blob: 94e05a49fa8953203c69a5451656a9d4a68c521a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:ffi';
// TODO(dacoharkes): These should move to `package:ffi`.
// `int` in C.
typedef Int = Int32;
// `unsigned int` in C.
typedef UnsignedInt = Uint32;
// `size_t` in C.
typedef Size = UintPtr;
// `ssize_t` in C.
typedef SSize = IntPtr;
// `off_t` in C.
typedef Off = Long;
/// Represents a native unsigned pointer-sized integer in C.
/// [UintPtr] is not constructible in the Dart code and serves purely as marker in
/// type signatures.
Abi.androidArm: Uint32(),
Abi.androidArm64: Uint64(),
Abi.androidIA32: Uint32(),
Abi.androidX64: Uint64(),
Abi.fuchsiaArm64: Uint64(),
Abi.fuchsiaX64: Uint64(),
Abi.iosArm: Uint32(),
Abi.iosArm64: Uint64(),
Abi.iosX64: Uint64(),
Abi.linuxArm: Uint32(),
Abi.linuxArm64: Uint64(),
Abi.linuxIA32: Uint32(),
Abi.linuxX64: Uint64(),
Abi.macosArm64: Uint64(),
Abi.macosX64: Uint64(),
Abi.windowsArm64: Uint64(),
Abi.windowsIA32: Uint32(),
Abi.windowsX64: Uint64(),
class UintPtr extends AbiSpecificInteger {
const UintPtr();
/// `long` in C.
/// [Long] is not constructible in the Dart code and serves purely as marker in
/// type signatures.
Abi.androidArm: Int32(),
Abi.androidArm64: Int64(),
Abi.androidIA32: Int32(),
Abi.androidX64: Int64(),
Abi.fuchsiaArm64: Int64(),
Abi.fuchsiaX64: Int64(),
Abi.iosArm: Int32(),
Abi.iosArm64: Int64(),
Abi.iosX64: Int64(),
Abi.linuxArm: Int32(),
Abi.linuxArm64: Int64(),
Abi.linuxIA32: Int32(),
Abi.linuxX64: Int64(),
Abi.macosArm64: Int64(),
Abi.macosX64: Int64(),
Abi.windowsArm64: Int32(),
Abi.windowsIA32: Int32(),
Abi.windowsX64: Int32(),
class Long extends AbiSpecificInteger {
const Long();
/// `unsigned long` in C.
/// [UnsignedLong] is not constructible in the Dart code and serves purely as marker in
/// type signatures.
Abi.androidArm: Uint32(),
Abi.androidArm64: Uint64(),
Abi.androidIA32: Uint32(),
Abi.androidX64: Uint64(),
Abi.fuchsiaArm64: Uint64(),
Abi.fuchsiaX64: Uint64(),
Abi.iosArm: Uint32(),
Abi.iosArm64: Uint64(),
Abi.iosX64: Uint64(),
Abi.linuxArm: Uint32(),
Abi.linuxArm64: Uint64(),
Abi.linuxIA32: Uint32(),
Abi.linuxX64: Uint64(),
Abi.macosArm64: Uint64(),
Abi.macosX64: Uint64(),
Abi.windowsArm64: Uint32(),
Abi.windowsIA32: Uint32(),
Abi.windowsX64: Uint32(),
class UnsignedLong extends AbiSpecificInteger {
const UnsignedLong();
/// `wchar_t` in C.
/// The signedness of `wchar_t` is undefined in C. Here, it is exposed as an
/// unsigned integer.
/// [WChar] is not constructible in the Dart code and serves purely as marker in
/// type signatures.
Abi.androidArm: Uint32(),
Abi.androidArm64: Uint32(),
Abi.androidIA32: Uint32(),
Abi.androidX64: Uint32(),
Abi.fuchsiaArm64: Uint32(),
Abi.fuchsiaX64: Uint32(),
Abi.iosArm: Uint32(),
Abi.iosArm64: Uint32(),
Abi.iosX64: Uint32(),
Abi.linuxArm: Uint32(),
Abi.linuxArm64: Uint32(),
Abi.linuxIA32: Uint32(),
Abi.linuxX64: Uint32(),
Abi.macosArm64: Uint32(),
Abi.macosX64: Uint32(),
Abi.windowsArm64: Uint16(),
Abi.windowsIA32: Uint16(),
Abi.windowsX64: Uint16(),
class WChar extends AbiSpecificInteger {
const WChar();