blob: 4c746d1e88faa4372cbdf3d162db15e2f8e2a9a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A library for compiling Dart code and manipulating analyzer parse trees.
library pub.dart;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:analyzer_experimental/analyzer.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import '../../../compiler/compiler.dart' as compiler;
import '../../../compiler/implementation/source_file_provider.dart'
show FormattingDiagnosticHandler, SourceFileProvider;
import '../../../compiler/implementation/filenames.dart'
show appendSlash;
import 'io.dart';
import 'sdk.dart' as sdk;
import 'utils.dart';
/// Returns [entrypoint] compiled to JavaScript (or to Dart if [toDart] is
/// true).
/// By default, the package root is assumed to be adjacent to [entrypoint], but
/// if [packageRoot] is passed that will be used instead.
/// If [inputProvider] and [diagnosticHandler] are omitted, uses a default
/// [compiler.CompilerInputProvider] that loads directly from the filesystem.
/// If either is provided, both must be.
Future<String> compile(String entrypoint, {String packageRoot,
bool toDart: false, compiler.CompilerInputProvider inputProvider,
compiler.DiagnosticHandler diagnosticHandler}) {
return new Future.sync(() {
var options = <String>['--categories=Client,Server', '--minify'];
if (toDart) options.add('--output-type=dart');
if (packageRoot == null) {
packageRoot = path.join(path.dirname(entrypoint), 'packages');
// Must either pass both of these or neither.
if ((inputProvider == null) != (diagnosticHandler == null)) {
throw new ArgumentError("If either inputProvider or diagnosticHandler "
"is passed, then both must be.");
if (inputProvider == null) {
var provider = new SourceFileProvider();
inputProvider = provider.readStringFromUri;
diagnosticHandler = new FormattingDiagnosticHandler(provider)
return compiler.compile(
inputProvider, diagnosticHandler, options);
}).then((result) {
if (result != null) return result;
throw new ApplicationException('Failed to compile "$entrypoint".');
/// Returns the path to the directory containing the Dart core libraries.
/// This corresponds to the "sdk" directory in the repo and to the root of the
/// compiled SDK.
String get _libPath {
if (runningFromSdk) return sdk.rootDirectory;
return path.join(repoRoot, 'sdk');
/// Returns whether [dart] looks like an entrypoint file.
bool isEntrypoint(CompilationUnit dart) {
// TODO(nweiz): this misses the case where a Dart file doesn't contain main(),
// but it parts in another file that does.
return dart.declarations.any((node) {
return node is FunctionDeclaration && == "main" &&
/// Runs [code] in an isolate.
/// [code] should be the contents of a Dart entrypoint. It may contain imports;
/// they will be resolved in the same context as the host isolate.
/// Returns a Future that will resolve to a [SendPort] that will communicate to
/// the spawned isolate once it's spawned. If the isolate fails to spawn, the
/// Future will complete with an error.
Future<SendPort> runInIsolate(String code) {
return withTempDir((dir) {
var dartPath = path.join(dir, 'runInIsolate.dart');
writeTextFile(dartPath, code, dontLogContents: true);
var bufferPort = spawnFunction(_isolateBuffer);
return {
if (response.first == 'error') {
return new Future.error(
new CrossIsolateException.deserialize(response.last));
return response.last;
// TODO(nweiz): remove this when issue 12617 is fixed.
/// A function used as a buffer between the host isolate and [spawnUri].
/// [spawnUri] synchronously loads the file and its imports, which can deadlock
/// the host isolate if there's an HTTP import pointing at a server in the host.
/// Adding an additional isolate in the middle works around this.
void _isolateBuffer() {
port.receive((uri, replyTo) {
try {
replyTo.send(['success', spawnUri(uri)]);
} catch (e, stack) {
replyTo.send(['error', CrossIsolateException.serialize(e, stack)]);
/// An exception that was originally raised in another isolate.
/// Exception objects can't cross isolate boundaries in general, so this class
/// wraps as much information as can be consistently serialized.
class CrossIsolateException implements Exception {
/// The name of the type of exception thrown.
/// This is the return value of [error.runtimeType.toString()]. Keep in mind
/// that objects in different libraries may have the same type name.
final String type;
/// The exception's message, or its [toString] if it didn't expose a `message`
/// property.
final String message;
/// The exception's stack trace, or `null` if no stack trace was available.
final Trace stackTrace;
/// Loads a [CrossIsolateException] from a serialized representation.
/// [error] should be the result of [CrossIsolateException.serialize].
factory CrossIsolateException.deserialize(Map error) {
var type = error['type'];
var message = error['message'];
var stackTrace = error['stack'] == null ? null :
new Trace.parse(error['stack']);
return new CrossIsolateException._(type, message, stackTrace);
/// Loads a [CrossIsolateException] from a serialized representation.
/// [error] should be the result of [CrossIsolateException.serialize].
CrossIsolateException._(this.type, this.message, this.stackTrace);
/// Serializes [error] to an object that can safely be passed across isolate
/// boundaries.
static Map serialize(error, [StackTrace stack]) {
if (stack == null) stack = getAttachedStackTrace(error);
return {
'type': error.runtimeType.toString(),
'message': getErrorMessage(error),
'stack': stack == null ? null : stack.toString()
String toString() => "$message\n$stackTrace";