| Name: d3 |
| Short Name: d3 |
| URL: https://github.com/mbostock/d3 |
| Version: 3.4.4 |
| Date: Mon Mar 24 20:45:44 2014 -0700 |
| Revision: fa55eead411a3c1b01703cb1ddfd59ccc0b23124 |
| License: BSD 3-Clause |
| License File: src/LICENSE |
| Security Critical: No |
| License Android Compatible: Yes |
| |
| Description: |
| A JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. |
| |
| Subject to the security patch(es) described below, you MAY include d3 in web-facing content, such |
| as in pages generated by bots or tools. |
| |
| |
| Local Modifications: |
| 1. Deleted everything except for: |
| * d3.js the standalone non-minified library |
| * LICENSE the BSD-style 3-Clause license |
| * README.md the readme file from github, for basic information |
| |
| 2. Applied the following patches at the request of security: |
| patches/001_no_html.patch Disables the html() convenience functions, which could be used to |
| inject arbitrary content into the page. Instead of using html(), |
| programmatically create the individual nodes and/or text that you |
| require. |
| The html() methods have been modified to throw exceptions that |
| make it obvious that this feature is disabled for security. |