blob: c60766e67e5369eee2fcde6afaa28934c1f19725 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert' show jsonDecode;
import 'dart:io' show File;
import 'dart:typed_data' show Uint8List;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/experiments/errors.dart'
show getExperimentNotEnabledMessage;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/experiments/flags.dart' as shared
show ExperimentalFlag;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/parser/parser.dart'
show Parser, lengthOfSpan;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/scanner.dart'
show ErrorToken, ScannerConfiguration, Token, Utf8BytesScanner;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/token.dart'
show SyntheticStringToken;
import 'package:front_end/src/base/command_line_reporting.dart'
as command_line_reporting;
import 'package:front_end/src/base/messages.dart' show Message;
import 'package:front_end/src/source/diet_parser.dart'
show useImplicitCreationExpressionInCfe;
import 'package:front_end/src/source/stack_listener_impl.dart'
show offsetForToken;
import 'package:front_end/src/util/parser_ast.dart' show getAST;
import 'package:front_end/src/util/parser_ast_helper.dart' show ParserAstNode;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:testing/testing.dart'
show Chain, ChainContext, ExpectationSet, Result, Step, TestDescription;
import 'fasta/suite_utils.dart';
import 'fasta/testing/environment_keys.dart';
import 'parser_test_listener.dart' show ParserTestListener;
import 'parser_test_parser.dart' show TestParser;
import 'testing_utils.dart' show checkEnvironment;
import 'utils/kernel_chain.dart' show MatchContext;
const String EXPECTATIONS = '''
"name": "ExpectationFileMismatch",
"group": "Fail"
"name": "ExpectationFileMissing",
"group": "Fail"
void main([List<String> arguments = const []]) => internalMain(createContext,
arguments: arguments,
displayName: "parser suite",
configurationPath: "../testing.json");
Future<Context> createContext(
Chain suite, Map<String, String> environment) async {
const Set<String> knownEnvironmentKeys = {
checkEnvironment(environment, knownEnvironmentKeys);
bool updateExpectations =
environment[EnvironmentKeys.updateExpectations] == "true";
bool trace = environment[EnvironmentKeys.trace] == "true";
bool annotateLines = environment[EnvironmentKeys.annotateLines] == "true";
return new Context(, updateExpectations, trace, annotateLines);
ScannerConfiguration scannerConfiguration = new ScannerConfiguration(
enableTripleShift: true,
enableExtensionMethods: true,
enableNonNullable: true,
forAugmentationLibrary: false);
ScannerConfiguration scannerConfigurationNonNNBD = new ScannerConfiguration(
enableTripleShift: true,
enableExtensionMethods: true,
enableNonNullable: false,
forAugmentationLibrary: false);
ScannerConfiguration scannerConfigurationNonTripleShift =
new ScannerConfiguration(
enableTripleShift: false,
enableExtensionMethods: true,
enableNonNullable: true,
forAugmentationLibrary: false);
ScannerConfiguration scannerConfigurationAugmentation =
new ScannerConfiguration(
enableTripleShift: true,
enableExtensionMethods: true,
enableNonNullable: true,
forAugmentationLibrary: true);
class Context extends ChainContext with MatchContext {
final bool updateExpectations;
String get updateExpectationsOption =>
bool get canBeFixWithUpdateExpectations => true;
final bool addTrace;
final bool annotateLines;
final String suiteName;
Context(this.suiteName, this.updateExpectations, this.addTrace,
final List<Step> steps = const <Step>[
const TokenStep(true, ".scanner.expect"),
const TokenStep(false, ".parser.expect"),
const ListenerStep(true),
const IntertwinedStep(),
final ExpectationSet expectationSet =
new ExpectationSet.fromJsonList(jsonDecode(EXPECTATIONS));
class ContextChecksOnly extends Context {
ContextChecksOnly(String suiteName) : super(suiteName, false, false, false);
final List<Step> steps = const <Step>[
const ListenerStep(false),
const ParserAstStep(),
final ExpectationSet expectationSet =
new ExpectationSet.fromJsonList(jsonDecode(EXPECTATIONS));
class ParserAstStep extends Step<TestDescription, TestDescription, Context> {
const ParserAstStep();
String get name => "ParserAst";
Future<Result<TestDescription>> run(
TestDescription description, Context context) {
Uri uri = description.uri;
File f = new File.fromUri(uri);
Uint8List rawBytes = f.readAsBytesSync();
ParserAstNode ast = getAST(rawBytes);
if (ast.what != "CompilationUnit") {
throw "Expected a single element for 'CompilationUnit' "
"but got ${ast.what}";
return new Future.value(new Result<TestDescription>.pass(description));
class ListenerStep extends Step<TestDescription, TestDescription, Context> {
final bool doExpects;
const ListenerStep(this.doExpects);
String get name => "listener";
/// Scans the uri, parses it with the test listener and returns it.
/// Returns null if scanner doesn't return any Token.
static ParserTestListenerWithMessageFormatting? doListenerParsing(
Uri uri, String suiteName, String shortName,
{bool addTrace = false, bool annotateLines = false}) {
List<int> lineStarts = <int>[];
Token firstToken = scanUri(uri, shortName, lineStarts: lineStarts);
File f = new File.fromUri(uri);
Uint8List rawBytes = f.readAsBytesSync();
Source source = new Source(lineStarts, rawBytes, uri, uri);
String shortNameId = "${suiteName}/${shortName}";
ParserTestListenerWithMessageFormatting parserTestListener =
new ParserTestListenerWithMessageFormatting(
addTrace, annotateLines, source, shortNameId);
Parser parser = new Parser(parserTestListener,
useImplicitCreationExpression: useImplicitCreationExpressionInCfe,
allowPatterns: shouldAllowPatterns(shortName));
return parserTestListener;
Future<Result<TestDescription>> run(
TestDescription description, Context context) {
Uri uri = description.uri;
ParserTestListenerWithMessageFormatting? parserTestListener =
addTrace: context.addTrace,
annotateLines: context.annotateLines,
if (parserTestListener == null) {
return Future.value(crash(description, StackTrace.current));
String errors = "";
if (parserTestListener.errors.isNotEmpty) {
errors = "Problems reported:\n\n"
if (doExpects) {
return context.match<TestDescription>(
".expect", "${errors}${}", uri, description);
} else {
return new Future.value(new Result<TestDescription>.pass(description));
class IntertwinedStep extends Step<TestDescription, TestDescription, Context> {
const IntertwinedStep();
String get name => "intertwined";
Future<Result<TestDescription>> run(
TestDescription description, Context context) {
List<int> lineStarts = <int>[];
Token firstToken =
scanUri(description.uri, description.shortName, lineStarts: lineStarts);
File f = new File.fromUri(description.uri);
Uint8List rawBytes = f.readAsBytesSync();
Source source =
new Source(lineStarts, rawBytes, description.uri, description.uri);
ParserTestListenerForIntertwined parserTestListener =
new ParserTestListenerForIntertwined(
context.addTrace, context.annotateLines, source);
TestParser parser = new TestParser(parserTestListener, context.addTrace,
allowPatterns: shouldAllowPatterns(description.shortName));
parserTestListener.parser = parser; =;
return context.match<TestDescription>(
".intertwined.expect", "${}", description.uri, description);
class TokenStep extends Step<TestDescription, TestDescription, Context> {
final bool onlyScanner;
final String suffix;
const TokenStep(this.onlyScanner, this.suffix);
String get name => "token";
Future<Result<TestDescription>> run(
TestDescription description, Context context) {
List<int> lineStarts = <int>[];
Token firstToken =
scanUri(description.uri, description.shortName, lineStarts: lineStarts);
StringBuffer beforeParser = tokenStreamToString(firstToken, lineStarts);
StringBuffer beforeParserWithTypes =
tokenStreamToString(firstToken, lineStarts, addTypes: true);
if (onlyScanner) {
return context.match<TestDescription>(
ParserTestListener parserTestListener =
new ParserTestListener(context.addTrace);
Parser parser = new Parser(parserTestListener,
useImplicitCreationExpression: useImplicitCreationExpressionInCfe,
allowPatterns: shouldAllowPatterns(description.shortName));
bool parserCrashed = false;
dynamic parserCrashedE;
StackTrace? parserCrashedSt;
try {
} catch (e, st) {
parserCrashed = true;
parserCrashedE = e;
parserCrashedSt = st;
StringBuffer afterParser = tokenStreamToString(firstToken, lineStarts);
StringBuffer afterParserWithTypes =
tokenStreamToString(firstToken, lineStarts, addTypes: true);
bool rewritten =
beforeParserWithTypes.toString() != afterParserWithTypes.toString();
String rewrittenString =
rewritten ? "NOTICE: Stream was rewritten by parser!\n\n" : "";
Future<Result<TestDescription>> result = context.match<TestDescription>(
return result.then((result) {
if (parserCrashed) {
return crash("Parser crashed: $parserCrashedE", parserCrashedSt!);
} else {
return result;
StringBuffer tokenStreamToString(Token firstToken, List<int> lineStarts,
{bool addTypes = false}) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
Token? token = firstToken;
Token? process(Token? token, bool errorTokens) {
bool printed = false;
int endOfLast = -1;
int lineStartsIteratorLine = 1;
Iterator<int> lineStartsIterator = lineStarts.iterator;
Set<Token> seenTokens = new Set<Token>.identity();
while (token != null) {
if (errorTokens && token is! ErrorToken) return token;
if (!errorTokens && token is ErrorToken) {
if (token == break;
token =;
int prevLine = lineStartsIteratorLine;
while (token.offset >= lineStartsIterator.current &&
lineStartsIterator.moveNext()) {
if (printed &&
(token.offset > endOfLast || prevLine < lineStartsIteratorLine)) {
if (prevLine < lineStartsIteratorLine) {
for (int i = prevLine; i < lineStartsIteratorLine; i++) {
} else {
sb.write(" ");
if (token is! ErrorToken) {
if (!addTypes && token.lexeme == "" && token is SyntheticStringToken) {
if (addTypes) {
// Avoid 6000+ changes caused by "Impl" being added to some token
// classes.
String type = token.runtimeType.toString().replaceFirst("Impl", "");
printed = true;
endOfLast = token.end;
if (token == break;
token =;
if (!seenTokens.add(token!)) {
// Loop in tokens: Print error and break to avoid infinite loop.
sb.write("\n\nERROR: Loop in tokens: $token "
"(${token.runtimeType}, ${token.type}, ${token.offset})) "
"was seen before "
"(linking to ${}, ${}, "
"${!.type}, ${!.offset})!\n\n");
return token;
if (addTypes) {
token = process(token, true);
token = process(token, false);
return sb;
Token scanUri(Uri uri, String shortName, {List<int>? lineStarts}) {
ScannerConfiguration config;
String firstDir = shortName.split("/")[0];
if (firstDir == "non-nnbd") {
config = scannerConfigurationNonNNBD;
} else if (firstDir == "no-triple-shift") {
config = scannerConfigurationNonTripleShift;
} else if (firstDir == "augmentation") {
config = scannerConfigurationAugmentation;
} else {
config = scannerConfiguration;
File f = new File.fromUri(uri);
Uint8List rawBytes = f.readAsBytesSync();
return scanRawBytes(rawBytes, config, lineStarts);
bool shouldAllowPatterns(String shortName) {
String firstDir = shortName.split("/")[0];
return firstDir == "patterns";
Token scanRawBytes(
Uint8List rawBytes, ScannerConfiguration config, List<int>? lineStarts) {
Utf8BytesScanner scanner = new Utf8BytesScanner(rawBytes,
includeComments: true, configuration: config);
Token firstToken = scanner.tokenize();
if (lineStarts != null) {
return firstToken;
class ParserTestListenerWithMessageFormatting extends ParserTestListener {
final bool annotateLines;
final Source? source;
final String? shortName;
final List<String> errors = <String>[];
Location? latestSeenLocation;
bool trace, this.annotateLines, this.source, this.shortName)
: super(trace);
void doPrint(String s) {
if (!annotateLines) {
if (s.startsWith("beginCompilationUnit(") ||
s.startsWith("endCompilationUnit(")) {
if (indent != 0) {
throw "Incorrect indents: '$s' (indent = $indent).\n\n"
} else {
if (indent <= 0) {
throw "Incorrect indents: '$s' (indent = $indent).\n\n"
void seen(Token? token) {
if (!annotateLines) return;
if (token == null) return;
if (source == null) return;
if (offsetForToken(token) < 0) return;
Location location =
source!.getLocation(source!.fileUri!, offsetForToken(token));
if (latestSeenLocation == null ||
location.line > latestSeenLocation!.line) {
latestSeenLocation = location;
String? sourceLine = source!.getTextLine(location.line);
doPrint("// Line ${location.line}: $sourceLine");
bool checkEof(Token token) {
bool result = super.checkEof(token);
if (result) {
errors.add("WARNING: Reporting at eof --- see below for details.");
return result;
void _reportMessage(Message message, Token startToken, Token endToken) {
if (source != null) {
Location location =
source!.getLocation(source!.fileUri!, offsetForToken(startToken));
int length = lengthOfSpan(startToken, endToken);
if (length <= 0) length = 1;
} else {
void handleRecoverableError(
Message message, Token startToken, Token endToken) {
_reportMessage(message, startToken, endToken);
super.handleRecoverableError(message, startToken, endToken);
void handleExperimentNotEnabled(shared.ExperimentalFlag experimentalFlag,
Token startToken, Token endToken) {
getExperimentNotEnabledMessage(experimentalFlag), startToken, endToken);
super.handleExperimentNotEnabled(experimentalFlag, startToken, endToken);
class ParserTestListenerForIntertwined
extends ParserTestListenerWithMessageFormatting {
late TestParser parser;
bool trace, bool annotateLines, Source source)
: super(trace, annotateLines, source, null);
void doPrint(String s) {
int prevIndent = super.indent;
super.indent = parser.indent;
if (s.trim() == "") {
} else {
super.doPrint("listener: " + s);
super.indent = prevIndent;