blob: 26213ca98de8161d4d6aceb975c09fb039703a7c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Instead of using is_debug, we introduce a different flag for specifying a
# Debug build of Dart so that clients can still use a Release build of Dart
# while themselves doing a Debug build.
dart_debug = false
# Set the runtime mode. This affects how the runtime is built and what
# features it has. Valid values are:
# 'develop' (the default) - VM is built to run as a JIT with all development
# features enabled.
# 'profile' - The VM is built to run with AOT compiled code with only the
# CPU profiling features enabled.
# 'release' - The VM is built to run with AOT compiled code with no developer
# features enabled.
# These settings are only used for Flutter, at the moment. A standalone build
# of the Dart VM should leave this set to "develop", and should set
# 'is_debug', 'is_release', or 'is_product'.
# TODO(rmacnak): dart_runtime_mode no longer selects whether libdart is build
# for JIT or AOT, since libdart waw split into libdart_jit and
# libdart_precompiled_runtime. We should remove this flag and just set
# dart_debug/dart_product.
dart_runtime_mode = "develop"
# Explicitly set the target architecture to use a simulator.
# Available options are: arm, arm64, x64, ia32, and dbc.
dart_target_arch = target_cpu
# The optimization level to use for debug builds.
dart_debug_optimization_level = "2"
# Whether to fall back to built-in root certificates when they cannot be
# verified at the operating system level.
dart_use_fallback_root_certificates = false
# The file that we pull from chromium as part of zlib has a
# dependence on //base, which we don't pull in. In a standalone build of the
# VM, we set this to //runtime/bin/zlib where we have a file without
# a dependence on //base.
dart_zlib_path = "//third_party/zlib"
# Whether to link the standalone VM against tcmalloc. The standalone build of
# the VM enables this only for Linux builds.
dart_use_tcmalloc = false