blob: 661979b8573287025ce30f1347f6f1c3f2bdc936 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Common input/output used by builder, parser and end2end tests
library test.common;
import 'package:source_maps/source_maps.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
/// Content of the source file
const String INPUT = '''
/** this is a comment. */
int longVar1 = 3;
// this is a comment too
int longName(int longVar2) {
return longVar1 + longVar2;
var input = new SourceFile.text('input.dart', INPUT);
/// A span in the input file
Span ispan(int start, int end, [bool isIdentifier = false]) =>
new FileSpan(input, start, end, isIdentifier);
Span inputVar1 = ispan(30, 38, true);
Span inputFunction = ispan(74, 82, true);
Span inputVar2 = ispan(87, 95, true);
Span inputExpr = ispan(108, 127);
/// Content of the target file
const String OUTPUT = '''
var x = 3;
f(y) => x + y;
var output = new SourceFile.text('output.dart', OUTPUT);
/// A span in the output file
Span ospan(int start, int end, [bool isIdentifier = false]) =>
new FileSpan(output, start, end, isIdentifier);
Span outputVar1 = ospan(4, 5, true);
Span outputFunction = ospan(11, 12, true);
Span outputVar2 = ospan(13, 14, true);
Span outputExpr = ospan(19, 24);
/// Expected output mapping when recording the following four mappings:
/// inputVar1 <= outputVar1
/// inputFunction <= outputFunction
/// inputVar2 <= outputVar2
/// inputExpr <= outputExpr
/// This mapping is stored in the tests so we can independently test the builder
/// and parser algorithms without relying entirely on end2end tests.
const Map<String, dynamic> EXPECTED_MAP = const {
'version': 3,
'sourceRoot': '',
'sources': const ['input.dart'],
'names': const ['longVar1','longName','longVar2'],
'mappings': 'IACIA;AAGAC,EAAaC,MACR',
'file': 'output.dart'
check(Span outputSpan, Mapping mapping, Span inputSpan, bool realOffsets) {
var line = outputSpan.start.line;
var column = outputSpan.start.column;
var files = realOffsets ? {'input.dart': input} : null;
var span = mapping.spanFor(line, column, files: files);
var span2 = mapping.spanForLocation(outputSpan.start, files: files);
// Both mapping APIs are equivalent.
expect(span.start.offset, span2.start.offset);
expect(span.start.line, span2.start.line);
expect(span.start.column, span2.start.column);
expect(span.end.offset, span2.end.offset);
expect(span.end.line, span2.end.line);
expect(span.end.column, span2.end.column);
// Mapping matches our input location (modulo using real offsets)
expect(span.start.line, inputSpan.start.line);
expect(span.start.column, inputSpan.start.column);
expect(span.sourceUrl, inputSpan.sourceUrl);
expect(span.start.offset, realOffsets ? inputSpan.start.offset : 0);
// Mapping includes the identifier, if any
if (inputSpan.isIdentifier) {
expect(span.end.line, inputSpan.end.line);
expect(span.end.column, inputSpan.end.column);
expect(span.end.offset, span.start.offset + inputSpan.text.length);
if (realOffsets) expect(span.end.offset, inputSpan.end.offset);
} else {
expect(span.end.offset, span.start.offset);
expect(span.end.line, span.start.line);
expect(span.end.column, span.start.column);