blob: cb8b6f18e32bcf9265ded33a914a9b5b5405b436 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(jmesserly): this was ported from package:dev_compiler, and needs to be
// refactored to fit into analyzer.
library analyzer.src.task.strong.checker;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/standard_resolution_map.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart' show TokenType;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/error_processor.dart' show ErrorProcessor;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/member.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart' show StrongModeCode;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart' show AnalysisOptionsImpl;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart' show TypeProvider;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/type_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart';
import 'ast_properties.dart';
/// Given an [expression] and a corresponding [typeSystem] and [typeProvider],
/// gets the known static type of the expression.
/// Normally when we ask for an expression's type, we get the type of the
/// storage slot that would contain it. For function types, this is necessarily
/// a "fuzzy arrow" that treats `dynamic` as bottom. However, if we're
/// interested in the expression's own type, it can often be a "strict arrow"
/// because we know it evaluates to a specific, concrete function, and we can
/// treat "dynamic" as top for that case, which is more permissive.
DartType getDefiniteType(
Expression expression, TypeSystem typeSystem, TypeProvider typeProvider) {
DartType type = expression.staticType ?? DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
if (typeSystem is StrongTypeSystemImpl &&
type is FunctionType &&
hasStrictArrow(expression)) {
// Remove fuzzy arrow if possible.
return typeSystem.functionTypeToConcreteType(type);
return type;
bool hasStrictArrow(Expression expression) {
var element = _getKnownElement(expression);
return element is FunctionElement || element is MethodElement;
/// Given a generic class [element] find its covariant upper bound, using
/// the type system [rules].
/// Unlike [TypeSystem.instantiateToBounds], this will change `dynamic` into
/// `Object` to work around an issue with fuzzy arrows.
InterfaceType _getCovariantUpperBound(TypeSystem rules, ClassElement element) {
var upperBound = rules.instantiateToBounds(element.type) as InterfaceType;
var typeArgs = upperBound.typeArguments;
// TODO(jmesserly): remove this. It is a workaround for fuzzy arrows.
// To prevent extra checks due to fuzzy arrows, we need to instantiate with
// `Object` rather than `dynamic`. Consider a case like:
// class C<T> {
// void forEach(f(T t)) {}
// }
// If we try `(dynamic) ~> void <: (T) ~> void` with fuzzy arrows, we will
// treat `dynamic` as `bottom` and get `(bottom) -> void <: (T) -> void`
// which indicates that a check is required on the parameter `f`. This check
// is not sufficient when `T` is `dynamic`, however, because calling a
// function with a fuzzy arrow type is not safe and requires a dynamic call.
// See:
// For all other values of T, the check is unnecessary: it is sound to pass
// a function that accepts any Object.
if (typeArgs.any((t) => t.isDynamic)) {
var newTypeArgs = typeArgs
.map((t) => t.isDynamic ? rules.typeProvider.objectType : t)
upperBound = element.type.instantiate(newTypeArgs);
return upperBound;
DartType _elementType(Element e) {
if (e == null) {
// Malformed code - just return dynamic.
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
return (e as dynamic).type;
Element _getKnownElement(Expression expression) {
if (expression is ParenthesizedExpression) {
return _getKnownElement(expression.expression);
} else if (expression is NamedExpression) {
return _getKnownElement(expression.expression);
} else if (expression is FunctionExpression) {
return expression.element;
} else if (expression is PropertyAccess) {
return expression.propertyName.staticElement;
} else if (expression is Identifier) {
return expression.staticElement;
return null;
/// Return the field on type corresponding to member, or null if none
/// exists or the "field" is actually a getter/setter.
FieldElement _getMemberField(
InterfaceType type, PropertyAccessorElement member) {
String memberName =;
FieldElement field;
if (member.isGetter) {
// The subclass member is an explicit getter or a field
// - lookup the getter on the superclass.
var getter = type.getGetter(memberName);
if (getter == null || getter.isStatic) return null;
field = getter.variable;
} else if (!member.isSynthetic) {
// The subclass member is an explicit setter
// - lookup the setter on the superclass.
// Note: an implicit (synthetic) setter would have already been flagged on
// the getter above.
var setter = type.getSetter(memberName);
if (setter == null || setter.isStatic) return null;
field = setter.variable;
} else {
return null;
if (field.isSynthetic) return null;
return field;
/// Looks up the declaration that matches [member] in [type] and returns it's
/// declared type.
FunctionType _getMemberType(InterfaceType type, ExecutableElement member) {
if (member.isPrivate && type.element.library != member.library) {
return null;
var name =;
var baseMember = member is PropertyAccessorElement
? (member.isGetter ? type.getGetter(name) : type.getSetter(name))
: type.getMethod(name);
if (baseMember == null || baseMember.isStatic) return null;
return baseMember.type;
/// Checks the body of functions and properties.
class CodeChecker extends RecursiveAstVisitor {
final StrongTypeSystemImpl rules;
final TypeProvider typeProvider;
final AnalysisErrorListener reporter;
final AnalysisOptionsImpl _options;
_OverrideChecker _overrideChecker;
bool _failure = false;
bool _hasImplicitCasts;
HashSet<ExecutableElement> _covariantPrivateMembers;
CodeChecker(TypeProvider typeProvider, StrongTypeSystemImpl rules,
AnalysisErrorListener reporter, this._options)
: typeProvider = typeProvider,
rules = rules,
reporter = reporter {
_overrideChecker = new _OverrideChecker(this);
bool get failure => _failure;
void checkArgument(Expression arg, DartType expectedType) {
// Preserve named argument structure, so their immediate parent is the
// method invocation.
Expression baseExpression = arg is NamedExpression ? arg.expression : arg;
checkAssignment(baseExpression, expectedType);
void checkArgumentList(ArgumentList node, FunctionType type) {
NodeList<Expression> list = node.arguments;
int len = list.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
Expression arg = list[i];
ParameterElement element = arg.staticParameterElement;
if (element == null) {
// We found an argument mismatch, the analyzer will report this too,
// so no need to insert an error for this here.
checkArgument(arg, _elementType(element));
void checkAssignment(Expression expr, DartType type) {
if (expr is ParenthesizedExpression) {
checkAssignment(expr.expression, type);
} else {
_checkImplicitCast(expr, type);
/// Analyzer checks boolean conversions, but we need to check too, because
/// it uses the default assignability rules that allow `dynamic` and `Object`
/// to be assigned to bool with no message.
void checkBoolean(Expression expr) =>
checkAssignment(expr, typeProvider.boolType);
void _checkFunctionApplication(InvocationExpression node) {
var ft = _getTypeAsCaller(node);
if (_isDynamicCall(node, ft)) {
// If f is Function and this is a method invocation, we should have
// gotten an analyzer error, so no need to issue another error.
_recordDynamicInvoke(node, node.function);
} else {
checkArgumentList(node.argumentList, ft);
DartType getType(TypeAnnotation type) {
return type?.type ?? DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
void reset() {
_failure = false;
void visitAsExpression(AsExpression node) {
// We could do the same check as the IsExpression below, but that is
// potentially too conservative. Instead, at runtime, we must fail hard
// if the Dart as and the DDC as would return different values.
void visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) {
Token operator = node.operator;
TokenType operatorType = operator.type;
if (operatorType == TokenType.EQ ||
operatorType == TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION_EQ) {
DartType staticType = _getDefiniteType(node.leftHandSide);
checkAssignment(node.rightHandSide, staticType);
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND_EQ ||
operatorType == TokenType.BAR_BAR_EQ) {
checkAssignment(node.leftHandSide, typeProvider.boolType);
checkAssignment(node.rightHandSide, typeProvider.boolType);
} else {
void visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
var op = node.operator;
if (op.isUserDefinableOperator) {
var element = node.staticElement;
if (element == null) {
// Dynamic invocation
// TODO(vsm): Move this logic to the resolver?
if (op.type != TokenType.EQ_EQ && op.type != TokenType.BANG_EQ) {
_recordDynamicInvoke(node, node.leftOperand);
} else {
// Method invocation.
if (element is MethodElement) {
var type = element.type;
// Analyzer should enforce number of parameter types, but check in
// case we have erroneous input.
if (type.normalParameterTypes.isNotEmpty) {
checkArgument(node.rightOperand, type.normalParameterTypes[0]);
} else {
// TODO(vsm): Assert that the analyzer found an error here?
} else {
// Non-method operator.
switch (op.type) {
case TokenType.BAR_BAR:
case TokenType.BANG_EQ:
void visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
void visitClassTypeAlias(ClassTypeAlias node) {
void visitComment(Comment node) {
// skip, no need to do typechecking inside comments (they may contain
// comment references which would require resolution).
void visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit node) {
_hasImplicitCasts = false;
_covariantPrivateMembers = new HashSet();
setHasImplicitCasts(node, _hasImplicitCasts);
setCovariantPrivateMembers(node, _covariantPrivateMembers);
void visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) {
/// Check constructor declaration to ensure correct super call placement.
void visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
final init = node.initializers;
for (int i = 0, last = init.length - 1; i < last; i++) {
final node = init[i];
if (node is SuperConstructorInvocation) {
_recordMessage(node, StrongModeCode.INVALID_SUPER_INVOCATION, [node]);
// Check invocations
void visitConstructorFieldInitializer(ConstructorFieldInitializer node) {
var field = node.fieldName;
var element = field.staticElement;
DartType staticType = _elementType(element);
checkAssignment(node.expression, staticType);
void visitDefaultFormalParameter(DefaultFormalParameter node) {
// Check that defaults have the proper subtype.
var parameter = node.parameter;
var parameterType = _elementType(parameter.element);
assert(parameterType != null);
var defaultValue = node.defaultValue;
if (defaultValue != null) {
checkAssignment(defaultValue, parameterType);
void visitDoStatement(DoStatement node) {
void visitExpressionFunctionBody(ExpressionFunctionBody node) {
_checkReturnOrYield(node.expression, node);
void visitFieldFormalParameter(FieldFormalParameter node) {
var element = node.element;
var typeName = node.type;
if (typeName != null) {
var type = _elementType(element);
var fieldElement =
node.identifier.staticElement as FieldFormalParameterElement;
var fieldType = _elementType(fieldElement.field);
if (!rules.isSubtypeOf(type, fieldType)) {
_recordMessage(node, StrongModeCode.INVALID_PARAMETER_DECLARATION,
[node, fieldType]);
void visitForEachStatement(ForEachStatement node) {
var loopVariable = node.identifier ?? node.loopVariable?.identifier;
// Safely handle malformed statements.
if (loopVariable != null) {
// Find the element type of the sequence.
var sequenceInterface = node.awaitKeyword != null
? typeProvider.streamType
: typeProvider.iterableType;
var iterableType = _getDefiniteType(node.iterable);
var elementType =
rules.mostSpecificTypeArgument(iterableType, sequenceInterface);
// If the sequence is not an Iterable (or Stream for await for) but is a
// supertype of it, do an implicit downcast to Iterable<dynamic>. Then
// we'll do a separate cast of the dynamic element to the variable's type.
if (elementType == null) {
var sequenceType =
if (rules.isSubtypeOf(sequenceType, iterableType)) {
_recordImplicitCast(node.iterable, sequenceType, from: iterableType);
elementType = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
// If the sequence doesn't implement the interface at all, [ErrorVerifier]
// will report the error, so ignore it here.
if (elementType != null) {
// Insert a cast from the sequence's element type to the loop variable's
// if needed.
_checkImplicitCast(loopVariable, _getDefiniteType(loopVariable),
from: elementType);
void visitForStatement(ForStatement node) {
if (node.condition != null) {
void visitFunctionExpressionInvocation(FunctionExpressionInvocation node) {
void visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) {
void visitIndexExpression(IndexExpression node) {
var target = node.realTarget;
var element = node.staticElement;
if (element == null) {
_recordDynamicInvoke(node, target);
} else if (element is MethodElement) {
var type = element.type;
// Analyzer should enforce number of parameter types, but check in
// case we have erroneous input.
if (type.normalParameterTypes.isNotEmpty) {
checkArgument(node.index, type.normalParameterTypes[0]);
} else {
// TODO(vsm): Assert that the analyzer found an error here?
void visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
var arguments = node.argumentList;
var element = node.staticElement;
if (element != null) {
var type = _elementType(node.staticElement);
checkArgumentList(arguments, type);
void visitIsExpression(IsExpression node) {
_checkRuntimeTypeCheck(node, node.type);
void visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) {
DartType type = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
if (node.typeArguments != null) {
NodeList<TypeAnnotation> targs = node.typeArguments.arguments;
if (targs.length > 0) {
type = targs[0].type;
} else {
DartType staticType = node.staticType;
if (staticType is InterfaceType) {
List<DartType> targs = staticType.typeArguments;
if (targs != null && targs.length > 0) {
type = targs[0];
NodeList<Expression> elements = node.elements;
for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
checkArgument(elements[i], type);
void visitMapLiteral(MapLiteral node) {
DartType ktype = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
DartType vtype = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
if (node.typeArguments != null) {
NodeList<TypeAnnotation> targs = node.typeArguments.arguments;
if (targs.length > 0) {
ktype = targs[0].type;
if (targs.length > 1) {
vtype = targs[1].type;
} else {
DartType staticType = node.staticType;
if (staticType is InterfaceType) {
List<DartType> targs = staticType.typeArguments;
if (targs != null) {
if (targs.length > 0) {
ktype = targs[0];
if (targs.length > 1) {
vtype = targs[1];
NodeList<MapLiteralEntry> entries = node.entries;
for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
MapLiteralEntry entry = entries[i];
checkArgument(entry.key, ktype);
checkArgument(entry.value, vtype);
visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
var target = node.realTarget;
var element = node.methodName.staticElement;
if (element == null && !typeProvider.isObjectMethod( {
_recordDynamicInvoke(node, target);
// Mark the tear-off as being dynamic, too. This lets us distinguish
// cases like:
// dynamic d;
// d.someMethod(...); // the whole method call must be a dynamic send.
// ... from case like:
// SomeType s;
// s.someDynamicField(...); // static get, followed by dynamic call.
// The first case is handled here, the second case is handled below when
// we call [checkFunctionApplication].
setIsDynamicInvoke(node.methodName, true);
} else {
_checkImplicitCovarianceCast(node, target, element);
// Don't visit methodName, we already checked things related to the call.;
void visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpression node) {
_checkUnary(node.operand, node.operator, node.staticElement);
void visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) {
_checkFieldAccess(node, node.prefix, node.identifier);
void visitPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression node) {
if (node.operator.type == TokenType.BANG) {
} else {
_checkUnary(node.operand, node.operator, node.staticElement);
void visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) {
_checkFieldAccess(node, node.realTarget, node.propertyName);
void visitRedirectingConstructorInvocation(
RedirectingConstructorInvocation node) {
var type = resolutionMap.staticElementForConstructorReference(node)?.type;
// TODO(leafp): There's a TODO in visitRedirectingConstructorInvocation
// in the element_resolver to handle the case that the element is null
// and emit an error. In the meantime, just be defensive here.
if (type != null) {
checkArgumentList(node.argumentList, type);
void visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) {
_checkReturnOrYield(node.expression, node);
void visitSuperConstructorInvocation(SuperConstructorInvocation node) {
var element = node.staticElement;
if (element != null) {
var type = resolutionMap.staticElementForConstructorReference(node).type;
checkArgumentList(node.argumentList, type);
void visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) {
// SwitchStatement defines a boolean conversion to check the result of the
// case value == the switch value, but in dev_compiler we require a boolean
// return type from an overridden == operator (because Object.==), so
// checking in SwitchStatement shouldn't be necessary.
Object visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
VariableElement variableElement = node == null
? null
: resolutionMap.elementDeclaredByVariableDeclaration(node);
if (!node.isConst &&
!node.isFinal &&
node.initializer == null &&
rules.isNonNullableType(variableElement?.type)) {
[, variableElement?.type]);
AstNode parent = node.parent;
if (variableElement != null &&
parent is VariableDeclarationList &&
parent.type == null &&
node.initializer != null) {
if (variableElement.kind == ElementKind.TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE ||
variableElement.kind == ElementKind.FIELD) {
_validateTopLevelInitializer(, node.initializer);
return super.visitVariableDeclaration(node);
void visitVariableDeclarationList(VariableDeclarationList node) {
TypeAnnotation type = node.type;
for (VariableDeclaration variable in node.variables) {
var initializer = variable.initializer;
if (initializer != null) {
if (type != null) {
checkAssignment(initializer, type.type);
void visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node) {
void visitYieldStatement(YieldStatement node) {
_checkReturnOrYield(node.expression, node, yieldStar: != null);
void _checkCompoundAssignment(AssignmentExpression expr) {
var op = expr.operator.type;
assert(op.isAssignmentOperator && op != TokenType.EQ);
var methodElement = resolutionMap.staticElementForMethodReference(expr);
if (methodElement == null) {
// Dynamic invocation.
_recordDynamicInvoke(expr, expr.leftHandSide);
} else {
// Sanity check the operator.
var functionType = methodElement.type;
var paramTypes = functionType.normalParameterTypes;
assert(paramTypes.length == 1);
// Refine the return type.
var rhsType = _getDefiniteType(expr.rightHandSide);
var lhsType = _getDefiniteType(expr.leftHandSide);
var returnType = rules.refineBinaryExpressionType(
lhsType, op, rhsType, functionType.returnType);
// Check the argument for an implicit cast.
_checkImplicitCast(expr.rightHandSide, paramTypes[0], from: rhsType);
// Check the return type for an implicit cast.
// If needed, mark the assignment to indicate a down cast when we assign
// back to it. So these two implicit casts are equivalent:
// y = /*implicit cast*/(y + 42);
// /*implicit assignment cast*/y += 42;
_checkImplicitCast(expr.leftHandSide, lhsType,
from: returnType, opAssign: true);
void _checkFieldAccess(
AstNode node, Expression target, SimpleIdentifier field) {
var element = field.staticElement;
_checkImplicitCovarianceCast(node, target, element);
if (element == null && !typeProvider.isObjectMember( {
_recordDynamicInvoke(node, target);
/// Checks if an implicit cast of [expr] from [from] type to [to] type is
/// needed, and if so records it.
/// If [from] is omitted, uses the static type of [expr].
/// If [expr] does not require an implicit cast because it is not related to
/// [to] or is already a subtype of it, does nothing.
void _checkImplicitCast(Expression expr, DartType to,
{DartType from, bool opAssign: false}) {
from ??= _getDefiniteType(expr);
if (_needsImplicitCast(expr, to, from: from) == true) {
_recordImplicitCast(expr, to, from: from, opAssign: opAssign);
/// Checks if the assignment is valid with respect to non-nullable types.
/// Returns `false` if a nullable expression is assigned to a variable of
/// non-nullable type and `true` otherwise.
bool _checkNonNullAssignment(
Expression expression, DartType to, DartType from) {
if (rules.isNonNullableType(to) && rules.isNullableType(from)) {
expression, StaticTypeWarningCode.INVALID_ASSIGNMENT, [from, to]);
return false;
return true;
void _checkReturnOrYield(Expression expression, AstNode node,
{bool yieldStar: false}) {
FunctionBody body = node.getAncestor((n) => n is FunctionBody);
var type = _getExpectedReturnType(body, yieldStar: yieldStar);
if (type == null) {
// We have a type mismatch: the async/async*/sync* modifier does
// not match the return or yield type. We should have already gotten an
// analyzer error in this case.
// TODO(vsm): Enforce void or dynamic (to void?) when expression is null.
if (expression != null) checkAssignment(expression, type);
void _checkRuntimeTypeCheck(AstNode node, TypeAnnotation annotation) {
var type = getType(annotation);
if (!rules.isGroundType(type)) {
_recordMessage(node, StrongModeCode.NON_GROUND_TYPE_CHECK_INFO, [type]);
void _checkUnary(Expression operand, Token op, MethodElement element) {
bool isIncrementAssign =
op.type == TokenType.PLUS_PLUS || op.type == TokenType.MINUS_MINUS;
if (op.isUserDefinableOperator || isIncrementAssign) {
if (element == null) {
_recordDynamicInvoke(operand.parent, operand);
} else if (isIncrementAssign) {
// For ++ and --, even if it is not dynamic, we still need to check
// that the user defined method accepts an `int` as the RHS.
// We assume Analyzer has done this already (in ErrorVerifier).
// However, we also need to check the return type.
// Refine the return type.
var functionType = element.type;
var rhsType = typeProvider.intType;
var lhsType = _getDefiniteType(operand);
var returnType = rules.refineBinaryExpressionType(
lhsType, TokenType.PLUS, rhsType, functionType.returnType);
// Skip the argument check - `int` cannot be downcast.
// Check the return type for an implicit cast.
// If needed, mark the assignment to indicate a down cast when we assign
// back to it. So these two implicit casts are equivalent:
// y = /*implicit cast*/(y + 1);
// /*implicit assignment cast*/y++;
_checkImplicitCast(operand, lhsType, from: returnType, opAssign: true);
DartType _getDefiniteType(Expression expr) =>
getDefiniteType(expr, rules, typeProvider);
/// If we're calling into [member] through the [target], we may need to
/// insert a caller side check for soundness on the result of the expression
/// [node].
/// This happens when [target] is an unsafe covariant interface, and [member]
/// could return a type that is not a subtype of the expected static type
/// given target's type. For example:
/// typedef F<T>(T t);
/// class C<T> {
/// F<T> f;
/// C(this.f);
/// }
/// test1() {
/// C<Object> c = new C<int>((int x) => x + 42));
/// F<Object> f = c.f; // need an implicit cast here.
/// f('hello');
/// }
/// Here target is `c`, the target type is `C<Object>`, the member is
/// `get f() -> F<T>`, and the expression node is `c.f`. When we call `c.f`
/// the expected static result is `F<Object>`. However `c.f` actually returns
/// `F<int>`, which is not a subtype of `F<Object>`. So this method will add
/// an implicit cast `(c.f as F<Object>)` to guard against this case.
/// Note that it is possible for the cast to succeed, for example:
/// `new C<int>((Object x) => '$x'))`. It is safe to pass any object to that
/// function, including an `int`.
void _checkImplicitCovarianceCast(
Expression node, Expression target, Element member) {
// If we're calling an instance method or getter, then we
// want to check the result type.
// We intentionally ignore method tear-offs, because those methods have
// covariance checks for their parameters inside the method.
var targetType = target?.staticType;
if (member is ExecutableElement &&
_isInstanceMember(member) &&
targetType is InterfaceType &&
targetType.typeArguments.isNotEmpty &&
!_targetHasKnownGenericTypeArguments(target)) {
// Track private setters/method calls. We can sometimes eliminate the
// parameter check in code generation, if it was never needed.
// This member will need a check, however, because we are calling through
// an unsafe target.
if (member.isPrivate && member.parameters.isNotEmpty) {
.add(member is ExecutableMember ? member.baseElement : member);
// Get the lower bound of the declared return type (e.g. `F<Null>`) and
// see if it can be assigned to the expected type (e.g. `F<Object>`).
// That way we can tell if any lower `T` will work or not.
var classType = targetType.element.type;
var classLowerBound = classType.instantiate(new List.filled(
classType.typeParameters.length, typeProvider.nullType));
var memberLowerBound = _lookUpMember(classLowerBound, member).type;
var expectedType = member.returnType;
if (!rules.isSubtypeOf(memberLowerBound.returnType, expectedType)) {
if (node is MethodInvocation && member is! MethodElement) {
// If `o.m` is not a method, we need to cast `o.m` before the call:
// `(o.m as expectedType)(args)`.
// This cannot be represented by an `as` node without changing the
// Dart AST structure, so we record it as a special cast.
setImplicitOperationCast(node, expectedType);
} else {
setImplicitCast(node, expectedType);
_hasImplicitCasts = true;
/// Returns true if we can safely skip the covariance checks because [target]
/// has known type arguments, such as `this` `super` or a non-factory `new`.
/// For example:
/// class C<T> {
/// T _t;
/// }
/// class D<T> extends C<T> {
/// method<S extends T>(T t, C<T> c) {
/// // implicit cast: t as T;
/// // implicit cast: c as C<T>;
/// // These do not need further checks. The type parameter `T` for
/// // `this` must be the same as our `T`
/// this._t = t;
/// super._t = t;
/// new C<T>()._t = t; // non-factory
/// // This needs further checks. The type of `c` could be `C<S>` for
/// // some `S <: T`.
/// c._t = t;
/// // factory statically returns `C<T>`, dynamically returns `C<S>`.
/// new F<T, S>()._t = t;
/// }
/// }
/// class F<T, S extends T> extends C<T> {
/// factory F() => new C<S>();
/// }
bool _targetHasKnownGenericTypeArguments(Expression target) {
return target == null || // implicit this
target is ThisExpression ||
target is SuperExpression ||
target is InstanceCreationExpression &&
target.staticElement?.isFactory == false;
bool _isInstanceMember(ExecutableElement e) =>
!e.isStatic &&
(e is MethodElement ||
e is PropertyAccessorElement && e.variable is FieldElement);
ExecutableElement _lookUpMember(InterfaceType type, ExecutableElement e) {
var name =;
var library = e.library;
return e is PropertyAccessorElement
? (e.isGetter
? type.lookUpInheritedGetter(name, library: library)
: type.lookUpInheritedSetter(name, library: library))
: type.lookUpInheritedMethod(name, library: library);
/// Gets the expected return type of the given function [body], either from
/// a normal return/yield, or from a yield*.
DartType _getExpectedReturnType(FunctionBody body, {bool yieldStar: false}) {
FunctionType functionType;
var parent = body.parent;
if (parent is Declaration) {
functionType = _elementType(parent.element);
} else {
assert(parent is FunctionExpression);
functionType =
(parent as FunctionExpression).staticType ?? DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
var type = functionType.returnType;
InterfaceType expectedType = null;
if (body.isAsynchronous) {
if (body.isGenerator) {
// Stream<T> -> T
expectedType = typeProvider.streamType;
} else {
// Future<T> -> FutureOr<T>
var typeArg = (type.element == typeProvider.futureType.element)
? (type as InterfaceType).typeArguments[0]
: typeProvider.dynamicType;
return typeProvider.futureOrType.instantiate([typeArg]);
} else {
if (body.isGenerator) {
// Iterable<T> -> T
expectedType = typeProvider.iterableType;
} else {
// T -> T
return type;
if (yieldStar) {
if (type.isDynamic) {
// Ensure it's at least a Stream / Iterable.
return expectedType.instantiate([typeProvider.dynamicType]);
} else {
// Analyzer will provide a separate error if expected type
// is not compatible with type.
return type;
if (type.isDynamic) {
return type;
} else if (type is InterfaceType && type.element == expectedType.element) {
return type.typeArguments[0];
} else {
// Malformed type - fallback on analyzer error.
return null;
/// Given an expression, return its type assuming it is
/// in the caller position of a call (that is, accounting
/// for the possibility of a call method). Returns null
/// if expression is not statically callable.
FunctionType _getTypeAsCaller(InvocationExpression node) {
DartType type = node.staticInvokeType;
if (type is FunctionType) {
return type;
} else if (type is InterfaceType) {
return rules.getCallMethodDefiniteType(type);
return null;
/// Returns `true` if the expression is a dynamic function call or method
/// invocation.
bool _isDynamicCall(InvocationExpression call, FunctionType ft) {
// TODO(leafp): This will currently return true if t is Function
// This is probably the most correct thing to do for now, since
// this code is also used by the back end. Maybe revisit at some
// point?
if (ft == null) return true;
// Dynamic as the parameter type is treated as bottom. A function with
// a dynamic parameter type requires a dynamic call in general.
// However, as an optimization, if we have an original definition, we know
// dynamic is reified as Object - in this case a regular call is fine.
if (hasStrictArrow(call.function)) {
return false;
return rules.anyParameterType(ft, (pt) => pt.isDynamic);
/// Returns true if we need an implicit cast of [expr] from [from] type to
/// [to] type, returns false if no cast is needed, and returns null if the
/// types are statically incompatible.
/// If [from] is omitted, uses the static type of [expr]
bool _needsImplicitCast(Expression expr, DartType to, {DartType from}) {
from ??= _getDefiniteType(expr);
if (!_checkNonNullAssignment(expr, to, from)) return false;
// We can use anything as void.
if (to.isVoid) return false;
// fromT <: toT, no coercion needed.
if (rules.isSubtypeOf(from, to)) return false;
// Down cast or legal sideways cast, coercion needed.
if (rules.isAssignableTo(from, to)) return true;
// Special case for FutureOr to handle returned values from async functions.
// In this case, we're more permissive than assignability.
if (to.element == typeProvider.futureOrType.element) {
var to1 = (to as InterfaceType).typeArguments[0];
var to2 = typeProvider.futureType.instantiate([to1]);
return _needsImplicitCast(expr, to1, from: from) == true ||
_needsImplicitCast(expr, to2, from: from) == true;
// Anything else is an illegal sideways cast.
// However, these will have been reported already in error_verifier, so we
// don't need to report them again.
return null;
void _recordDynamicInvoke(AstNode node, Expression target) {
_recordMessage(node, StrongModeCode.DYNAMIC_INVOKE, [node]);
// TODO(jmesserly): we may eventually want to record if the whole operation
// (node) was dynamic, rather than the target, but this is an easier fit
// with what we used to do.
if (target != null) setIsDynamicInvoke(target, true);
/// Records an implicit cast for the [expr] from [from] to [to].
/// This will emit the appropriate error/warning/hint message as well as mark
/// the AST node.
void _recordImplicitCast(Expression expr, DartType to,
{DartType from, bool opAssign: false}) {
// Inference "casts":
if (expr is Literal) {
// fromT should be an exact type - this will almost certainly fail at
// runtime.
if (expr is ListLiteral) {
expr, StrongModeCode.INVALID_CAST_LITERAL_LIST, [from, to]);
} else if (expr is MapLiteral) {
expr, StrongModeCode.INVALID_CAST_LITERAL_MAP, [from, to]);
} else {
expr, StrongModeCode.INVALID_CAST_LITERAL, [expr, from, to]);
if (expr is FunctionExpression) {
expr, StrongModeCode.INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION_EXPR, [from, to]);
if (expr is InstanceCreationExpression) {
ConstructorElement e = expr.staticElement;
if (e == null || !e.isFactory) {
// fromT should be an exact type - this will almost certainly fail at
// runtime.
_recordMessage(expr, StrongModeCode.INVALID_CAST_NEW_EXPR, [from, to]);
Element e = _getKnownElement(expr);
if (e is FunctionElement || e is MethodElement && e.isStatic) {
e is MethodElement
[, from, to]);
// Composite cast: these are more likely to fail.
bool downCastComposite = false;
if (!rules.isGroundType(to)) {
// This cast is (probably) due to our different treatment of dynamic.
// It may be more likely to fail at runtime.
if (from is InterfaceType) {
// For class types, we'd like to allow non-generic down casts, e.g.,
// Iterable<T> to List<T>. The intuition here is that raw (generic)
// casts are problematic, and we should complain about those.
var typeArgs = from.typeArguments;
downCastComposite =
typeArgs.isEmpty || typeArgs.any((t) => t.isDynamic);
} else {
downCastComposite = !from.isDynamic;
var parent = expr.parent;
ErrorCode errorCode;
if (downCastComposite) {
errorCode = StrongModeCode.DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE;
} else if (from.isDynamic) {
errorCode = StrongModeCode.DYNAMIC_CAST;
} else if (parent is VariableDeclaration && parent.initializer == expr) {
errorCode = StrongModeCode.ASSIGNMENT_CAST;
} else {
errorCode = opAssign
_recordMessage(expr, errorCode, [from, to]);
if (opAssign) {
setImplicitOperationCast(expr, to);
} else {
setImplicitCast(expr, to);
_hasImplicitCasts = true;
void _recordMessage(AstNode node, ErrorCode errorCode, List arguments) {
// Compute the right severity taking the analysis options into account.
// We construct a dummy error to make the common case where we end up
// ignoring the strong mode message cheaper.
var processor = ErrorProcessor.getProcessor(_options,
new AnalysisError.forValues(null, -1, 0, errorCode, null, null));
var severity =
(processor != null) ? processor.severity : errorCode.errorSeverity;
if (severity == ErrorSeverity.ERROR) {
_failure = true;
if (errorCode.type == ErrorType.HINT &&'STRONG_MODE_TOP_LEVEL_')) {
severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR;
if (severity != ErrorSeverity.INFO || _options.strongModeHints) {
int begin = node is AnnotatedNode
? node.firstTokenAfterCommentAndMetadata.offset
: node.offset;
int length = node.end - begin;
var source = resolutionMap
.elementDeclaredByCompilationUnit(node.root as CompilationUnit)
var error =
new AnalysisError(source, begin, length, errorCode, arguments);
void _validateTopLevelInitializer(String name, Expression n) {
void validateHasType(PropertyAccessorElement e) {
if (e.hasImplicitReturnType) {
var variable = e.variable as VariableElementImpl;
TopLevelInferenceError error = variable.typeInferenceError;
if (error != null) {
if (error.kind == TopLevelInferenceErrorKind.dependencyCycle) {
n, StrongModeCode.TOP_LEVEL_CYCLE, [name, error.arguments]);
} else {
n, StrongModeCode.TOP_LEVEL_IDENTIFIER_NO_TYPE, [name,]);
void validateIdentifierElement(AstNode n, Element e) {
if (e == null) {
Element enclosing = e.enclosingElement;
if (enclosing is CompilationUnitElement) {
if (e is PropertyAccessorElement) {
} else if (enclosing is ClassElement) {
if (e is PropertyAccessorElement) {
if (e.isStatic) {
} else {
n, StrongModeCode.TOP_LEVEL_INSTANCE_GETTER, [name,]);
if (n == null ||
n is NullLiteral ||
n is BooleanLiteral ||
n is DoubleLiteral ||
n is IntegerLiteral ||
n is StringLiteral ||
n is SymbolLiteral ||
n is IndexExpression) {
// Nothing to validate.
} else if (n is AwaitExpression) {
_validateTopLevelInitializer(name, n.expression);
} else if (n is ThrowExpression) {
// Nothing to validate.
} else if (n is ParenthesizedExpression) {
_validateTopLevelInitializer(name, n.expression);
} else if (n is ConditionalExpression) {
_validateTopLevelInitializer(name, n.thenExpression);
_validateTopLevelInitializer(name, n.elseExpression);
} else if (n is BinaryExpression) {
TokenType operator = n.operator.type;
if (operator == TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND ||
operator == TokenType.BAR_BAR ||
operator == TokenType.EQ_EQ ||
operator == TokenType.BANG_EQ) {
// These operators give 'bool', no need to validate operands.
} else if (operator == TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION) {
_recordMessage(n, StrongModeCode.TOP_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTED,
[name, n.runtimeType.toString()]);
} else {
_validateTopLevelInitializer(name, n.leftOperand);
} else if (n is PrefixExpression) {
TokenType operator = n.operator.type;
if (operator == TokenType.BANG) {
// This operator gives 'bool', no need to validate operands.
} else {
_validateTopLevelInitializer(name, n.operand);
} else if (n is PostfixExpression) {
_validateTopLevelInitializer(name, n.operand);
} else if (n is ListLiteral) {
if (n.typeArguments == null) {
for (Expression element in n.elements) {
_validateTopLevelInitializer(name, element);
} else if (n is MapLiteral) {
if (n.typeArguments == null) {
for (MapLiteralEntry entry in n.entries) {
_validateTopLevelInitializer(name, entry.key);
_validateTopLevelInitializer(name, entry.value);
} else if (n is FunctionExpression) {
for (FormalParameter p in n.parameters.parameters) {
if (p is DefaultFormalParameter) {
p = (p as DefaultFormalParameter).parameter;
if (p is SimpleFormalParameter) {
if (p.type == null) {
[name, p.element?.name]);
FunctionBody body = n.body;
if (body is ExpressionFunctionBody) {
_validateTopLevelInitializer(name, body.expression);
} else {
_recordMessage(n, StrongModeCode.TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_LITERAL_BLOCK, []);
} else if (n is InstanceCreationExpression) {
ConstructorElement constructor = n.staticElement;
ClassElement clazz = constructor?.enclosingElement;
if (clazz != null && clazz.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
TypeName type = n.constructorName.type;
if (type.typeArguments == null) {
_recordMessage(type, StrongModeCode.TOP_LEVEL_TYPE_ARGUMENTS,
} else if (n is AsExpression) {
// Nothing to validate.
} else if (n is IsExpression) {
// Nothing to validate.
} else if (n is Identifier) {
validateIdentifierElement(n, n.staticElement);
} else if (n is PropertyAccess) {
Element element = n.propertyName.staticElement;
validateIdentifierElement(n.propertyName, element);
} else if (n is FunctionExpressionInvocation) {
_validateTopLevelInitializer(name, n.function);
// TODO(scheglov) type arguments
} else if (n is MethodInvocation) {
SimpleIdentifier methodName = n.methodName;
Element element = methodName.staticElement;
if (element is ExecutableElement && element.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
if (n.typeArguments == null) {
_recordMessage(methodName, StrongModeCode.TOP_LEVEL_TYPE_ARGUMENTS,
} else if (n is CascadeExpression) {
} else {
_recordMessage(n, StrongModeCode.TOP_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTED,
[name, n.runtimeType.toString()]);
/// Checks for overriding declarations of fields and methods. This is used to
/// check overrides between classes and superclasses, interfaces, and mixin
/// applications.
class _OverrideChecker {
final StrongTypeSystemImpl rules;
final CodeChecker _checker;
_OverrideChecker(CodeChecker checker)
: _checker = checker,
rules = checker.rules;
void check(Declaration node) {
var element =
resolutionMap.elementDeclaredByDeclaration(node) as ClassElement;
if (element.type.isObject) {
_checkSuperOverrides(node, element);
_checkMixinApplicationOverrides(node, element);
_checkAllInterfaceOverrides(node, element);
_checkForCovariantGenerics(node, element);
/// Finds implicit casts that we need on parameters and type formals to
/// ensure soundness of covariant generics, and records them on the [node].
/// The parameter checks can be retrived using [getClassCovariantParameters]
/// and [getSuperclassCovariantParameters].
/// For each member of this class and non-overridden inherited member, we
/// check to see if any generic super interface permits an unsound call to the
/// concrete member. For example:
/// class C<T> {
/// add(T t) {} // C<Object>.add is unsafe, need a check on `t`
/// }
/// class D extends C<int> {
/// add(int t) {} // C<Object>.add is unsafe, need a check on `t`
/// }
/// class E extends C<int> {
/// add(Object t) {} // no check needed, C<Object>.add is safe
/// }
void _checkForCovariantGenerics(Declaration node, ClassElement element) {
// Find all generic interfaces that could be used to call into members of
// this class. This will help us identify which parameters need checks
// for soundness.
var allCovariant = _findAllGenericInterfaces(element.type);
if (allCovariant.isEmpty) return;
var seenConcreteMembers = new HashSet<String>();
var members = _getConcreteMembers(element.type, seenConcreteMembers);
// For members on this class, check them against all generic interfaces.
var checks = _findCovariantChecks(members, allCovariant);
// Store those checks on the class declaration.
setClassCovariantParameters(node, checks);
// For members of the superclass, we may need to add checks because this
// class adds a new unsafe interface. Collect those checks.
checks = _findSuperclassCovariantChecks(
element, allCovariant, seenConcreteMembers);
// Store the checks on the class declaration, it will need to ensure the
// inherited members are appropriately guarded to ensure soundness.
setSuperclassCovariantParameters(node, checks);
/// For each member of this class and non-overridden inherited member, we
/// check to see if any generic super interface permits an unsound call to the
/// concrete member. For example:
/// We must check non-overridden inherited members because this class could
/// contain a new interface that permits unsound access to that member. In
/// those cases, the class is expected to insert stub that checks the type
/// before calling `super`. For example:
/// class C<T> {
/// add(T t) {}
/// }
/// class D {
/// add(int t) {}
/// }
/// class E extends D implements C<int> {
/// // C<Object>.add is unsafe, and D.m is marked for a check.
/// //
/// // one way to implement this is to generate a stub method:
/// // add(t) => super.add(t as int);
/// }
Set<Element> _findSuperclassCovariantChecks(ClassElement element,
Set<ClassElement> allCovariant, HashSet<String> seenConcreteMembers) {
var visited = new HashSet<ClassElement>()..add(element);
var superChecks = new Set<Element>();
var existingChecks = new HashSet<Element>();
void visitImmediateSuper(InterfaceType type) {
// For members of mixins/supertypes, check them against new interfaces,
// and also record any existing checks they already had.
var oldCovariant = _findAllGenericInterfaces(type);
var newCovariant = allCovariant.difference(oldCovariant);
if (newCovariant.isEmpty) return;
void visitSuper(InterfaceType type) {
var element = type.element;
if (visited.add(element)) {
var members = _getConcreteMembers(type, seenConcreteMembers);
_findCovariantChecks(members, newCovariant, superChecks);
_findCovariantChecks(members, oldCovariant, existingChecks);
var s = element.supertype;
if (s != null) visitSuper(s);
var s = element.supertype;
if (s != null) visitImmediateSuper(s);
return superChecks;
/// Gets all concrete instance members declared on this type, skipping already
/// [seenConcreteMembers] and adding any found ones to it.
/// By tracking the set of seen members, we can visit superclasses and mixins
/// and ultimately collect every most-derived member exposed by a given type.
static List<ExecutableElement> _getConcreteMembers(
InterfaceType type, HashSet<String> seenConcreteMembers) {
var members = <ExecutableElement>[];
for (var declaredMembers in [type.accessors, type.methods]) {
for (var member in declaredMembers) {
// We only visit each most derived concrete member.
// To avoid visiting an overridden superclass member, we skip members
// we've seen, and visit starting from the class, then mixins in
// reverse order, then superclasses.
if (!member.isStatic &&
!member.isAbstract &&
seenConcreteMembers.add( {
return members;
/// Find all covariance checks on parameters/type parameters needed for
/// soundness given a set of concrete [members] and a set of unsafe generic
/// [covariantInterfaces] that may allow those members to be called in an
/// unsound way.
/// See [_findCovariantChecksForMember] for more information and an exmaple.
Set<Element> _findCovariantChecks(Iterable<ExecutableElement> members,
Iterable<ClassElement> covariantInterfaces,
[Set<Element> covariantChecks]) {
covariantChecks ??= new Set();
if (members.isEmpty) return covariantChecks;
for (var iface in covariantInterfaces) {
var unsafeSupertype = _getCovariantUpperBound(rules, iface);
for (var m in members) {
_findCovariantChecksForMember(m, unsafeSupertype, covariantChecks);
return covariantChecks;
/// Given a [member] and a covariant [unsafeSupertype], determine if any
/// type formals or parameters of this member need a check because of the
/// unsoundness in the unsafe covariant supertype.
/// For example:
/// class C<T> {
/// m(T t) {}
/// g<S extends T>() => <S>[];
/// }
/// class D extends C<num> {
/// m(num n) {}
/// g<R extends num>() => <R>[];
/// }
/// main() {
/// C<Object> c = new C<int>();
/// c.m('hi'); // must throw for soundness
/// c.g<String>(); // must throw for soundness
/// c = new D();
/// c.m('hi'); // must throw for soundness
/// c.g<String>(); // must throw for soundness
/// }
/// We've already found `C<Object>` is a potentially unsafe covariant generic
/// supertpe, and we call this method to see if any members need a check
/// because of `C<Object>`.
/// In this example, we will call this method with:
/// - `C<T>.m` and `C<Object>`, finding that `t` needs a check.
/// - `C<T>.g` and `C<Object>`, finding that `S` needs a check.
/// - `D.m` and `C<Object>`, finding that `n` needs a check.
/// - `D.g` and `C<Object>`, finding that `R` needs a check.
/// Given `C<T>.m` and `C<Object>`, we search for covariance checks like this
/// (`*` short for `dynamic`):
/// - get the type of `C<Object>.m`: `(Object) -> *`
/// - get the type of `C<T>.m`: `(T) -> *`
/// - perform a subtype check `(T) -> * <: (Object) -> *`,
/// and record any parameters/type formals that violate soundess.
/// - that checks `Object <: T`, which is false, thus we need a check on
/// parameter `t` of `C<T>.m`
/// Another example is `D.g` and `C<Object>`:
/// - get the type of `C<Object>.m`: `<S extends Object>() -> *`
/// - get the type of `D.g`: `<R extends num>() -> *`
/// - perform a subtype check
/// `<S extends Object>() -> * <: <R extends num>() -> *`,
/// and record any parameters/type formals that violate soundess.
/// - that checks the type formal bound of `S` and `R` asserting
/// `Object <: num`, which is false, thus we need a check on type formal `R`
/// of `D.g`.
void _findCovariantChecksForMember(ExecutableElement member,
InterfaceType unsafeSupertype, Set<Element> covariantChecks) {
var f2 = _getMemberType(unsafeSupertype, member);
if (f2 == null) return;
var f1 = member.type;
// Find parameter or type formal checks that we need to ensure `f2 <: f1`.
// The static type system allows this subtyping, but it is not sound without
// these runtime checks.
void addCheck(Element e) {
covariantChecks.add(e is Member ? e.baseElement : e);
var fresh = FunctionTypeImpl.relateTypeFormals(f1, f2, (b2, b1, p2, p1) {
if (!rules.isSubtypeOf(b2, b1)) addCheck(p1);
return true;
if (fresh != null) {
f1 = f1.instantiate(fresh);
f2 = f2.instantiate(fresh);
FunctionTypeImpl.relateParameters(f1.parameters, f2.parameters, (p1, p2) {
if (!rules.isOverrideSubtypeOfParameter(p1, p2)) addCheck(p1);
return true;
/// Find all generic interfaces that are implemented by [type], including
/// [type] itself if it is generic.
/// This represents the complete set of unsafe covariant interfaces that could
/// be used to call members of [type].
/// Because we're going to instantiate these to their upper bound, we don't
/// have to track type parameters.
static Set<ClassElement> _findAllGenericInterfaces(InterfaceType type) {
var visited = new HashSet<ClassElement>();
var genericSupertypes = new Set<ClassElement>();
void visitTypeAndSupertypes(InterfaceType type) {
var element = type.element;
if (visited.add(element)) {
if (element.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
var supertype = element.supertype;
if (supertype != null) visitTypeAndSupertypes(supertype);
return genericSupertypes;
/// Checks that implementations correctly override all reachable interfaces.
/// In particular, we need to check these overrides for the definitions in
/// the class itself and each its superclasses. If a superclass is not
/// abstract, then we can skip its transitive interfaces. For example, in:
/// B extends C implements G
/// A extends B with E, F implements H, I
/// we check:
/// C against G, H, and I
/// B against G, H, and I
/// E against H and I // no check against G because B is a concrete class
/// F against H and I
/// A against H and I
void _checkAllInterfaceOverrides(Declaration node, ClassElement element) {
var seen = new Set<String>();
// Helper function to collect all reachable interfaces.
find(InterfaceType interfaceType, Set result) {
if (interfaceType == null || interfaceType.isObject) return;
if (result.contains(interfaceType)) return;
find(interfaceType.superclass, result);
interfaceType.mixins.forEach((i) => find(i, result));
interfaceType.interfaces.forEach((i) => find(i, result));
// Check all interfaces reachable from the `implements` clause in the
// current class against definitions here and in superclasses.
var localInterfaces = new Set<InterfaceType>();
var type = element.type;
type.interfaces.forEach((i) => find(i, localInterfaces));
_checkInterfacesOverrides(type, localInterfaces, seen,
includeParents: true, classNode: node);
// Check also how we override locally the interfaces from parent classes if
// the parent class is abstract. Otherwise, these will be checked as
// overrides on the concrete superclass.
// We detect superclass circularities using the "tortoise and hare"
// algorithm.
var superInterfaces = new Set<InterfaceType>();
var parent = type.superclass;
var hare = type.superclass?.superclass;
// TODO(sigmund): we don't seem to be reporting the analyzer error that a
// non-abstract class is not implementing an interface. See
while (parent != null && parent.element.isAbstract) {
if (identical(parent, hare)) break;
parent.interfaces.forEach((i) => find(i, superInterfaces));
parent = parent.superclass;
hare = hare?.superclass?.superclass;
_checkInterfacesOverrides(type, superInterfaces, seen,
includeParents: false, classNode: node);
/// Check that individual methods and fields in [node] correctly override
/// the declarations in [baseType].
/// The [errorLocation] node indicates where errors are reported, see
/// [_checkSingleOverride] for more details.
_checkIndividualOverridesFromClass(Declaration node, InterfaceType baseType,
Set<String> seen, bool isSubclass) {
for (var member in _classMembers(node)) {
if (member is FieldDeclaration) {
if (member.isStatic) {
for (var variable in member.fields.variables) {
var element = variable.element as PropertyInducingElement;
var name =;
if (seen.contains(name)) {
var getter = element.getter;
var setter = element.setter;
bool found = _checkSingleOverride(
getter, baseType,, member, isSubclass);
if (!variable.isFinal &&
!variable.isConst &&
setter, baseType,, member, isSubclass)) {
found = true;
if (found) {
} else if (member is MethodDeclaration) {
if (member.isStatic) {
var method = resolutionMap.elementDeclaredByMethodDeclaration(member);
if (seen.contains( {
if (_checkSingleOverride(
method, baseType,, member, isSubclass)) {
} else {
assert(member is ConstructorDeclaration);
/// Check that individual methods and fields in [subType] correctly override
/// the declarations in [baseType].
/// The [errorLocation] node indicates where errors are reported, see
/// [_checkSingleOverride] for more details.
/// The set [seen] is used to avoid reporting overrides more than once. It
/// is used when invoking this function multiple times when checking several
/// types in a class hierarchy. Errors are reported only the first time an
/// invalid override involving a specific member is encountered.
void _checkIndividualOverridesFromType(
InterfaceType subType,
InterfaceType baseType,
AstNode errorLocation,
Set<String> seen,
bool isSubclass) {
void checkHelper(ExecutableElement e) {
if (e.isStatic) return;
if (seen.contains( return;
if (_checkSingleOverride(e, baseType, null, errorLocation, isSubclass)) {
/// Checks that [cls] and its super classes (including mixins) correctly
/// overrides each interface in [interfaces]. If [includeParents] is false,
/// then mixins are still checked, but the base type and it's transitive
/// supertypes are not.
/// [cls] can be either a [ClassDeclaration] or a [InterfaceType]. For
/// [ClassDeclaration]s errors are reported on the member that contains the
/// invalid override, for [InterfaceType]s we use [errorLocation] instead.
void _checkInterfacesOverrides(
InterfaceType type, Iterable<InterfaceType> interfaces, Set<String> seen,
{Set<InterfaceType> visited,
bool includeParents: true,
AstNode errorLocation,
Declaration classNode}) {
if (visited == null) {
visited = new Set<InterfaceType>();
} else if (visited.contains(type)) {
// Malformed type.
} else {
// Check direct overrides on [type]
for (var interfaceType in interfaces) {
if (classNode != null) {
classNode, interfaceType, seen, false);
} else {
type, interfaceType, errorLocation, seen, false);
// Check overrides from its mixins
for (int i = 0; i < type.mixins.length; i++) {
var loc = errorLocation ?? _withClause(classNode).mixinTypes[i];
for (var interfaceType in interfaces) {
// We copy [seen] so we can report separately if more than one mixin or
// the base class have an invalid override.
type.mixins[i], interfaceType, loc, new Set.from(seen), false);
// Check overrides from its superclasses
if (includeParents) {
var parent = type.superclass;
if (parent.isObject) {
var loc = errorLocation ?? _extendsErrorLocation(classNode);
// No need to copy [seen] here because we made copies above when reporting
// errors on mixins.
_checkInterfacesOverrides(parent, interfaces, seen,
visited: visited, includeParents: true, errorLocation: loc);
/// Check overrides from mixin applications themselves. For example, in:
/// A extends B with E, F
/// we check:
/// B & E against B (equivalently how E overrides B)
/// B & E & F against B & E (equivalently how F overrides both B and E)
void _checkMixinApplicationOverrides(Declaration node, ClassElement element) {
var type = element.type;
var parent = type.superclass;
var mixins = type.mixins;
// Check overrides from applying mixins
for (int i = 0; i < mixins.length; i++) {
var seen = new Set<String>();
var current = mixins[i];
var errorLocation = _withClause(node).mixinTypes[i];
for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
current, mixins[j], errorLocation, seen, true);
current, parent, errorLocation, seen, true);
/// Checks that [element] correctly overrides its corresponding member in
/// [type]. Returns `true` if an override was found, that is, if [element] has
/// a corresponding member in [type] that it overrides.
/// The [errorLocation] is a node where the error is reported. For example, a
/// bad override of a method in a class with respect to its superclass is
/// reported directly at the method declaration. However, invalid overrides
/// from base classes to interfaces, mixins to the base they are applied to,
/// or mixins to interfaces are reported at the class declaration, since the
/// base class or members on their own were not incorrect, only combining them
/// with the interface was problematic. For example, these are example error
/// locations in these cases:
/// error: base class introduces an invalid override. The type of is
/// not a subtype of
/// class A extends B implements E { ... }
/// ^^^^^^^^^
/// error: mixin introduces an invalid override. The type of is not
/// a subtype of
/// class A extends B with C implements E { ... }
/// ^
/// When checking for overrides from a type and it's super types, [node] is
/// the AST node that defines [element]. This is used to determine whether the
/// type of the element could be inferred from the types in the super classes.
bool _checkSingleOverride(ExecutableElement element, InterfaceType type,
AstNode node, AstNode errorLocation, bool isSubclass) {
FunctionType subType = _elementType(element);
FunctionType baseType = _getMemberType(type, element);
if (baseType == null) return false;
if (isSubclass && element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
// Disallow any overriding if the base class defines this member
// as a field. We effectively treat fields as final / non-virtual,
// unless they are explicitly marked as @virtual
var field = _getMemberField(type, element);
if (field != null && !field.isVirtual) {
errorLocation, StrongModeCode.INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE, [,,
if (!rules.isOverrideSubtypeOf(subType, baseType)) {
ErrorCode errorCode;
var parent = errorLocation?.parent;
if (errorLocation is ExtendsClause ||
parent is ClassTypeAlias && parent.superclass == errorLocation) {
} else if (parent is WithClause) {
} else {
errorCode = StrongModeCode.INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE;
_checker._recordMessage(errorLocation, errorCode, [,,
// If we have any covariant parameters and we're comparing against a
// superclass, we check all superclasses instead of stopping the search.
bool hasCovariant = element.parameters.any((p) => p.isCovariant);
bool keepSearching = hasCovariant && isSubclass;
return !keepSearching;
/// Check overrides between a class and its superclasses and mixins. For
/// example, in:
/// A extends B with E, F
/// we check A against B, B super classes, E, and F.
/// Internally we avoid reporting errors twice and we visit classes bottom up
/// to ensure we report the most immediate invalid override first. For
/// example, in the following code we'll report that `Test` has an invalid
/// override with respect to `Parent` (as opposed to an invalid override with
/// respect to `Grandparent`):
/// class Grandparent {
/// m(A a) {}
/// }
/// class Parent extends Grandparent {
/// m(A a) {}
/// }
/// class Test extends Parent {
/// m(B a) {} // invalid override
/// }
void _checkSuperOverrides(Declaration node, ClassElement element) {
var seen = new Set<String>();
var current = element.type;
var visited = new Set<InterfaceType>();
do {
(m) => _checkIndividualOverridesFromClass(node, m, seen, true));
_checkIndividualOverridesFromClass(node, current.superclass, seen, true);
current = current.superclass;
} while (!current.isObject && !visited.contains(current));
/// If node is a [ClassDeclaration] returns its members, otherwise if node is
/// a [ClassTypeAlias] this returns an empty list.
Iterable<ClassMember> _classMembers(Declaration node) {
return node is ClassDeclaration ? node.members : [];
/// If node is a [ClassDeclaration] returns its members, otherwise if node is
/// a [ClassTypeAlias] this returns an empty list.
AstNode _extendsErrorLocation(Declaration node) {
return node is ClassDeclaration
? node.extendsClause
: (node as ClassTypeAlias).superclass;
/// If node is a [ClassDeclaration] returns its members, otherwise if node is
/// a [ClassTypeAlias] this returns an empty list.
WithClause _withClause(Declaration node) {
return node is ClassDeclaration
? node.withClause
: (node as ClassTypeAlias).withClause;