| // Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| library test.analysis.notification.outline; |
| |
| import 'dart:async'; |
| |
| import 'package:analysis_server/plugin/protocol/protocol.dart'; |
| import 'package:analysis_server/src/constants.dart'; |
| import 'package:test/test.dart'; |
| import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart'; |
| |
| import '../analysis_abstract.dart'; |
| |
| main() { |
| defineReflectiveSuite(() { |
| defineReflectiveTests(_AnalysisNotificationOutlineTest); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| @reflectiveTest |
| class _AnalysisNotificationOutlineTest extends AbstractAnalysisTest { |
| FileKind fileKind; |
| String libraryName; |
| Outline outline; |
| |
| Future prepareOutline() { |
| addAnalysisSubscription(AnalysisService.OUTLINE, testFile); |
| return waitForTasksFinished(); |
| } |
| |
| void processNotification(Notification notification) { |
| if (notification.event == ANALYSIS_OUTLINE) { |
| var params = new AnalysisOutlineParams.fromNotification(notification); |
| if (params.file == testFile) { |
| fileKind = params.kind; |
| libraryName = params.libraryName; |
| outline = params.outline; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void setUp() { |
| super.setUp(); |
| createProject(); |
| } |
| |
| test_afterAnalysis() async { |
| addTestFile(''' |
| class AAA { |
| } |
| class BBB { |
| } |
| '''); |
| await waitForTasksFinished(); |
| expect(outline, isNull); |
| await prepareOutline(); |
| Outline unitOutline = outline; |
| List<Outline> outlines = unitOutline.children; |
| expect(outlines, hasLength(2)); |
| } |
| |
| test_class() async { |
| addTestFile(''' |
| class A<K, V> { |
| int fa, fb; |
| String fc; |
| A(int i, String s); |
| A.name(num p); |
| A._privateName(num p); |
| static String ma(int pa) => null; |
| _mb(int pb); |
| String get propA => null; |
| set propB(int v) {} |
| } |
| class B { |
| B(int p); |
| }"); |
| '''); |
| await prepareOutline(); |
| Outline unitOutline = outline; |
| List<Outline> topOutlines = unitOutline.children; |
| expect(topOutlines, hasLength(2)); |
| // A |
| { |
| Outline outline_A = topOutlines[0]; |
| Element element_A = outline_A.element; |
| expect(element_A.kind, ElementKind.CLASS); |
| expect(element_A.name, "A"); |
| expect(element_A.typeParameters, "<K, V>"); |
| { |
| Location location = element_A.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("A<K, V> {")); |
| expect(location.length, 1); |
| } |
| expect(element_A.parameters, null); |
| expect(element_A.returnType, null); |
| // A children |
| List<Outline> outlines_A = outline_A.children; |
| expect(outlines_A, hasLength(10)); |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines_A[0]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FIELD); |
| expect(element.name, "fa"); |
| expect(element.parameters, isNull); |
| expect(element.returnType, "int"); |
| } |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines_A[1]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FIELD); |
| expect(element.name, "fb"); |
| expect(element.parameters, isNull); |
| expect(element.returnType, "int"); |
| } |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines_A[2]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FIELD); |
| expect(element.name, "fc"); |
| expect(element.parameters, isNull); |
| expect(element.returnType, "String"); |
| } |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines_A[3]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR); |
| expect(element.name, "A"); |
| { |
| Location location = element.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("A(int i, String s);")); |
| expect(location.length, "A".length); |
| } |
| expect(element.parameters, "(int i, String s)"); |
| expect(element.returnType, isNull); |
| expect(element.isAbstract, isFalse); |
| expect(element.isStatic, isFalse); |
| } |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines_A[4]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR); |
| expect(element.name, "A.name"); |
| { |
| Location location = element.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("name(num p);")); |
| expect(location.length, "name".length); |
| } |
| expect(element.parameters, "(num p)"); |
| expect(element.returnType, isNull); |
| expect(element.isAbstract, isFalse); |
| expect(element.isStatic, isFalse); |
| } |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines_A[5]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR); |
| expect(element.name, "A._privateName"); |
| { |
| Location location = element.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("_privateName(num p);")); |
| expect(location.length, "_privateName".length); |
| } |
| expect(element.parameters, "(num p)"); |
| expect(element.returnType, isNull); |
| expect(element.isAbstract, isFalse); |
| expect(element.isStatic, isFalse); |
| } |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines_A[6]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.METHOD); |
| expect(element.name, "ma"); |
| { |
| Location location = element.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("ma(int pa) => null;")); |
| expect(location.length, "ma".length); |
| } |
| expect(element.parameters, "(int pa)"); |
| expect(element.returnType, "String"); |
| expect(element.isAbstract, isFalse); |
| expect(element.isStatic, isTrue); |
| } |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines_A[7]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.METHOD); |
| expect(element.name, "_mb"); |
| { |
| Location location = element.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("_mb(int pb);")); |
| expect(location.length, "_mb".length); |
| } |
| expect(element.parameters, "(int pb)"); |
| expect(element.returnType, ""); |
| expect(element.isAbstract, isTrue); |
| expect(element.isStatic, isFalse); |
| } |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines_A[8]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.GETTER); |
| expect(element.name, "propA"); |
| { |
| Location location = element.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("propA => null;")); |
| expect(location.length, "propA".length); |
| } |
| expect(element.parameters, isNull); |
| expect(element.returnType, "String"); |
| } |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines_A[9]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.SETTER); |
| expect(element.name, "propB"); |
| { |
| Location location = element.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("propB(int v) {}")); |
| expect(location.length, "propB".length); |
| } |
| expect(element.parameters, "(int v)"); |
| expect(element.returnType, ""); |
| } |
| } |
| // B |
| { |
| Outline outline_B = topOutlines[1]; |
| Element element_B = outline_B.element; |
| expect(element_B.kind, ElementKind.CLASS); |
| expect(element_B.name, "B"); |
| expect(element_B.typeParameters, isNull); |
| { |
| Location location = element_B.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("B {")); |
| expect(location.length, 1); |
| } |
| expect(element_B.parameters, null); |
| expect(element_B.returnType, null); |
| // B children |
| List<Outline> outlines_B = outline_B.children; |
| expect(outlines_B, hasLength(1)); |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines_B[0]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR); |
| expect(element.name, "B"); |
| { |
| Location location = element.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("B(int p);")); |
| expect(location.length, "B".length); |
| } |
| expect(element.parameters, "(int p)"); |
| expect(element.returnType, isNull); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| test_enum() async { |
| addTestFile(''' |
| enum MyEnum { |
| A, B, C |
| } |
| '''); |
| await prepareOutline(); |
| Outline unitOutline = outline; |
| List<Outline> topOutlines = unitOutline.children; |
| expect(topOutlines, hasLength(1)); |
| // MyEnum |
| { |
| Outline outline_MyEnum = topOutlines[0]; |
| Element element_MyEnum = outline_MyEnum.element; |
| expect(element_MyEnum.kind, ElementKind.ENUM); |
| expect(element_MyEnum.name, "MyEnum"); |
| { |
| Location location = element_MyEnum.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("MyEnum {")); |
| expect(location.length, 'MyEnum'.length); |
| } |
| expect(element_MyEnum.parameters, null); |
| expect(element_MyEnum.returnType, null); |
| // MyEnum children |
| List<Outline> outlines_MyEnum = outline_MyEnum.children; |
| expect(outlines_MyEnum, hasLength(3)); |
| _isEnumConstant(outlines_MyEnum[0], 'A'); |
| _isEnumConstant(outlines_MyEnum[1], 'B'); |
| _isEnumConstant(outlines_MyEnum[2], 'C'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Code like this caused NPE in the past. |
| * |
| * https://code.google.com/p/dart/issues/detail?id=21373 |
| */ |
| test_invalidGetterInConstructor() async { |
| addTestFile(''' |
| class A { |
| A() { |
| get badGetter { |
| const int CONST = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| '''); |
| await prepareOutline(); |
| expect(outline, isNotNull); |
| } |
| |
| test_libraryName_hasLibraryDirective() async { |
| addTestFile(''' |
| library my.lib; |
| '''); |
| await prepareOutline(); |
| expect(fileKind, FileKind.LIBRARY); |
| expect(libraryName, 'my.lib'); |
| } |
| |
| test_libraryName_hasLibraryPartOfDirectives() async { |
| addTestFile(''' |
| part of lib.in.part.of; |
| library my.lib; |
| '''); |
| await prepareOutline(); |
| expect(fileKind, FileKind.LIBRARY); |
| expect(libraryName, 'my.lib'); |
| } |
| |
| test_libraryName_hasPartOfDirective() async { |
| addTestFile(''' |
| part of my.lib; |
| '''); |
| await prepareOutline(); |
| expect(fileKind, FileKind.PART); |
| expect(libraryName, 'my.lib'); |
| } |
| |
| test_libraryName_noDirectives() async { |
| addTestFile(''' |
| class A {} |
| '''); |
| await prepareOutline(); |
| expect(fileKind, FileKind.LIBRARY); |
| expect(libraryName, isNull); |
| } |
| |
| test_localFunctions() async { |
| addTestFile(''' |
| class A { |
| A() { |
| int local_A() {} |
| } |
| m() { |
| local_m() {} |
| } |
| } |
| f() { |
| local_f1(int i) {} |
| local_f2(String s) { |
| local_f21(int p) {} |
| } |
| } |
| '''); |
| await prepareOutline(); |
| Outline unitOutline = outline; |
| List<Outline> topOutlines = unitOutline.children; |
| expect(topOutlines, hasLength(2)); |
| // A |
| { |
| Outline outline_A = topOutlines[0]; |
| Element element_A = outline_A.element; |
| expect(element_A.kind, ElementKind.CLASS); |
| expect(element_A.name, "A"); |
| { |
| Location location = element_A.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("A {")); |
| expect(location.length, "A".length); |
| } |
| expect(element_A.parameters, null); |
| expect(element_A.returnType, null); |
| // A children |
| List<Outline> outlines_A = outline_A.children; |
| expect(outlines_A, hasLength(2)); |
| { |
| Outline constructorOutline = outlines_A[0]; |
| Element constructorElement = constructorOutline.element; |
| expect(constructorElement.kind, ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR); |
| expect(constructorElement.name, "A"); |
| { |
| Location location = constructorElement.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("A() {")); |
| expect(location.length, "A".length); |
| } |
| expect(constructorElement.parameters, "()"); |
| expect(constructorElement.returnType, isNull); |
| // local function |
| List<Outline> outlines_constructor = constructorOutline.children; |
| expect(outlines_constructor, hasLength(1)); |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines_constructor[0]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION); |
| expect(element.name, "local_A"); |
| { |
| Location location = element.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("local_A() {}")); |
| expect(location.length, "local_A".length); |
| } |
| expect(element.parameters, "()"); |
| expect(element.returnType, "int"); |
| } |
| } |
| { |
| Outline outline_m = outlines_A[1]; |
| Element element_m = outline_m.element; |
| expect(element_m.kind, ElementKind.METHOD); |
| expect(element_m.name, "m"); |
| { |
| Location location = element_m.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("m() {")); |
| expect(location.length, "m".length); |
| } |
| expect(element_m.parameters, "()"); |
| expect(element_m.returnType, ""); |
| // local function |
| List<Outline> methodChildren = outline_m.children; |
| expect(methodChildren, hasLength(1)); |
| { |
| Outline outline = methodChildren[0]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION); |
| expect(element.name, "local_m"); |
| { |
| Location location = element.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("local_m() {}")); |
| expect(location.length, "local_m".length); |
| } |
| expect(element.parameters, "()"); |
| expect(element.returnType, ""); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| // f() |
| { |
| Outline outline_f = topOutlines[1]; |
| Element element_f = outline_f.element; |
| expect(element_f.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION); |
| expect(element_f.name, "f"); |
| { |
| Location location = element_f.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("f() {")); |
| expect(location.length, "f".length); |
| } |
| expect(element_f.parameters, "()"); |
| expect(element_f.returnType, ""); |
| // f() children |
| List<Outline> outlines_f = outline_f.children; |
| expect(outlines_f, hasLength(2)); |
| { |
| Outline outline_f1 = outlines_f[0]; |
| Element element_f1 = outline_f1.element; |
| expect(element_f1.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION); |
| expect(element_f1.name, "local_f1"); |
| { |
| Location location = element_f1.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("local_f1(int i) {}")); |
| expect(location.length, "local_f1".length); |
| } |
| expect(element_f1.parameters, "(int i)"); |
| expect(element_f1.returnType, ""); |
| } |
| { |
| Outline outline_f2 = outlines_f[1]; |
| Element element_f2 = outline_f2.element; |
| expect(element_f2.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION); |
| expect(element_f2.name, "local_f2"); |
| { |
| Location location = element_f2.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("local_f2(String s) {")); |
| expect(location.length, "local_f2".length); |
| } |
| expect(element_f2.parameters, "(String s)"); |
| expect(element_f2.returnType, ""); |
| // local_f2() local function |
| List<Outline> outlines_f2 = outline_f2.children; |
| expect(outlines_f2, hasLength(1)); |
| { |
| Outline outline_f21 = outlines_f2[0]; |
| Element element_f21 = outline_f21.element; |
| expect(element_f21.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION); |
| expect(element_f21.name, "local_f21"); |
| { |
| Location location = element_f21.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("local_f21(int p) {")); |
| expect(location.length, "local_f21".length); |
| } |
| expect(element_f21.parameters, "(int p)"); |
| expect(element_f21.returnType, ""); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| test_sourceRange_inClass() async { |
| addTestFile(''' |
| class A { // leftA |
| int methodA() {} // endA |
| int methodB() {} // endB |
| } |
| '''); |
| await prepareOutline(); |
| Outline unitOutline = outline; |
| List<Outline> outlines = unitOutline.children[0].children; |
| expect(outlines, hasLength(2)); |
| // methodA |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines[0]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.METHOD); |
| expect(element.name, "methodA"); |
| { |
| int offset = testCode.indexOf(" // leftA"); |
| int end = testCode.indexOf(" // endA"); |
| expect(outline.offset, offset); |
| expect(outline.length, end - offset); |
| } |
| } |
| // methodB |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines[1]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.METHOD); |
| expect(element.name, "methodB"); |
| { |
| int offset = testCode.indexOf(" // endA"); |
| int end = testCode.indexOf(" // endB"); |
| expect(outline.offset, offset); |
| expect(outline.length, end - offset); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| test_sourceRange_inClass_inVariableList() async { |
| addTestFile(''' |
| class A { // leftA |
| int fieldA, fieldB, fieldC; // marker |
| int fieldD; // marker2 |
| } |
| '''); |
| await prepareOutline(); |
| Outline unitOutline = outline; |
| List<Outline> outlines = unitOutline.children[0].children; |
| expect(outlines, hasLength(4)); |
| // fieldA |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines[0]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FIELD); |
| expect(element.name, "fieldA"); |
| { |
| int offset = testCode.indexOf(" // leftA"); |
| int end = testCode.indexOf(", fieldB"); |
| expect(outline.offset, offset); |
| expect(outline.length, end - offset); |
| } |
| } |
| // fieldB |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines[1]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FIELD); |
| expect(element.name, "fieldB"); |
| { |
| int offset = testCode.indexOf(", fieldB"); |
| int end = testCode.indexOf(", fieldC"); |
| expect(outline.offset, offset); |
| expect(outline.length, end - offset); |
| } |
| } |
| // fieldC |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines[2]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FIELD); |
| expect(element.name, "fieldC"); |
| { |
| int offset = testCode.indexOf(", fieldC"); |
| int end = testCode.indexOf(" // marker"); |
| expect(outline.offset, offset); |
| expect(outline.length, end - offset); |
| } |
| } |
| // fieldD |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines[3]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FIELD); |
| expect(element.name, "fieldD"); |
| { |
| int offset = testCode.indexOf(" // marker"); |
| int end = testCode.indexOf(" // marker2"); |
| expect(outline.offset, offset); |
| expect(outline.length, end - offset); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| test_sourceRange_inUnit() async { |
| addTestFile(''' |
| library lib; |
| /// My first class. |
| class A { |
| } // endA |
| class B { |
| } // endB |
| '''); |
| await prepareOutline(); |
| Outline unitOutline = outline; |
| List<Outline> topOutlines = unitOutline.children; |
| expect(topOutlines, hasLength(2)); |
| // A |
| { |
| Outline outline = topOutlines[0]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.CLASS); |
| expect(element.name, "A"); |
| { |
| int offset = testCode.indexOf("/// My first class."); |
| int end = testCode.indexOf(" // endA"); |
| expect(outline.offset, offset); |
| expect(outline.length, end - offset); |
| } |
| } |
| // B |
| { |
| Outline outline = topOutlines[1]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.CLASS); |
| expect(element.name, "B"); |
| { |
| int offset = testCode.indexOf(" // endA"); |
| int end = testCode.indexOf(" // endB"); |
| expect(outline.offset, offset); |
| expect(outline.length, end - offset); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| test_sourceRange_inUnit_inVariableList() async { |
| addTestFile(''' |
| int fieldA, fieldB, fieldC; // marker |
| int fieldD; // marker2 |
| '''); |
| await prepareOutline(); |
| Outline unitOutline = outline; |
| List<Outline> outlines = unitOutline.children; |
| expect(outlines, hasLength(4)); |
| // fieldA |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines[0]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE); |
| expect(element.name, "fieldA"); |
| { |
| int offset = 0; |
| int end = testCode.indexOf(", fieldB"); |
| expect(outline.offset, offset); |
| expect(outline.length, end - offset); |
| } |
| } |
| // fieldB |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines[1]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE); |
| expect(element.name, "fieldB"); |
| { |
| int offset = testCode.indexOf(", fieldB"); |
| int end = testCode.indexOf(", fieldC"); |
| expect(outline.offset, offset); |
| expect(outline.length, end - offset); |
| } |
| } |
| // fieldC |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines[2]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE); |
| expect(element.name, "fieldC"); |
| { |
| int offset = testCode.indexOf(", fieldC"); |
| int end = testCode.indexOf(" // marker"); |
| expect(outline.offset, offset); |
| expect(outline.length, end - offset); |
| } |
| } |
| // fieldD |
| { |
| Outline outline = outlines[3]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE); |
| expect(element.name, "fieldD"); |
| { |
| int offset = testCode.indexOf(" // marker"); |
| int end = testCode.indexOf(" // marker2"); |
| expect(outline.offset, offset); |
| expect(outline.length, end - offset); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| test_topLevel() async { |
| addTestFile(''' |
| typedef String FTA<K, V>(int i, String s); |
| typedef FTB(int p); |
| class A<T> {} |
| class B {} |
| class CTA<T> = A<T> with B; |
| class CTB = A with B; |
| String fA(int i, String s) => null; |
| fB(int p) => null; |
| String get propA => null; |
| set propB(int v) {} |
| '''); |
| await prepareOutline(); |
| Outline unitOutline = outline; |
| List<Outline> topOutlines = unitOutline.children; |
| expect(topOutlines, hasLength(10)); |
| // FTA |
| { |
| Outline outline = topOutlines[0]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS); |
| expect(element.name, "FTA"); |
| expect(element.typeParameters, "<K, V>"); |
| { |
| Location location = element.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("FTA<K, V>(")); |
| expect(location.length, "FTA".length); |
| } |
| expect(element.parameters, "(int i, String s)"); |
| expect(element.returnType, "String"); |
| } |
| // FTB |
| { |
| Outline outline = topOutlines[1]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS); |
| expect(element.name, "FTB"); |
| expect(element.typeParameters, isNull); |
| { |
| Location location = element.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("FTB(")); |
| expect(location.length, "FTB".length); |
| } |
| expect(element.parameters, "(int p)"); |
| expect(element.returnType, ""); |
| } |
| // CTA |
| { |
| Outline outline = topOutlines[4]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.CLASS_TYPE_ALIAS); |
| expect(element.name, "CTA"); |
| expect(element.typeParameters, '<T>'); |
| { |
| Location location = element.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("CTA<T> =")); |
| expect(location.length, "CTA".length); |
| } |
| expect(element.parameters, isNull); |
| expect(element.returnType, isNull); |
| } |
| // CTB |
| { |
| Outline outline = topOutlines[5]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.CLASS_TYPE_ALIAS); |
| expect(element.name, 'CTB'); |
| expect(element.typeParameters, isNull); |
| expect(element.returnType, isNull); |
| } |
| // fA |
| { |
| Outline outline = topOutlines[6]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION); |
| expect(element.name, "fA"); |
| { |
| Location location = element.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("fA(")); |
| expect(location.length, "fA".length); |
| } |
| expect(element.parameters, "(int i, String s)"); |
| expect(element.returnType, "String"); |
| } |
| // fB |
| { |
| Outline outline = topOutlines[7]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION); |
| expect(element.name, "fB"); |
| { |
| Location location = element.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("fB(")); |
| expect(location.length, "fB".length); |
| } |
| expect(element.parameters, "(int p)"); |
| expect(element.returnType, ""); |
| } |
| // propA |
| { |
| Outline outline = topOutlines[8]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.GETTER); |
| expect(element.name, "propA"); |
| { |
| Location location = element.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("propA => null;")); |
| expect(location.length, "propA".length); |
| } |
| expect(element.parameters, ""); |
| expect(element.returnType, "String"); |
| } |
| // propB |
| { |
| Outline outline = topOutlines[9]; |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.SETTER); |
| expect(element.name, "propB"); |
| { |
| Location location = element.location; |
| expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("propB(int v) {}")); |
| expect(location.length, "propB".length); |
| } |
| expect(element.parameters, "(int v)"); |
| expect(element.returnType, ""); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _isEnumConstant(Outline outline, String name) { |
| Element element = outline.element; |
| expect(element.kind, ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT); |
| expect(element.name, name); |
| expect(element.parameters, isNull); |
| expect(element.returnType, isNull); |
| } |
| } |