blob: adf89e3ca5f4a0a46e4f13540e2cbc7e7c270f10 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io' show File, Platform;
import 'dart:typed_data' show Uint8List;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/scanner.dart' show ErrorToken;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/token.dart'
show BeginToken, KeywordToken, StringToken, Token;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/utf8_bytes_scanner.dart'
show Utf8BytesScanner;
import 'package:front_end/src/base/command_line_reporting.dart'
as command_line_reporting;
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart' show Location, Source;
import 'package:testing/testing.dart'
show Chain, ChainContext, Result, Step, TestDescription;
import 'spell_checking_utils.dart' as spell;
import 'testing_utils.dart' show filterList;
abstract class SpellContext extends ChainContext {
final List<Step> steps = const <Step>[
const SpellTest(),
final bool interactive;
final bool onlyInGit;
SpellContext({required this.interactive, required this.onlyInGit});
List<spell.Dictionaries> get dictionaries;
bool get onlyDenylisted;
String get repoRelativeSuitePath;
Set<String> reportedWords = {};
Set<String> reportedWordsDenylisted = {};
Future<List<TestDescription>> list(Chain suite) async {
return filterList(suite, onlyInGit, await super.list(suite));
Future<void> postRun() {
String dartPath = Platform.resolvedExecutable;
Uri suiteUri = spell.repoDir.resolve(repoRelativeSuitePath);
File suiteFile = new File.fromUri(suiteUri).absolute;
if (!suiteFile.existsSync()) {
throw "Specified suite path is invalid.";
String suitePath = suiteFile.path;
'"$dartPath" "$suitePath" -DonlyInGit=$onlyInGit -Dinteractive=true');
return new Future.value();
class SpellTest extends Step<TestDescription, TestDescription, SpellContext> {
const SpellTest();
String get name => "spell test";
Future<Result<TestDescription>> run(
TestDescription description, SpellContext context) async {
File f = new File.fromUri(description.uri);
Uint8List rawBytes = f.readAsBytesSync();
Utf8BytesScanner scanner =
new Utf8BytesScanner(rawBytes, includeComments: true);
Token firstToken = scanner.tokenize();
Token? token = firstToken;
List<String>? errors;
Source source = new Source(
scanner.lineStarts, rawBytes, description.uri, description.uri);
void addErrorMessage(
int offset, String word, bool denylisted, List<String>? alternatives) {
errors ??= <String>[];
String message;
if (denylisted) {
message = "Misspelled word: '$word' has explicitly been denylisted.";
} else {
message = "The word '$word' is not in our dictionary.";
if (alternatives != null && alternatives.isNotEmpty) {
message += "\n\nThe following word(s) was 'close' "
"and in our dictionary: "
"${alternatives.join(", ")}\n";
if (context.dictionaries.isNotEmpty) {
String dictionaryPathString = context.dictionaries
.map((d) => spell.dictionaryToUri(d).toString())
.join("\n- ");
message += "\n\nIf the word is correctly spelled please add "
"it to one of these files:\n"
"- $dictionaryPathString\n";
Location location = source.getLocation(description.uri, offset);
while (token != null) {
if (token is ErrorToken) {
// For now just accept that.
return pass(description);
if (token.precedingComments != null) {
Token? comment = token.precedingComments;
while (comment != null) {
spell.SpellingResult spellingResult = spell.spellcheckString(
splitAsCode: true,
dictionaries: context.dictionaries);
if (spellingResult.misspelledWords != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < spellingResult.misspelledWords!.length; i++) {
bool denylisted = spellingResult.misspelledWordsDenylisted![i];
if (context.onlyDenylisted && !denylisted) continue;
int offset =
comment.offset + spellingResult.misspelledWordsOffset![i];
addErrorMessage(offset, spellingResult.misspelledWords![i],
denylisted, spellingResult.misspelledWordsAlternatives![i]);
comment =;
if (token is StringToken) {
spell.SpellingResult spellingResult = spell.spellcheckString(
splitAsCode: true,
dictionaries: context.dictionaries);
if (spellingResult.misspelledWords != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < spellingResult.misspelledWords!.length; i++) {
bool denylisted = spellingResult.misspelledWordsDenylisted![i];
if (context.onlyDenylisted && !denylisted) continue;
int offset =
token.offset + spellingResult.misspelledWordsOffset![i];
addErrorMessage(offset, spellingResult.misspelledWords![i],
denylisted, spellingResult.misspelledWordsAlternatives![i]);
} else if (token is KeywordToken || token is BeginToken) {
// Ignored.
} else if (token.runtimeType.toString() == "SimpleToken") {
// Ignored.
} else {
throw "Unsupported token type: ${token.runtimeType} ($token)";
if (token.isEof) break;
token =;
if (errors == null) {
return pass(description);
} else {
return fail(description, errors!.join("\n\n"));