blob: d21933e27efe3d373d491f7e314cd4ff9af75e84 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Dart test program for testing that isolates can spawn other isolates and
// that the nested isolates can communicate with the main once the spawner has
// disappeared.
library NestedSpawn2Test;
import 'dart:isolate';
import '../../pkg/unittest/lib/unittest.dart';
void _call(IsolateSink sink, msg, void onreceive(m, replyTo)) {
final box = new MessageBox();
sink.add([msg, box.sink]);
sink.close(); {
onreceive(msg[0], msg[1]);
void _receive(IsolateStream stream, void onreceive(m, replyTo)) {
stream.single.then((msg) {
onreceive(msg[0], msg[1]);
void isolateA() {
_receive(stream, (msg, replyTo) {
expect(msg, "launch nested!");
IsolateSink sink = streamSpawnFunction(isolateB);
String msg0 = "0 there?";
String msg1 = "1 Yes.";
String msg2 = "2 great. Think the other one is already dead?";
String msg3 = "3 Give him some time.";
String msg4 = "4 now?";
String msg5 = "5 Now.";
String msg6 = "6 Great. Bye";
void isolateB() {
stream.single.then((mainPort) {
// Do a little ping-pong dance to give the intermediate isolate
// time to die.
_call(mainPort, msg0, ((msg, replyTo) {
expect(msg[0], "1");
_call(replyTo, msg2, ((msg, replyTo) {
expect(msg[0], "3");
_call(replyTo, msg4, ((msg, replyTo) {
expect(msg[0], "5");
main() {
test("spawned isolate can spawn other isolates", () {
IsolateSink sink = streamSpawnFunction(isolateA);
_call(sink, "launch nested!", expectAsync2((msg, replyTo) {
expect(msg[0], "0");
_call(replyTo, msg1, expectAsync2((msg, replyTo) {
expect(msg[0], "2");
_call(replyTo, msg3, expectAsync2((msg, replyTo) {
expect(msg[0], "4");
_call(replyTo, msg5, expectAsync2((msg, replyTo) {
expect(msg[0], "6");