blob: c84fd53b43e9ab54c7d914359214c9e566c601ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../ast.dart';
import '../class_hierarchy.dart';
import '../core_types.dart';
import '../reference_from_index.dart';
import 'changed_structure_notifier.dart';
final List<String> targetNames = targets.keys.toList();
class TargetFlags {
final bool trackWidgetCreation;
final int forceLateLoweringsForTesting;
final bool forceLateLoweringSentinelForTesting;
final bool forceStaticFieldLoweringForTesting;
final bool forceNoExplicitGetterCallsForTesting;
final bool enableNullSafety;
const TargetFlags(
{this.trackWidgetCreation = false,
this.forceLateLoweringsForTesting = LateLowering.none,
this.forceLateLoweringSentinelForTesting = false,
this.forceStaticFieldLoweringForTesting = false,
this.forceNoExplicitGetterCallsForTesting = false,
this.enableNullSafety = false});
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
return other is TargetFlags &&
trackWidgetCreation == other.trackWidgetCreation &&
forceLateLoweringsForTesting == other.forceLateLoweringsForTesting &&
forceLateLoweringSentinelForTesting ==
other.forceLateLoweringSentinelForTesting &&
forceStaticFieldLoweringForTesting ==
other.forceStaticFieldLoweringForTesting &&
forceNoExplicitGetterCallsForTesting ==
other.forceNoExplicitGetterCallsForTesting &&
enableNullSafety == other.enableNullSafety;
int get hashCode {
int hash = 485786;
hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + (hash ^ trackWidgetCreation.hashCode));
hash = 0x3fffffff &
(hash * 31 + (hash ^ forceLateLoweringsForTesting.hashCode));
hash = 0x3fffffff &
(hash * 31 + (hash ^ forceLateLoweringSentinelForTesting.hashCode));
hash = 0x3fffffff &
(hash * 31 + (hash ^ forceStaticFieldLoweringForTesting.hashCode));
hash = 0x3fffffff &
(hash * 31 + (hash ^ forceNoExplicitGetterCallsForTesting.hashCode));
hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + (hash ^ enableNullSafety.hashCode));
return hash;
typedef Target _TargetBuilder(TargetFlags flags);
final Map<String, _TargetBuilder> targets = <String, _TargetBuilder>{
'none': (TargetFlags flags) => new NoneTarget(flags),
Target? getTarget(String name, TargetFlags flags) {
_TargetBuilder? builder = targets[name];
if (builder == null) return null;
return builder(flags);
abstract class DiagnosticReporter<M, C> {
void report(M message, int charOffset, int length, Uri fileUri,
{List<C> context});
/// The different kinds of number semantics supported by the constant evaluator.
enum NumberSemantics {
/// Dart VM number semantics.
/// JavaScript (Dart2js and DDC) number semantics.
// Backend specific constant evaluation behavior
class ConstantsBackend {
const ConstantsBackend();
/// Lowering of a list constant to a backend-specific representation.
Constant lowerListConstant(ListConstant constant) => constant;
/// Returns `true` if [constant] is lowered list constant created by
/// [lowerListConstant].
bool isLoweredListConstant(Constant constant) => false;
/// Calls `f` for each element in the lowered list [constant].
/// This assumes that `isLoweredListConstant(constant)` is true.
void forEachLoweredListConstantElement(
Constant constant, void Function(Constant element) f) {}
/// Lowering of a set constant to a backend-specific representation.
Constant lowerSetConstant(SetConstant constant) => constant;
/// Returns `true` if [constant] is lowered set constant created by
/// [lowerSetConstant].
bool isLoweredSetConstant(Constant constant) => false;
/// Calls `f` for each element in the lowered set [constant].
/// This assumes that `isLoweredSetConstant(constant)` is true.
void forEachLoweredSetConstantElement(
Constant constant, void Function(Constant element) f) {}
/// Lowering of a map constant to a backend-specific representation.
Constant lowerMapConstant(MapConstant constant) => constant;
/// Returns `true` if [constant] is lowered map constant created by
/// [lowerMapConstant].
bool isLoweredMapConstant(Constant constant) => false;
/// Calls `f` for each key/value pair in the lowered map [constant].
/// This assumes that `lowerMapConstant(constant)` is true.
void forEachLoweredMapConstantEntry(
Constant constant, void Function(Constant key, Constant value) f) {}
/// Number semantics to use for this backend.
NumberSemantics get numberSemantics => NumberSemantics.vm;
/// Inline control of constant variables. The given constant expression
/// is the initializer of a [Field] or [VariableDeclaration] node.
/// If this method returns `true`, the variable will be inlined at all
/// points of reference and the variable itself removed (unless overridden
/// by the `keepFields` or `keepLocals` properties).
/// This method must be deterministic, i.e. it must always return the same
/// value for the same constant value and place in the AST.
bool shouldInlineConstant(ConstantExpression initializer) => true;
/// Whether this target supports unevaluated constants.
/// If not, then trying to perform constant evaluation without an environment
/// raises an exception.
/// This defaults to `false` since it requires additional work for a backend
/// to support unevaluated constants.
bool get supportsUnevaluatedConstants => false;
/// If `true` constant [Field] declarations are not removed from the AST even
/// when use-sites are inlined.
/// All use-sites will be rewritten based on [shouldInlineConstant].
bool get keepFields => true;
/// If `true` constant [VariableDeclaration]s are not removed from the AST
/// even when use-sites are inlined.
/// All use-sites will be rewritten based on [shouldInlineConstant].
bool get keepLocals => false;
/// A target provides backend-specific options for generating kernel IR.
abstract class Target {
TargetFlags get flags;
String get name;
/// A list of URIs of required libraries, not including dart:core.
/// Libraries will be loaded in order.
List<String> get extraRequiredLibraries => const <String>[];
/// A list of URIs of extra required libraries when compiling the platform.
/// Libraries will be loaded in order after the [extraRequiredLibraries]
/// above.
/// Normally not needed, but can be useful if removing libraries from the
/// [extraRequiredLibraries] list so libraries will still be available in the
/// platform if having a weird mix of current and not-quite-current as can
/// sometimes be the case.
List<String> get extraRequiredLibrariesPlatform => const <String>[];
/// A list of URIs of libraries to be indexed in the CoreTypes index, not
/// including dart:_internal, dart:async, dart:core and dart:mirrors.
List<String> get extraIndexedLibraries => const <String>[];
/// Additional declared variables implied by this target.
/// These can also be passed on the command-line of form `-D<name>=<value>`,
/// and those provided on the command-line take precedence over those defined
/// by the target.
Map<String, String> get extraDeclaredVariables => const <String, String>{};
/// Classes from the SDK whose interface is required for the modular
/// transformations.
Map<String, List<String>> get requiredSdkClasses => CoreTypes.requiredClasses;
/// A derived class may change this to `true` to enable forwarders to
/// user-defined `noSuchMethod` that are generated for each abstract member
/// if such `noSuchMethod` is present.
/// The forwarders are abstract [Procedure]s with [isNoSuchMethodForwarder]
/// bit set. The implementation of the behavior of such forwarders is up
/// for the target backend.
bool get enableNoSuchMethodForwarders => false;
/// A derived class may change this to `true` to enable Flutter specific
/// "super-mixins" semantics.
/// This semantics relaxes a number of constraint previously imposed on
/// mixins. Importantly it imposes the following change:
/// An abstract class may contain a member with a super-invocation that
/// corresponds to a member of the superclass interface, but where the
/// actual superclass does not declare or inherit a matching method.
/// Since no amount of overriding can change this property, such a class
/// cannot be extended to a class that is not abstract, it can only be
/// used to derive a mixin from.
/// See for details of the semantics.
bool get enableSuperMixins => false;
/// Perform target-specific transformations on the outlines stored in
/// [Component] when generating summaries.
/// This transformation is used to add metadata on outlines and to filter
/// unnecessary information before generating program summaries. This
/// transformation is not applied when compiling full kernel programs to
/// prevent affecting the internal invariants of the compiler and accidentally
/// slowing down compilation.
void performOutlineTransformations(Component component) {}
/// Perform target-specific transformations on the given libraries that must
/// run before constant evaluation.
void performPreConstantEvaluationTransformations(
Component component,
CoreTypes coreTypes,
List<Library> libraries,
DiagnosticReporter diagnosticReporter,
{void Function(String msg)? logger,
ChangedStructureNotifier? changedStructureNotifier}) {}
/// Perform target-specific modular transformations on the given libraries.
void performModularTransformationsOnLibraries(
Component component,
CoreTypes coreTypes,
ClassHierarchy hierarchy,
List<Library> libraries,
// TODO(askesc): Consider how to generally pass compiler options to
// transformations.
Map<String, String> environmentDefines,
DiagnosticReporter diagnosticReporter,
ReferenceFromIndex? referenceFromIndex,
{void logger(String msg),
ChangedStructureNotifier changedStructureNotifier});
/// Perform target-specific modular transformations on the given program.
/// This is used when an individual expression is compiled, e.g. for debugging
/// purposes. It is illegal to modify any of the enclosing nodes of the
/// procedure.
void performTransformationsOnProcedure(
CoreTypes coreTypes,
ClassHierarchy hierarchy,
Procedure procedure,
// TODO(askesc): Consider how to generally pass compiler options to
// transformations.
Map<String, String> environmentDefines,
{void Function(String msg)? logger}) {}
/// Whether a platform library may define a restricted type, such as `bool`,
/// `int`, `double`, `num`, and `String`.
/// By default only `dart:core` and `dart:typed_data` may define restricted
/// types, but some target implementations override this.
bool mayDefineRestrictedType(Uri uri) =>
uri.isScheme('dart') && (uri.path == 'core' || uri.path == 'typed_data');
/// Whether a library is allowed to import a platform private library.
/// By default only `dart:*` libraries are allowed. May be overridden for
/// testing purposes.
bool allowPlatformPrivateLibraryAccess(Uri importer, Uri imported) =>
imported.scheme != "dart" ||
!imported.path.startsWith("_") ||
importer.scheme == "dart" ||
(importer.scheme == "package" &&
/// Whether the `native` language extension is supported within [library].
/// The `native` language extension is not part of the language specification,
/// it means something else to each target, and it is enabled under different
/// circumstances for each target implementation. For example, the VM target
/// enables it everywhere because of existing support for "dart-ext:" native
/// extensions, but targets like dart2js only enable it on the core libraries.
bool enableNative(Uri uri) => false;
/// There are two variants of the `native` language extension. The VM expects
/// the native token to be followed by string, whereas dart2js and DDC do not.
// TODO(sigmund, ahe): ideally we should remove the `native` syntax, if not,
// we should at least unify the VM and non-VM variants.
bool get nativeExtensionExpectsString => false;
/// Whether integer literals that cannot be represented exactly on the web
/// (i.e. in Javascript) should cause an error to be issued.
/// An example of such a number is `2^53 + 1` where in Javascript - because
/// integers are represented as doubles
/// `Math.pow(2, 53) = Math.pow(2, 53) + 1`.
bool get errorOnUnexactWebIntLiterals => false;
/// Whether set literals are natively supported by this target. If set
/// literals are not supported by the target, they will be desugared into
/// explicit `Set` creation (for non-const set literals) or wrapped map
/// literals (for const set literals).
bool get supportsSetLiterals => true;
/// Bit mask of [LateLowering] values for the late lowerings that should
/// be performed by the CFE.
/// For the selected lowerings, late fields and variables are encoded using
/// fields, getter, setters etc. in a way that provide equivalent semantics.
/// See `pkg/kernel/` for details.
int get enabledLateLowerings;
/// Returns `true` if the CFE should lower a late field given it
/// [hasInitializer], [isFinal], and [isStatic].
/// This is determined by the [enabledLateLowerings] mask.
bool isLateFieldLoweringEnabled(
{required bool hasInitializer,
required bool isFinal,
required bool isStatic}) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(hasInitializer != null);
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(isFinal != null);
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(isStatic != null);
int mask = LateLowering.getFieldLowering(
hasInitializer: hasInitializer, isFinal: isFinal, isStatic: isStatic);
return enabledLateLowerings & mask != 0;
/// Returns `true` if the CFE should lower a late local variable given it
/// [hasInitializer], [isFinal], and its type [isPotentiallyNullable].
/// This is determined by the [enabledLateLowerings] mask.
bool isLateLocalLoweringEnabled(
{required bool hasInitializer,
required bool isFinal,
required bool isPotentiallyNullable}) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(hasInitializer != null);
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(isFinal != null);
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(isPotentiallyNullable != null);
int mask = LateLowering.getLocalLowering(
hasInitializer: hasInitializer,
isFinal: isFinal,
isPotentiallyNullable: isPotentiallyNullable);
return enabledLateLowerings & mask != 0;
/// If `true`, the backend supports creation and checking of a sentinel value
/// for uninitialized late fields and variables through the `createSentinel`
/// and `isSentinel` methods in `dart:_internal`.
/// If `true` this is used when [supportsLateFields] is `false`.
bool get supportsLateLoweringSentinel;
/// Whether static fields with initializers in nnbd libraries should be
/// encoded using the late field lowering.
bool get useStaticFieldLowering;
/// Whether calls to getters and fields should be encoded as a .call
/// invocation on a property get.
/// If `false`, calls to getters and fields are encoded as method invocations
/// with the accessed getter or field as the interface target.
bool get supportsExplicitGetterCalls;
bool get supportsNewMethodInvocationEncoding;
/// Builds an expression that instantiates an [Invocation] that can be passed
/// to [noSuchMethod].
Expression instantiateInvocation(CoreTypes coreTypes, Expression receiver,
String name, Arguments arguments, int offset, bool isSuper);
Expression instantiateNoSuchMethodError(CoreTypes coreTypes,
Expression receiver, String name, Arguments arguments, int offset,
{bool isMethod: false,
bool isGetter: false,
bool isSetter: false,
bool isField: false,
bool isLocalVariable: false,
bool isDynamic: false,
bool isSuper: false,
bool isStatic: false,
bool isConstructor: false,
bool isTopLevel: false});
/// Configure the given [Component] in a target specific way.
/// Returns the configured component.
Component configureComponent(Component component) => component;
// Configure environment defines in a target-specific way.
Map<String, String> updateEnvironmentDefines(Map<String, String> map) => map;
String toString() => 'Target($name)';
Class? concreteListLiteralClass(CoreTypes coreTypes) => null;
Class? concreteConstListLiteralClass(CoreTypes coreTypes) => null;
Class? concreteMapLiteralClass(CoreTypes coreTypes) => null;
Class? concreteConstMapLiteralClass(CoreTypes coreTypes) => null;
Class? concreteIntLiteralClass(CoreTypes coreTypes, int value) => null;
Class? concreteDoubleLiteralClass(CoreTypes coreTypes, double value) => null;
Class? concreteStringLiteralClass(CoreTypes coreTypes, String value) => null;
ConstantsBackend constantsBackend(CoreTypes coreTypes);
class NoneConstantsBackend extends ConstantsBackend {
final bool supportsUnevaluatedConstants;
const NoneConstantsBackend({required this.supportsUnevaluatedConstants});
class NoneTarget extends Target {
final TargetFlags flags;
int get enabledLateLowerings => flags.forceLateLoweringsForTesting;
bool get supportsLateLoweringSentinel =>
bool get useStaticFieldLowering => flags.forceStaticFieldLoweringForTesting;
bool get supportsExplicitGetterCalls =>
bool get supportsNewMethodInvocationEncoding => true;
String get name => 'none';
List<String> get extraRequiredLibraries => <String>[];
void performModularTransformationsOnLibraries(
Component component,
CoreTypes coreTypes,
ClassHierarchy hierarchy,
List<Library> libraries,
Map<String, String> environmentDefines,
DiagnosticReporter diagnosticReporter,
ReferenceFromIndex? referenceFromIndex,
{void Function(String msg)? logger,
ChangedStructureNotifier? changedStructureNotifier}) {}
Expression instantiateInvocation(CoreTypes coreTypes, Expression receiver,
String name, Arguments arguments, int offset, bool isSuper) {
return new InvalidExpression(null);
Expression instantiateNoSuchMethodError(CoreTypes coreTypes,
Expression receiver, String name, Arguments arguments, int offset,
{bool isMethod: false,
bool isGetter: false,
bool isSetter: false,
bool isField: false,
bool isLocalVariable: false,
bool isDynamic: false,
bool isSuper: false,
bool isStatic: false,
bool isConstructor: false,
bool isTopLevel: false}) {
return new InvalidExpression(null);
ConstantsBackend constantsBackend(CoreTypes coreTypes) =>
// TODO(johnniwinther): Should this vary with the use case?
const NoneConstantsBackend(supportsUnevaluatedConstants: true);
class LateLowering {
static const int nullableUninitializedNonFinalLocal = 1 << 0;
static const int nonNullableUninitializedNonFinalLocal = 1 << 1;
static const int nullableUninitializedFinalLocal = 1 << 2;
static const int nonNullableUninitializedFinalLocal = 1 << 3;
static const int nullableInitializedNonFinalLocal = 1 << 4;
static const int nonNullableInitializedNonFinalLocal = 1 << 5;
static const int nullableInitializedFinalLocal = 1 << 6;
static const int nonNullableInitializedFinalLocal = 1 << 7;
static const int uninitializedNonFinalStaticField = 1 << 8;
static const int uninitializedFinalStaticField = 1 << 9;
static const int initializedNonFinalStaticField = 1 << 10;
static const int initializedFinalStaticField = 1 << 11;
static const int uninitializedNonFinalInstanceField = 1 << 12;
static const int uninitializedFinalInstanceField = 1 << 13;
static const int initializedNonFinalInstanceField = 1 << 14;
static const int initializedFinalInstanceField = 1 << 15;
static const int none = 0;
static const int all = (1 << 16) - 1;
static int getLocalLowering(
{required bool hasInitializer,
required bool isFinal,
required bool isPotentiallyNullable}) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(hasInitializer != null);
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(isFinal != null);
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(isPotentiallyNullable != null);
if (hasInitializer) {
if (isFinal) {
if (isPotentiallyNullable) {
return nullableInitializedFinalLocal;
} else {
return nonNullableInitializedFinalLocal;
} else {
if (isPotentiallyNullable) {
return nullableInitializedNonFinalLocal;
} else {
return nonNullableInitializedNonFinalLocal;
} else {
if (isFinal) {
if (isPotentiallyNullable) {
return nullableUninitializedFinalLocal;
} else {
return nonNullableUninitializedFinalLocal;
} else {
if (isPotentiallyNullable) {
return nullableUninitializedNonFinalLocal;
} else {
return nonNullableUninitializedNonFinalLocal;
static int getFieldLowering(
{required bool hasInitializer,
required bool isFinal,
required bool isStatic}) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(hasInitializer != null);
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(isFinal != null);
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(isStatic != null);
if (hasInitializer) {
if (isFinal) {
if (isStatic) {
return initializedFinalStaticField;
} else {
return initializedFinalInstanceField;
} else {
if (isStatic) {
return initializedNonFinalStaticField;
} else {
return initializedNonFinalInstanceField;
} else {
if (isFinal) {
if (isStatic) {
return uninitializedFinalStaticField;
} else {
return uninitializedFinalInstanceField;
} else {
if (isStatic) {
return uninitializedNonFinalStaticField;
} else {
return uninitializedNonFinalInstanceField;