blob: 4edebe415cd8e4d857e2415c90ab68e87e20eb6b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class C {
static void staticMethod(dynamic d) {}
/*member: C.staticGetter:doesNotComplete*/
static int get staticGetter => 0;
/*member: C.staticInvokableGetter:doesNotComplete*/
static void Function(dynamic d) get staticInvokableGetter => (_) {};
static void set staticSetter(int value) {}
/*member: method_invocation_unreachable:doesNotComplete*/
void method_invocation_unreachable() {
C?.staticMethod(throw '');
/*stmt: unreachable*/ 0;
/*member: property_get_unreachable:doesNotComplete*/
void property_get_unreachable() {
C?.staticGetter.remainder(throw '');
/*stmt: unreachable*/ 0;
/*member: property_get_invocation_unreachable:doesNotComplete*/
void property_get_invocation_unreachable() {
// We need a special test case for this because it parses like a method
// invocation but the analyzer rewrites it as a property access followed by a
// function expression invocation.
C?.staticInvokableGetter(throw '');
/*stmt: unreachable*/ 0;
/*member: property_set_unreachable:doesNotComplete*/
void property_set_unreachable() {
C?.staticSetter = throw '';
/*stmt: unreachable*/ 0;