blob: 982cbf797e36451e5edfd9c5c0f35a25ce29cb59 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This is a hacked-together client of the NNBD migration API, intended for
// early testing of the migration process. It runs a small hardcoded set of
// packages through the migration engine and outputs statistics about the
// result of migration, as well as categories (and counts) of exceptions that
// occurred.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/diagnostic/diagnostic.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/analysis_context_collection.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/nnbd_migration.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'src/package.dart';
void main(List<String> args) async {
ArgResults parsedArgs = parseArguments(args)!;
Sdk sdk = Sdk(parsedArgs['sdk'] as String);
Playground playground =
Playground(defaultPlaygroundPath, parsedArgs['clean'] as bool);
List<Package> packages = [
for (String package in parsedArgs['packages'] as Iterable<String>)
for (String package in parsedArgs['manual_packages'] as Iterable<String>)
var packageNames = parsedArgs['git_packages'] as Iterable<String>;
await Future.wait( async => packages.add(
await GitPackage.gitPackageFactory(
n, playground, parsedArgs['update'] as bool?))));
String? categoryOfInterest = ? null :;
var listener = _Listener(categoryOfInterest,
printExceptionNodeOnly: parsedArgs['exception_node_only'] as bool?);
assert(listener.numExceptions == 0);
var overallStartTime =;
for (var package in packages) {
print('Migrating $package');
var startTime =;
listener.currentPackage =;
var contextCollection = AnalysisContextCollectionImpl(
includedPaths: package.migrationPaths as List<String>,
sdkPath: sdk.sdkPath);
var files = <String>{};
var previousExceptionCount = listener.numExceptions;
for (var context in contextCollection.contexts) {
var localFiles =
context.contextRoot.analyzedFiles().where((s) => s.endsWith('.dart'));
var session = context.currentSession;
LineInfo getLineInfo(String path) =>
(session.getFile(path) as FileResult).lineInfo;
var migration =
NullabilityMigration(listener, getLineInfo, permissive: true);
for (var file in localFiles) {
var resolvedUnit =
await session.getResolvedUnit(file) as ResolvedUnitResult;
if (!resolvedUnit.errors.any((e) => e.severity == Severity.error)) {
} else {
print(' Skipping $file; it has errors.');
for (var file in localFiles) {
var resolvedUnit =
await session.getResolvedUnit(file) as ResolvedUnitResult;
if (!resolvedUnit.errors.any((e) => e.severity == Severity.error)) {
for (var file in localFiles) {
var resolvedUnit =
await session.getResolvedUnit(file) as ResolvedUnitResult;
if (!resolvedUnit.errors.any((e) => e.severity == Severity.error)) {
var endTime =;
print(' Migrated $package in ${endTime.difference(startTime).inSeconds} '
print(' ${files.length} files found');
var exceptionCount = listener.numExceptions - previousExceptionCount;
print(' $exceptionCount exceptions in this package');
var overallDuration =;
print('${packages.length} packages migrated in ${overallDuration.inSeconds} '
print('${listener.numTypesMadeNullable} types made nullable');
print('${listener.numNullChecksAdded} null checks added');
print('${listener.numVariablesMarkedLate} variables marked late');
print('${listener.numInsertedCasts} casts inserted');
print('${listener.numInsertedParenthesis} parenthesis groupings inserted');
print('${listener.numMetaImportsAdded} meta imports added');
print('${listener.numRequiredAnnotationsAdded} required annotations added');
print('${listener.numDeadCodeSegmentsFound} dead code segments found');
print('and ${listener.numOtherEdits} other edits not categorized');
print('${listener.numExceptions} exceptions in '
'${listener.groupedExceptions.length} categories');
var sortedExceptions = [
for (var entry in listener.groupedExceptions.entries)
ExceptionCategory(entry.key, entry.value)
]..sort((category1, category2) => category2.count.compareTo(category1.count));
var exceptionalPackages =
sortedExceptions.expand((category) => category.packageNames).toSet();
print('Packages with exceptions: $exceptionalPackages');
print('Exception categories:');
for (var category in sortedExceptions) {
print(' $category');
if (categoryOfInterest == null) {
print('\n(Note: to show stack traces & nodes for a particular failure,'
' rerun with a search string as an argument.)');
ArgResults? parseArguments(List<String> args) {
ArgParser argParser = ArgParser();
ArgResults? parsedArgs;
abbr: 'c',
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Recursively delete the playground directory before beginning.');
argParser.addFlag('help', abbr: 'h', help: 'Display options');
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: true,
help: 'Only print the exception node instead of the full stack trace.');
abbr: 'u',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: true,
help: 'Auto-update fetched packages in the playground.');
abbr: 's',
defaultsTo: path.dirname(path.dirname(Platform.resolvedExecutable)),
help: 'Select the root of the SDK to analyze against for this run '
'(compiled with --nnbd). For example: ../../xcodebuild/DebugX64NNBD/dart-sdk');
abbr: 'g',
defaultsTo: [],
help: 'Shallow-clone the given git repositories into a playground area,'
' run pub get on them, and migrate them.',
abbr: 'm',
defaultsTo: [],
help: 'Run migration against packages in these directories. Does not '
'run pub get, any git commands, or any other preparation.',
abbr: 'p',
defaultsTo: [],
help: 'The list of SDK packages to run the migration against.',
try {
parsedArgs = argParser.parse(args);
} on ArgParserException {
if (parsedArgs['help'] as bool) {
if ( > 1) {
throw 'invalid args. Specify *one* argument to get exceptions of interest.';
return parsedArgs;
void printWarning(String warn) {
!!! Warning! $warn
void warnOnNoAssertions() {
try {
} catch (e) {
printWarning("You didn't --enable-asserts!");
class ExceptionCategory {
final String topOfStack;
final List<MapEntry<String?, int>> exceptionCountPerPackage;
ExceptionCategory(this.topOfStack, Map<String?, int> exceptions)
: exceptionCountPerPackage = exceptions.entries.toList()
..sort((e1, e2) => e2.value.compareTo(e1.value));
int get count => exceptionCountPerPackage.length;
List<String?> get packageNames =>
[for (var entry in exceptionCountPerPackage) entry.key];
Iterable<String> get packageNamesAndCounts => => '${entry.key} x${entry.value}');
String toString() => '$topOfStack (${packageNamesAndCounts.join(', ')})';
class _Listener implements NullabilityMigrationListener {
/// Set this to `true` to cause just the exception nodes to be printed when
/// `_Listener.categoryOfInterest` is non-null. Set this to `false` to cause
/// the full stack trace to be printed.
final bool? printExceptionNodeOnly;
/// Set this to a non-null value to cause any exception to be printed in full
/// if its category contains the string.
final String? categoryOfInterest;
/// Exception mapped to a map of packages & exception counts.
final groupedExceptions = <String, Map<String?, int>>{};
int numExceptions = 0;
int numTypesMadeNullable = 0;
int numVariablesMarkedLate = 0;
int numInsertedCasts = 0;
int numInsertedParenthesis = 0;
int numNullChecksAdded = 0;
int numMetaImportsAdded = 0;
int numRequiredAnnotationsAdded = 0;
int numDeadCodeSegmentsFound = 0;
int numOtherEdits = 0;
String? currentPackage;
_Listener(this.categoryOfInterest, {this.printExceptionNodeOnly = false});
void addEdit(Source source, SourceEdit edit) {
if (edit.replacement == '') {
if (edit.replacement.contains('!')) {
if (edit.replacement.contains('(')) {
if (edit.replacement == '?' && edit.length == 0) {
} else if (edit.replacement == "import 'package:meta/meta.dart';\n" &&
edit.length == 0) {
} else if (edit.replacement == 'required ' && edit.length == 0) {
} else if (edit.replacement == 'late ' && edit.length == 0) {
} else if (edit.replacement.startsWith(' as ') && edit.length == 0) {
} else if ((edit.replacement == '/* ' ||
edit.replacement == ' /*' ||
edit.replacement == '; /*') &&
edit.length == 0) {
} else if ((edit.replacement == '*/ ' ||
edit.replacement == ' */' ||
edit.replacement == ')' ||
edit.replacement == '!' ||
edit.replacement == '(') &&
edit.length == 0) {
} else {
void addSuggestion(String descriptions, Location location) {}
void reportException(
Source? source, AstNode? node, Object exception, StackTrace stackTrace) {
var category = _classifyStackTrace(stackTrace.toString().split('\n'));
String detail = '''
In file $source
While processing $node
Exception $exception
if (categoryOfInterest != null && category.contains(categoryOfInterest!)) {
if (printExceptionNodeOnly!) {
} else {
(groupedExceptions[category] ??= <String?, int>{})
.update(currentPackage, (value) => ++value, ifAbsent: () => 1);
String _classifyStackTrace(List<String> stackTrace) {
for (var entry in stackTrace) {
if (entry.contains('EdgeBuilder._unimplemented')) continue;
if (entry.contains('_AssertionError._doThrowNew')) continue;
if (entry.contains('_AssertionError._throwNew')) continue;
if (entry.contains('NodeBuilder._unimplemented')) continue;
if (entry.contains('Object.noSuchMethod')) continue;
if (entry.contains('List.[] (dart:core-patch/growable_array.dart')) {
return entry;
return '???';