blob: c9e39c7c61bdefb0f2001cea742e6366c2ac0984 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library utils;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import "package:path/path.dart";
Future<int> getStatusCode(int port,
String path,
{String host,
bool secure: false,
DateTime ifModifiedSince,
bool rawPath: false}) {
var uri;
if (rawPath) {
uri = new Uri(scheme: secure ? 'https' : 'http',
host: 'localhost',
port: port,
path: path);
} else {
uri = (secure ?
new Uri.https('localhost:$port', path) :
new Uri.http('localhost:$port', path));
return new HttpClient().getUrl(uri)
.then((request) {
if (host != null) = host;
if (ifModifiedSince != null) {
request.headers.ifModifiedSince = ifModifiedSince;
return request.close();
.then((response) => response.drain().then(
(_) => response.statusCode));
Future<HttpHeaders> getHeaders(int port, String path) {
return new HttpClient().get('localhost', port, path)
.then((request) => request.close())
.then((response) => response.drain().then(
(_) => response.headers));
Future<String> getAsString(int port, String path) {
return new HttpClient().get('localhost', port, path)
.then((request) => request.close())
.then((response) => UTF8.decodeStream(response));
const CERTIFICATE = "localhost_cert";
setupSecure() {
String scriptDir = dirname(new Options().script);
String certificateDatabase = join(scriptDir, 'pkcert');
SecureSocket.initialize(database: certificateDatabase,
password: 'dartdart');