blob: 0e78626ea57e372ea8b7fb109282cf3e9e2eaba4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:analysis_server_client/protocol.dart' hide AnalysisError;
import 'package:cli_util/cli_logging.dart' show Progress;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import '../analysis_server.dart';
import '../core.dart';
import '../sdk.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
class FixCommand extends DartdevCommand {
static const String cmdName = 'fix';
static const String cmdDescription =
'''Apply automated fixes to Dart source code.
This tool looks for and fixes analysis issues that have associated automated fixes.
To use the tool, run either ['dart fix --dry-run'] for a preview of the proposed changes for a project, or ['dart fix --apply'] to apply the changes.''';
/// The maximum number of times that fixes will be requested from the server.
static const maxPasses = 4;
/// A map from the absolute path of a file to the updated content of the file.
final Map<String, String> fileContentCache = {};
FixCommand({bool verbose = false}) : super(cmdName, cmdDescription, verbose) {
abbr: 'n',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
help: 'Preview the proposed changes but make no changes.');
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
help: 'Apply the proposed changes.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
'Compare the result of applying fixes to a golden file for testing.',
hide: !verbose,
String get description {
if (log.ansi.useAnsi) {
return cmdDescription
.replaceAll('[', log.ansi.bold)
.replaceAll(']', log.ansi.none);
} else {
return cmdDescription.replaceAll('[', '').replaceAll(']', '');
Future<int> run() async {
final args = argResults!;
var dryRun = args['dry-run'];
var inTestMode = args['compare-to-golden'];
var apply = args['apply'];
if (!apply && !dryRun && !inTestMode) {
return 0;
var arguments =;
var argumentCount = arguments.length;
if (argumentCount > 1) {
usageException('Only one file or directory is expected.');
var dir =
argumentCount == 0 ? io.Directory.current : io.Directory(arguments[0]);
if (!dir.existsSync()) {
usageException("Directory doesn't exist: ${dir.path}");
dir = io.Directory(path.canonicalize(path.normalize(dir.absolute.path)));
var dirPath = dir.path;
var modeText = dryRun ? ' (dry run)' : '';
final projectName = path.basename(dirPath);
Progress? computeFixesProgress = log.progress(
'Computing fixes in ${log.ansi.emphasized(projectName)}$modeText');
var server = AnalysisServer(
commandName: 'fix',
argResults: argResults,
await server.start(setAnalysisRoots: false);
server.onExit.then((int exitCode) {
if (computeFixesProgress != null && exitCode != 0) {
computeFixesProgress = null;
io.exitCode = exitCode;
server.onCrash.then((_) {
log.stderr('The analysis server shut down unexpectedly.');
log.stdout('Please report this at');
Future<Map<String, BulkFix>> _applyAllEdits() async {
var detailsMap = <String, BulkFix>{};
List<SourceFileEdit> edits;
var pass = 0;
do {
var fixes = await server.requestBulkFixes(dirPath, inTestMode);
_mergeDetails(detailsMap, fixes.details);
edits = fixes.edits;
_applyEdits(server, edits);
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Be more intelligent about detecting infinite
// loops so that we can increase [maxPasses].
} while (pass < maxPasses && edits.isNotEmpty);
return detailsMap;
var detailsMap = await _applyAllEdits();
await server.shutdown();
if (computeFixesProgress != null) {
computeFixesProgress!.finish(showTiming: true);
computeFixesProgress = null;
if (inTestMode) {
var result = _compareFixesInDirectory(dir);
log.stdout('Passed: ${result.passCount}, Failed: ${result.failCount}');
return result.failCount > 0 ? 1 : 0;
} else if (detailsMap.isEmpty) {
log.stdout('Nothing to fix!');
} else {
var fileCount = detailsMap.length;
var fixCount = detailsMap.values
.expand((detail) => detail.fixes)
(int previousValue, fixes) => previousValue + fixes.occurrences);
if (dryRun) {
log.stdout('$fixCount proposed ${_pluralFix(fixCount)} '
'in $fileCount ${pluralize("file", fileCount)}.');
_printDetails(detailsMap, dir);
} else {
var applyFixesProgress = log.progress('Applying fixes');
applyFixesProgress.finish(showTiming: true);
_printDetails(detailsMap, dir);
log.stdout('$fixCount ${_pluralFix(fixCount)} made in '
'$fileCount ${pluralize("file", fileCount)}.');
return 0;
void _applyEdits(AnalysisServer server, List<SourceFileEdit> edits) {
var overlays = <String, AddContentOverlay>{};
for (var edit in edits) {
var filePath = edit.file;
var content = fileContentCache.putIfAbsent(filePath, () {
var file = io.File(filePath);
return file.existsSync() ? file.readAsStringSync() : '';
var newContent = SourceEdit.applySequence(content, edit.edits);
fileContentCache[filePath] = newContent;
overlays[filePath] = AddContentOverlay(newContent);
/// Return `true` if any of the fixes fail to create the same content as is
/// found in the golden file.
_TestResult _compareFixesInDirectory(io.Directory directory) {
var result = _TestResult();
// Gather the files of interest in this directory and process
// subdirectories.
var dartFiles = <io.File>[];
var expectFileMap = <String, io.File>{};
for (var child in directory.listSync()) {
if (child is io.Directory) {
var childResult = _compareFixesInDirectory(child);
result.passCount += childResult.passCount;
result.failCount += childResult.failCount;
} else if (child is io.File) {
var name =;
if (name.endsWith('.dart')) {
} else if (name.endsWith('.expect')) {
expectFileMap[child.path] = child;
for (var originalFile in dartFiles) {
var filePath = originalFile.path;
var baseName = path.basename(filePath);
var expectFileName = '$baseName.expect';
var expectFilePath = path.join(path.dirname(filePath), expectFileName);
var expectFile = expectFileMap.remove(expectFilePath);
if (expectFile == null) {
'No corresponding expect file for the Dart file at "$filePath".');
try {
var expectedCode = expectFile.readAsStringSync();
var actualIsOriginal = !fileContentCache.containsKey(filePath);
var actualCode = actualIsOriginal
? originalFile.readAsStringSync()
: fileContentCache[filePath]!;
// Use a whitespace insensitive comparison.
if (_compressWhitespace(actualCode) !=
_compressWhitespace(expectedCode)) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Do a better job of displaying the differences.
// It's very hard to see the diff with large files.
actualIsOriginal: actualIsOriginal,
} else {
} on io.FileSystemException {
log.stdout('Failed to process "$filePath".');
' Ensure that the file and its expect file are both readable.');
// Report any `.expect` files that have no corresponding `.dart` file.
for (var unmatchedExpectPath in expectFileMap.keys) {
'No corresponding Dart file for the expect file at "$unmatchedExpectPath".');
return result;
/// Compress sequences of whitespace characters into a single space.
String _compressWhitespace(String code) =>
code.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\s+'), ' ');
/// Merge the fixes from the current round's [details] into the [detailsMap].
void _mergeDetails(Map<String, BulkFix> detailsMap, List<BulkFix> details) {
for (var detail in details) {
var previousDetail = detailsMap[detail.path];
if (previousDetail != null) {
_mergeFixCounts(previousDetail.fixes, detail.fixes);
} else {
detailsMap[detail.path] = detail;
void _mergeFixCounts(
List<BulkFixDetail> oldFixes, List<BulkFixDetail> newFixes) {
var originalOldLength = oldFixes.length;
for (var newFix in newFixes) {
var newCode = newFix.code;
// Iterate over the original content of the list, not any of the newly
// added fixes, because the newly added fixes can't be a match.
for (var i = 0; i < originalOldLength; i++) {
var oldFix = oldFixes[i];
if (oldFix.code == newCode) {
oldFix.occurrences += newFix.occurrences;
continue newFixLoop;
String _pluralFix(int count) => count == 1 ? 'fix' : 'fixes';
void _printDetails(Map<String, BulkFix> detailsMap, io.Directory workingDir) {
String relative(String absolutePath) {
return path.relative(absolutePath, from: workingDir.path);
final bullet = log.ansi.bullet;
var modifiedFilePaths = detailsMap.keys.toList();
.sort((first, second) => relative(first).compareTo(relative(second)));
for (var filePath in modifiedFilePaths) {
var detail = detailsMap[filePath]!;
final fixes = detail.fixes.toList();
fixes.sort((a, b) => a.code.compareTo(b.code));
for (var fix in fixes) {
log.stdout(' ${fix.code} $bullet '
'${fix.occurrences} ${_pluralFix(fix.occurrences)}');
/// Report that the [actualCode] produced by applying fixes to the content of
/// [filePath] did not match the [expectedCode].
void _reportFailure(String filePath, String actualCode, String expectedCode,
{required bool actualIsOriginal}) {
log.stdout('Failed when applying fixes to $filePath');
if (actualIsOriginal) {
log.stdout('Actual (original code was unchanged):');
} else {
/// Write the modified contents of files in the [fileContentCache] to disk.
void _writeFiles() {
for (var entry in fileContentCache.entries) {
var file = io.File(entry.key);
/// The result of running tests in a given directory.
class _TestResult {
/// The number of tests that passed.
int passCount = 0;
/// The number of tests that failed.
int failCount = 0;
/// Initialize a newly created result object.