blob: 9ccf0dccc268ca48fda44572f341057987be6ff3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.developer;
/// Service protocol is the protocol that a client like the observatory
/// could use to access the services provided by the Dart VM for
/// debugging and inspecting Dart programs. This class encapsulates the
/// version number and Uri for accessing this service.
class ServiceProtocolInfo {
/// The major version of the protocol. If the running Dart environment does
/// not support the service protocol, this is 0.
final int majorVersion = _getServiceMajorVersion();
/// The minor version of the protocol. If the running Dart environment does
/// not support the service protocol, this is 0.
final int minorVersion = _getServiceMinorVersion();
/// The Uri to access the service. If the web server is not running, this
/// will be null.
final Uri serverUri;
String toString() {
if (serverUri != null) {
return 'Dart VM Service Protocol v$majorVersion.$minorVersion '
'listening on $serverUri';
} else {
return 'Dart VM Service Protocol v$majorVersion.$minorVersion';
/// Access information about the service protocol and control the web server
/// that provides access to the services provided by the Dart VM for
/// debugging and inspecting Dart programs.
class Service {
/// Get information about the service protocol (version number and
/// Uri to access the service).
static Future<ServiceProtocolInfo> getInfo() async {
// Port to receive response from service isolate.
final RawReceivePort receivePort = new RawReceivePort();
final Completer<Uri> uriCompleter = new Completer<Uri>();
receivePort.handler = (Uri uri) => uriCompleter.complete(uri);
// Request the information from the service isolate.
// Await the response from the service isolate.
Uri uri = await uriCompleter.future;
// Close the port.
return new ServiceProtocolInfo(uri);
/// Control the web server that the service protocol is accessed through.
/// The [enable] argument must be a boolean and is used as a toggle to
/// enable(true) or disable(false) the web server servicing requests.
static Future<ServiceProtocolInfo> controlWebServer(
{bool enable: false}) async {
if (enable is! bool) {
throw new ArgumentError.value(enable,
'Must be a bool');
// Port to receive response from service isolate.
final RawReceivePort receivePort = new RawReceivePort();
final Completer<Uri> uriCompleter = new Completer<Uri>();
receivePort.handler = (Uri uri) => uriCompleter.complete(uri);
// Request the information from the service isolate.
_webServerControl(receivePort.sendPort, enable);
// Await the response from the service isolate.
Uri uri = await uriCompleter.future;
// Close the port.
return new ServiceProtocolInfo(uri);
/// [sp] will receive a Uri or null.
external void _getServerInfo(SendPort sp);
/// [sp] will receive a Uri or null.
external void _webServerControl(SendPort sp, bool enable);
/// Returns the major version of the service protocol.
external int _getServiceMajorVersion();
/// Returns the minor version of the service protocol.
external int _getServiceMinorVersion();