blob: 594e523d357641cf24a96418e556f147e427e909 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library lock_file;
import 'dart:json' as json;
import 'io.dart';
import 'package.dart';
import 'source_registry.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
import 'version.dart';
import '../../pkg/yaml/lib/yaml.dart';
/// A parsed and validated `pubspec.lock` file.
class LockFile {
/// The packages this lockfile pins.
Map<String, PackageId> packages;
: packages = <String, PackageId>{};
/// Loads a lockfile from [filePath].
factory LockFile.load(String filePath, SourceRegistry sources) {
return LockFile._parse(filePath, readTextFile(filePath), sources);
/// Parses a lockfile whose text is [contents].
factory LockFile.parse(String contents, SourceRegistry sources) {
return LockFile._parse(null, contents, sources);
/// Parses the lockfile whose text is [contents].
static LockFile _parse(String filePath, String contents,
SourceRegistry sources) {
var packages = <String, PackageId>{};
if (contents.trim() == '') return new LockFile.empty();
var parsed = loadYaml(contents);
if (parsed.containsKey('packages')) {
var packageEntries = parsed['packages'];
packageEntries.forEach((name, spec) {
// Parse the version.
if (!spec.containsKey('version')) {
throw new FormatException('Package $name is missing a version.');
var version = new Version.parse(spec['version']);
// Parse the source.
if (!spec.containsKey('source')) {
throw new FormatException('Package $name is missing a source.');
var sourceName = spec['source'];
if (!sources.contains(sourceName)) {
throw new FormatException(
'Could not find a source named $sourceName.');
var source = sources[sourceName];
// Parse the description.
if (!spec.containsKey('description')) {
throw new FormatException('Package $name is missing a description.');
var description = spec['description'];
description = source.parseDescription(filePath, description,
fromLockFile: true);
var id = new PackageId(name, source, version, description);
// Validate the name.
if (name != {
throw new FormatException(
"Package name $name doesn't match ${}.");
packages[name] = id;
return new LockFile._(packages);
/// Returns the serialized YAML text of the lock file.
String serialize() {
var packagesObj = <String, Map>{};
packages.forEach((name, id) {
packagesObj[name] = {
'version': id.version.toString(),
'description': id.description
// TODO(nweiz): Serialize using the YAML library once it supports
// serialization. For now, we use JSON, since it's a subset of YAML anyway.
return '''
# Generated by pub. See:
${json.stringify({'packages': packagesObj})}