blob: 46d2a148fea25791f2c46b5f5b4509b150ac0558 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS d.file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub_tests;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:scheduled_test/scheduled_process.dart';
import 'package:scheduled_test/scheduled_test.dart';
import '../test_pub.dart';
/// The pub process running "pub serve".
ScheduledProcess _pubServer;
/// The ephemeral port assigned to the running server.
int _port;
/// The code for a transformer that renames ".txt" files to ".out" and adds a
/// ".out" suffix.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
class RewriteTransformer extends Transformer {
String get allowedExtensions => '.txt';
Future apply(Transform transform) {
return transform.primaryInput.readAsString().then((contents) {
var id =".out");
transform.addOutput(new Asset.fromString(id, "\$contents.out"));
/// Returns the source code for a Dart library defining a Transformer that
/// rewrites Dart files.
/// The transformer defines a constant named TOKEN whose value is [id]. When the
/// transformer transforms another Dart file, it will look for a "TOKEN"
/// constant definition there and modify it to include *this* transformer's
/// TOKEN value as well.
/// If [import] is passed, it should be the name of a package that defines its
/// own TOKEN constant. The primary library of that package will be imported
/// here and its TOKEN value will be added to this library's.
String dartTransformer(String id, {String import}) {
if (import != null) {
id = '$id imports \${$import.TOKEN}';
import = 'import "package:$import/$import.dart" as $import;';
} else {
import = '';
return """
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
const TOKEN = "$id";
final _tokenRegExp = new RegExp(r'^const TOKEN = "(.*?)";\$', multiLine: true);
class DartTransformer extends Transformer {
String get allowedExtensions => '.dart';
Future apply(Transform transform) {
return transform.primaryInput.readAsString().then((contents) {
transform.addOutput(new Asset.fromString(,
contents.replaceAllMapped(_tokenRegExp, (match) {
return 'const TOKEN = "(\${match[1]}, \$TOKEN)";';
/// Schedules starting the "pub serve" process.
/// If [shouldInstallFirst] is `true`, validates that pub install is run first.
/// Returns the `pub serve` process.
ScheduledProcess startPubServe({bool shouldInstallFirst: false}) {
// Use port 0 to get an ephemeral port.
_pubServer = startPub(args: ["serve", "--port=0", "--hostname="]);
if (shouldInstallFirst) {
completion(startsWith("Dependencies have changed")));
completion(startsWith("Resolving dependencies...")));
completion(equals("Dependencies installed!")));
expect(_pubServer.nextLine().then(_parsePort), completes);
return _pubServer;
/// Parses the port number from the "Serving blah on" line
/// printed by pub serve.
void _parsePort(String line) {
var match = new RegExp(r"127\.0\.0\.1:(\d+)").firstMatch(line);
assert(match != null);
_port = int.parse(match[1]);
void endPubServe() {
/// Schedules an HTTP request to the running pub server with [urlPath] and
/// verifies that it responds with a body that matches [expectation].
/// [expectation] may either be a [Matcher] or a string to match an exact body.
void requestShouldSucceed(String urlPath, expectation) {
schedule(() {
return http.get("$_port/$urlPath").then((response) {
expect(response.body, expectation);
}, "request $urlPath");
/// Schedules an HTTP request to the running pub server with [urlPath] and
/// verifies that it responds with a 404.
void requestShould404(String urlPath) {
schedule(() {
return http.get("$_port/$urlPath").then((response) {
expect(response.statusCode, equals(404));
}, "request $urlPath");
/// Schedules an HTTP POST to the running pub server with [urlPath] and verifies
/// that it responds with a 405.
void postShould405(String urlPath) {
schedule(() {
return"$_port/$urlPath").then((response) {
expect(response.statusCode, equals(405));
}, "request $urlPath");
/// Reads lines from pub serve's stdout until it prints the build success
/// message.
/// The schedule will not proceed until the output is found. If not found, it
/// will eventually time out.
void waitForBuildSuccess() {
nextLine() {
return _pubServer.nextLine().then((line) {
if (line.contains("successfully")) return;
// This line wasn't it, so ignore it and keep trying.
return nextLine();