blob: 43cc638214ce988d91267ee8cd6ea38a41352325 [file] [log] [blame]
library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:7:8: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'String' doesn't allow null.
// String returnImplicit() /*error*/ {
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:13:10: Error: The value 'null' can't be returned from a function with return type 'String' because 'String' is not nullable.
// return null; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:19:12: Error: The value 'null' can't be returned from a function with return type 'String' because 'String' is not nullable.
// return null; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:16:8: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'String' doesn't allow null.
// String returnMixed(bool b) /*error*/ {
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:27:15: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'int' doesn't allow null.
// FutureOr<int> returnAsync3() async {} // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:54:6: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'Enum' doesn't allow null.
// - 'Enum' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart'.
// Enum caseReturn2(Enum e) /* error */ {
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:63:3: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'String' doesn't allow null.
// String returnImplicit() /* error */ {
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:69:12: Error: The value 'null' can't be returned from a function with return type 'String' because 'String' is not nullable.
// return null; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:75:14: Error: The value 'null' can't be returned from a function with return type 'String' because 'String' is not nullable.
// return null; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:72:3: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'String' doesn't allow null.
// String returnMixed(bool b) /* error */ {
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:83:3: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'int' doesn't allow null.
// FutureOr<int> returnAsync3() async {} // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:108:3: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'Enum' doesn't allow null.
// - 'Enum' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart'.
// Enum caseReturn2(Enum e) /* error */ {
// ^
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "dart:async" as asy;
import "dart:_internal" as _in;
import "dart:async";
class Enum extends core::_Enum /*isEnum*/ {
static const field core::List<self::Enum> values = #C7;
static const field self::Enum a = #C3;
static const field self::Enum b = #C6;
const constructor •(core::int index, core::String name) self::Enum
: super core::_Enum::•(index, name)
method toString() core::String
return "Enum.${this.{core::_Enum::_name}{core::String}}";
static method returnImplicit() core::String {
return invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:7:8: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'String' doesn't allow null.
String returnImplicit() /*error*/ {
^" in null;
static method returnExplicit() core::String {
return invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:13:10: Error: The value 'null' can't be returned from a function with return type 'String' because 'String' is not nullable.
return null; // error
^" in null;
static method returnMixed(core::bool b) core::String {
if(b) {
return invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:19:12: Error: The value 'null' can't be returned from a function with return type 'String' because 'String' is not nullable.
return null; // error
^" in null;
return invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:16:8: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'String' doesn't allow null.
String returnMixed(bool b) /*error*/ {
^" in null;
static method returnAsync1() asy::Future<dynamic> /* futureValueType= dynamic */ /* originally async */ {
final asy::_Future<dynamic> :async_future = new asy::_Future::•<dynamic>();
core::bool* :is_sync = false;
dynamic :return_value;
(dynamic) dynamic :async_op_then;
(core::Object, core::StackTrace) dynamic :async_op_error;
core::int :await_jump_var = 0;
dynamic :await_ctx_var;
function :async_op(dynamic :result_or_exception, dynamic :stack_trace) dynamic yielding
try {
asy::_completeWithNoFutureOnAsyncReturn(:async_future, :return_value, :is_sync);
on dynamic catch(dynamic exception, core::StackTrace stack_trace) {
asy::_completeOnAsyncError(:async_future, exception, stack_trace, :is_sync);
:async_op_then = asy::_asyncThenWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op_error = asy::_asyncErrorWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op(null, null){() dynamic};
:is_sync = true;
return :async_future;
static method returnAsync2() FutureOr<dynamic> /* futureValueType= dynamic */ /* originally async */ {
final asy::_Future<dynamic> :async_future = new asy::_Future::•<dynamic>();
core::bool* :is_sync = false;
dynamic :return_value;
(dynamic) dynamic :async_op_then;
(core::Object, core::StackTrace) dynamic :async_op_error;
core::int :await_jump_var = 0;
dynamic :await_ctx_var;
function :async_op(dynamic :result_or_exception, dynamic :stack_trace) dynamic yielding
try {
asy::_completeWithNoFutureOnAsyncReturn(:async_future, :return_value, :is_sync);
on dynamic catch(dynamic exception, core::StackTrace stack_trace) {
asy::_completeOnAsyncError(:async_future, exception, stack_trace, :is_sync);
:async_op_then = asy::_asyncThenWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op_error = asy::_asyncErrorWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op(null, null){() dynamic};
:is_sync = true;
return :async_future;
static method returnAsync3() FutureOr<core::int> /* futureValueType= core::int */ /* originally async */ {
final asy::_Future<core::int> :async_future = new asy::_Future::•<core::int>();
core::bool* :is_sync = false;
FutureOr<core::int>? :return_value;
(dynamic) dynamic :async_op_then;
(core::Object, core::StackTrace) dynamic :async_op_error;
core::int :await_jump_var = 0;
dynamic :await_ctx_var;
function :async_op(dynamic :result_or_exception, dynamic :stack_trace) dynamic yielding
try {
:return_value = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:27:15: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'int' doesn't allow null.
FutureOr<int> returnAsync3() async {} // error
^" in null;
break #L3;
asy::_completeOnAsyncReturn(:async_future, :return_value, :is_sync);
on dynamic catch(dynamic exception, core::StackTrace stack_trace) {
asy::_completeOnAsyncError(:async_future, exception, stack_trace, :is_sync);
:async_op_then = asy::_asyncThenWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op_error = asy::_asyncErrorWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op(null, null){() dynamic};
:is_sync = true;
return :async_future;
static method returnAsync4() FutureOr<core::int?> /* futureValueType= core::int? */ /* originally async */ {
final asy::_Future<core::int?> :async_future = new asy::_Future::•<core::int?>();
core::bool* :is_sync = false;
core::int? :return_value;
(dynamic) dynamic :async_op_then;
(core::Object, core::StackTrace) dynamic :async_op_error;
core::int :await_jump_var = 0;
dynamic :await_ctx_var;
function :async_op(dynamic :result_or_exception, dynamic :stack_trace) dynamic yielding
try {
asy::_completeWithNoFutureOnAsyncReturn(:async_future, :return_value, :is_sync);
on dynamic catch(dynamic exception, core::StackTrace stack_trace) {
asy::_completeOnAsyncError(:async_future, exception, stack_trace, :is_sync);
:async_op_then = asy::_asyncThenWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op_error = asy::_asyncErrorWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op(null, null){() dynamic};
:is_sync = true;
return :async_future;
static method returnAsync5() dynamic /* futureValueType= dynamic */ /* originally async */ {
final asy::_Future<dynamic> :async_future = new asy::_Future::•<dynamic>();
core::bool* :is_sync = false;
dynamic :return_value;
(dynamic) dynamic :async_op_then;
(core::Object, core::StackTrace) dynamic :async_op_error;
core::int :await_jump_var = 0;
dynamic :await_ctx_var;
function :async_op(dynamic :result_or_exception, dynamic :stack_trace) dynamic yielding
try {
asy::_completeWithNoFutureOnAsyncReturn(:async_future, :return_value, :is_sync);
on dynamic catch(dynamic exception, core::StackTrace stack_trace) {
asy::_completeOnAsyncError(:async_future, exception, stack_trace, :is_sync);
:async_op_then = asy::_asyncThenWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op_error = asy::_asyncErrorWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op(null, null){() dynamic};
:is_sync = true;
return :async_future;
static method returnAsync6() asy::Future<core::int?> /* futureValueType= core::int? */ /* originally async */ {
final asy::_Future<core::int?> :async_future = new asy::_Future::•<core::int?>();
core::bool* :is_sync = false;
FutureOr<core::int?>? :return_value;
(dynamic) dynamic :async_op_then;
(core::Object, core::StackTrace) dynamic :async_op_error;
core::int :await_jump_var = 0;
dynamic :await_ctx_var;
function :async_op(dynamic :result_or_exception, dynamic :stack_trace) dynamic yielding
try {
:return_value = null;
break #L6;
asy::_completeOnAsyncReturn(:async_future, :return_value, :is_sync);
on dynamic catch(dynamic exception, core::StackTrace stack_trace) {
asy::_completeOnAsyncError(:async_future, exception, stack_trace, :is_sync);
:async_op_then = asy::_asyncThenWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op_error = asy::_asyncErrorWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op(null, null){() dynamic};
:is_sync = true;
return :async_future;
static method returnAsync7() asy::Future<core::int?> /* futureValueType= core::int? */ /* originally async */ {
final asy::_Future<core::int?> :async_future = new asy::_Future::•<core::int?>();
core::bool* :is_sync = false;
core::int? :return_value;
(dynamic) dynamic :async_op_then;
(core::Object, core::StackTrace) dynamic :async_op_error;
core::int :await_jump_var = 0;
dynamic :await_ctx_var;
function :async_op(dynamic :result_or_exception, dynamic :stack_trace) dynamic yielding
try {
asy::_completeWithNoFutureOnAsyncReturn(:async_future, :return_value, :is_sync);
on dynamic catch(dynamic exception, core::StackTrace stack_trace) {
asy::_completeOnAsyncError(:async_future, exception, stack_trace, :is_sync);
:async_op_then = asy::_asyncThenWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op_error = asy::_asyncErrorWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op(null, null){() dynamic};
:is_sync = true;
return :async_future;
static method yieldSync() core::Iterable<dynamic> /* originally sync* */ {
function :sync_op_gen() (core::_SyncIterator<dynamic>?, dynamic, dynamic) core::bool* {
core::int :await_jump_var = 0;
dynamic :await_ctx_var;
function :sync_op(core::_SyncIterator<dynamic>? :iterator, dynamic :exception, dynamic :stack_trace) core::bool* yielding {
return false;
return :sync_op;
return new core::_SyncIterable::•<dynamic>(:sync_op_gen);
static method yieldAsync() asy::Stream<dynamic> /* originally async* */ {
asy::_AsyncStarStreamController<dynamic>? :controller;
dynamic :controller_stream;
(dynamic) dynamic :async_op_then;
(core::Object, core::StackTrace) dynamic :async_op_error;
core::int :await_jump_var = 0;
dynamic :await_ctx_var;
function :async_op(dynamic :result_or_exception, dynamic :stack_trace) dynamic yielding
try {
on dynamic catch(dynamic exception, core::StackTrace stack_trace) {
:controller.{asy::_AsyncStarStreamController::addError}(exception, stack_trace){(core::Object, core::StackTrace) void};
finally {
:controller.{asy::_AsyncStarStreamController::close}(){() dynamic};
:async_op_then = asy::_asyncThenWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op_error = asy::_asyncErrorWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:controller = new asy::_AsyncStarStreamController::•<dynamic>(:async_op);
:controller_stream = :controller.{asy::_AsyncStarStreamController::stream}{asy::Stream<dynamic>};
return :controller_stream;
static method caseReturn1(self::Enum e) self::Enum {
switch(e) {
case #C3:
return e;
case #C6:
return e;
throw new _in::ReachabilityError::•("`null` encountered as case in a switch expression with a non-nullable enum type.");
static method caseReturn2(self::Enum e) self::Enum {
switch(e) {
case #C3:
return e;
return invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:54:6: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'Enum' doesn't allow null.
- 'Enum' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart'.
Enum caseReturn2(Enum e) /* error */ {
^" in null;
static method localFunctions() dynamic {
function returnImplicit() core::String {
return invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:63:3: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'String' doesn't allow null.
String returnImplicit() /* error */ {
^" in null;
function returnExplicit() core::String {
return invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:69:12: Error: The value 'null' can't be returned from a function with return type 'String' because 'String' is not nullable.
return null; // error
^" in null;
function returnMixed(core::bool b) core::String {
if(b) {
return invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:75:14: Error: The value 'null' can't be returned from a function with return type 'String' because 'String' is not nullable.
return null; // error
^" in null;
return invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:72:3: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'String' doesn't allow null.
String returnMixed(bool b) /* error */ {
^" in null;
function returnAsync1() asy::Future<dynamic> /* futureValueType= dynamic */ /* originally async */ {
final asy::_Future<dynamic> :async_future = new asy::_Future::•<dynamic>();
core::bool* :is_sync = false;
dynamic :return_value;
(dynamic) dynamic :async_op_then;
(core::Object, core::StackTrace) dynamic :async_op_error;
core::int :await_jump_var = 0;
dynamic :await_ctx_var;
function :async_op(dynamic :result_or_exception, dynamic :stack_trace) dynamic yielding
try {
asy::_completeWithNoFutureOnAsyncReturn(:async_future, :return_value, :is_sync);
on dynamic catch(dynamic exception, core::StackTrace stack_trace) {
asy::_completeOnAsyncError(:async_future, exception, stack_trace, :is_sync);
:async_op_then = asy::_asyncThenWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op_error = asy::_asyncErrorWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op(null, null){() dynamic};
:is_sync = true;
return :async_future;
function returnAsync2() FutureOr<dynamic> /* futureValueType= dynamic */ /* originally async */ {
final asy::_Future<dynamic> :async_future = new asy::_Future::•<dynamic>();
core::bool* :is_sync = false;
dynamic :return_value;
(dynamic) dynamic :async_op_then;
(core::Object, core::StackTrace) dynamic :async_op_error;
core::int :await_jump_var = 0;
dynamic :await_ctx_var;
function :async_op(dynamic :result_or_exception, dynamic :stack_trace) dynamic yielding
try {
asy::_completeWithNoFutureOnAsyncReturn(:async_future, :return_value, :is_sync);
on dynamic catch(dynamic exception, core::StackTrace stack_trace) {
asy::_completeOnAsyncError(:async_future, exception, stack_trace, :is_sync);
:async_op_then = asy::_asyncThenWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op_error = asy::_asyncErrorWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op(null, null){() dynamic};
:is_sync = true;
return :async_future;
function returnAsync3() FutureOr<core::int> /* futureValueType= core::int */ /* originally async */ {
final asy::_Future<core::int> :async_future = new asy::_Future::•<core::int>();
core::bool* :is_sync = false;
FutureOr<core::int>? :return_value;
(dynamic) dynamic :async_op_then;
(core::Object, core::StackTrace) dynamic :async_op_error;
core::int :await_jump_var = 0;
dynamic :await_ctx_var;
function :async_op(dynamic :result_or_exception, dynamic :stack_trace) dynamic yielding
try {
:return_value = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:83:3: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'int' doesn't allow null.
FutureOr<int> returnAsync3() async {} // error
^" in null;
break #L16;
asy::_completeOnAsyncReturn(:async_future, :return_value, :is_sync);
on dynamic catch(dynamic exception, core::StackTrace stack_trace) {
asy::_completeOnAsyncError(:async_future, exception, stack_trace, :is_sync);
:async_op_then = asy::_asyncThenWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op_error = asy::_asyncErrorWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op(null, null){() dynamic};
:is_sync = true;
return :async_future;
function returnAsync4() FutureOr<core::int?> /* futureValueType= core::int? */ /* originally async */ {
final asy::_Future<core::int?> :async_future = new asy::_Future::•<core::int?>();
core::bool* :is_sync = false;
core::int? :return_value;
(dynamic) dynamic :async_op_then;
(core::Object, core::StackTrace) dynamic :async_op_error;
core::int :await_jump_var = 0;
dynamic :await_ctx_var;
function :async_op(dynamic :result_or_exception, dynamic :stack_trace) dynamic yielding
try {
asy::_completeWithNoFutureOnAsyncReturn(:async_future, :return_value, :is_sync);
on dynamic catch(dynamic exception, core::StackTrace stack_trace) {
asy::_completeOnAsyncError(:async_future, exception, stack_trace, :is_sync);
:async_op_then = asy::_asyncThenWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op_error = asy::_asyncErrorWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op(null, null){() dynamic};
:is_sync = true;
return :async_future;
function returnAsync5() asy::Future<Null> /* futureValueType= Null */ /* originally async */ {
final asy::_Future<Null> :async_future = new asy::_Future::•<Null>();
core::bool* :is_sync = false;
Null :return_value;
(dynamic) dynamic :async_op_then;
(core::Object, core::StackTrace) dynamic :async_op_error;
core::int :await_jump_var = 0;
dynamic :await_ctx_var;
function :async_op(dynamic :result_or_exception, dynamic :stack_trace) dynamic yielding
try {
asy::_completeWithNoFutureOnAsyncReturn(:async_future, :return_value, :is_sync);
on dynamic catch(dynamic exception, core::StackTrace stack_trace) {
asy::_completeOnAsyncError(:async_future, exception, stack_trace, :is_sync);
:async_op_then = asy::_asyncThenWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op_error = asy::_asyncErrorWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op(null, null){() dynamic};
:is_sync = true;
return :async_future;
function returnAsync6() asy::Future<core::int?> /* futureValueType= core::int? */ /* originally async */ {
final asy::_Future<core::int?> :async_future = new asy::_Future::•<core::int?>();
core::bool* :is_sync = false;
FutureOr<core::int?>? :return_value;
(dynamic) dynamic :async_op_then;
(core::Object, core::StackTrace) dynamic :async_op_error;
core::int :await_jump_var = 0;
dynamic :await_ctx_var;
function :async_op(dynamic :result_or_exception, dynamic :stack_trace) dynamic yielding
try {
:return_value = null;
break #L19;
asy::_completeOnAsyncReturn(:async_future, :return_value, :is_sync);
on dynamic catch(dynamic exception, core::StackTrace stack_trace) {
asy::_completeOnAsyncError(:async_future, exception, stack_trace, :is_sync);
:async_op_then = asy::_asyncThenWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op_error = asy::_asyncErrorWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op(null, null){() dynamic};
:is_sync = true;
return :async_future;
function returnAsync7() asy::Future<core::int?> /* futureValueType= core::int? */ /* originally async */ {
final asy::_Future<core::int?> :async_future = new asy::_Future::•<core::int?>();
core::bool* :is_sync = false;
core::int? :return_value;
(dynamic) dynamic :async_op_then;
(core::Object, core::StackTrace) dynamic :async_op_error;
core::int :await_jump_var = 0;
dynamic :await_ctx_var;
function :async_op(dynamic :result_or_exception, dynamic :stack_trace) dynamic yielding
try {
asy::_completeWithNoFutureOnAsyncReturn(:async_future, :return_value, :is_sync);
on dynamic catch(dynamic exception, core::StackTrace stack_trace) {
asy::_completeOnAsyncError(:async_future, exception, stack_trace, :is_sync);
:async_op_then = asy::_asyncThenWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op_error = asy::_asyncErrorWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op(null, null){() dynamic};
:is_sync = true;
return :async_future;
function yieldSync() core::Iterable<dynamic> /* originally sync* */ {
function :sync_op_gen() (core::_SyncIterator<dynamic>?, dynamic, dynamic) core::bool* {
core::int :await_jump_var = 0;
dynamic :await_ctx_var;
function :sync_op(core::_SyncIterator<dynamic>? :iterator, dynamic :exception, dynamic :stack_trace) core::bool* yielding {
return false;
return :sync_op;
return new core::_SyncIterable::•<dynamic>(:sync_op_gen);
function yieldAsync() asy::Stream<dynamic> /* originally async* */ {
asy::_AsyncStarStreamController<dynamic>? :controller;
dynamic :controller_stream;
(dynamic) dynamic :async_op_then;
(core::Object, core::StackTrace) dynamic :async_op_error;
core::int :await_jump_var = 0;
dynamic :await_ctx_var;
function :async_op(dynamic :result_or_exception, dynamic :stack_trace) dynamic yielding
try {
on dynamic catch(dynamic exception, core::StackTrace stack_trace) {
:controller.{asy::_AsyncStarStreamController::addError}(exception, stack_trace){(core::Object, core::StackTrace) void};
finally {
:controller.{asy::_AsyncStarStreamController::close}(){() dynamic};
:async_op_then = asy::_asyncThenWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:async_op_error = asy::_asyncErrorWrapperHelper(:async_op);
:controller = new asy::_AsyncStarStreamController::•<dynamic>(:async_op);
:controller_stream = :controller.{asy::_AsyncStarStreamController::stream}{asy::Stream<dynamic>};
return :controller_stream;
function caseReturn1(self::Enum e) self::Enum {
switch(e) {
case #C3:
return e;
case #C6:
return e;
throw new _in::ReachabilityError::•("`null` encountered as case in a switch expression with a non-nullable enum type.");
function caseReturn2(self::Enum e) self::Enum {
switch(e) {
case #C3:
return e;
return invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart:108:3: Error: A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'Enum' doesn't allow null.
- 'Enum' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nnbd/return_null.dart'.
Enum caseReturn2(Enum e) /* error */ {
^" in null;
core::bool b = false;
core::int? local1 = (() core::int? {
return 0;
})(){() core::int?};
core::int? local2 = (() core::int? {
return null;
return 0;
})(){() core::int?};
static method main() dynamic {}
constants {
#C1 = 0
#C2 = "a"
#C3 = self::Enum {index:#C1, _name:#C2}
#C4 = 1
#C5 = "b"
#C6 = self::Enum {index:#C4, _name:#C5}
#C7 = <self::Enum*>[#C3, #C6]
Constructor coverage from constants:
- Enum. (from org-dartlang-testcase:///return_null.dart:43:6)
- _Enum. (from org-dartlang-sdk:///sdk/lib/core/enum.dart:103:9)
- Object. (from org-dartlang-sdk:///sdk/lib/core/object.dart:25:9)