', null, 0);
final Selector noSuchMethodSelector = new
final Selector symbolValidatedConstructorSelector = new
'validated', null, 1);
final Selector fromEnvironmentSelector = new Selector.callConstructor(
'fromEnvironment', null, 2);
bool enabledNoSuchMethod = false;
bool enabledRuntimeType = false;
bool enabledFunctionApply = false;
bool enabledInvokeOn = false;
bool hasIsolateSupport = false;
Stopwatch progress;
bool get shouldPrintProgress {
return verbose && progress.elapsedMilliseconds > 500;
static const int PHASE_SCANNING = 0;
static const int PHASE_RESOLVING = 1;
static const int PHASE_DONE_RESOLVING = 2;
static const int PHASE_COMPILING = 3;
int phase;
bool compilationFailed = false;
bool hasCrashed = false;
/// Set by the backend if real reflection is detected in use of dart:mirrors.
bool disableTypeInferenceForMirrors = false;
Compiler({this.enableTypeAssertions: false,
this.enableUserAssertions: false,
this.trustTypeAnnotations: false,
this.trustPrimitives: false,
this.enableConcreteTypeInference: false,
bool disableTypeInferenceFlag: false,
this.maxConcreteTypeSize: 5,
this.enableMinification: false,
this.preserveUris: false,
this.enableNativeLiveTypeAnalysis: false,
bool emitJavaScript: true,
bool dart2dartMultiFile: false,
bool generateSourceMap: true,
bool analyzeAllFlag: false,
bool analyzeOnly: false,
this.analyzeMain: false,
bool analyzeSignaturesOnly: false,
this.preserveComments: false,
this.verbose: false,
this.sourceMapUri: null,
this.outputUri: null,
this.terseDiagnostics: false,
this.dumpInfo: false,
this.showPackageWarnings: false,
this.useContentSecurityPolicy: false,
this.suppressWarnings: false,
bool hasIncrementalSupport: false,
this.enableExperimentalMirrors: false,
this.enableAsyncAwait: false,
this.enableEnums: false,
api.CompilerOutputProvider outputProvider,
List<String> strips: const []})
: this.disableTypeInferenceFlag =
disableTypeInferenceFlag || !emitJavaScript,
this.analyzeOnly =
analyzeOnly || analyzeSignaturesOnly || analyzeAllFlag,
this.analyzeSignaturesOnly = analyzeSignaturesOnly,
this.analyzeAllFlag = analyzeAllFlag,
this.hasIncrementalSupport = hasIncrementalSupport,
cacheStrategy = new CacheStrategy(hasIncrementalSupport),
this.outputProvider = (outputProvider == null)
? NullSink.outputProvider
: outputProvider {
if (hasIncrementalSupport) {
// TODO(ahe): This is too much. Any method from platform and package
// libraries can be inlined.
disableInlining = true;
world = new World(this);
types = new Types(this);
tracer = new Tracer(this, this.outputProvider);
if (verbose) {
progress = new Stopwatch()..start();
// TODO(johnniwinther): Separate the dependency tracking from the enqueueing
// for global dependencies.
globalDependencies =
new CodegenRegistry(this, new TreeElementMapping(null));
closureMapping.ClosureNamer closureNamer;
if (emitJavaScript) {
js_backend.JavaScriptBackend jsBackend =
new js_backend.JavaScriptBackend(this, generateSourceMap);
closureNamer = jsBackend.namer;
backend = jsBackend;
} else {
closureNamer = new closureMapping.ClosureNamer();
backend = new dart_backend.DartBackend(this, strips,
multiFile: dart2dartMultiFile);
tasks = [
libraryLoader = new LibraryLoaderTask(this),
scanner = new ScannerTask(this),
dietParser = new DietParserTask(this),
parser = new ParserTask(this),
patchParser = new PatchParserTask(this),
resolver = new ResolverTask(this, backend.constantCompilerTask),
closureToClassMapper = new closureMapping.ClosureTask(this, closureNamer),
checker = new TypeCheckerTask(this),
irBuilder = new IrBuilderTask(this),
typesTask = new ti.TypesTask(this),
constants = backend.constantCompilerTask,
deferredLoadTask = new DeferredLoadTask(this),
mirrorUsageAnalyzerTask = new MirrorUsageAnalyzerTask(this),
enqueuer = new EnqueueTask(this),
dumpInfoTask = new DumpInfoTask(this),
reuseLibraryTask = new GenericTask('Reuse library', this),
Universe get resolverWorld => enqueuer.resolution.universe;
Universe get codegenWorld => enqueuer.codegen.universe;
bool get hasBuildId => buildId != UNDETERMINED_BUILD_ID;
bool get analyzeAll => analyzeAllFlag || compileAll;
bool get compileAll => false;
bool get disableTypeInference => disableTypeInferenceFlag;
int getNextFreeClassId() => nextFreeClassId++;
void unimplemented(Spannable spannable, String methodName) {
internalError(spannable, "$methodName not implemented.");
void internalError(Spannable node, reason) {
assembledCode = null; // Compilation failed. Make sure that we
// don't return a bogus result.
String message = tryToString(reason);
node, MessageKind.GENERIC, {'text': message}, api.Diagnostic.CRASH);
throw 'Internal Error: $message';
void unhandledExceptionOnElement(Element element) {
if (hasCrashed) return;
hasCrashed = true;
void pleaseReportCrash() {
print(MessageKind.PLEASE_REPORT_THE_CRASH.message({'buildId': buildId}));
SourceSpan spanFromSpannable(Spannable node) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Disallow `node == null` ?
if (node == null) return null;
node = currentElement;
} else if (node == NO_LOCATION_SPANNABLE) {
if (currentElement == null) return null;
node = currentElement;
if (node is SourceSpan) {
return node;
} else if (node is Node) {
return spanFromNode(node);
} else if (node is TokenPair) {
return spanFromTokens(node.begin, node.end);
} else if (node is Token) {
return spanFromTokens(node, node);
} else if (node is HInstruction) {
return spanFromHInstruction(node);
} else if (node is Element) {
return spanFromElement(node);
} else if (node is MetadataAnnotation) {
Uri uri = node.annotatedElement.compilationUnit.script.readableUri;
return spanFromTokens(node.beginToken, node.endToken, uri);
} else if (node is Local) {
Local local = node;
return spanFromElement(local.executableContext);
} else {
throw 'No error location.';
Element _elementFromHInstruction(HInstruction instruction) {
return instruction.sourceElement is Element
? instruction.sourceElement : null;
/// Finds the approximate [Element] for [node]. [currentElement] is used as
/// the default value.
Element elementFromSpannable(Spannable node) {
Element element;
if (node is Element) {
element = node;
} else if (node is HInstruction) {
element = _elementFromHInstruction(node);
} else if (node is MetadataAnnotation) {
element = node.annotatedElement;
return element != null ? element : currentElement;
void log(message) {
MessageKind.GENERIC.message({'text': '$message'}),
Future<bool> run(Uri uri) {
return new Future.sync(() => runCompiler(uri)).catchError((error) {
if (error is CompilerCancelledException) {
compilerWasCancelled = true;
log('Error: $error');
return false;
try {
if (!hasCrashed) {
hasCrashed = true;
if (error is SpannableAssertionFailure) {
} else {
reportDiagnostic(new SourceSpan(uri, 0, 0),
} catch (doubleFault) {
// Ignoring exceptions in exception handling.
throw error;
}).whenComplete(() {
}).then((_) {
return !compilationFailed;
/// This method is called immediately after the [LibraryElement] [library] has
/// been created.
/// Use this callback method to store references to specific libraries.
/// Note that [library] has not been scanned yet, nor has its imports/exports
/// been resolved.
void onLibraryCreated(LibraryElement library) {
Uri uri = library.canonicalUri;
if (uri == DART_CORE) {
coreLibrary = library;
} else if (uri == DART_NATIVE_TYPED_DATA) {
typedDataLibrary = library;
} else if (uri == DART_MIRRORS) {
mirrorsLibrary = library;
/// This method is called immediately after the [library] and its parts have
/// been scanned.
/// Use this callback method to store references to specific member declared
/// in certain libraries. Note that [library] has not been patched yet, nor
/// has its imports/exports been resolved.
/// Use [loader] to register the creation and scanning of a patch library
/// for [library].
Future onLibraryScanned(LibraryElement library, LibraryLoader loader) {
Uri uri = library.canonicalUri;
if (uri == DART_CORE) {
identicalFunction = coreLibrary.find('identical');
} else if (uri == DART_INTERNAL) {
symbolImplementationClass = findRequiredElement(library, 'Symbol');
} else if (uri == DART_MIRRORS) {
mirrorSystemClass = findRequiredElement(library, 'MirrorSystem');
mirrorsUsedClass = findRequiredElement(library, 'MirrorsUsed');
} else if (uri == DART_ASYNC) {
deferredLibraryClass = findRequiredElement(library, 'DeferredLibrary');
futureClass = findRequiredElement(library, 'Future');
streamClass = findRequiredElement(library, 'Stream');
} else if (uri == DART_NATIVE_TYPED_DATA) {
typedDataClass = findRequiredElement(library, 'NativeTypedData');
} else if (uri == js_backend.JavaScriptBackend.DART_JS_HELPER) {
nativeAnnotationClass = findRequiredElement(library, 'Native');
return backend.onLibraryScanned(library, loader);
/// This method is called when all new libraries loaded through
/// [LibraryLoader.loadLibrary] has been loaded and their imports/exports
/// have been computed.
/// [loadedLibraries] contains the newly loaded libraries.
/// The method returns a [Future] allowing for the loading of additional
/// libraries.
Future onLibrariesLoaded(LoadedLibraries loadedLibraries) {
return new Future.sync(() {
if (!loadedLibraries.containsLibrary(DART_CORE)) {
return null;
if (!enableExperimentalMirrors &&
loadedLibraries.containsLibrary(DART_MIRRORS)) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Move computation of dependencies to the library
// loader.
Uri rootUri = loadedLibraries.rootUri;
Set<String> importChains = new Set<String>();
// The maximum number of full imports chains to process.
final int chainLimit = 10000;
// The maximum number of imports chains to show.
final int compactChainLimit = verbose ? 20 : 10;
int chainCount = 0;
bool limitExceeded = false;
callback: (Link<Uri> importChainReversed) {
Link<CodeLocation> compactImportChain = const Link<CodeLocation>();
CodeLocation currentCodeLocation =
new UriLocation(importChainReversed.head);
compactImportChain = compactImportChain.prepend(currentCodeLocation);
for (Link<Uri> link = importChainReversed.tail;
link = link.tail) {
Uri uri = link.head;
if (!currentCodeLocation.inSameLocation(uri)) {
currentCodeLocation =
verbose ? new UriLocation(uri) : new CodeLocation(uri);
compactImportChain =
String importChain = codeLocation) {
return codeLocation.relativize(rootUri);
}).join(' => ');
if (!importChains.contains(importChain)) {
if (importChains.length > compactChainLimit) {
return false;
} else {
if (chainCount > chainLimit) {
// Assume there are more import chains.
return false;
return true;
{'importChain': importChains.join(
functionApplyMethod = functionClass.lookupLocalMember('apply');
proxyConstant =
// TODO(johnniwinther): Move this to the JavaScript backend.
LibraryElement jsHelperLibrary = loadedLibraries.getLibrary(
if (jsHelperLibrary != null) {
patchConstant = resolver.constantCompiler.compileConstant(
if (preserveComments) {
return libraryLoader.loadLibrary(DART_MIRRORS)
.then((LibraryElement libraryElement) {
documentClass = libraryElement.find('Comment');
}).then((_) => backend.onLibrariesLoaded(loadedLibraries));
Element findRequiredElement(LibraryElement library, String name) {
var element = library.find(name);
if (element == null) {
"The library '${library.canonicalUri}' does not contain required "
"element: '$name'.");
return element;
void onClassResolved(ClassElement cls) {
if (mirrorSystemClass == cls) {
mirrorSystemGetNameFunction =
} else if (symbolClass == cls) {
symbolConstructor = cls.constructors.head;
} else if (symbolImplementationClass == cls) {
symbolValidatedConstructor = symbolImplementationClass.lookupConstructor(
} else if (mirrorsUsedClass == cls) {
mirrorsUsedConstructor = cls.constructors.head;
} else if (intClass == cls) {
intEnvironment = intClass.lookupConstructor(fromEnvironmentSelector);
} else if (stringClass == cls) {
stringEnvironment =
} else if (boolClass == cls) {
boolEnvironment = boolClass.lookupConstructor(fromEnvironmentSelector);
void initializeCoreClasses() {
final List missingCoreClasses = [];
ClassElement lookupCoreClass(String name) {
ClassElement result = coreLibrary.find(name);
if (result == null) {
return result;
objectClass = lookupCoreClass('Object');
boolClass = lookupCoreClass('bool');
numClass = lookupCoreClass('num');
intClass = lookupCoreClass('int');
doubleClass = lookupCoreClass('double');
stringClass = lookupCoreClass('String');
functionClass = lookupCoreClass('Function');
listClass = lookupCoreClass('List');
typeClass = lookupCoreClass('Type');
mapClass = lookupCoreClass('Map');
nullClass = lookupCoreClass('Null');
stackTraceClass = lookupCoreClass('StackTrace');
iterableClass = lookupCoreClass('Iterable');
symbolClass = lookupCoreClass('Symbol');
if (!missingCoreClasses.isEmpty) {
'dart:core library does not contain required classes: '
Element _unnamedListConstructor;
Element get unnamedListConstructor {
if (_unnamedListConstructor != null) return _unnamedListConstructor;
Selector callConstructor = new Selector.callConstructor(
"", listClass.library);
return _unnamedListConstructor =
Element _filledListConstructor;
Element get filledListConstructor {
if (_filledListConstructor != null) return _filledListConstructor;
Selector callConstructor = new Selector.callConstructor(
"filled", listClass.library);
return _filledListConstructor =
* Get an [Uri] pointing to a patch for the dart: library with
* the given path. Returns null if there is no patch.
Uri resolvePatchUri(String dartLibraryPath);
Future runCompiler(Uri uri) {
// TODO(ahe): This prevents memory leaks when invoking the compiler
// multiple times. Implement a better mechanism where we can store
// such caches in the compiler and get access to them through a
// suitably maintained static reference to the current compiler.
assert(uri != null || analyzeOnly || hasIncrementalSupport);
return new Future.sync(() {
if (librariesToAnalyzeWhenRun != null) {
return Future.forEach(librariesToAnalyzeWhenRun, (libraryUri) {
log('Analyzing $libraryUri ($buildId)');
return libraryLoader.loadLibrary(libraryUri);
}).then((_) {
if (uri != null) {
if (analyzeOnly) {
log('Analyzing $uri ($buildId)');
} else {
log('Compiling $uri ($buildId)');
return libraryLoader.loadLibrary(uri).then((LibraryElement library) {
mainApp = library;
}).then((_) {
if (!compilationFailed) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Reenable analysis of programs with load failures
// when these are handled as erroneous libraries/compilation units.
void computeMain() {
if (mainApp == null) return;
Element main = mainApp.findExported(MAIN);
ErroneousElement errorElement = null;
if (main == null) {
if (analyzeOnly) {
if (!analyzeAll) {
errorElement = new ErroneousElementX(
MessageKind.CONSIDER_ANALYZE_ALL, {'main': MAIN}, MAIN, mainApp);
} else {
// Compilation requires a main method.
errorElement = new ErroneousElementX(
MessageKind.MISSING_MAIN, {'main': MAIN}, MAIN, mainApp);
mainFunction = backend.helperForMissingMain();
} else if (main.isErroneous && main.isSynthesized) {
if (main is ErroneousElement) {
errorElement = main;
} else {
internalError(main, 'Problem with $MAIN.');
mainFunction = backend.helperForBadMain();
} else if (!main.isFunction) {
errorElement = new ErroneousElementX(
MessageKind.MAIN_NOT_A_FUNCTION, {'main': MAIN}, MAIN, main);
mainFunction = backend.helperForBadMain();
} else {
mainFunction = main;
FunctionSignature parameters = mainFunction.computeSignature(this);
if (parameters.requiredParameterCount > 2) {
int index = 0;
parameters.orderedForEachParameter((Element parameter) {
if (index++ < 2) return;
errorElement = new ErroneousElementX(
mainFunction = backend.helperForMainArity();
// Don't warn about main not being used:
if (mainFunction == null) {
if (errorElement == null && !analyzeOnly && !analyzeAll) {
internalError(mainApp, "Problem with '$MAIN'.");
} else {
mainFunction = errorElement;
if (errorElement != null && errorElement.isSynthesized) {
errorElement, errorElement.messageKind,
/// Performs the compilation when all libraries have been loaded.
void compileLoadedLibraries() {
// In order to see if a library is deferred, we must compute the
// compile-time constants that are metadata. This means adding
// something to the resolution queue. So we cannot wait with
// this until after the resolution queue is processed.
if (analyzeAll) {
libraryLoader.libraries.forEach((LibraryElement library) {
log('Enqueuing ${library.canonicalUri}');
fullyEnqueueLibrary(library, enqueuer.resolution);
} else if (analyzeMain && mainApp != null) {
fullyEnqueueLibrary(mainApp, enqueuer.resolution);
// Elements required by enqueueHelpers are global dependencies
// that are not pulled in by a particular element.
backend.enqueueHelpers(enqueuer.resolution, globalDependencies);
processQueue(enqueuer.resolution, mainFunction);
if (compilationFailed) return;
if (!showPackageWarnings && !suppressWarnings) {
suppressedWarnings.forEach((Uri uri, SuppressionInfo info) {
MessageKind kind = MessageKind.HIDDEN_WARNINGS_HINTS;
if (info.warnings == 0) {
kind = MessageKind.HIDDEN_HINTS;
} else if (info.hints == 0) {
kind = MessageKind.HIDDEN_WARNINGS;
kind.message({'warnings': info.warnings,
'hints': info.hints,
'uri': uri},
if (analyzeOnly) {
if (!analyzeAll) {
// No point in reporting unused code when [analyzeAll] is true: all
// code is artificially used.
assert(mainFunction != null);
// Compute whole-program-knowledge that the backend needs. (This might
// require the information computed in [world.populate].)
log('Building IR...');
log('Inferring types...');
if (stopAfterTypeInference) return;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Move these to [CodegenEnqueuer].
if (hasIsolateSupport) {
if (enabledNoSuchMethod) {
backend.enableNoSuchMethod(null, enqueuer.codegen);
if (compileAll) {
libraryLoader.libraries.forEach((LibraryElement library) {
fullyEnqueueLibrary(library, enqueuer.codegen);
processQueue(enqueuer.codegen, mainFunction);
if (compilationFailed) return;
if (dumpInfo) {
if (compilationFailed) {
assembledCode = null; // Signals failure.
void fullyEnqueueLibrary(LibraryElement library, Enqueuer world) {
void enqueueAll(Element element) {
fullyEnqueueTopLevelElement(element, world);
void fullyEnqueueTopLevelElement(Element element, Enqueuer world) {
if (element.isClass) {
ClassElement cls = element;
world.registerInstantiatedClass(element, globalDependencies);
} else {
// Resolves metadata on library elements. This is necessary in order to
// resolve metadata classes referenced only from metadata on library tags.
// TODO(ahe): Figure out how to do this lazily.
void resolveLibraryMetadata() {
for (LibraryElement library in libraryLoader.libraries) {
if (library.metadata != null) {
for (MetadataAnnotation metadata in library.metadata) {
void processQueue(Enqueuer world, Element main) {
if (main != null && !main.isErroneous) {
FunctionElement mainMethod = main;
if (mainMethod.computeSignature(this).parameterCount != 0) {
// The first argument could be a list of strings.
backend.listImplementation, globalDependencies);
backend.stringImplementation, globalDependencies);
if (verbose) {
world.forEach((WorkItem work) {
withCurrentElement(work.element, () =>, world));
world.queueIsClosed = true;
if (compilationFailed) return;
* Perform various checks of the queues. This includes checking that
* the queues are empty (nothing was added after we stopped
* processing the queues). Also compute the number of methods that
* were resolved, but not compiled (aka excess resolution).
checkQueues() {
for (Enqueuer world in [enqueuer.resolution, enqueuer.codegen]) {
world.forEach((WorkItem work) {
internalError(work.element, "Work list is not empty.");
var resolved = new Set.from(enqueuer.resolution.resolvedElements);
for (Element e in enqueuer.codegen.generatedCode.keys) {
for (Element e in new Set.from(resolved)) {
if (e.isClass ||
e.isField ||
e.isTypeVariable ||
e.isTypedef ||
identical(e.kind, ElementKind.ABSTRACT_FIELD)) {
if (identical(e.kind, ElementKind.GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR)) {
ClassElement enclosingClass = e.enclosingClass;
if (backend.isBackendLibrary(e.library)) {
log('Excess resolution work: ${resolved.length}.');
for (Element e in resolved) {
{'text': 'Warning: $e resolved but not compiled.'});
void analyzeElement(Element element) {
element.impliesType ||
element.isField ||
element.isFunction ||
element.isGenerativeConstructor ||
element.isGetter ||
message: 'Unexpected element kind: ${element.kind}'));
assert(invariant(element, element is AnalyzableElement,
message: 'Element $element is not analyzable.'));
assert(invariant(element, element.isDeclaration));
ResolutionEnqueuer world = enqueuer.resolution;
if (world.hasBeenResolved(element)) return;
assert(parser != null);
Node tree = parser.parse(element);
assert(invariant(element, !element.isSynthesized || tree == null));
TreeElements elements = resolver.resolve(element);
if (elements != null) {
if (tree != null && !analyzeSignaturesOnly &&
!suppressWarnings) {
// Only analyze nodes with a corresponding [TreeElements].
void analyze(ResolutionWorkItem work, ResolutionEnqueuer world) {
assert(invariant(work.element, identical(world, enqueuer.resolution)));
assert(invariant(work.element, !work.isAnalyzed(),
message: 'Element ${work.element} has already been analyzed'));
if (shouldPrintProgress) {
// TODO(ahe): Add structured diagnostics to the compiler API and
// use it to separate this from the --verbose option.
if (phase == PHASE_RESOLVING) {
log('Resolved ${enqueuer.resolution.resolvedElements.length} '
AstElement element = work.element;
if (world.hasBeenResolved(element)) return;
backend.onElementResolved(element, element.resolvedAst.elements);
void codegen(CodegenWorkItem work, CodegenEnqueuer world) {
assert(invariant(work.element, identical(world, enqueuer.codegen)));
if (shouldPrintProgress) {
// TODO(ahe): Add structured diagnostics to the compiler API and
// use it to separate this from the --verbose option.
log('Compiled ${enqueuer.codegen.generatedCode.length} methods.');
void reportError(Spannable node,
MessageKind messageKind,
[Map arguments = const {}]) {
node, messageKind, arguments, api.Diagnostic.ERROR);
* Reports an error and then aborts the compiler. Avoid using this method.
* In order to support incremental compilation, it is preferable to use
* [reportError]. However, care must be taken to leave the compiler in a
* consistent state, for example, by creating synthetic erroneous objects.
* If there's absolutely no way to leave the compiler in a consistent state,
* calling this method is preferred as it will set [compilerWasCancelled] to
* true which alerts the incremental compiler to discard all state and start
* a new compiler. Throwing an exception is also better, as this will set
* [hasCrashed] which the incremental compiler also listens too (but don't
* throw exceptions, it creates a really bad user experience).
* In any case, calling this method is a last resort, as it essentially
* breaks the user experience of the incremental compiler. The purpose of the
* incremental compiler is to improve developer productivity. Developers
* frequently make mistakes, so syntax errors and spelling errors are
* considered normal to the incremental compiler.
void reportFatalError(Spannable node, MessageKind messageKind,
[Map arguments = const {}]) {
reportError(node, messageKind, arguments);
// TODO(ahe): Make this only abort the current method.
throw new CompilerCancelledException(
'Error: Cannot continue due to previous error.');
void reportWarning(Spannable node, MessageKind messageKind,
[Map arguments = const {}]) {
node, messageKind, arguments, api.Diagnostic.WARNING);
void reportInfo(Spannable node, MessageKind messageKind,
[Map arguments = const {}]) {
reportDiagnosticInternal(node, messageKind, arguments, api.Diagnostic.INFO);
void reportHint(Spannable node, MessageKind messageKind,
[Map arguments = const {}]) {
reportDiagnosticInternal(node, messageKind, arguments, api.Diagnostic.HINT);
void reportDiagnosticInternal(Spannable node,
MessageKind messageKind,
Map arguments,
api.Diagnostic kind) {
if (!showPackageWarnings && node != NO_LOCATION_SPANNABLE) {
switch (kind) {
case api.Diagnostic.WARNING:
case api.Diagnostic.HINT:
Element element = elementFromSpannable(node);
if (!inUserCode(element, assumeInUserCode: true)) {
Uri uri = getCanonicalUri(element);
SuppressionInfo info =
suppressedWarnings.putIfAbsent(uri, () => new SuppressionInfo());
if (kind == api.Diagnostic.WARNING) {
} else {
lastDiagnosticWasFiltered = true;
case api.Diagnostic.INFO:
if (lastDiagnosticWasFiltered) {
lastDiagnosticWasFiltered = false;
node, messageKind.message(arguments, terseDiagnostics), kind);
void reportDiagnostic(Spannable span,
Message message,
api.Diagnostic kind);
void reportAssertionFailure(SpannableAssertionFailure ex) {
String message = (ex.message != null) ? tryToString(ex.message)
: tryToString(ex);
SourceSpan span = spanFromSpannable(ex.node);
ex.node, MessageKind.GENERIC, {'text': message}, api.Diagnostic.CRASH);
SourceSpan spanFromTokens(Token begin, Token end, [Uri uri]) {
if (begin == null || end == null) {
// TODO(ahe): We can almost always do better. Often it is only
// end that is null. Otherwise, we probably know the current
// URI.
throw 'Cannot find tokens to produce error message.';
if (uri == null && currentElement != null) {
uri = currentElement.compilationUnit.script.readableUri;
return SourceSpan.withCharacterOffsets(begin, end,
(beginOffset, endOffset) => new SourceSpan(uri, beginOffset, endOffset));
SourceSpan spanFromNode(Node node) {
return spanFromTokens(node.getBeginToken(), node.getEndToken());
SourceSpan spanFromElement(Element element) {
while (element != null && element.isSynthesized) {
element = element.enclosingElement;
if (element != null &&
element.position == null &&
!element.isLibrary &&
!element.isCompilationUnit) {
// Sometimes, the backend fakes up elements that have no
// position. So we use the enclosing element instead. It is
// not a good error location, but cancel really is "internal
// error" or "not implemented yet", so the vicinity is good
// enough for now.
element = element.enclosingElement;
// TODO(ahe): I plan to overhaul this infrastructure anyways.
if (element == null) {
element = currentElement;
Token position = element.position;
Uri uri = element.compilationUnit.script.readableUri;
return (position == null)
? new SourceSpan(uri, 0, 0)
: spanFromTokens(position, position, uri);
SourceSpan spanFromHInstruction(HInstruction instruction) {
Element element = _elementFromHInstruction(instruction);
if (element == null) element = currentElement;
var position = instruction.sourcePosition;
if (position == null) return spanFromElement(element);
Token token = position.token;
if (token == null) return spanFromElement(element);
Uri uri = element.compilationUnit.script.readableUri;
return spanFromTokens(token, token, uri);
* Translates the [resolvedUri] into a readable URI.
* The [importingLibrary] holds the library importing [resolvedUri] or
* [:null:] if [resolvedUri] is loaded as the main library. The
* [importingLibrary] is used to grant access to internal libraries from
* platform libraries and patch libraries.
* If the [resolvedUri] is not accessible from [importingLibrary], this method
* is responsible for reporting errors.
* See [LibraryLoader] for terminology on URIs.
Uri translateResolvedUri(LibraryElement importingLibrary,
Uri resolvedUri, Node node) {
unimplemented(importingLibrary, 'Compiler.translateResolvedUri');
return null;
* Reads the script specified by the [readableUri].
* See [LibraryLoader] for terminology on URIs.
Future<Script> readScript(Spannable node, Uri readableUri) {
unimplemented(node, 'Compiler.readScript');
return null;
Element lookupElementIn(ScopeContainerElement container, String name) {
Element element = container.localLookup(name);
if (element == null) {
throw 'Could not find $name in $container';
return element;
bool get isMockCompilation => false;
Token processAndStripComments(Token currentToken) {
Token firstToken = currentToken;
Token prevToken;
while (currentToken.kind != EOF_TOKEN) {
if (identical(currentToken.kind, COMMENT_TOKEN)) {
Token firstCommentToken = currentToken;
while (identical(currentToken.kind, COMMENT_TOKEN)) {
currentToken =;
commentMap[currentToken] = firstCommentToken;
if (prevToken == null) {
firstToken = currentToken;
} else { = currentToken;
prevToken = currentToken;
currentToken =;
return firstToken;
void reportUnusedCode() {
void checkLive(member) {
if (member.isFunction) {
if (!enqueuer.resolution.hasBeenResolved(member)) {
reportHint(member, MessageKind.UNUSED_METHOD,
} else if (member.isClass) {
if (!member.isResolved) {
reportHint(member, MessageKind.UNUSED_CLASS,
} else {
} else if (member.isTypedef) {
if (!member.isResolved) {
reportHint(member, MessageKind.UNUSED_TYPEDEF,
libraryLoader.libraries.forEach((LibraryElement library) {
// TODO(ahe): Implement better heuristics to discover entry points of
// packages and use that to discover unused implementation details in
// packages.
if (library.isPlatformLibrary || library.isPackageLibrary) return;
library.compilationUnits.forEach((unit) {
/// Helper for determining whether the current element is declared within
/// 'user code'.
/// See [inUserCode] for what defines 'user code'.
bool currentlyInUserCode() {
return inUserCode(currentElement);
/// Helper for determining whether [element] is declared within 'user code'.
/// What constitutes 'user code' is defined by the URI(s) provided by the
/// entry point(s) of compilation or analysis:
/// If an entrypoint URI uses the 'package' scheme then every library from
/// that same package is considered to be in user code. For instance, if
/// an entry point URI is 'package:foo/bar.dart' then every library whose
/// canonical URI starts with 'package:foo/' is in user code.
/// If an entrypoint URI uses another scheme than 'package' then every library
/// with that scheme is in user code. For instance, an entry point URI is
/// 'file:///foo.dart' then every library whose canonical URI scheme is
/// 'file' is in user code.
/// If [assumeInUserCode] is `true`, [element] is assumed to be in user code
/// if no entrypoints have been set.
bool inUserCode(Element element, {bool assumeInUserCode: false}) {
if (element == null) return false;
Iterable<CodeLocation> userCodeLocations =
computeUserCodeLocations(assumeInUserCode: assumeInUserCode);
Uri libraryUri = element.library.canonicalUri;
return userCodeLocations.any(
(CodeLocation codeLocation) => codeLocation.inSameLocation(libraryUri));
Iterable<CodeLocation> computeUserCodeLocations(
{bool assumeInUserCode: false}) {
List<CodeLocation> userCodeLocations = <CodeLocation>[];
if (mainApp != null) {
userCodeLocations.add(new CodeLocation(mainApp.canonicalUri));
if (librariesToAnalyzeWhenRun != null) {
(Uri uri) => new CodeLocation(uri)));
if (userCodeLocations.isEmpty && assumeInUserCode) {
// Assume in user code since [mainApp] has not been set yet.
userCodeLocations.add(const AnyLocation());
return userCodeLocations;
/// Return a canonical URI for the source of [element].
/// For a package library with canonical URI 'package:foo/bar/baz.dart' the
/// return URI is 'package:foo'. For non-package libraries the returned URI is
/// the canonical URI of the library itself.
Uri getCanonicalUri(Element element) {
if (element == null) return null;
Uri libraryUri = element.library.canonicalUri;
if (libraryUri.scheme == 'package') {
int slashPos = libraryUri.path.indexOf('/');
if (slashPos != -1) {
String packageName = libraryUri.path.substring(0, slashPos);
return new Uri(scheme: 'package', path: packageName);
return libraryUri;
void diagnoseCrashInUserCode(String message, exception, stackTrace) {
// Overridden by Compiler in apiimpl.dart.
void forgetElement(Element element) {
if (element is MemberElement) {
for (Element closure in element.nestedClosures) {
// TODO(ahe): It would be nice to reuse names of nested closures.
class CompilerTask {
final Compiler compiler;
final Stopwatch watch;
UserTag profilerTag;
CompilerTask(Compiler compiler)
: this.compiler = compiler,
watch = (compiler.verbose) ? new Stopwatch() : null;
String get name => 'Unknown task';
int get timing => (watch != null) ? watch.elapsedMilliseconds : 0;
int get timingMicroseconds => (watch != null) ? watch.elapsedMicroseconds : 0;
UserTag getProfilerTag() {
if (profilerTag == null) profilerTag = new UserTag(name);
return profilerTag;
measure(action()) {
// In verbose mode when watch != null.
if (watch == null) return action();
CompilerTask previous = compiler.measuredTask;
if (identical(this, previous)) return action();
compiler.measuredTask = this;
if (previous != null);
UserTag oldTag = getProfilerTag().makeCurrent();
try {
return action();
} finally {
if (previous != null);
compiler.measuredTask = previous;
measureElement(Element element, action()) {
compiler.withCurrentElement(element, () => measure(action));
class CompilerCancelledException implements Exception {
final String reason;
String toString() {
String banner = 'compiler cancelled';
return (reason != null) ? '$banner: $reason' : '$banner';
class SourceSpan implements Spannable {
final Uri uri;
final int begin;
final int end;
const SourceSpan(this.uri, this.begin, this.end);
static withCharacterOffsets(Token begin, Token end,
f(int beginOffset, int endOffset)) {
final beginOffset = begin.charOffset;
final endOffset = end.charOffset + end.charCount;
// [begin] and [end] might be the same for the same empty token. This
// happens for instance when scanning '$$'.
assert(endOffset >= beginOffset);
return f(beginOffset, endOffset);
String toString() => 'SourceSpan($uri, $begin, $end)';
/// Flag that can be used in assertions to assert that a code path is only
/// executed as part of development.
/// This flag is automatically set to true if helper methods like, [debugPrint],
/// [debugWrapPrint], [trace], and [reportHere] are called.
bool DEBUG_MODE = false;
/// Assert that [DEBUG_MODE] is `true` and provide [message] as part of the
/// error message.
assertDebugMode(String message) {
message: 'Debug mode is not enabled: $message'));
* Throws a [SpannableAssertionFailure] if [condition] is
* [:false:]. [condition] must be either a [:bool:] or a no-arg
* function returning a [:bool:].
* Use this method to provide better information for assertion by calling
* [invariant] as the argument to an [:assert:] statement:
* assert(invariant(position, isValid));
* [spannable] must be non-null and will be used to provide positional
* information in the generated error message.
bool invariant(Spannable spannable, var condition, {var message: null}) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Use [spannable] and [message] to provide better
// information on assertion errors.
if (spannable == null) {
throw new SpannableAssertionFailure(CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE,
"Spannable was null for invariant. Use CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE.");
if (condition is Function){
condition = condition();
if (!condition) {
if (message is Function) {
message = message();
throw new SpannableAssertionFailure(spannable, message);
return true;
/// Returns `true` when [s] is private if used as an identifier.
bool isPrivateName(String s) => !s.isEmpty && s.codeUnitAt(0) == $_;
/// A sink that drains into /dev/null.
class NullSink implements EventSink<String> {
final String name;
add(String value) {}
void addError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {}
void close() {}
toString() => name;
/// Convenience method for getting an [api.CompilerOutputProvider].
static NullSink outputProvider(String name, String extension) {
return new NullSink('$name.$extension');
/// Information about suppressed warnings and hints for a given library.
class SuppressionInfo {
int warnings = 0;
int hints = 0;
class GenericTask extends CompilerTask {
final String name;
GenericTask(, Compiler compiler)
: super(compiler);
/// [CodeLocation] divides uris into different classes.
/// These are used to group uris from user code, platform libraries and
/// packages.
abstract class CodeLocation {
/// Returns `true` if [uri] is in this code location.
bool inSameLocation(Uri uri);
/// Returns the uri of this location relative to [baseUri].
String relativize(Uri baseUri);
factory CodeLocation(Uri uri) {
if (uri.scheme == 'package') {
int slashPos = uri.path.indexOf('/');
if (slashPos != -1) {
String packageName = uri.path.substring(0, slashPos);
return new PackageLocation(packageName);
} else {
return new UriLocation(uri);
} else {
return new SchemeLocation(uri);
/// A code location defined by the scheme of the uri.
/// Used for non-package uris, such as 'dart', 'file', and 'http'.
class SchemeLocation implements CodeLocation {
final Uri uri;
bool inSameLocation(Uri uri) {
return this.uri.scheme == uri.scheme;
String relativize(Uri baseUri) {
return uri_extras.relativize(baseUri, uri, false);
/// A code location defined by the package name.
/// Used for package uris, separated by their `package names`, that is, the
/// 'foo' of 'package:foo/bar.dart'.
class PackageLocation implements CodeLocation {
final String packageName;
bool inSameLocation(Uri uri) {
return uri.scheme == 'package' && uri.path.startsWith('$packageName/');
String relativize(Uri baseUri) => 'package:$packageName';
/// A code location defined by the whole uri.
/// Used for package uris with no package name. For instance 'package:foo.dart'.
class UriLocation implements CodeLocation {
final Uri uri;
bool inSameLocation(Uri uri) => this.uri == uri;
String relativize(Uri baseUri) {
return uri_extras.relativize(baseUri, uri, false);
/// A code location that contains any uri.
class AnyLocation implements CodeLocation {
const AnyLocation();
bool inSameLocation(Uri uri) => true;
String relativize(Uri baseUri) => '$baseUri';