blob: 1676fa457eee8b044c6f5be32e1009218e6678b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/refactoring/move_top_level_to_file.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/test_code_format.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'refactoring_test_support.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class MoveTopLevelToFileTest extends RefactoringTest {
/// Simple file content with a single class named 'A'.
static const simpleClassContent = '''
class ^A {}
/// The title of the refactor when using [simpleClassContent].
static const simpleClassRefactorTitle = "Move 'A' to file";
String get refactoringName => MoveTopLevelToFile.commandName;
/// Replaces the "Save URI" argument in [action].
void replaceSaveUriArgument(CodeAction action, Uri newFileUri) {
var arguments = getRefactorCommandArguments(action);
// The filename is the first item we prompt for so is first in the
// arguments.
arguments[0] = newFileUri.toString();
void setUp() {
/// Test that references to getter/setters in different libraries used in
/// a compound assignment are both imported into the destination file.
Future<void> test_compoundAssignment_multipleLibraries() async {
newFile('$projectFolderPath/lib/getter.dart', '''
int get splitVariable => 0;
newFile('$projectFolderPath/lib/setter.dart', '''
set splitVariable(num _) {}
var originalSource = '''
import 'package:test/getter.dart';
import 'package:test/setter.dart';
void function^ToMove() {
splitVariable += 1;
var declarationName = 'functionToMove';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/function_to_move.dart created
import 'package:test/getter.dart';
import 'package:test/setter.dart';
void functionToMove() {
splitVariable += 1;
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
import 'package:test/getter.dart';
import 'package:test/setter.dart';
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
Future<void> test_copyFileHeader() async {
var originalSource = '''
// File header.
class A {}
class ClassToMove^ {}
class B {}
var declarationName = 'ClassToMove';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/class_to_move.dart created
// File header.
class ClassToMove {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
// File header.
class A {}
class B {}
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
Future<void> test_existingFile() async {
/// Existing new file contents where 'ClassToMove' will be moved to.
var newFilePath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'a.dart');
newFile(newFilePath, '''
int? a;
/// Expected updated new file contents.
const expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/a.dart
int? a;
class A {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart empty
await initializeServer();
var action = await expectCodeAction(simpleClassRefactorTitle);
await verifyCommandEdits(action.command!, expected);
Future<void> test_existingFile_withHeader() async {
/// Existing new file contents where 'ClassToMove' will be moved to.
var newFilePath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'a.dart');
newFile(newFilePath, '''
// This is a file header
int? a;
/// Expected updated new file contents.
const expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/a.dart
// This is a file header
int? a;
class A {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart empty
await initializeServer();
var action = await expectCodeAction(simpleClassRefactorTitle);
await verifyCommandEdits(action.command!, expected);
Future<void> test_existingFile_withImports() async {
/// Existing new file contents where 'ClassToMove' will be moved to.
var newFilePath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'a.dart');
newFile(newFilePath, '''
import 'dart:async';
FutureOr<int>? a;
/// Expected updated new file contents.
const expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/a.dart
import 'dart:async';
FutureOr<int>? a;
class A {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart empty
await initializeServer();
var action = await expectCodeAction(simpleClassRefactorTitle);
await verifyCommandEdits(action.command!, expected);
Future<void> test_imports_declarationInSrc() async {
var libFilePath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'a.dart');
var srcFilePath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'src', 'a.dart');
newFile(libFilePath, 'export "src/a.dart";');
newFile(srcFilePath, 'class A {}');
var originalSource = '''
import 'package:test/a.dart';
A? staying;
A? mov^ing;
var declarationName = 'moving';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
import 'package:test/a.dart';
A? staying;
>>>>>>>>>> lib/moving.dart created
import 'package:test/a.dart';
A? moving;
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
Future<void> test_imports_extensionMethod() async {
var otherFilePath = '$projectFolderPath/lib/extensions.dart';
var otherFileContent = '''
import 'package:test/main.dart';
extension AExtension on A {
void extensionMethod() {}
var originalSource = '''
import 'package:test/extensions.dart';
class A {}
void ^f() {
var declarationName = 'f';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/f.dart created
import 'package:test/extensions.dart';
import 'package:test/main.dart';
void f() {
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
import 'package:test/extensions.dart';
class A {}
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
otherFilePath: otherFilePath,
otherFileContent: otherFileContent);
Future<void> test_imports_extensionOperator() async {
var otherFilePath = '$projectFolderPath/lib/extensions.dart';
var otherFileContent = '''
import 'package:test/main.dart';
extension AExtension on A {
A operator +(A other) => this;
var originalSource = '''
import 'package:test/extensions.dart';
class A {}
void ^f() {
A() + A();
var declarationName = 'f';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/f.dart created
import 'package:test/extensions.dart';
import 'package:test/main.dart';
void f() {
A() + A();
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
import 'package:test/extensions.dart';
class A {}
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
otherFilePath: otherFilePath,
otherFileContent: otherFileContent);
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_cascade() async {
var otherFileDeclarations = '''
final list = <int>[];
var movingCode = '''
void ^moving() {
await _testPrefixCopied(
declarations: otherFileDeclarations,
movingCode: movingCode,
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_class() async {
var otherFileDeclarations = '''
class A {}
var movingCode = '''
other.A? ^moving;
await _testPrefixCopied(
declarations: otherFileDeclarations,
movingCode: movingCode,
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_class_extends() async {
var otherFileDeclarations = '''
class A {}
var movingCode = '''
class Mov^ing extends other.A {}
await _testPrefixCopied(
declarations: otherFileDeclarations,
movingDeclarationName: 'Moving',
movingCode: movingCode,
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_compoundAssignment() async {
var otherFileDeclarations = '''
int a = 0;
var movingCode = '''
void ^moving() {
other.a += 1;
await _testPrefixCopied(
declarations: otherFileDeclarations,
movingCode: movingCode,
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_constructor_named() async {
var otherFileDeclarations = '''
class A {
var movingCode = '''
final ^moving = other.A.named();
await _testPrefixCopied(
declarations: otherFileDeclarations,
movingCode: movingCode,
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_constructor_named_tearoff() async {
var otherFileDeclarations = '''
class A {
var movingCode = '''
final ^moving = other.A.named;
await _testPrefixCopied(
declarations: otherFileDeclarations,
movingCode: movingCode,
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_constructor_unnamed() async {
var otherFileDeclarations = '''
class A {}
var movingCode = '''
final ^moving = other.A();
await _testPrefixCopied(
declarations: otherFileDeclarations,
movingCode: movingCode,
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_constructor_unnamed_tearoff() async {
var otherFileDeclarations = '''
class A {}
var movingCode = '''
final ^moving =;
await _testPrefixCopied(
declarations: otherFileDeclarations,
movingCode: movingCode,
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_extension_method() async {
var otherFilePath = '$projectFolderPath/lib/extensions.dart';
var otherFileContent = '''
import 'package:test/main.dart';
extension X on A {
void extensionMethod();
var originalSource = '''
import 'package:test/extensions.dart' as other;
class A {}
void ^moving() {
var movingDeclarationName = 'moving';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
import 'package:test/extensions.dart' as other;
class A {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/moving.dart created
import 'package:test/extensions.dart' as other;
import 'package:test/main.dart';
void moving() {
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: movingDeclarationName,
otherFilePath: otherFilePath,
otherFileContent: otherFileContent);
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_extension_operator() async {
var otherFilePath = '$projectFolderPath/lib/extensions.dart';
var otherFileContent = '''
import 'package:test/main.dart';
extension X on A {
A operator +(A other) => this;
var originalSource = '''
import 'package:test/extensions.dart' as other;
class A {}
void ^moving() {
A() + A();
var movingDeclarationName = 'moving';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
import 'package:test/extensions.dart' as other;
class A {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/moving.dart created
import 'package:test/extensions.dart' as other;
import 'package:test/main.dart';
void moving() {
A() + A();
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: movingDeclarationName,
otherFilePath: otherFilePath,
otherFileContent: otherFileContent);
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_extensionOverride() async {
var otherFileDeclarations = '''
extension E on int { void f() {} },
var movingCode = '''
void ^moving() {
await _testPrefixCopied(
declarations: otherFileDeclarations,
movingCode: movingCode,
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_function() async {
var otherFileDeclarations = '''
void f() {}
var movingCode = '''
void ^moving() {
await _testPrefixCopied(
declarations: otherFileDeclarations,
movingCode: movingCode,
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_function_tearoff() async {
var otherFileDeclarations = '''
void f() {}
var movingCode = '''
final mov^ing = other.f;
await _testPrefixCopied(
declarations: otherFileDeclarations,
movingCode: movingCode,
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_functionInvocationExpression() async {
var otherFileDeclarations = '''
final f = () {};
var movingCode = '''
void mov^ing() {
await _testPrefixCopied(
declarations: otherFileDeclarations,
movingCode: movingCode,
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_getterSetter() async {
var otherFileDeclarations = '''
String get a => '';
set a(String value) {}
var movingCode = '''
void ^moving() {
other.a = '';
await _testPrefixCopied(
declarations: otherFileDeclarations,
movingCode: movingCode,
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_postfixIncrement() async {
var otherFileDeclarations = '''
int a = 0;
var movingCode = '''
void ^moving() {
await _testPrefixCopied(
declarations: otherFileDeclarations,
movingCode: movingCode,
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_prefixIncrement() async {
var otherFileDeclarations = '''
int a = 0;
var movingCode = '''
void ^moving() {
await _testPrefixCopied(
declarations: otherFileDeclarations,
movingCode: movingCode,
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_staticGetterSetter() async {
var otherFileDeclarations = '''
class A {
static String get a => '';
static set a(String value) {}
var movingCode = '''
void ^moving() {
other.A.a = '';
await _testPrefixCopied(
declarations: otherFileDeclarations,
movingCode: movingCode,
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_staticMethod() async {
var otherFileDeclarations = '''
class A {
static void f() {}
var movingCode = '''
void ^moving() {
await _testPrefixCopied(
declarations: otherFileDeclarations,
movingCode: movingCode,
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_typeArgument() async {
var otherFileDeclarations = '''
class A {}
var movingCode = '''
List<other.A>? ^moving;
await _testPrefixCopied(
declarations: otherFileDeclarations,
movingCode: movingCode,
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_typeDefinition_source() async {
var otherFileDeclarations = '''
typedef A = String;
var movingCode = '''
other.A? ^moving;
await _testPrefixCopied(
declarations: otherFileDeclarations,
movingCode: movingCode,
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_typeDefinition_target() async {
var otherFileDeclarations = '''
class A {}
var movingCode = '''
typedef ^Moving = other.A;
await _testPrefixCopied(
declarations: otherFileDeclarations,
movingDeclarationName: 'Moving',
movingCode: movingCode,
Future<void> test_imports_prefix_typeParameter() async {
var otherFileDeclarations = '''
class A {}
var movingCode = '''
class Mov^ing<T extends other.A> {}
await _testPrefixCopied(
declarations: otherFileDeclarations,
movingDeclarationName: 'Moving',
movingCode: movingCode,
Future<void> test_imports_referenceFromMovingToImported() async {
var originalSource = '''
import 'dart:io';
class A {}
class B^ {
File? f;
var declarationName = 'B';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/b.dart created
import 'dart:io';
class B {
File? f;
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
import 'dart:io';
class A {}
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
Future<void> test_imports_referenceFromMovingToStaying() async {
var originalSource = '''
class A {}
class ClassToMove^ extends A {}
var declarationName = 'ClassToMove';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/class_to_move.dart created
import 'package:test/main.dart';
class ClassToMove extends A {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
class A {}
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
Future<void> test_imports_referenceFromStayingToMoving() async {
var originalSource = '''
class A extends B {}
class B^ {}
var declarationName = 'B';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/b.dart created
class B {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
import 'package:test/b.dart';
class A extends B {}
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
Future<void> test_imports_referenceInThirdFile_noPrefix() async {
var originalSource = '''
class A {}
class B^ {}
var declarationName = 'B';
var otherFilePath = '$projectFolderPath/lib/c.dart';
var otherFileContent = '''
import 'package:test/main.dart';
B? b;
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/b.dart created
class B {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/c.dart
import 'package:test/b.dart';
import 'package:test/main.dart';
B? b;
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
class A {}
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
otherFilePath: otherFilePath,
otherFileContent: otherFileContent,
Future<void> test_imports_referenceInThirdFile_withMultiplePrefixes() async {
var originalSource = '''
class A {}
class B^ {}
var declarationName = 'B';
var otherFilePath = '$projectFolderPath/lib/c.dart';
var otherFileContent = '''
import 'package:test/main.dart';
import 'package:test/main.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/main.dart' as q;
void f(p.B b, q.B b, B b) {}
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/b.dart created
class B {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/c.dart
import 'package:test/b.dart';
import 'package:test/b.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/b.dart' as q;
import 'package:test/main.dart';
import 'package:test/main.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/main.dart' as q;
void f(p.B b, q.B b, B b) {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
class A {}
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
otherFilePath: otherFilePath,
otherFileContent: otherFileContent,
Future<void> test_imports_referenceInThirdFile_withSinglePrefix() async {
var originalSource = '''
class A {}
class B^ {}
var declarationName = 'B';
var otherFilePath = '$projectFolderPath/lib/c.dart';
var otherFileContent = '''
import 'package:test/main.dart' as p;
p.B? b;
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/b.dart created
class B {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/c.dart
import 'package:test/b.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/main.dart' as p;
p.B? b;
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
class A {}
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
otherFilePath: otherFilePath,
otherFileContent: otherFileContent,
/// Test moving declarations to a file that imports a library that exports a
/// referenced declaration, but currently hides it.
Future<void> test_imports_showHide_destinationHides() async {
var libFilePath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'a.dart');
var srcFilePath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'src', 'a.dart');
var destinationFileName = 'moving.dart';
var destinationFilePath =
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', destinationFileName);
newFile(libFilePath, 'export "src/a.dart";');
newFile(srcFilePath, 'class A {}');
newFile(destinationFilePath, '''
import 'package:test/a.dart' hide A;
var originalSource = '''
import 'package:test/a.dart';
A? staying;
A? mov^ing;
var declarationName = 'moving';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
import 'package:test/a.dart';
A? staying;
>>>>>>>>>> lib/moving.dart
import 'package:test/a.dart';
A? moving;
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
/// Test moving declarations to a file that imports a library that exports a
/// referenced declaration, but currently hides it.
Future<void> test_imports_showHide_destinationHides_sourceShows() async {
var libFilePath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'a.dart');
var srcFilePath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'src', 'a.dart');
var destinationFileName = 'moving.dart';
var destinationFilePath =
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', destinationFileName);
newFile(libFilePath, 'export "src/a.dart";');
newFile(srcFilePath, 'class A {}');
newFile(destinationFilePath, '''
import 'package:test/a.dart' hide A;
var originalSource = '''
import 'package:test/a.dart' show A;
A? staying;
A? mov^ing;
var declarationName = 'moving';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
import 'package:test/a.dart' show A;
A? staying;
>>>>>>>>>> lib/moving.dart
import 'package:test/a.dart';
A? moving;
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
/// Test that if the moving declaration was imported with 'show' that any new
/// import added to the destination also only shows it.
Future<void> test_imports_showHide_sourceShows() async {
var libFilePath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'a.dart');
var srcFilePath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'src', 'a.dart');
newFile(libFilePath, 'export "src/a.dart";');
newFile(srcFilePath, 'class A {}');
var originalSource = '''
import 'package:test/a.dart' show A;
A? staying;
A? mov^ing;
var declarationName = 'moving';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
import 'package:test/a.dart' show A;
A? staying;
>>>>>>>>>> lib/moving.dart created
import 'package:test/a.dart' show A;
A? moving;
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
Future<void> test_kind_class() async {
var originalSource = '''
class A {}
class ClassToMove^ {}
class B {}
var declarationName = 'ClassToMove';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/class_to_move.dart created
class ClassToMove {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
class A {}
class B {}
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
Future<void> test_kind_class_referencedInMacro() async {
var originalSource = '''
import 'macros.dart';
class ClassToMove^ {}
@DeclareInType(' ClassToMove? c;')
class A {}
var declarationName = 'ClassToMove';
// Verify that `main.macro.dart` is unmodified.
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/class_to_move.dart created
class ClassToMove {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
import 'package:test/class_to_move.dart';
import 'macros.dart';
@DeclareInType(' ClassToMove? c;')
class A {}
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
Future<void> test_kind_extensionType() async {
var originalSource = '''
class A {}
extensionType ExtensionTypeToMove^(int i) {}
class B {}
var declarationName = 'ExtensionTypeToMove';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/extension_type_to_move.dart created
extensionType ExtensionTypeToMove(int i) {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
class A {}
class B {}
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
Future<void> test_logsAction() async {
await initializeServer();
var action = await expectCodeAction(simpleClassRefactorTitle);
await executeRefactor(action);
Future<void> test_multiple() async {
var originalSource = '''
class A {}
class ClassTo[!Move1 {}
class ClassTo!]Move2 {}
class B {}
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/class_to_move1.dart created
class ClassToMove1 {}
class ClassToMove2 {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
class A {}
class B {}
await _multipleDeclarations(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
count: 2,
Future<void> test_multiple_withUnnamedExtension() async {
var originalSource = '''
class A {}
[!class ClassToMove1 {}
extension on Int {}
class ClassToMove2 {}!]
class B {}
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/class_to_move1.dart created
class ClassToMove1 {}
extension on Int {}
class ClassToMove2 {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
class A {}
class B {}
await _multipleDeclarations(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
count: 3,
Future<void> test_none_comment() async {
// Comm^ent
class A {}
await initializeServer();
await expectNoCodeAction(null);
Future<void> test_none_directive() async {
imp^ort 'dart:core';
class A {}
await initializeServer();
await expectNoCodeAction(null);
/// Test that references to getter/setters in different libraries used in
/// a postfix increment are both imported into the destination file.
Future<void> test_postfixIncrement_multipleLibraries() async {
newFile('$projectFolderPath/lib/getter.dart', '''
int get splitVariable => 0;
newFile('$projectFolderPath/lib/setter.dart', '''
set splitVariable(num _) {}
var originalSource = '''
import 'package:test/getter.dart';
import 'package:test/setter.dart';
void function^ToMove() {
var declarationName = 'functionToMove';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/function_to_move.dart created
import 'package:test/getter.dart';
import 'package:test/setter.dart';
void functionToMove() {
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
import 'package:test/getter.dart';
import 'package:test/setter.dart';
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
test_protocol_available_withClientCommandParameterSupport() async {
await initializeServer();
await expectCodeAction(simpleClassRefactorTitle);
test_protocol_available_withoutClientCommandParameterSupport() async {
await initializeServer();
// This refactor is available without command parameter support because
// it has defaults.
await expectCodeAction(simpleClassRefactorTitle);
Future<void> test_protocol_available_withoutExperimentalOptIn() async {
await initializeServer(experimentalOptInFlag: false);
await expectCodeAction(simpleClassRefactorTitle);
Future<void> test_protocol_clientModifiedValues() async {
/// Filename to inject to replace default.
var newFilePath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'my_new_class.dart');
var newFileUri = Uri.file(newFilePath);
/// Expected new file content.
const expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart empty
>>>>>>>>>> lib/my_new_class.dart created
class A {}
await initializeServer();
var action = await expectCodeAction(simpleClassRefactorTitle);
// Replace the file URI argument with our custom path.
replaceSaveUriArgument(action, newFileUri);
await verifyCommandEdits(action.command!, expected);
Future<void> test_protocol_unavailable_withoutFileCreateSupport() async {
await initializeServer();
await expectNoCodeAction(simpleClassRefactorTitle);
Future<void> test_sealedClass_extends() async {
var originalSource = '''
sealed class [!Either!] {}
class Left extends Either {}
class Right extends Either {}
class Neither {}
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/either.dart created
sealed class Either {}
class Left extends Either {}
class Right extends Either {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
class Neither {}
await _multipleDeclarations(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
count: 3,
/// The code action is not available if you select a subclass of a sealed
/// type.
Future<void> test_sealedClass_extends_subclass() async {
sealed class Either {}
class [!Left!] extends Either {}
class Right extends Either {}
await initializeServer();
await expectNoCodeAction(null);
test_sealedClass_extends_superclass_withDirectSubclassInOtherPart() async {
part 'part2.dart';
sealed class [!Either!] {}
var otherFilePath = '$projectFolderPath/lib/part2.dart';
var otherFileContent = '''
part of 'main.dart';
class Left extends Either {}
newFile(otherFilePath, otherFileContent);
await initializeServer();
await expectNoCodeAction(null);
test_sealedClass_extends_superclass_withIndirectSubclass() async {
var originalSource = '''
sealed class [!Either!] {}
class Left extends Either {}
class Right extends Either {}
class LeftSub extends Left {}
class Neither {}
// TODO(dantup): Track down where this extra newline is coming from.
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/either.dart created
sealed class Either {}
class Left extends Either {}
class Right extends Either {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
import 'package:test/either.dart';
class LeftSub extends Left {}
class Neither {}
await _multipleDeclarations(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
count: 3,
Future<void> test_sealedClass_extends_superclassAndSubclass() async {
var originalSource = '''
sealed class [!Either {}
class Left!] extends Either {}
class Right extends Either {}
class Neither {}
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/either.dart created
sealed class Either {}
class Left extends Either {}
class Right extends Either {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
class Neither {}
await _multipleDeclarations(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
count: 3,
Future<void> test_sealedClass_implements() async {
var originalSource = '''
sealed class [!Either!] {}
class Left implements Either {}
class Right implements Either {}
class Neither {}
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/either.dart created
sealed class Either {}
class Left implements Either {}
class Right implements Either {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
class Neither {}
await _multipleDeclarations(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
count: 3,
Future<void> test_sealedClass_sealedSubclass_extends_superclass() async {
var originalSource = '''
sealed class [!SealedRoot!] {}
class Subclass extends SealedRoot {}
sealed class SealedSubclass extends SealedRoot {}
class SubSubclass extends SealedSubclass {}
class SubSubSubclass extends SubSubclass {}
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
import 'package:test/sealed_root.dart';
class SubSubSubclass extends SubSubclass {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/sealed_root.dart created
sealed class SealedRoot {}
class Subclass extends SealedRoot {}
sealed class SealedSubclass extends SealedRoot {}
class SubSubclass extends SealedSubclass {}
await _multipleDeclarations(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
count: 4,
Future<void> test_single_class_withTypeParameters() async {
var originalSource = '''
class A {}
class ClassToMove^<T> {}
class B {}
var declarationName = 'ClassToMove';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/class_to_move.dart created
class ClassToMove<T> {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
class A {}
class B {}
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
Future<void> test_single_enum() async {
var originalSource = '''
class A {}
enum EnumToMove^ { a, b }
class B {}
var declarationName = 'EnumToMove';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/enum_to_move.dart created
enum EnumToMove { a, b }
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
class A {}
class B {}
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
Future<void> test_single_extension() async {
var originalSource = '''
class A {}
extension ExtensionToMove^ on int { }
class B {}
var declarationName = 'ExtensionToMove';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/extension_to_move.dart created
extension ExtensionToMove on int { }
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
class A {}
class B {}
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
Future<void> test_single_function_endOfName() async {
var originalSource = '''
class A {}
void functionToMove^() { }
class B {}
var declarationName = 'functionToMove';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/function_to_move.dart created
void functionToMove() { }
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
class A {}
class B {}
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
Future<void> test_single_function_middleOfName() async {
var originalSource = '''
class A {}
void functionToMo^ve() { }
class B {}
var declarationName = 'functionToMove';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/function_to_move.dart created
void functionToMove() { }
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
class A {}
class B {}
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
Future<void> test_single_mixin() async {
var originalSource = '''
class A {}
mixin MixinToMove^ { }
class B {}
var declarationName = 'MixinToMove';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
class A {}
class B {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/mixin_to_move.dart created
mixin MixinToMove { }
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
Future<void> test_single_parts_libraryToPart() async {
var originalSource = '''
part 'class_to_move.dart';
class Clas^sToMove {}
var declarationName = 'ClassToMove';
var destinationFileName = 'class_to_move.dart';
var destinationFilePath =
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', destinationFileName);
newFile(destinationFilePath, '''
part of 'main.dart';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/class_to_move.dart
part of 'main.dart';
class ClassToMove {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
part 'class_to_move.dart';
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
Future<void> test_single_parts_partToLibrary() async {
var originalSource = '''
part of 'class_to_move.dart';
class Clas^sToMove {}
var declarationName = 'ClassToMove';
var destinationFileName = 'class_to_move.dart';
var destinationFilePath =
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', destinationFileName);
newFile(destinationFilePath, '''
part 'main.dart';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/class_to_move.dart
part 'main.dart';
class ClassToMove {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
part of 'class_to_move.dart';
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
Future<void> test_single_parts_partToPart() async {
var originalSource = '''
part of 'containing_library.dart';
class Clas^sToMove {}
var declarationName = 'ClassToMove';
var destinationFileName = 'class_to_move.dart';
var destinationFilePath =
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', destinationFileName);
newFile(destinationFilePath, '''
part of 'containing_library.dart';
var containingLibraryFilePath =
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'containing_library.dart');
var containingLibraryFileContent = '''
part 'main.dart';
part 'class_to_move.dart';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/class_to_move.dart
part of 'containing_library.dart';
class ClassToMove {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
part of 'containing_library.dart';
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
otherFilePath: containingLibraryFilePath,
otherFileContent: containingLibraryFileContent);
Future<void> test_single_typedef() async {
var originalSource = '''
class A {}
typedef TypeToMove^ = void Function();
class B {}
var declarationName = 'TypeToMove';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
class A {}
class B {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/type_to_move.dart created
typedef TypeToMove = void Function();
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
Future<void> test_single_variable() async {
var originalSource = '''
class A {}
int variableT^oMove = 3;
class B {}
var declarationName = 'variableToMove';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
class A {}
class B {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/variable_to_move.dart created
int variableToMove = 3;
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
Future<void> test_single_variable_firstDartDoc() async {
var originalSource = '''
class ^A {}
class B {}
var declarationName = 'A';
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/a.dart created
class A {}
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
class B {}
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: declarationName,
Future<void> _multipleDeclarations({
required String originalSource,
required int count,
required String expected,
String? otherFilePath,
String? otherFileContent,
}) async {
await _refactor(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
actionTitle: 'Move $count declarations to file',
otherFilePath: otherFilePath,
otherFileContent: otherFileContent,
Future<void> _refactor({
required String originalSource,
required String actionTitle,
required String expected,
String? otherFilePath,
String? otherFileContent,
}) async {
if (originalSource.contains('>>>>') ||
(otherFileContent?.contains('>>>>>') ?? false)) {
throw '>>>>>';
if (otherFilePath != null) {
newFile(otherFilePath, otherFileContent!);
await initializeServer();
var action = await expectCodeAction(actionTitle);
await verifyCommandEdits(action.command!, expected);
Future<void> _singleDeclaration({
required String originalSource,
required String declarationName,
required String expected,
String? otherFilePath,
String? otherFileContent,
}) async {
await _refactor(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
actionTitle: "Move '$declarationName' to file",
otherFilePath: otherFilePath,
otherFileContent: otherFileContent,
/// Tests that prefixes are included in imports copied to the new code.
/// [declarations] will be written to 'package:test/other.dart' which will
/// be imported into [code] with the prefix 'other'.
Future<void> _testPrefixCopied({
required String declarations,
required String movingCode,
String movingDeclarationName = 'moving',
}) async {
var code = TestCode.parse(movingCode);
var otherFilePath = '$projectFolderPath/lib/other.dart';
var otherFileContent = declarations;
var originalSource = '''
import 'package:test/other.dart' as other;
var expected = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
import 'package:test/other.dart' as other;
>>>>>>>>>> lib/moving.dart created
import 'package:test/other.dart' as other;
await _singleDeclaration(
originalSource: originalSource,
expected: expected,
declarationName: movingDeclarationName,
otherFilePath: otherFilePath,
otherFileContent: otherFileContent,