Writing IL tests for AOT compiler

Usually optimized IL strongly depends on TFA results and which makes it difficult to test certain AOT optimizations through run_vm_tests.

In such cases you can attempt to write an IL test instead. In these tests test runner will run full AOT pipeline (TFA + gen_snapshot), will instruct gen_snapshot to dump flow graphs of specific methods and then run pkg/vm/tool/compare_il helper script to compare expectations. Here is how you create an IL test.

IL tests are placed in files ending with _il_test.dart.

Each IL test should contain one or more of the functions marked with a @pragma('vm:testing:print-flow-graph'[, 'phases filter']).

These functions will have their IL dumped at points specified by the phases filter (if present, ]AllocateRegisters by default), which follows the same syntax as --compiler-passes= flag and dumped IL will be compared against the expectations, which are specified programmatically using package:vm/testing/il_matchers.dart helpers. A function named foo has its IL expectations in the function called matchIL$foo in the same file.

import 'package:vm/testing/il_matchers.dart';

void foo() {

/// Expectations for [foo].
void matchIL$foo(FlowGraph graph) {
  graph.match([/* expectations */]);

Actual matching is done by the pkg/vm/tool/compare_il script.

In order to test IL of the inner (local) function, use @pragma('vm:testing:match-inner-flow-graph', 'inner name'). Specifying a particular phase is not supported for inner closures.


int factorial(int value) => value == 1 ? value : value * factorial(value - 1);

void matchIL$factorial(FlowGraph graph) {
  // Expected a graph which starts with GraphEntry block followed by a
  // FunctionEntry block. FunctionEntry block should contain a Branch()
  // instruction, with EqualityCompare as a comparison.
    match.block('Function', [
      match.Branch(match.EqualityCompare(match.any, match.any, kind: '==')),

@pragma('vm:testing:match-inner-flow-graph', 'bar')
void foo() {
  bar() {

void matchIL$foo_bar(FlowGraph graph) {
  // Test IL of local bar() in foo().