{ | |
"dart.dom.html": { | |
"AbstractWorker": { | |
"members": { | |
"errorEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [AbstractWorker].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onerror": [ | |
"/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [AbstractWorker]." | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"ApplicationCache": { | |
"comment": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * ApplicationCache is accessed via [Window.applicationCache].", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"members": { | |
"cachedEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `cached` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [ApplicationCache].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"checkingEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `checking` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [ApplicationCache].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"downloadingEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `downloading` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [ApplicationCache].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"errorEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [ApplicationCache].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"noupdateEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `noupdate` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [ApplicationCache].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"obsoleteEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `obsolete` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [ApplicationCache].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"oncached": [ | |
"/// Stream of `cached` events handled by this [ApplicationCache]." | |
], | |
"onchecking": [ | |
"/// Stream of `checking` events handled by this [ApplicationCache]." | |
], | |
"ondownloading": [ | |
"/// Stream of `downloading` events handled by this [ApplicationCache]." | |
], | |
"onerror": [ | |
"/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [ApplicationCache]." | |
], | |
"onnoupdate": [ | |
"/// Stream of `noupdate` events handled by this [ApplicationCache]." | |
], | |
"onobsolete": [ | |
"/// Stream of `obsolete` events handled by this [ApplicationCache]." | |
], | |
"onprogress": [ | |
"/// Stream of `progress` events handled by this [ApplicationCache]." | |
], | |
"onupdateready": [ | |
"/// Stream of `updateready` events handled by this [ApplicationCache]." | |
], | |
"progressEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `progress` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [ApplicationCache].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"updatereadyEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `updateready` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [ApplicationCache].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"CanvasGradient": { | |
"comment": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * An opaque canvas object representing a gradient.", | |
" *", | |
" * Created by calling the methods", | |
" * [CanvasRenderingContext2D.createLinearGradient] or", | |
" * [CanvasRenderingContext2D.createRadialGradient] on a", | |
" * [CanvasRenderingContext2D] object.", | |
" *", | |
" * Example usage:", | |
" *", | |
" * var canvas = new CanvasElement(width: 600, height: 600);", | |
" * var ctx = canvas.context2D;", | |
" * ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 600, 600);", | |
" * ctx.save();", | |
" * // Create radial gradient.", | |
" * CanvasGradient gradient = ctx.createRadialGradient(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 600);", | |
" * gradient.addColorStop(0, '#000');", | |
" * gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgb(255, 255, 255)');", | |
" * // Assign gradients to fill.", | |
" * ctx.fillStyle = gradient;", | |
" * // Draw a rectangle with a gradient fill.", | |
" * ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 600, 600);", | |
" * ctx.save();", | |
" * document.body.children.add(canvas);", | |
" *", | |
" * See also:", | |
" *", | |
" * * [CanvasGradient](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/CanvasGradient) from MDN.", | |
" * * [CanvasGradient](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/scripting.html#canvasgradient)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" * * [CanvasGradient](http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-2dcontext-20100304/#canvasgradient) from W3C.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"members": { | |
"addColorStop": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Adds a color stop to this gradient at the offset.", | |
" *", | |
" * The [offset] can range between 0.0 and 1.0.", | |
" *", | |
" * See also:", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Multiple Color Stops](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/linear-gradient#Gradient_with_multiple_color_stops) from MDN.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"CanvasPattern": { | |
"comment": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * An opaque object representing a pattern of image, canvas, or video.", | |
" *", | |
" * Created by calling [CanvasRenderingContext2D.createPattern] on a", | |
" * [CanvasRenderingContext2D] object.", | |
" *", | |
" * Example usage:", | |
" *", | |
" * var canvas = new CanvasElement(width: 600, height: 600);", | |
" * var ctx = canvas.context2D;", | |
" * var img = new ImageElement();", | |
" * // Image src needs to be loaded before pattern is applied.", | |
" * img.onLoad.listen((event) {", | |
" * // When the image is loaded, create a pattern", | |
" * // from the ImageElement.", | |
" * CanvasPattern pattern = ctx.createPattern(img, 'repeat');", | |
" * ctx.rect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);", | |
" * ctx.fillStyle = pattern;", | |
" * ctx.fill();", | |
" * });", | |
" * img.src = \"images/foo.jpg\";", | |
" * document.body.children.add(canvas);", | |
" *", | |
" * See also:", | |
" * * [CanvasPattern](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/CanvasPattern) from MDN.", | |
" * * [CanvasPattern](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/scripting.html#canvaspattern)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" * * [CanvasPattern](http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-2dcontext-20100304/#canvaspattern) from W3C.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
}, | |
"CanvasRenderingContext": { | |
"comment": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * A rendering context for a canvas element.", | |
" *", | |
" * This context is extended by [CanvasRenderingContext2D] and", | |
" * [WebGLRenderingContext].", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"members": { | |
"canvas": [ | |
"/// Reference to the canvas element to which this context belongs." | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"CanvasRenderingContext2D": { | |
"members": { | |
"currentPath": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * The current default path of this canvas context, if there is one.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Current default", | |
" * path](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/scripting.html#current-default-path)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"imageSmoothingEnabled": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Whether images and patterns on this canvas will be smoothed when this", | |
" * canvas is scaled.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Image", | |
" * smoothing](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/scripting.html#image-smoothing)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"webkitBackingStorePixelRatio": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * The ratio between this canvas' backing store dimensions and the canvas'", | |
" * logical dimensions.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [High DPI Canvas", | |
" * tutorial](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/canvas/hidpi/)", | |
" * from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"Clipboard": { | |
"members": { | |
"getData": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Gets the data for the specified type.", | |
" *", | |
" * The data is only available from within a drop operation (such as an", | |
" * [Element.onDrop] event) and will return null before the event is", | |
" * triggered.", | |
" *", | |
" * Data transfer is prohibited across domains. If a drag originates", | |
" * from content from another domain or protocol (HTTP vs HTTPS) then the", | |
" * data cannot be accessed.", | |
" *", | |
" * The [type] can have values such as:", | |
" *", | |
" * * `'Text'`", | |
" * * `'URL'`", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope": { | |
"members": { | |
"messageEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `message` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onmessage": [ | |
"/// Stream of `message` events handled by this [DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope]." | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"Document": { | |
"comment": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * The base class for all documents.", | |
" *", | |
" * Each web page loaded in the browser has its own [Document] object, which is", | |
" * typically an [HtmlDocument].", | |
" *", | |
" * If you aren't comfortable with DOM concepts, see the Dart tutorial", | |
" * [Target 2: Connect Dart & HTML](http://www.dartlang.org/docs/tutorials/connect-dart-html/).", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"members": { | |
"onabort": [ | |
"/// Stream of `abort` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onbeforecopy": [ | |
"/// Stream of `beforecopy` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onbeforecut": [ | |
"/// Stream of `beforecut` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onbeforepaste": [ | |
"/// Stream of `beforepaste` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onblur": [ | |
"/// Stream of `blur` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onchange": [ | |
"/// Stream of `change` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onclick": [ | |
"/// Stream of `click` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"oncontextmenu": [ | |
"/// Stream of `contextmenu` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"oncopy": [ | |
"/// Stream of `copy` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"oncut": [ | |
"/// Stream of `cut` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"ondblclick": [ | |
"/// Stream of `doubleclick` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"ondrag": [ | |
"/// Stream of `drag` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"ondragend": [ | |
"/// Stream of `dragend` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"ondragenter": [ | |
"/// Stream of `dragenter` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"ondragleave": [ | |
"/// Stream of `dragleave` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"ondragover": [ | |
"/// Stream of `dragover` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"ondragstart": [ | |
"/// Stream of `dragstart` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"ondrop": [ | |
"/// Stream of `drop` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onerror": [ | |
"/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onfocus": [ | |
"/// Stream of `focus` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"oninput": [ | |
"/// Stream of `input` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"oninvalid": [ | |
"/// Stream of `invalid` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onkeydown": [ | |
"/// Stream of `keydown` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onkeypress": [ | |
"/// Stream of `keypress` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onkeyup": [ | |
"/// Stream of `keyup` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onload": [ | |
"/// Stream of `load` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onmousedown": [ | |
"/// Stream of `mousedown` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onmouseenter": [ | |
"/// Stream of `mouseenter` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onmouseleave": [ | |
"/// Stream of `mouseleave` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onmousemove": [ | |
"/// Stream of `mousemove` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onmouseout": [ | |
"/// Stream of `mouseout` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onmouseover": [ | |
"/// Stream of `mouseover` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onmouseup": [ | |
"/// Stream of `mouseup` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onmousewheel": [ | |
"/// Stream of `mousewheel` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onpaste": [ | |
"/// Stream of `paste` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onreadystatechange": [ | |
"/// Stream of `readystatechange` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onreset": [ | |
"/// Stream of `reset` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onscroll": [ | |
"/// Stream of `scroll` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onsearch": [ | |
"/// Stream of `search` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onsecuritypolicyviolation": [ | |
"/// Stream of `securitypolicyviolation` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onselect": [ | |
"/// Stream of `select` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onselectionchange": [ | |
"/// Stream of `selectionchange` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onselectstart": [ | |
"/// Stream of `selectstart` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onsubmit": [ | |
"/// Stream of `submit` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"ontouchcancel": [ | |
"/// Stream of `touchcancel` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"ontouchend": [ | |
"/// Stream of `touchend` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"ontouchmove": [ | |
"/// Stream of `touchmove` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"ontouchstart": [ | |
"/// Stream of `touchstart` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onwebkitfullscreenchange": [ | |
"/// Stream of `fullscreenchange` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onwebkitfullscreenerror": [ | |
"/// Stream of `fullscreenerror` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onwebkitpointerlockchange": [ | |
"/// Stream of `pointerlockchange` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"onwebkitpointerlockerror": [ | |
"/// Stream of `pointerlockerror` events handled by this [Document]." | |
], | |
"querySelector": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Finds the first descendant element of this document that matches the", | |
" * specified group of selectors.", | |
" *", | |
" * Unless your webpage contains multiple documents, the top-level", | |
" * [querySelector]", | |
" * method behaves the same as this method, so you should use it instead to", | |
" * save typing a few characters.", | |
" *", | |
" * [selectors] should be a string using CSS selector syntax.", | |
" *", | |
" * var element1 = document.querySelector('.className');", | |
" * var element2 = document.querySelector('#id');", | |
" *", | |
" * For details about CSS selector syntax, see the", | |
" * [CSS selector specification](http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/).", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"readystatechangeEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `readystatechange` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Document].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"securitypolicyviolationEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `securitypolicyviolation` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Document].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"selectionchangeEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `selectionchange` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Document].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"webkitpointerlockchangeEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `pointerlockchange` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Document].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"webkitpointerlockerrorEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `pointerlockerror` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Document].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"DocumentFragment": { | |
"members": { | |
"querySelector": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Finds the first descendant element of this document fragment that matches", | |
" * the specified group of selectors.", | |
" *", | |
" * [selectors] should be a string using CSS selector syntax.", | |
" *", | |
" * var element1 = fragment.querySelector('.className');", | |
" * var element2 = fragment.querySelector('#id');", | |
" *", | |
" * For details about CSS selector syntax, see the", | |
" * [CSS selector specification](http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/).", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"Element": { | |
"comment": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * An abstract class, which all HTML elements extend.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"members": { | |
"abortEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `abort` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"beforecopyEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `beforecopy` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"beforecutEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `beforecut` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"beforepasteEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `beforepaste` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"blurEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `blur` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"changeEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `change` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"clickEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `click` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"contextmenuEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `contextmenu` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"copyEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `copy` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"cutEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `cut` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"dblclickEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `doubleclick` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"dragendEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * A stream of `dragend` events fired when an element completes a drag", | |
" * operation.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * sample](https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-samples/tree/master/html5/web/dnd/basics)", | |
" * based on [the tutorial](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/dnd/basics/)", | |
" * from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dnd)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"dragenterEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * A stream of `dragenter` events fired when a dragged object is first dragged", | |
" * over an element.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * sample](https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-samples/tree/master/html5/web/dnd/basics)", | |
" * based on [the tutorial](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/dnd/basics/)", | |
" * from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dnd)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"dragEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * A stream of `drag` events fired when an element is currently being dragged.", | |
" *", | |
" * A `drag` event is added to this stream as soon as the drag begins.", | |
" * A `drag` event is also added to this stream at intervals while the drag", | |
" * operation is still ongoing.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * sample](https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-samples/tree/master/html5/web/dnd/basics)", | |
" * based on [the tutorial](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/dnd/basics/)", | |
" * from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dnd)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"draggable": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Indicates whether the element can be dragged and dropped.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * sample](https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-samples/tree/master/html5/web/dnd/basics)", | |
" * based on [the tutorial](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/dnd/basics/)", | |
" * from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dnd)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"dragleaveEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * A stream of `dragleave` events fired when an object being dragged over an", | |
" * element leaves the element's target area.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * sample](https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-samples/tree/master/html5/web/dnd/basics)", | |
" * based on [the tutorial](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/dnd/basics/)", | |
" * from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dnd)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"dragoverEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * A stream of `dragover` events fired when a dragged object is currently", | |
" * being dragged over an element.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * sample](https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-samples/tree/master/html5/web/dnd/basics)", | |
" * based on [the tutorial](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/dnd/basics/)", | |
" * from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dnd)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"dragstartEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * A stream of `dragstart` events for a dragged element whose drag has begun.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * sample](https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-samples/tree/master/html5/web/dnd/basics)", | |
" * based on [the tutorial](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/dnd/basics/)", | |
" * from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dnd)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"dropEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * A stream of `drop` events fired when a dragged object is dropped on an", | |
" * element.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * sample](https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-samples/tree/master/html5/web/dnd/basics)", | |
" * based on [the tutorial](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/dnd/basics/)", | |
" * from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dnd)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"errorEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"focusEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `focus` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"getBoundingClientRect": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Returns the smallest bounding rectangle that encompasses this element's", | |
" * padding, scrollbar, and border.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Element.getBoundingClientRect](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element.getBoundingClientRect)", | |
" * from MDN.", | |
" * * [The getBoundingClientRect()", | |
" * method](http://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-view/#the-getclientrects()-and-getboundingclientrect()-methods)", | |
" * from W3C.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"getClientRects": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Returns a list of bounding rectangles for each box associated with this", | |
" * element.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Element.getClientRects](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element.getClientRects)", | |
" * from MDN.", | |
" * * [The getClientRects()", | |
" * method](http://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-view/#the-getclientrects()-and-getboundingclientrect()-methods)", | |
" * from W3C.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"getDestinationInsertionPoints": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Returns a list of shadow DOM insertion points to which this element is", | |
" * distributed.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Shadow DOM", | |
" * specification](https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webcomponents/raw-file/tip/spec/shadow/index.html)", | |
" * from W3C.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"getElementsByClassName": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Returns a list of nodes with the given class name inside this element.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [getElementsByClassName](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/document.getElementsByClassName)", | |
" * from MDN.", | |
" * * [DOM specification](http://www.w3.org/TR/domcore/) from W3C.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"hidden": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Indicates whether the element is not relevant to the page's current state.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Hidden attribute", | |
" * specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#the-hidden-attribute)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"inputEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `input` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"inputMethodContext": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * The current state of IME composition.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Input method editor", | |
" * specification](http://www.w3.org/TR/ime-api/) from W3C.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"invalidEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `invalid` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"keydownEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `keydown` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"keypressEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `keypress` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"keyupEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `keyup` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"loadEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `load` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"mousedownEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `mousedown` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"mouseenterEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `mouseenter` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"mouseleaveEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `mouseleave` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"mousemoveEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `mousemove` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"mouseoutEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `mouseout` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"mouseoverEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `mouseover` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"mouseupEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `mouseup` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onabort": [ | |
"/// Stream of `abort` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onbeforecopy": [ | |
"/// Stream of `beforecopy` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onbeforecut": [ | |
"/// Stream of `beforecut` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onbeforepaste": [ | |
"/// Stream of `beforepaste` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onblur": [ | |
"/// Stream of `blur` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onchange": [ | |
"/// Stream of `change` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onclick": [ | |
"/// Stream of `click` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"oncontextmenu": [ | |
"/// Stream of `contextmenu` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"oncopy": [ | |
"/// Stream of `copy` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"oncut": [ | |
"/// Stream of `cut` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"ondblclick": [ | |
"/// Stream of `doubleclick` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"ondrag": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * A stream of `drag` events fired when this element currently being dragged.", | |
" *", | |
" * A `drag` event is added to this stream as soon as the drag begins.", | |
" * A `drag` event is also added to this stream at intervals while the drag", | |
" * operation is still ongoing.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * sample](https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-samples/tree/master/html5/web/dnd/basics)", | |
" * based on [the tutorial](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/dnd/basics/)", | |
" * from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dnd)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"ondragend": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * A stream of `dragend` events fired when this element completes a drag", | |
" * operation.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * sample](https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-samples/tree/master/html5/web/dnd/basics)", | |
" * based on [the tutorial](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/dnd/basics/)", | |
" * from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dnd)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"ondragenter": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * A stream of `dragenter` events fired when a dragged object is first dragged", | |
" * over this element.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * sample](https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-samples/tree/master/html5/web/dnd/basics)", | |
" * based on [the tutorial](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/dnd/basics/)", | |
" * from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dnd)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"ondragleave": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * A stream of `dragleave` events fired when an object being dragged over this", | |
" * element leaves this element's target area.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * sample](https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-samples/tree/master/html5/web/dnd/basics)", | |
" * based on [the tutorial](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/dnd/basics/)", | |
" * from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dnd)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"ondragover": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * A stream of `dragover` events fired when a dragged object is currently", | |
" * being dragged over this element.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * sample](https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-samples/tree/master/html5/web/dnd/basics)", | |
" * based on [the tutorial](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/dnd/basics/)", | |
" * from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dnd)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"ondragstart": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * A stream of `dragstart` events fired when this element starts being", | |
" * dragged.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * sample](https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-samples/tree/master/html5/web/dnd/basics)", | |
" * based on [the tutorial](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/dnd/basics/)", | |
" * from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dnd)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"ondrop": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * A stream of `drop` events fired when a dragged object is dropped on this", | |
" * element.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * sample](https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-samples/tree/master/html5/web/dnd/basics)", | |
" * based on [the tutorial](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/dnd/basics/)", | |
" * from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dnd)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onerror": [ | |
"/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onfocus": [ | |
"/// Stream of `focus` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"oninput": [ | |
"/// Stream of `input` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"oninvalid": [ | |
"/// Stream of `invalid` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onkeydown": [ | |
"/// Stream of `keydown` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onkeypress": [ | |
"/// Stream of `keypress` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onkeyup": [ | |
"/// Stream of `keyup` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onload": [ | |
"/// Stream of `load` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onmousedown": [ | |
"/// Stream of `mousedown` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onmouseenter": [ | |
"/// Stream of `mouseenter` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onmouseleave": [ | |
"/// Stream of `mouseleave` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onmousemove": [ | |
"/// Stream of `mousemove` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onmouseout": [ | |
"/// Stream of `mouseout` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onmouseover": [ | |
"/// Stream of `mouseover` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onmouseup": [ | |
"/// Stream of `mouseup` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onmousewheel": [ | |
"/// Stream of `mousewheel` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onpaste": [ | |
"/// Stream of `paste` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onreset": [ | |
"/// Stream of `reset` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onscroll": [ | |
"/// Stream of `scroll` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onsearch": [ | |
"/// Stream of `search` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onselect": [ | |
"/// Stream of `select` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onselectstart": [ | |
"/// Stream of `selectstart` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onsubmit": [ | |
"/// Stream of `submit` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"ontouchcancel": [ | |
"/// Stream of `touchcancel` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"ontouchend": [ | |
"/// Stream of `touchend` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"ontouchenter": [ | |
"/// Stream of `touchenter` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"ontouchleave": [ | |
"/// Stream of `touchleave` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"ontouchmove": [ | |
"/// Stream of `touchmove` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"ontouchstart": [ | |
"/// Stream of `touchstart` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"ontransitionend": [ | |
"/// Stream of `transitionend` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onwebkitfullscreenchange": [ | |
"/// Stream of `fullscreenchange` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"onwebkitfullscreenerror": [ | |
"/// Stream of `fullscreenerror` events handled by this [Element]." | |
], | |
"pasteEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `paste` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"pseudo": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * The name of this element's custom pseudo-element.", | |
" *", | |
" * This value must begin with an x and a hyphen, `x-`, to be considered valid.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Using custom pseudo", | |
" * elements](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webcomponents/shadowdom-201/#toc-custom-pseduo)", | |
" * from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" * * [Custom pseudo-elements](http://www.w3.org/TR/shadow-dom/#custom-pseudo-elements)", | |
" * from W3C.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"querySelector": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Finds the first descendant element of this element that matches the", | |
" * specified group of selectors.", | |
" *", | |
" * [selectors] should be a string using CSS selector syntax.", | |
" *", | |
" * // Gets the first descendant with the class 'classname'", | |
" * var element = element.querySelector('.className');", | |
" * // Gets the element with id 'id'", | |
" * var element = element.querySelector('#id');", | |
" * // Gets the first descendant [ImageElement]", | |
" * var img = element.querySelector('img');", | |
" *", | |
" * For details about CSS selector syntax, see the", | |
" * [CSS selector specification](http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/).", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"resetEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `reset` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"scrollByLines": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Scrolls the element by a number of lines.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Window.scrollByLines](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/scrollByLines)", | |
" * from MDN.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"scrollByPages": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Scrolls the element by a number of pages.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Window.scrollByPages](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/scrollByPages)", | |
" * from MDN.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"scrollEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `scroll` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"scrollIntoViewIfNeeded": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Nonstandard version of `scrollIntoView` that scrolls the current element", | |
" * into the visible area of the browser window if it's not already within the", | |
" * visible area of the browser window. If the element is already within the", | |
" * visible area of the browser window, then no scrolling takes place.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/scrollIntoViewIfNeeded)", | |
" * from MDN.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"searchEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `search` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"selectEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `select` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"selectstartEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `selectstart` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"submitEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `submit` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"touchcancelEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `touchcancel` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"touchendEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `touchend` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"touchenterEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `touchenter` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"touchleaveEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `touchleave` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"touchmoveEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `touchmove` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"touchstartEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `touchstart` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"translate": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Specifies whether this element's text content changes when the page is", | |
" * localized.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [The translate", | |
" * attribute](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#the-translate-attribute)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"webkitdropzone": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * A set of space-separated keywords that specify what kind of data this", | |
" * Element accepts on drop and what to do with that data.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * sample](https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-samples/tree/master/html5/web/dnd/basics)", | |
" * based on [the tutorial](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/dnd/basics/)", | |
" * from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" * * [Drag and drop", | |
" * specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dnd)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"webkitfullscreenchangeEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `fullscreenchange` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"webkitfullscreenerrorEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `fullscreenerror` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"webkitGetRegionFlowRanges": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Returns an array of ranges of fragments in the flow.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [CSS regions and exclusions", | |
" * tutorial](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/regions/adobe/) from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" * * [Regions](http://webplatform.adobe.com/regions/) from Adobe.", | |
" * * [CSS regions specification](http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-regions/) from W3C.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"webkitRegionOverset": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * The current state of this region.", | |
" *", | |
" * If `\"empty\"`, then there is no content in this region.", | |
" * If `\"fit\"`, then content fits into this region, and more content can be", | |
" * added. If `\"overset\"`, then there is more content than can be fit into this", | |
" * region.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [CSS regions and exclusions", | |
" * tutorial](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/regions/adobe/) from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" * * [Regions](http://webplatform.adobe.com/regions/) from Adobe.", | |
" * * [CSS regions specification](http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-regions/) from W3C.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"webkitRequestFullscreen": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Displays this element fullscreen.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Fullscreen", | |
" * API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fullscreen_API)", | |
" * from MDN.", | |
" * * [Fullscreen specification](http://www.w3.org/TR/fullscreen/) from W3C.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"webkitRequestPointerLock": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Locks the mouse pointer to this element.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Pointer lock and first person shooter", | |
" * controls](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/pointerlock/intro/)", | |
" * tutorial from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" * * [Pointer lock specification](http://www.w3.org/TR/pointerlock/)", | |
" * from W3C.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"Event": { | |
"members": { | |
"AT_TARGET": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * This event is being handled by the event target.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Target phase](http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/#target-phase)", | |
" * from W3C.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"/**", | |
" * This event is bubbling up through the target's ancestors.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Bubble phase](http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/#bubble-phase)", | |
" * from W3C.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"/**", | |
" * This event is propagating through the target's ancestors, starting from the", | |
" * document.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Bubble phase](http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/#bubble-phase)", | |
" * from W3C.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"clipboardData": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Access to the system's clipboard data during copy, cut, and paste events.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [clipboardData specification](http://www.w3.org/TR/clipboard-apis/#attributes)", | |
" * from W3C.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"path": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * This event's path, taking into account shadow DOM.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Shadow DOM extensions to", | |
" * Event](http://w3c.github.io/webcomponents/spec/shadow/#extensions-to-event)", | |
" * from W3C.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"EventSource": { | |
"members": { | |
"errorEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [EventSource].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"messageEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `message` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [EventSource].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onerror": [ | |
"/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [EventSource]." | |
], | |
"onmessage": [ | |
"/// Stream of `message` events handled by this [EventSource]." | |
], | |
"onopen": [ | |
"/// Stream of `open` events handled by this [EventSource]." | |
], | |
"openEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `open` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [EventSource].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"FileReader": { | |
"members": { | |
"abortEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `abort` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileReader].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"errorEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileReader].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"loadendEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `loadend` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileReader].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"loadEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `load` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileReader].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"loadstartEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `loadstart` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileReader].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onabort": [ | |
"/// Stream of `abort` events handled by this [FileReader]." | |
], | |
"onerror": [ | |
"/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [FileReader]." | |
], | |
"onload": [ | |
"/// Stream of `load` events handled by this [FileReader]." | |
], | |
"onloadend": [ | |
"/// Stream of `loadend` events handled by this [FileReader]." | |
], | |
"onloadstart": [ | |
"/// Stream of `loadstart` events handled by this [FileReader]." | |
], | |
"onprogress": [ | |
"/// Stream of `progress` events handled by this [FileReader]." | |
], | |
"progressEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `progress` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileReader].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"FileWriter": { | |
"members": { | |
"abortEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `abort` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileWriter].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"errorEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileWriter].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onabort": [ | |
"/// Stream of `abort` events handled by this [FileWriter]." | |
], | |
"onerror": [ | |
"/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [FileWriter]." | |
], | |
"onprogress": [ | |
"/// Stream of `progress` events handled by this [FileWriter]." | |
], | |
"onwrite": [ | |
"/// Stream of `write` events handled by this [FileWriter]." | |
], | |
"onwriteend": [ | |
"/// Stream of `writeend` events handled by this [FileWriter]." | |
], | |
"onwritestart": [ | |
"/// Stream of `writestart` events handled by this [FileWriter]." | |
], | |
"progressEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `progress` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileWriter].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"writeendEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `writeend` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileWriter].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"writeEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `write` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileWriter].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"writestartEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `writestart` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FileWriter].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"HTMLAreaElement": { | |
"comment": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * DOM Area Element, which links regions of an image map with a hyperlink.", | |
" *", | |
" * The element can also define an uninteractive region of the map.", | |
" *", | |
" * See also:", | |
" *", | |
" * * [`<area>`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/HTML/Element/area)", | |
" * on MDN.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
}, | |
"HTMLBodyElement": { | |
"members": { | |
"blurEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `blur` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"errorEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"focusEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `focus` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"hashchangeEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `hashchange` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"loadEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `load` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"messageEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `message` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"offlineEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `offline` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onblur": [ | |
"/// Stream of `blur` events handled by this [BodyElement]." | |
], | |
"onerror": [ | |
"/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [BodyElement]." | |
], | |
"onfocus": [ | |
"/// Stream of `focus` events handled by this [BodyElement]." | |
], | |
"onhashchange": [ | |
"/// Stream of `hashchange` events handled by this [BodyElement]." | |
], | |
"onlineEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `online` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onload": [ | |
"/// Stream of `load` events handled by this [BodyElement]." | |
], | |
"onmessage": [ | |
"/// Stream of `message` events handled by this [BodyElement]." | |
], | |
"onoffline": [ | |
"/// Stream of `offline` events handled by this [BodyElement]." | |
], | |
"ononline": [ | |
"/// Stream of `online` events handled by this [BodyElement]." | |
], | |
"onpopstate": [ | |
"/// Stream of `popstate` events handled by this [BodyElement]." | |
], | |
"onresize": [ | |
"/// Stream of `resize` events handled by this [BodyElement]." | |
], | |
"onstorage": [ | |
"/// Stream of `storage` events handled by this [BodyElement]." | |
], | |
"onunload": [ | |
"/// Stream of `unload` events handled by this [BodyElement]." | |
], | |
"popstateEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `popstate` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"resizeEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `resize` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"storageEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `storage` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"unloadEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `unload` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [BodyElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"HTMLCanvasElement": { | |
"members": { | |
"height": [ | |
"/// The height of this canvas element in CSS pixels." | |
], | |
"onwebglcontextlost": [ | |
"/// Stream of `webglcontextlost` events handled by this [CanvasElement]." | |
], | |
"onwebglcontextrestored": [ | |
"/// Stream of `webglcontextrestored` events handled by this [CanvasElement]." | |
], | |
"webglcontextlostEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `webglcontextlost` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [CanvasElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"webglcontextrestoredEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `webglcontextrestored` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [CanvasElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"width": [ | |
"/// The width of this canvas element in CSS pixels." | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"HTMLDivElement": { | |
"comment": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * A generic container for content on an HTML page;", | |
" * corresponds to the <div> tag.", | |
" *", | |
" * The [DivElement] is a generic container and does not have any semantic", | |
" * significance. It is functionally similar to [SpanElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * The [DivElement] is a block-level element, as opposed to [SpanElement],", | |
" * which is an inline-level element.", | |
" *", | |
" * Example usage:", | |
" *", | |
" * DivElement div = new DivElement();", | |
" * div.text = 'Here's my new DivElem", | |
" * document.body.elements.add(elem);", | |
" *", | |
" * See also:", | |
" *", | |
" * * [HTML `<div>` element](http://www.w3.org/TR/html-markup/div.html) from W3C.", | |
" * * [Block-level element](http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visuren.html#block-boxes) from W3C.", | |
" * * [Inline-level element](http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visuren.html#inline-boxes) from W3C.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
}, | |
"HTMLFormElement": { | |
"members": { | |
"autocompleteerrorEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `autocompleteerror` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FormElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"autocompleteEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `autocomplete` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [FormElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onautocomplete": [ | |
"/// Stream of `autocomplete` events handled by this [FormElement]." | |
], | |
"onautocompleteerror": [ | |
"/// Stream of `autocompleteerror` events handled by this [FormElement]." | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"HTMLHRElement": { | |
"comment": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * An `<hr>` tag.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
}, | |
"HTMLInputElement": { | |
"members": { | |
"onwebkitSpeechChange": [ | |
"/// Stream of `speechchange` events handled by this [InputElement]." | |
], | |
"webkitSpeechChangeEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `speechchange` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [InputElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"HTMLMediaElement": { | |
"members": { | |
"canplayEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `canplay` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"canplaythroughEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `canplaythrough` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"durationchangeEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `durationchange` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"emptiedEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `emptied` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"endedEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `ended` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"loadeddataEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `loadeddata` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"loadedmetadataEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `loadedmetadata` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"loadstartEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `loadstart` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"oncanplay": [ | |
"/// Stream of `canplay` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"oncanplaythrough": [ | |
"/// Stream of `canplaythrough` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"ondurationchange": [ | |
"/// Stream of `durationchange` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"onemptied": [ | |
"/// Stream of `emptied` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"onended": [ | |
"/// Stream of `ended` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"onloadeddata": [ | |
"/// Stream of `loadeddata` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"onloadedmetadata": [ | |
"/// Stream of `loadedmetadata` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"onloadstart": [ | |
"/// Stream of `loadstart` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"onpause": [ | |
"/// Stream of `pause` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"onplay": [ | |
"/// Stream of `play` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"onplaying": [ | |
"/// Stream of `playing` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"onprogress": [ | |
"/// Stream of `progress` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"onratechange": [ | |
"/// Stream of `ratechange` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"onseeked": [ | |
"/// Stream of `seeked` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"onseeking": [ | |
"/// Stream of `seeking` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"onshow": [ | |
"/// Stream of `show` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"onstalled": [ | |
"/// Stream of `stalled` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"onsuspend": [ | |
"/// Stream of `suspend` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"ontimeupdate": [ | |
"/// Stream of `timeupdate` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"onvolumechange": [ | |
"/// Stream of `volumechange` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"onwaiting": [ | |
"/// Stream of `waiting` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"onwebkitkeyadded": [ | |
"/// Stream of `keyadded` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"onwebkitkeyerror": [ | |
"/// Stream of `keyerror` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"onwebkitkeymessage": [ | |
"/// Stream of `keymessage` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"onwebkitneedkey": [ | |
"/// Stream of `needkey` events handled by this [MediaElement]." | |
], | |
"pauseEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `pause` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"playEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `play` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"playingEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `playing` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"progressEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `progress` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"ratechangeEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `ratechange` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"seekedEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `seeked` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"seekingEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `seeking` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"showEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `show` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"stalledEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `stalled` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"suspendEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `suspend` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"timeupdateEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `timeupdate` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"volumechangeEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `volumechange` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"waitingEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `waiting` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"webkitkeyaddedEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `keyadded` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"webkitkeyerrorEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `keyerror` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"webkitkeymessageEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `keymessage` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"webkitneedkeyEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `needkey` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaElement].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"HTMLMenuElement": { | |
"comment": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * An HTML <menu> element.", | |
" *", | |
" * A <menu> element represents an unordered list of menu commands.", | |
" *", | |
" * See also:", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Menu Element](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/HTML/Element/menu) from MDN.", | |
" * * [Menu Element](http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/the-menu-element.html#the-menu-element) from the W3C.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
}, | |
"MediaKeySession": { | |
"members": { | |
"onwebkitkeyadded": [ | |
"/// Stream of `keyadded` events handled by this [MediaKeySession]." | |
], | |
"onwebkitkeyerror": [ | |
"/// Stream of `keyerror` events handled by this [MediaKeySession]." | |
], | |
"onwebkitkeymessage": [ | |
"/// Stream of `keymessage` events handled by this [MediaKeySession]." | |
], | |
"webkitkeyaddedEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `keyadded` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaKeySession].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"webkitkeyerrorEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `keyerror` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaKeySession].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"webkitkeymessageEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `keymessage` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaKeySession].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"MediaStream": { | |
"members": { | |
"addtrackEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `addtrack` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaStream].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"endedEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `ended` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaStream].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onaddtrack": [ | |
"/// Stream of `addtrack` events handled by this [MediaStream]." | |
], | |
"onended": [ | |
"/// Stream of `ended` events handled by this [MediaStream]." | |
], | |
"onremovetrack": [ | |
"/// Stream of `removetrack` events handled by this [MediaStream]." | |
], | |
"removetrackEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `removetrack` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaStream].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"MediaStreamTrack": { | |
"members": { | |
"endedEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `ended` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaStreamTrack].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"muteEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `mute` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaStreamTrack].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onended": [ | |
"/// Stream of `ended` events handled by this [MediaStreamTrack]." | |
], | |
"onmute": [ | |
"/// Stream of `mute` events handled by this [MediaStreamTrack]." | |
], | |
"onunmute": [ | |
"/// Stream of `unmute` events handled by this [MediaStreamTrack]." | |
], | |
"unmuteEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `unmute` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MediaStreamTrack].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"MessagePort": { | |
"members": { | |
"messageEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `message` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MessagePort].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onmessage": [ | |
"/// Stream of `message` events handled by this [MessagePort]." | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"MIDIAccess": { | |
"members": { | |
"connectEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `connect` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MidiAccess].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"disconnectEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `disconnect` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MidiAccess].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onconnect": [ | |
"/// Stream of `connect` events handled by this [MidiAccess]." | |
], | |
"ondisconnect": [ | |
"/// Stream of `disconnect` events handled by this [MidiAccess]." | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"MIDIInput": { | |
"members": { | |
"midimessageEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `midimessage` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MidiInput].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onmidimessage": [ | |
"/// Stream of `midimessage` events handled by this [MidiInput]." | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"MIDIPort": { | |
"members": { | |
"disconnectEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `disconnect` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [MidiPort].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"ondisconnect": [ | |
"/// Stream of `disconnect` events handled by this [MidiPort]." | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"MouseEvent": { | |
"members": { | |
"fromElement": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * The nonstandard way to access the element that the mouse comes", | |
" * from in the case of a `mouseover` event.", | |
" *", | |
" * This member is deprecated and not cross-browser compatible; use", | |
" * relatedTarget to get the same information in the standard way.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"toElement": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * The nonstandard way to access the element that the mouse goes", | |
" * to in the case of a `mouseout` event.", | |
" *", | |
" * This member is deprecated and not cross-browser compatible; use", | |
" * relatedTarget to get the same information in the standard way.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"Node": { | |
"members": { | |
"appendChild": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Adds a node to the end of the child [nodes] list of this node.", | |
" *", | |
" * If the node already exists in this document, it will be removed from its", | |
" * current parent node, then added to this node.", | |
" *", | |
" * This method is more efficient than `nodes.add`, and is the preferred", | |
" * way of appending a child node.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"childNodes": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * A list of this node's children.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Node.childNodes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node.childNodes)", | |
" * from MDN.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"cloneNode": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Returns a copy of this node.", | |
" *", | |
" * If [deep] is `true`, then all of this node's children and descendents are", | |
" * copied as well. If [deep] is `false`, then only this node is copied.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Node.cloneNode](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node.cloneNode)", | |
" * from MDN.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"contains": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Returns true if this node contains the specified node.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Node.contains](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node.contains)", | |
" * from MDN.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"firstChild": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * The first child of this node.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Node.firstChild](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node.firstChild)", | |
" * from MDN.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"hasChildNodes": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Returns true if this node has any children.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Node.hasChildNodes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node.hasChildNodes)", | |
" * from MDN.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"insertBefore": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Inserts the given node into this node directly before child.", | |
" * If child is `null`, then the given node is inserted at the end", | |
" * of this node's child nodes.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Node.insertBefore](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node.insertBefore)", | |
" * from MDN.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"lastChild": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * The last child of this node.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Node.lastChild](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node.lastChild)", | |
" * from MDN.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"nextSibling": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * The next sibling node.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Node.nextSibling](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node.nextSibling)", | |
" * from MDN.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"nodeName": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * The name of this node.", | |
" *", | |
" * This varies by this node's [nodeType].", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Node.nodeName](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node.nodeName)", | |
" * from MDN. This page contains a table of [nodeName] values for each", | |
" * [nodeType].", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"nodeType": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * The type of node.", | |
" *", | |
" * This value is one of:", | |
" *", | |
" * * [ATTRIBUTE_NODE] if this node is an attribute.", | |
" * * [CDATA_SECTION_NODE] if this node is a [CDataSection].", | |
" * * [COMMENT_NODE] if this node is a [Comment].", | |
" * * [DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE] if this node is a [DocumentFragment].", | |
" * * [DOCUMENT_NODE] if this node is a [Document].", | |
" * * [DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE] if this node is a [_DocumentType] node.", | |
" * * [ELEMENT_NODE] if this node is an [Element].", | |
" * * [ENTITY_NODE] if this node is an entity.", | |
" * * [ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE] if this node is an entity reference.", | |
" * * [NOTATION_NODE] if this node is a notation.", | |
" * * [PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE] if this node is a [ProcessingInstruction].", | |
" * * [TEXT_NODE] if this node is a [Text] node.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Node.nodeType](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node.nodeType)", | |
" * from MDN.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"nodeValue": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * The value of this node.", | |
" *", | |
" * This varies by this type's [nodeType].", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Node.nodeValue](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node.nodeValue)", | |
" * from MDN. This page contains a table of [nodeValue] values for each", | |
" * [nodeType].", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"ownerDocument": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * The document this node belongs to.", | |
" *", | |
" * Returns null if this node does not belong to any document.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Node.ownerDocument](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node.ownerDocument)", | |
" * from MDN.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"parentElement": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * The parent element of this node.", | |
" *", | |
" * Returns null if this node either does not have a parent or its parent is", | |
" * not an element.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Node.parentElement](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node.parentElement)", | |
" * from W3C.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"parentNode": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * The parent node of this node.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Node.parentNode](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node.parentNode)", | |
" * from MDN.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"previousSibling": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * The previous sibling node.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Node.previousSibling](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node.previousSibling)", | |
" * from MDN.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"textContent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * All text within this node and its descendents.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Node.textContent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node.textContent)", | |
" * from MDN.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"Notification": { | |
"members": { | |
"clickEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `click` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Notification].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"closeEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `close` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Notification].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"displayEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `display` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Notification].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"errorEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Notification].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onclick": [ | |
"/// Stream of `click` events handled by this [Notification]." | |
], | |
"onclose": [ | |
"/// Stream of `close` events handled by this [Notification]." | |
], | |
"ondisplay": [ | |
"/// Stream of `display` events handled by this [Notification]." | |
], | |
"onerror": [ | |
"/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [Notification]." | |
], | |
"onshow": [ | |
"/// Stream of `show` events handled by this [Notification]." | |
], | |
"showEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `show` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Notification].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"Performance": { | |
"members": { | |
"onwebkitresourcetimingbufferfull": [ | |
"/// Stream of `resourcetimingbufferfull` events handled by this [Performance]." | |
], | |
"webkitresourcetimingbufferfullEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `resourcetimingbufferfull` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Performance].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"RTCDataChannel": { | |
"members": { | |
"closeEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `close` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcDataChannel].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"errorEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcDataChannel].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"messageEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `message` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcDataChannel].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onclose": [ | |
"/// Stream of `close` events handled by this [RtcDataChannel]." | |
], | |
"onerror": [ | |
"/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [RtcDataChannel]." | |
], | |
"onmessage": [ | |
"/// Stream of `message` events handled by this [RtcDataChannel]." | |
], | |
"onopen": [ | |
"/// Stream of `open` events handled by this [RtcDataChannel]." | |
], | |
"openEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `open` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcDataChannel].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"RTCDTMFSender": { | |
"members": { | |
"ontonechange": [ | |
"/// Stream of `tonechange` events handled by this [RtcDtmfSender]." | |
], | |
"tonechangeEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `tonechange` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcDtmfSender].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"RTCPeerConnection": { | |
"members": { | |
"addstreamEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `addstream` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcPeerConnection].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"datachannelEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `datachannel` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcPeerConnection].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"icecandidateEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `icecandidate` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcPeerConnection].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"iceconnectionstatechangeEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `iceconnectionstatechange` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcPeerConnection].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"negotiationneededEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `negotiationneeded` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcPeerConnection].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onaddstream": [ | |
"/// Stream of `addstream` events handled by this [RtcPeerConnection]." | |
], | |
"ondatachannel": [ | |
"/// Stream of `datachannel` events handled by this [RtcPeerConnection]." | |
], | |
"onicecandidate": [ | |
"/// Stream of `icecandidate` events handled by this [RtcPeerConnection]." | |
], | |
"oniceconnectionstatechange": [ | |
"/// Stream of `iceconnectionstatechange` events handled by this [RtcPeerConnection]." | |
], | |
"onnegotiationneeded": [ | |
"/// Stream of `negotiationneeded` events handled by this [RtcPeerConnection]." | |
], | |
"onremovestream": [ | |
"/// Stream of `removestream` events handled by this [RtcPeerConnection]." | |
], | |
"onsignalingstatechange": [ | |
"/// Stream of `signalingstatechange` events handled by this [RtcPeerConnection]." | |
], | |
"ontrack": [ | |
"/// Stream of `track` events handled by this [RtcPeerConnection]." | |
], | |
"removestreamEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `removestream` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcPeerConnection].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"signalingstatechangeEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `signalingstatechange` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcPeerConnection].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"trackEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `track` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [RtcPeerConnection].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"SharedWorkerGlobalScope": { | |
"members": { | |
"connectEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `connect` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SharedWorkerGlobalScope].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onconnect": [ | |
"/// Stream of `connect` events handled by this [SharedWorkerGlobalScope]." | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"SpeechRecognition": { | |
"members": { | |
"audioendEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `audioend` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"audiostartEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `audiostart` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"endEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `end` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"errorEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"nomatchEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `nomatch` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onaudioend": [ | |
"/// Stream of `audioend` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition]." | |
], | |
"onaudiostart": [ | |
"/// Stream of `audiostart` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition]." | |
], | |
"onend": [ | |
"/// Stream of `end` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition]." | |
], | |
"onerror": [ | |
"/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition]." | |
], | |
"onnomatch": [ | |
"/// Stream of `nomatch` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition]." | |
], | |
"onresult": [ | |
"/// Stream of `result` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition]." | |
], | |
"onsoundend": [ | |
"/// Stream of `soundend` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition]." | |
], | |
"onsoundstart": [ | |
"/// Stream of `soundstart` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition]." | |
], | |
"onspeechend": [ | |
"/// Stream of `speechend` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition]." | |
], | |
"onspeechstart": [ | |
"/// Stream of `speechstart` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition]." | |
], | |
"onstart": [ | |
"/// Stream of `start` events handled by this [SpeechRecognition]." | |
], | |
"resultEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `result` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"soundendEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `soundend` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"soundstartEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `soundstart` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"speechendEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `speechend` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"speechstartEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `speechstart` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"startEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `start` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechRecognition].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"SpeechSynthesisUtterance": { | |
"members": { | |
"boundaryEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `boundary` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechSynthesisUtterance].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"endEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `end` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechSynthesisUtterance].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"errorEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechSynthesisUtterance].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"markEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `mark` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechSynthesisUtterance].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onboundary": [ | |
"/// Stream of `boundary` events handled by this [SpeechSynthesisUtterance]." | |
], | |
"onend": [ | |
"/// Stream of `end` events handled by this [SpeechSynthesisUtterance]." | |
], | |
"onerror": [ | |
"/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [SpeechSynthesisUtterance]." | |
], | |
"onmark": [ | |
"/// Stream of `mark` events handled by this [SpeechSynthesisUtterance]." | |
], | |
"onpause": [ | |
"/// Stream of `pause` events handled by this [SpeechSynthesisUtterance]." | |
], | |
"onresume": [ | |
"/// Stream of `resume` events handled by this [SpeechSynthesisUtterance]." | |
], | |
"onstart": [ | |
"/// Stream of `start` events handled by this [SpeechSynthesisUtterance]." | |
], | |
"pauseEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `pause` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechSynthesisUtterance].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"resumeEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `resume` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechSynthesisUtterance].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"startEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `start` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [SpeechSynthesisUtterance].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"TextTrack": { | |
"members": { | |
"cuechangeEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `cuechange` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [TextTrack].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"oncuechange": [ | |
"/// Stream of `cuechange` events handled by this [TextTrack]." | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"TextTrackCue": { | |
"members": { | |
"enterEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `enter` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [TextTrackCue].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"exitEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `exit` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [TextTrackCue].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onenter": [ | |
"/// Stream of `enter` events handled by this [TextTrackCue]." | |
], | |
"onexit": [ | |
"/// Stream of `exit` events handled by this [TextTrackCue]." | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"TextTrackList": { | |
"members": { | |
"addtrackEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `addtrack` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [TextTrackList].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onaddtrack": [ | |
"/// Stream of `addtrack` events handled by this [TextTrackList]." | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"WebSocket": { | |
"comment": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Use the WebSocket interface to connect to a WebSocket,", | |
" * and to send and receive data on that WebSocket.", | |
" *", | |
" * To use a WebSocket in your web app, first create a WebSocket object,", | |
" * passing the WebSocket URL as an argument to the constructor.", | |
" *", | |
" * var webSocket = new WebSocket('ws://');", | |
" *", | |
" * To send data on the WebSocket, use the [send] method.", | |
" *", | |
" * if (webSocket != null && webSocket.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) {", | |
" * webSocket.send(data);", | |
" * } else {", | |
" * print('WebSocket not connected, message $data not sent');", | |
" * }", | |
" *", | |
" * To receive data on the WebSocket, register a listener for message events.", | |
" *", | |
" * webSocket.onMessage.listen((MessageEvent e) {", | |
" * receivedData(e.data);", | |
" * });", | |
" *", | |
" * The message event handler receives a [MessageEvent] object", | |
" * as its sole argument.", | |
" * You can also define open, close, and error handlers,", | |
" * as specified by [Event]s.", | |
" *", | |
" * For more information, see the", | |
" * [WebSockets](http://www.dartlang.org/docs/library-tour/#html-websockets)", | |
" * section of the library tour and", | |
" * [Introducing WebSockets](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/websockets/basics/),", | |
" * an HTML5Rocks.com tutorial.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"members": { | |
"closeEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `close` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [WebSocket].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"errorEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `error` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [WebSocket].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"messageEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `message` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [WebSocket].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"onclose": [ | |
"/// Stream of `close` events handled by this [WebSocket]." | |
], | |
"onerror": [ | |
"/// Stream of `error` events handled by this [WebSocket]." | |
], | |
"onmessage": [ | |
"/// Stream of `message` events handled by this [WebSocket]." | |
], | |
"onopen": [ | |
"/// Stream of `open` events handled by this [WebSocket]." | |
], | |
"openEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `open` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [WebSocket].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"send": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Transmit data to the server over this connection.", | |
" *", | |
" * This method accepts data of type [Blob], [ByteBuffer], [String], or", | |
" * [TypedData]. Named variants [sendBlob], [sendByteBuffer], [sendString],", | |
" * or [sendTypedData], in contrast, only accept data of the specified type.", | |
" */" | |
] | |
} | |
}, | |
"Window": { | |
"comment": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Top-level container for the current browser tab or window.", | |
" *", | |
" * In a web browser, each window has a [Window] object, but within the context", | |
" * of a script, this object represents only the current window.", | |
" * Each other window, tab, and iframe has its own [Window] object.", | |
" *", | |
" * Each window contains a [Document] object, which contains all of the window's", | |
" * content.", | |
" *", | |
" * Use the top-level `window` object to access the current window.", | |
" * For example:", | |
" *", | |
" * // Draw a scene when the window repaints.", | |
" * drawScene(num delta) {...}", | |
" * window.animationFrame.then(drawScene);.", | |
" *", | |
" * // Write to the console.", | |
" * window.console.log('Jinkies!');", | |
" * window.console.error('Jeepers!');", | |
" *", | |
" * **Note:** This class represents only the current window, while [WindowBase]", | |
" * is a representation of any window, including other tabs, windows, and frames.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## See also", | |
" *", | |
" * * [WindowBase]", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [DOM Window](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/window) from MDN.", | |
" * * [Window](http://www.w3.org/TR/Window/) from the W3C.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"members": { | |
"alert": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Displays a modal alert to the user.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [User prompts](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#user-prompts)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"applicationCache": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * The application cache for this window.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [A beginner's guide to using the application", | |
" * cache](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/appcache/beginner)", | |
" * from HTML5Rocks.", | |
" * * [Application cache", | |
" * API](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsers.html#application-cache-api)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"confirm": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Displays a modal OK/Cancel prompt to the user.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [User prompts](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#user-prompts)", | |
" * from WHATWG.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"crypto": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Entrypoint for the browser's cryptographic functions.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [Web cryptography API](http://www.w3.org/TR/WebCryptoAPI/) from W3C.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"CSS": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Entrypoint for CSS-related functions.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [The CSS interface](http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-conditional/#the-css-interface) from W3C.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"defaultStatus": [ | |
"/// *Deprecated*." | |
], | |
"defaultstatus": [ | |
"/// *Deprecated*." | |
], | |
"devicemotionEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `devicemotion` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Window].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"deviceorientationEvent": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * Static factory designed to expose `deviceorientation` events to event", | |
" * handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Window].", | |
" *", | |
" * See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.", | |
" */" | |
], | |
"devicePixelRatio": [ | |
"/**", | |
" * The ratio between physical pixels and logical CSS pixels.", | |
" *", | |
" * ## Other resources", | |
" *", | |
" * * [devicePixelRatio](http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2012/06/devicepixelrati.html)", | |
" * from quirksmode.", | |
" * * [More about devicePixelRatio](http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2012/07/more_about_devi.html)", | |
" * from quirksmode.", | |
" */" | |