blob: 6d336a5177a0c5e7eea2590aaf547c0a0a76289d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.src.options;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_unstable/dart2js.dart' as fe;
import 'commandline_options.dart' show Flags;
import 'util/util.dart';
enum NullSafetyMode {
/// Options used for controlling diagnostic messages.
abstract class DiagnosticOptions {
const DiagnosticOptions();
/// If `true`, warnings cause the compilation to fail.
bool get fatalWarnings;
/// Emit terse diagnostics without howToFix.
bool get terseDiagnostics;
/// If `true`, warnings are not reported.
bool get suppressWarnings;
/// If `true`, hints are not reported.
bool get suppressHints;
/// Returns `true` if warnings and hints are shown for all packages.
bool get showAllPackageWarnings;
/// Returns `true` if warnings and hints are hidden for all packages.
bool get hidePackageWarnings;
/// Returns `true` if warnings should be should for [uri].
bool showPackageWarningsFor(Uri uri);
/// Object for passing options to the compiler. Superclasses are used to select
/// subsets of these options, enabling each part of the compiler to depend on
/// as few as possible.
class CompilerOptions implements DiagnosticOptions {
/// The entry point of the application that is being compiled.
Uri entryPoint;
/// Location of the package configuration file.
/// If not null then [packageRoot] should be null.
Uri packageConfig;
/// List of kernel files to load.
/// When compiling modularly, this contains kernel files that are needed
/// to compile a single module.
/// When linking, this contains all kernel files that form part of the final
/// program.
/// At this time, this list points to full kernel files. In the future, we may
/// use a list of outline files for modular compiles, and only use full kernel
/// files for linking.
List<Uri> dillDependencies;
/// Location from which serialized inference data is read.
/// If this is set, the [entryPoint] is expected to be a .dill file and the
/// frontend work is skipped.
Uri readDataUri;
/// Location to which inference data is serialized.
/// If this is set, the compilation stops after type inference.
Uri writeDataUri;
/// Location from which codegen data is read.
/// If this is set, the compilation starts at codegen enqueueing.
Uri readCodegenUri;
/// Location to which codegen data is serialized.
/// If this is set, the compilation stops after code generation.
Uri writeCodegenUri;
/// Whether to run only the CFE and emit the generated kernel file in
/// [outputUri].
bool cfeOnly = false;
/// Flag only meant for dart2js developers to iterate on global inference
/// changes.
/// When working on large apps this flag allows to load serialized data for
/// the app (via --read-data), reuse its closed world, and rerun the global
/// inference phase (even though the serialized data already contains a global
/// inference result).
bool debugGlobalInference = false;
/// Resolved constant "environment" values passed to the compiler via the `-D`
/// flags.
Map<String, String> environment = const <String, String>{};
/// Flags enabling language experiments.
Map<fe.ExperimentalFlag, bool> languageExperiments = {};
/// `true` if variance is enabled.
bool get enableVariance => languageExperiments[fe.ExperimentalFlag.variance];
/// Whether `--enable-experiment=non-nullable` is provided.
bool get enableNonNullable =>
/// A possibly null state object for kernel compilation.
fe.InitializedCompilerState kernelInitializedCompilerState;
/// Whether we allow mocking compilation of libraries such as dart:io and
/// dart:html for unit testing purposes.
bool allowMockCompilation = false;
/// Sets a combination of flags for benchmarking 'production' mode.
bool benchmarkingProduction = false;
/// Sets a combination of flags for benchmarking 'experiment' mode.
bool benchmarkingExperiment = false;
/// ID associated with this sdk build.
/// Whether there is a build-id available so we can use it on error messages
/// and in the emitted output of the compiler.
bool get hasBuildId => buildId != _UNDETERMINED_BUILD_ID;
/// Whether to compile for the server category. This is used to compile to JS
/// that is intended to be run on server-side VMs like nodejs.
bool compileForServer = false;
/// Location where to generate a map containing details of how deferred
/// libraries are subdivided.
Uri deferredMapUri;
/// Whether to disable inlining during the backend optimizations.
// TODO(sigmund): negate, so all flags are positive
bool disableInlining = false;
/// Disable deferred loading, instead generate everything in one output unit.
/// Note: the resulting program still correctly checks that loadLibrary &
/// checkLibrary calls are correct.
bool disableProgramSplit = false;
/// Diagnostic option: If `true`, warnings cause the compilation to fail.
bool fatalWarnings = false;
/// Diagnostic option: Emit terse diagnostics without howToFix.
bool terseDiagnostics = false;
/// Diagnostic option: If `true`, warnings are not reported.
bool suppressWarnings = false;
/// Diagnostic option: If `true`, hints are not reported.
bool suppressHints = false;
/// Diagnostic option: List of packages for which warnings and hints are
/// reported. If `null`, no package warnings or hints are reported. If
/// empty, all warnings and hints are reported.
List<String> shownPackageWarnings; // &&&&&
/// Whether to disable global type inference.
bool disableTypeInference = false;
/// Whether to use the trivial abstract value domain.
bool useTrivialAbstractValueDomain = false;
/// Whether to use the wrapped abstract value domain (experimental).
bool experimentalWrapped = false;
/// Whether to use the powersets abstract value domain (experimental).
bool experimentalPowersets = false;
/// Whether to disable optimization for need runtime type information.
bool disableRtiOptimization = false;
/// Whether to emit a summary of the information used by the compiler during
/// optimization. This includes resolution details, dependencies between
/// elements, results of type inference, and data about generated code.
bool dumpInfo = false;
/// Whether to use the new dump-info binary format. This will be the default
/// after a transitional period.
bool useDumpInfoBinaryFormat = false;
/// If set, SSA intermediate form is dumped for methods with names matching
/// this RegExp pattern.
String dumpSsaPattern = null;
/// Whether we allow passing an extra argument to `assert`, containing a
/// reason for why an assertion fails. (experimental)
/// This is only included so that tests can pass the --assert-message flag
/// without causing dart2js to crash. The flag has no effect.
bool enableAssertMessage = true;
/// Whether to enable minification
// TODO(sigmund): rename to minify
bool enableMinification = false;
/// Flag to turn off minification even if enabled elsewhere, e.g. via
/// -O2. Both [enableMinification] and [_disableMinification] can be true, in
/// which case [_disableMinification] wins.
bool _disableMinification = false;
/// Whether to model which native classes are live based on annotations on the
/// core libraries. If false, all native classes will be included by default.
bool enableNativeLiveTypeAnalysis = true;
/// Whether to generate code containing user's `assert` statements.
bool enableUserAssertions = false;
/// Whether to generate code asserting that non-nullable parameters in opt-in
/// code are not null. In mixed mode code (some opting into non-nullable, some
/// not), null-safety is unsound, allowing `null` values to be assigned to
/// variables with non-nullable types. This assertion lets the opt-in code
/// operate with a stronger guarantee.
bool enableNullAssertions = false;
/// Whether to generate code asserting that non-nullable return values of
/// `@Native` methods or `JS()` invocations are checked for being non-null.
bool enableNativeNullAssertions = false;
/// Whether to generate a source-map file together with the output program.
bool generateSourceMap = true;
/// URI of the main output of the compiler.
Uri outputUri;
/// Location of the libraries specification file.
Uri librariesSpecificationUri;
/// Location of the kernel platform `.dill` files.
Uri platformBinaries;
/// Whether to print legacy types as T* rather than T.
bool printLegacyStars = false;
/// URI where the compiler should generate the output source map file.
Uri sourceMapUri;
/// The compiler is run from the build bot.
bool testMode = false;
/// Whether to trust primitive types during inference and optimizations.
bool trustPrimitives = false;
/// Whether to omit implicit strong mode checks.
bool omitImplicitChecks = false;
/// Whether to omit as casts by default.
bool omitAsCasts = false;
/// Whether to omit class type arguments only needed for `toString` on
/// `Object.runtimeType`.
bool laxRuntimeTypeToString = false;
/// Whether to restrict the generated JavaScript to features that work on the
/// oldest supported versions of JavaScript. This currently means IE11. If
/// `true`, the generated code runs on the legacy JavaScript platform. If
/// `false`, the code will fail on the legacy JavaScript platform.
bool legacyJavaScript = true; // default value.
bool _legacyJavaScript = false;
bool _noLegacyJavaScript = false;
/// What should the compiler do with parameter type assertions.
/// This is an internal configuration option derived from other flags.
CheckPolicy defaultParameterCheckPolicy;
/// What should the compiler do with implicit downcasts.
/// This is an internal configuration option derived from other flags.
CheckPolicy defaultImplicitDowncastCheckPolicy;
/// What the compiler should do with a boolean value in a condition context
/// when the language specification says it is a runtime error for it to be
/// null.
/// This is an internal configuration option derived from other flags.
CheckPolicy defaultConditionCheckPolicy;
/// What should the compiler do with explicit casts.
/// This is an internal configuration option derived from other flags.
CheckPolicy defaultExplicitCastCheckPolicy;
/// Whether to generate code compliant with content security policy (CSP).
bool useContentSecurityPolicy = false;
/// When obfuscating for minification, whether to use the frequency of a name
/// as an heuristic to pick shorter names.
bool useFrequencyNamer = true;
/// Whether to generate source-information from both the old and the new
/// source-information engines. (experimental)
bool useMultiSourceInfo = false;
/// Whether to use the new source-information implementation for source-maps.
/// (experimental)
bool useNewSourceInfo = false;
/// Enable verbose printing during compilation. Includes a time-breakdown
/// between phases at the end.
bool verbose = false;
/// On top of --verbose, enable more verbose printing, like progress messages
/// during each phase of compilation.
bool showInternalProgress = false;
/// Enable printing of metrics at end of compilation.
// TODO(sra): Add command-line filtering of metrics.
bool reportPrimaryMetrics = false;
/// Enable printing of more metrics at end of compilation.
// TODO(sra): Add command-line filtering of metrics.
bool reportSecondaryMetrics = false;
/// Track allocations in the JS output.
/// This is an experimental feature.
bool experimentalTrackAllocations = false;
/// Experimental part file function generation.
bool experimentStartupFunctions = false;
/// Experimental reliance on JavaScript ToBoolean conversions.
bool experimentToBoolean = false;
// Experiment to make methods that are inferred as unreachable throw an
// exception rather than generate suspect code.
bool experimentUnreachableMethodsThrow = false;
/// Experimental instrumentation to investigate code bloat.
/// If [true], the compiler will emit code that logs whenever a method is
/// called.
bool experimentCallInstrumentation = false;
/// When null-safety is enabled, whether the compiler should emit code with
/// unsound or sound semantics.
/// If unspecified, the mode must be inferred from the entrypoint.
/// This option should rarely need to be accessed directly. Consider using
/// [useLegacySubtyping] instead.
NullSafetyMode nullSafetyMode = NullSafetyMode.unspecified;
bool _soundNullSafety = false;
bool _noSoundNullSafety = false;
/// Whether to use legacy subtype semantics rather than null-safe semantics.
/// This is `true` if null-safety is disabled, i.e. all code is legacy code,
/// or if unsound null-safety semantics are being used, since we do not emit
/// warnings.
bool get useLegacySubtyping {
assert(nullSafetyMode != NullSafetyMode.unspecified,
"Null safety mode unspecified");
return !enableNonNullable || (nullSafetyMode == NullSafetyMode.unsound);
/// The path to the file that contains the profiled allocations.
/// The file must contain the Map that was produced by using
/// [experimentalTrackAllocations] encoded as a JSON map.
/// This is an experimental feature.
String experimentalAllocationsPath;
/// If specified, a bundle of optimizations to enable (or disable).
int optimizationLevel = null;
/// The shard to serialize when using [writeCodegenUri].
int codegenShard;
/// The number of shards to serialize when using [writeCodegenUri] or to
/// deserialize when using [readCodegenUri].
int codegenShards;
// -------------------------------------------------
// Options for deprecated features
// -------------------------------------------------
/// Create an options object by parsing flags from [options].
static CompilerOptions parse(List<String> options,
{Uri librariesSpecificationUri,
Uri platformBinaries,
void Function(String) onError,
void Function(String) onWarning}) {
Map<fe.ExperimentalFlag, bool> languageExperiments =
_extractExperiments(options, onError: onError, onWarning: onWarning);
// The null safety experiment can result in requiring different experiments
// for compiling user code vs. the sdk. To simplify things, we prebuild the
// sdk with the correct flags.
platformBinaries ??= fe.computePlatformBinariesLocation();
return new CompilerOptions()
..librariesSpecificationUri = librariesSpecificationUri
..allowMockCompilation = _hasOption(options, Flags.allowMockCompilation)
..benchmarkingProduction =
_hasOption(options, Flags.benchmarkingProduction)
..benchmarkingExperiment =
_hasOption(options, Flags.benchmarkingExperiment)
..buildId =
_extractStringOption(options, '--build-id=', _UNDETERMINED_BUILD_ID)
..compileForServer = _hasOption(options, Flags.serverMode)
..deferredMapUri = _extractUriOption(options, '--deferred-map=')
..fatalWarnings = _hasOption(options, Flags.fatalWarnings)
..terseDiagnostics = _hasOption(options, Flags.terse)
..suppressWarnings = _hasOption(options, Flags.suppressWarnings)
..suppressHints = _hasOption(options, Flags.suppressHints)
..shownPackageWarnings =
_extractOptionalCsvOption(options, Flags.showPackageWarnings)
..languageExperiments = languageExperiments
..disableInlining = _hasOption(options, Flags.disableInlining)
..disableProgramSplit = _hasOption(options, Flags.disableProgramSplit)
..disableTypeInference = _hasOption(options, Flags.disableTypeInference)
..useTrivialAbstractValueDomain =
_hasOption(options, Flags.useTrivialAbstractValueDomain)
..experimentalWrapped = _hasOption(options, Flags.experimentalWrapped)
..experimentalPowersets = _hasOption(options, Flags.experimentalPowersets)
..disableRtiOptimization =
_hasOption(options, Flags.disableRtiOptimization)
..dumpInfo = _hasOption(options, Flags.dumpInfo)
..useDumpInfoBinaryFormat =
_hasOption(options, "${Flags.dumpInfo}=binary")
..dumpSsaPattern =
_extractStringOption(options, '${Flags.dumpSsa}=', null)
..enableMinification = _hasOption(options, Flags.minify)
.._disableMinification = _hasOption(options, Flags.noMinify)
..enableNativeLiveTypeAnalysis =
!_hasOption(options, Flags.disableNativeLiveTypeAnalysis)
..enableUserAssertions = _hasOption(options, Flags.enableCheckedMode) ||
_hasOption(options, Flags.enableAsserts)
..enableNullAssertions = _hasOption(options, Flags.enableCheckedMode) ||
_hasOption(options, Flags.enableNullAssertions)
..enableNativeNullAssertions =
_hasOption(options, Flags.enableNativeNullAssertions)
..experimentalTrackAllocations =
_hasOption(options, Flags.experimentalTrackAllocations)
..experimentalAllocationsPath = _extractStringOption(
options, "${Flags.experimentalAllocationsPath}=", null)
..experimentStartupFunctions =
_hasOption(options, Flags.experimentStartupFunctions)
..experimentToBoolean = _hasOption(options, Flags.experimentToBoolean)
..experimentUnreachableMethodsThrow =
_hasOption(options, Flags.experimentUnreachableMethodsThrow)
..experimentCallInstrumentation =
_hasOption(options, Flags.experimentCallInstrumentation)
..generateSourceMap = !_hasOption(options, Flags.noSourceMaps)
..outputUri = _extractUriOption(options, '--out=')
..platformBinaries = platformBinaries
..printLegacyStars = _hasOption(options, Flags.printLegacyStars)
..sourceMapUri = _extractUriOption(options, '--source-map=')
..omitImplicitChecks = _hasOption(options, Flags.omitImplicitChecks)
..omitAsCasts = _hasOption(options, Flags.omitAsCasts)
..laxRuntimeTypeToString =
_hasOption(options, Flags.laxRuntimeTypeToString)
.._legacyJavaScript = _hasOption(options, Flags.legacyJavaScript)
.._noLegacyJavaScript = _hasOption(options, Flags.noLegacyJavaScript)
..testMode = _hasOption(options, Flags.testMode)
..trustPrimitives = _hasOption(options, Flags.trustPrimitives)
..useContentSecurityPolicy =
_hasOption(options, Flags.useContentSecurityPolicy)
..useFrequencyNamer =
!_hasOption(options, Flags.noFrequencyBasedMinification)
..useMultiSourceInfo = _hasOption(options, Flags.useMultiSourceInfo)
..useNewSourceInfo = _hasOption(options, Flags.useNewSourceInfo)
..verbose = _hasOption(options, Flags.verbose)
..reportPrimaryMetrics = _hasOption(options, Flags.reportMetrics)
..reportSecondaryMetrics = _hasOption(options, Flags.reportAllMetrics)
..showInternalProgress = _hasOption(options, Flags.progress)
..dillDependencies =
_extractUriListOption(options, '${Flags.dillDependencies}')
..readDataUri = _extractUriOption(options, '${Flags.readData}=')
..writeDataUri = _extractUriOption(options, '${Flags.writeData}=')
..readCodegenUri = _extractUriOption(options, '${Flags.readCodegen}=')
..writeCodegenUri = _extractUriOption(options, '${Flags.writeCodegen}=')
..codegenShard = _extractIntOption(options, '${Flags.codegenShard}=')
..codegenShards = _extractIntOption(options, '${Flags.codegenShards}=')
..cfeOnly = _hasOption(options, Flags.cfeOnly)
..debugGlobalInference = _hasOption(options, Flags.debugGlobalInference)
.._soundNullSafety = _hasOption(options, Flags.soundNullSafety)
.._noSoundNullSafety = _hasOption(options, Flags.noSoundNullSafety);
void validate() {
// TODO(sigmund): should entrypoint be here? should we validate it is not
// null? In unittests we use the same compiler to analyze or build multiple
// entrypoints.
if (librariesSpecificationUri == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("[librariesSpecificationUri] is null.");
if (librariesSpecificationUri.path.endsWith('/')) {
throw new ArgumentError(
"[librariesSpecificationUri] should be a file: $librariesSpecificationUri");
if (platformBinaries == null &&
equalMaps(languageExperiments, fe.defaultExperimentalFlags)) {
throw new ArgumentError("Missing required ${Flags.platformBinaries}");
if (_legacyJavaScript && _noLegacyJavaScript) {
throw ArgumentError("'${Flags.legacyJavaScript}' incompatible with "
if (_soundNullSafety && _noSoundNullSafety) {
throw ArgumentError("'${Flags.soundNullSafety}' incompatible with "
if (!enableNonNullable && _soundNullSafety) {
throw ArgumentError("'${Flags.soundNullSafety}' requires the "
"'non-nullable' experiment to be enabled");
void deriveOptions() {
if (benchmarkingProduction) {
trustPrimitives = true;
omitImplicitChecks = true;
if (benchmarkingExperiment) {
// Set flags implied by '--benchmarking-x'.
// TODO(sra): Use this for some NNBD variant.
if (_noLegacyJavaScript) legacyJavaScript = false;
if (_legacyJavaScript) legacyJavaScript = true;
if (_soundNullSafety) nullSafetyMode = NullSafetyMode.sound;
if (_noSoundNullSafety) nullSafetyMode = NullSafetyMode.unsound;
if (optimizationLevel != null) {
if (optimizationLevel == 0) {
disableInlining = true;
disableTypeInference = true;
disableRtiOptimization = true;
if (optimizationLevel >= 2) {
enableMinification = true;
laxRuntimeTypeToString = true;
if (optimizationLevel >= 3) {
omitImplicitChecks = true;
if (optimizationLevel == 4) {
trustPrimitives = true;
// Strong mode always trusts type annotations (inferred or explicit), so
// assignments checks should be trusted.
if (omitImplicitChecks) {
defaultParameterCheckPolicy = CheckPolicy.trusted;
defaultImplicitDowncastCheckPolicy = CheckPolicy.trusted;
defaultConditionCheckPolicy = CheckPolicy.trusted;
} else {
defaultParameterCheckPolicy = CheckPolicy.checked;
defaultImplicitDowncastCheckPolicy = CheckPolicy.checked;
defaultConditionCheckPolicy = CheckPolicy.checked;
if (omitAsCasts) {
defaultExplicitCastCheckPolicy = CheckPolicy.trusted;
} else {
defaultExplicitCastCheckPolicy = CheckPolicy.checked;
if (_disableMinification) {
enableMinification = false;
/// Returns `true` if warnings and hints are shown for all packages.
bool get showAllPackageWarnings {
return shownPackageWarnings != null && shownPackageWarnings.isEmpty;
/// Returns `true` if warnings and hints are hidden for all packages.
bool get hidePackageWarnings => shownPackageWarnings == null;
/// Returns `true` if warnings should be should for [uri].
bool showPackageWarningsFor(Uri uri) {
if (showAllPackageWarnings) {
return true;
if (shownPackageWarnings != null) {
return uri.scheme == 'package' &&
return false;
/// Policy for what to do with a type assertion check.
/// This enum-like class is used to configure how the compiler treats type
/// assertions during global type inference and codegen.
class CheckPolicy {
/// Whether the type assertion should be trusted.
final bool isTrusted;
/// Whether the type assertion should be emitted and checked.
final bool isEmitted;
const CheckPolicy({this.isTrusted: false, this.isEmitted: false});
static const trusted = const CheckPolicy(isTrusted: true);
static const checked = const CheckPolicy(isEmitted: true);
String toString() => 'CheckPolicy(isTrusted=$isTrusted,'
String _extractStringOption(
List<String> options, String prefix, String defaultValue) {
for (String option in options) {
if (option.startsWith(prefix)) {
return option.substring(prefix.length);
return defaultValue;
Uri _extractUriOption(List<String> options, String prefix) {
String option = _extractStringOption(options, prefix, null);
return (option == null) ? null : Uri.parse(option);
int _extractIntOption(List<String> options, String prefix) {
String option = _extractStringOption(options, prefix, null);
return (option == null) ? null : int.parse(option);
bool _hasOption(List<String> options, String option) {
return options.indexOf(option) >= 0;
/// Extract list of comma separated values provided for [flag]. Returns an
/// empty list if [option] contain [flag] without arguments. Returns `null` if
/// [option] doesn't contain [flag] with or without arguments.
List<String> _extractOptionalCsvOption(List<String> options, String flag) {
String prefix = '$flag=';
for (String option in options) {
if (option == flag) {
return const <String>[];
if (option.startsWith(flag)) {
return option.substring(prefix.length).split(',');
return null;
/// Extract list of comma separated Uris provided for [flag]. Returns an
/// empty list if [option] contain [flag] without arguments. Returns `null` if
/// [option] doesn't contain [flag] with or without arguments.
List<Uri> _extractUriListOption(List<String> options, String flag) {
List<String> stringUris = _extractOptionalCsvOption(options, flag);
if (stringUris == null) return null;
Map<fe.ExperimentalFlag, bool> _extractExperiments(List<String> options,
{void Function(String) onError, void Function(String) onWarning}) {
List<String> experiments =
_extractOptionalCsvOption(options, Flags.enableLanguageExperiments);
onError ??= (String error) => throw new ArgumentError(error);
onWarning ??= (String warning) => print(warning);
return fe.parseExperimentalFlags(fe.parseExperimentalArguments(experiments),
onError: onError, onWarning: onWarning);
const String _UNDETERMINED_BUILD_ID = "build number could not be determined";