blob: c48db0378a9c9712936a387de505e7e6373b17b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of http_server;
class _HttpBodyHandlerTransformer
extends StreamEventTransformer<HttpRequest, HttpRequestBody> {
final Encoding _defaultEncoding;
void handleData(HttpRequest request, EventSink<HttpRequestBody> sink) {
_HttpBodyHandler.processRequest(request, _defaultEncoding)
.then(sink.add, onError: sink.addError);
class _HttpBodyHandler {
static Future<HttpRequestBody> processRequest(
HttpRequest request,
Encoding defaultEncoding) {
return process(request, request.headers, defaultEncoding)
.then((body) => new _HttpRequestBody(request, body),
onError: (error) {
// Try to send BAD_REQUEST response.
request.response.statusCode = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST;
request.response.done.catchError((_) {});
throw error;
static Future<HttpClientResponseBody> processResponse(
HttpClientResponse response,
Encoding defaultEncoding) {
return process(response, response.headers, defaultEncoding)
.then((body) => new _HttpClientResponseBody(response, body));
static Future<HttpBody> process(Stream<List<int>> stream,
HttpHeaders headers,
Encoding defaultEncoding) {
ContentType contentType = headers.contentType;
Future<HttpBody> asBinary() {
return stream
.fold(new BytesBuilder(), (builder, data) => builder..add(data))
.then((builder) => new _HttpBody(contentType,
Future<HttpBody> asText(Encoding defaultEncoding) {
var encoding;
var charset = contentType.charset;
if (charset != null) encoding = Encoding.getByName(charset);
if (encoding == null) encoding = defaultEncoding;
return stream
.fold(new StringBuffer(), (buffer, data) => buffer..write(data))
.then((buffer) => new _HttpBody(contentType,
Future<HttpBody> asFormData() {
return stream
.transform(new MimeMultipartTransformer(
.map((multipart) {
var future;
if (multipart.isText) {
future = multipart
.fold(new StringBuffer(), (b, s) => b..write(s))
.then((b) => b.toString());
} else {
future = multipart
.fold(new BytesBuilder(), (b, d) => b..add(d))
.then((b) => b.takeBytes());
return future.then((data) {
var filename =
if (filename != null) {
data = new _HttpBodyFileUpload(multipart.contentType,
return [multipart.contentDisposition.parameters['name'], data];
.fold([], (l, f) => l..add(f))
.then((parts) {
Map<String, dynamic> map = new Map<String, dynamic>();
for (var part in parts) {
map[part[0]] = part[1]; // Override existing entries.
return new _HttpBody(contentType, 'form', map);
if (contentType == null) {
return asBinary();
switch (contentType.primaryType) {
case "text":
return asText(ASCII);
case "application":
switch (contentType.subType) {
case "json":
return asText(UTF8)
.then((body) => new _HttpBody(contentType,
case "x-www-form-urlencoded":
return asText(ASCII)
.then((body) {
var map = Uri.splitQueryString(body.body,
decode: (s) => defaultEncoding.decode(s));
var result = {};
for (var key in map.keys) {
result[key] = map[key];
return new _HttpBody(contentType, "form", result);
case "multipart":
switch (contentType.subType) {
case "form-data":
return asFormData();
return asBinary();
class _HttpBodyFileUpload implements HttpBodyFileUpload {
final ContentType contentType;
final String filename;
final dynamic content;
_HttpBodyFileUpload(this.contentType, this.filename, this.content);
class _HttpBody implements HttpBody {
final ContentType contentType;
final String type;
final dynamic body;
_HttpBody(ContentType this.contentType,
String this.type,
dynamic this.body);
class _HttpRequestBody extends _HttpBody implements HttpRequestBody {
final String method;
final Uri uri;
final HttpHeaders headers;
final HttpResponse response;
_HttpRequestBody(HttpRequest request, HttpBody body)
: super(body.contentType, body.type, body.body),
method = request.method,
uri = request.uri,
headers = request.headers,
response = request.response;
class _HttpClientResponseBody
extends _HttpBody implements HttpClientResponseBody {
final HttpClientResponse response;
_HttpClientResponseBody(HttpClientResponse response, HttpBody body)
: super(body.contentType, body.type, body.body),
this.response = response;
int get statusCode => response.statusCode;
String get reasonPhrase => response.reasonPhrase;
HttpHeaders get headers => response.headers;