blob: 68ef712a0c717bb414848e3afe6636a4ddf72f62 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Support for interacting with an analysis server that is running in a
/// separate process.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert' hide JsonDecoder;
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'logger.dart';
/// Return the current time expressed as milliseconds since the epoch.
int get currentTime =>;
/// ???
class ErrorMap {
/// A table mapping file paths to the errors associated with that file.
final Map<String, List<AnalysisError>> pathMap =
HashMap<String, List<AnalysisError>>();
/// Initialize a newly created error map.
/// Initialize a newly created error map to contain the same mapping as the
/// given [errorMap].
ErrorMap.from(ErrorMap errorMap) {
void operator []=(String filePath, List<AnalysisError> errors) {
pathMap[filePath] = errors;
/// Data that has been collected about a request sent to the server.
class RequestData {
/// The unique id of the request.
final String id;
/// The method that was requested.
final String method;
/// The request parameters, or `null` if there are no parameters.
final Map<String, dynamic>? params;
/// The time at which the request was sent.
final int requestTime;
/// The time at which the response was received, or `null` if no response has
/// been received.
int? responseTime;
/// The response that was received.
Response? _response;
/// The completer that will be completed when a response is received.
Completer<Response>? _responseCompleter;
/// Initialize a newly created set of request data.
RequestData(, this.method, this.params, this.requestTime);
/// Return the number of milliseconds that elapsed between the request and the
/// response. This getter assumes that the response was received.
int get elapsedTime => responseTime! - requestTime;
/// Return a future that will complete when a response is received.
Future<Response> get respondedTo {
if (_response != null) {
return Future.value(_response);
var completer = _responseCompleter ??= Completer<Response>();
return completer.future;
/// Record that the given [response] was received.
void recordResponse(Response response) {
if (_response != null) {
'Received a second response to a $method request (id = $id)');
responseTime = currentTime;
_response = response;
var completer = _responseCompleter;
if (completer != null) {
_responseCompleter = null;
/// A utility for starting and communicating with an analysis server that is
/// running in a separate process.
class Server {
/// The label used for communications from the client.
static const String fromClient = 'client';
/// The label used for normal communications from the server.
static const String fromServer = 'server';
/// The label used for output written by the server on [fromStderr].
static const String fromStderr = 'stderr';
/// The logger to which the communications log should be written, or `null` if
/// the log should not be written.
final Logger? logger;
/// The process in which the server is running, or `null` if the server hasn't
/// been started yet.
Process? _process;
/// Number that should be used to compute the 'id' to send in the next command
/// sent to the server.
int _nextId = 0;
/// The analysis roots that are included.
List<String> _analysisRootIncludes = <String>[];
/// A list containing the paths of files for which an overlay has been
/// created.
List<String> filesWithOverlays = <String>[];
/// The files that the server reported as being analyzed.
List<String> _analyzedFiles = <String>[];
/// A mapping from the absolute paths of files to the most recent set of
/// errors received for that file.
final ErrorMap _errorMap = ErrorMap();
/// The completer that will be completed the next time a 'server.status'
/// notification is received from the server with 'analyzing' set to false.
Completer<void>? _analysisFinishedCompleter;
/// The completer that will be completed the next time a 'server.connected'
/// notification is received from the server.
Completer<void>? _serverConnectedCompleter;
/// A table mapping the ids of requests that have been sent to the server to
/// data about those requests.
final Map<String, RequestData> _requestDataMap = <String, RequestData>{};
/// A table mapping the number of times a request whose 'event' is equal to
/// the key was sent to the server.
final Map<String, int> _notificationCountMap = <String, int>{};
/// Initialize a new analysis server. The analysis server is not running and
/// must be started using [start].
/// If a [logger] is provided, the communications between the client (this
/// test) and the server will be written to it.
/// Return a future that will complete when a 'server.status' notification is
/// received from the server with 'analyzing' set to false.
/// The future will only be completed by 'server.status' notifications that
/// are received after this function call, so it is safe to use this getter
/// multiple times in one test; each time it is used it will wait afresh for
/// analysis to finish.
Future get analysisFinished {
var completer = _analysisFinishedCompleter ??= Completer<void>();
return completer.future;
/// Return a list of the paths of files that are currently being analyzed.
List<String> get analyzedDartFiles {
bool isAnalyzed(String filePath) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) This should use the path package to determine
// inclusion, and needs to take exclusions into account.
for (var includedRoot in _analysisRootIncludes) {
if (filePath.startsWith(includedRoot)) {
return true;
return false;
var analyzedFiles = <String>[];
for (var filePath in _analyzedFiles) {
if (filePath.endsWith('.dart') && isAnalyzed(filePath)) {
return analyzedFiles;
/// Return a table mapping the absolute paths of files to the most recent set
/// of errors received for that file. The content of the map will not change
/// when new sets of errors are received.
ErrorMap get errorMap => ErrorMap.from(_errorMap);
/// Compute a mapping from each of the file paths in the given list of
/// [filePaths] to the list of errors in the file at that path.
Future<ErrorMap> computeErrorMap(List<String> filePaths) async {
var errorMap = ErrorMap();
var futures = <Future>[];
for (var filePath in filePaths) {
var requestData = sendAnalysisGetErrors(filePath);
futures.add(requestData.respondedTo.then((Response response) {
if (response.result != null) {
var result = AnalysisGetErrorsResult.fromResponse(response);
errorMap[filePath] = result.errors;
await Future.wait(futures);
return errorMap;
/// Print information about the communications with the server.
void printStatistics() {
void writeSpaces(int count) {
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
stdout.write(' ');
// Print information about the requests that were sent.
stdout.writeln('Request Counts');
if (_requestDataMap.isEmpty) {
stdout.writeln(' none');
} else {
var requestsByMethod = <String, List<RequestData>>{};
_requestDataMap.values.forEach((RequestData requestData) {
.putIfAbsent(requestData.method, () => <RequestData>[])
var keys = requestsByMethod.keys.toList();
var maxCount = requestsByMethod.values
.fold(0, (int count, List<RequestData> list) => count + list.length);
var countWidth = maxCount.toString().length;
for (var key in keys) {
var requests = requestsByMethod[key]!;
var noResponseCount = 0;
var responseCount = 0;
var minTime = -1;
var maxTime = -1;
var totalTime = 0;
requests.forEach((RequestData data) {
if (data.responseTime == null) {
} else {
var time = data.elapsedTime;
minTime = minTime < 0 ? time : math.min(minTime, time);
maxTime = math.max(maxTime, time);
totalTime += time;
var count = requests.length.toString();
writeSpaces(countWidth - count.length);
stdout.write(' ');
stdout.write(' - ');
if (noResponseCount > 0) {
stdout.write(', ');
stdout.write(' with no response');
if (maxTime >= 0) {
stdout.write(' (');
stdout.write(', ');
stdout.write(totalTime / responseCount);
stdout.write(', ');
// Print information about the notifications that were received.
stdout.writeln('Notification Counts');
if (_notificationCountMap.isEmpty) {
stdout.writeln(' none');
} else {
var keys = _notificationCountMap.keys.toList();
var maxCount = _notificationCountMap.values.fold(0, math.max);
var countWidth = maxCount.toString().length;
for (var key in keys) {
var count = _notificationCountMap[key].toString();
writeSpaces(countWidth - count.length);
stdout.write(' ');
stdout.write(' - ');
/// Remove any existing overlays.
void removeAllOverlays() {
var files = <String, Object>{};
for (var path in filesWithOverlays) {
files[path] = RemoveContentOverlay();
RequestData sendAnalysisGetErrors(String file) {
var params = AnalysisGetErrorsParams(file).toJson();
return _send('analysis.getErrors', params);
RequestData sendAnalysisGetHover(String file, int offset) {
var params = AnalysisGetHoverParams(file, offset).toJson();
return _send('analysis.getHover', params);
RequestData sendAnalysisGetLibraryDependencies() {
return _send('analysis.getLibraryDependencies', null);
RequestData sendAnalysisGetNavigation(String file, int offset, int length) {
var params = AnalysisGetNavigationParams(file, offset, length).toJson();
return _send('analysis.getNavigation', params);
RequestData sendAnalysisGetReachableSources(String file) {
var params = AnalysisGetReachableSourcesParams(file).toJson();
return _send('analysis.getReachableSources', params);
void sendAnalysisReanalyze() {
var params = AnalysisReanalyzeParams().toJson();
_send('analysis.reanalyze', params);
void sendAnalysisSetAnalysisRoots(
List<String> included, List<String> excluded,
{Map<String, String>? packageRoots}) {
_analysisRootIncludes = included;
var params = AnalysisSetAnalysisRootsParams(included, excluded,
packageRoots: packageRoots)
_send('analysis.setAnalysisRoots', params);
void sendAnalysisSetGeneralSubscriptions(
List<GeneralAnalysisService> subscriptions) {
var params = AnalysisSetGeneralSubscriptionsParams(subscriptions).toJson();
_send('analysis.setGeneralSubscriptions', params);
void sendAnalysisSetPriorityFiles(List<String> files) {
var params = AnalysisSetPriorityFilesParams(files).toJson();
_send('analysis.setPriorityFiles', params);
void sendAnalysisSetSubscriptions(
Map<AnalysisService, List<String>> subscriptions) {
var params = AnalysisSetSubscriptionsParams(subscriptions).toJson();
_send('analysis.setSubscriptions', params);
void sendAnalysisUpdateContent(Map<String, Object> files) {
files.forEach((path, overlay) {
if (overlay is AddContentOverlay) {
} else if (overlay is RemoveContentOverlay) {
var params = AnalysisUpdateContentParams(files).toJson();
_send('analysis.updateContent', params);
void sendAnalysisUpdateOptions(AnalysisOptions options) {
var params = AnalysisUpdateOptionsParams(options).toJson();
_send('analysis.updateOptions', params);
void sendCompletionGetSuggestions(String file, int offset) {
var params = CompletionGetSuggestionsParams(file, offset).toJson();
_send('completion.getSuggestions', params);
RequestData sendDiagnosticGetDiagnostics() {
return _send('diagnostic.getDiagnostics', null);
RequestData sendEditFormat(
String file, int selectionOffset, int selectionLength,
{int? lineLength}) {
var params = EditFormatParams(file, selectionOffset, selectionLength,
lineLength: lineLength)
return _send('edit.format', params);
RequestData sendEditGetAssists(String file, int offset, int length) {
var params = EditGetAssistsParams(file, offset, length).toJson();
return _send('edit.getAssists', params);
RequestData sendEditGetAvailableRefactorings(
String file, int offset, int length) {
var params =
EditGetAvailableRefactoringsParams(file, offset, length).toJson();
return _send('edit.getAvailableRefactorings', params);
RequestData sendEditGetFixes(String file, int offset) {
var params = EditGetFixesParams(file, offset).toJson();
return _send('edit.getFixes', params);
RequestData sendEditGetRefactoring(RefactoringKind kind, String file,
int offset, int length, bool validateOnly,
{RefactoringOptions? options}) {
var params = EditGetRefactoringParams(
kind, file, offset, length, validateOnly,
options: options)
return _send('edit.getRefactoring', params);
RequestData sendEditOrganizeDirectives(String file) {
var params = EditOrganizeDirectivesParams(file).toJson();
return _send('edit.organizeDirectives', params);
RequestData sendEditSortMembers(String file) {
var params = EditSortMembersParams(file).toJson();
return _send('edit.sortMembers', params);
RequestData sendExecutionCreateContext(String contextRoot) {
var params = ExecutionCreateContextParams(contextRoot).toJson();
return _send('execution.createContext', params);
RequestData sendExecutionDeleteContext(String id) {
var params = ExecutionDeleteContextParams(id).toJson();
return _send('execution.deleteContext', params);
RequestData sendExecutionMapUri(String id, {String? file, String? uri}) {
var params = ExecutionMapUriParams(id, file: file, uri: uri).toJson();
return _send('execution.mapUri', params);
RequestData sendExecutionSetSubscriptions(
List<ExecutionService> subscriptions) {
var params = ExecutionSetSubscriptionsParams(subscriptions).toJson();
return _send('execution.setSubscriptions', params);
void sendSearchFindElementReferences(
String file, int offset, bool includePotential) {
var params =
SearchFindElementReferencesParams(file, offset, includePotential)
_send('search.findElementReferences', params);
void sendSearchFindMemberDeclarations(String name) {
var params = SearchFindMemberDeclarationsParams(name).toJson();
_send('search.findMemberDeclarations', params);
void sendSearchFindMemberReferences(String name) {
var params = SearchFindMemberReferencesParams(name).toJson();
_send('search.findMemberReferences', params);
void sendSearchFindTopLevelDeclarations(String pattern) {
var params = SearchFindTopLevelDeclarationsParams(pattern).toJson();
_send('search.findTopLevelDeclarations', params);
void sendSearchGetTypeHierarchy(String file, int offset, {bool? superOnly}) {
var params =
SearchGetTypeHierarchyParams(file, offset, superOnly: superOnly)
_send('search.getTypeHierarchy', params);
RequestData sendServerGetVersion() {
return _send('server.getVersion', null);
void sendServerSetSubscriptions(List<ServerService> subscriptions) {
var params = ServerSetSubscriptionsParams(subscriptions).toJson();
_send('server.setSubscriptions', params);
void sendServerShutdown() {
_send('server.shutdown', null);
/// Start the server and listen for communications from it.
/// If [checked] is `true`, the server's VM will be running in checked mode.
/// If [diagnosticPort] is not `null`, the server will serve status pages to
/// the specified port.
/// If [profileServer] is `true`, the server will be started with "--observe"
/// and "--pause-isolates-on-exit", allowing the observatory to be used.
/// If [useAnalysisHighlight2] is `true`, the server will use the new
/// highlight APIs.
Future<void> start(
{bool checked = true,
int? diagnosticPort,
bool profileServer = false,
String? sdkPath,
int? servicesPort,
bool useAnalysisHighlight2 = false}) async {
if (_process != null) {
throw Exception('Process already started');
var dartBinary = Platform.executable;
var rootDir =
_findRoot(Platform.script.toFilePath(windows: Platform.isWindows));
var serverPath = path.normalize(path.join(rootDir, 'bin', 'server.dart'));
var arguments = <String>[];
// Add VM arguments.
if (profileServer) {
if (servicesPort == null) {
} else {
} else if (servicesPort != null) {
if (Platform.packageConfig != null) {
if (checked) {
// Add the server executable.
// Add server arguments.
if (diagnosticPort != null) {
if (sdkPath != null) {
if (useAnalysisHighlight2) {
// stdout.writeln('Launching $serverPath');
// stdout.writeln('$dartBinary ${arguments.join(' ')}');
_process = await Process.start(dartBinary, arguments);
_process!.exitCode.then((int code) {
if (code != 0) {
throw StateError('Server terminated with exit code $code');
var completer = Completer<void>();
_serverConnectedCompleter = completer;
return completer.future;
/// Find the root directory of the analysis_server package by proceeding
/// upward to the 'test' dir, and then going up one more directory.
String _findRoot(String pathname) {
while (!['benchmark', 'test'].contains(path.basename(pathname))) {
var parent = path.dirname(pathname);
if (parent.length >= pathname.length) {
throw Exception("Can't find root directory");
pathname = parent;
return path.dirname(pathname);
/// Handle a [notification] received from the server.
void _handleNotification(Notification notification) {
switch (notification.event) {
case 'server.connected':
// new ServerConnectedParams.fromNotification(notification);
case 'server.error':
// new ServerErrorParams.fromNotification(notification);
throw StateError('Server error: ${notification.toJson()}');
case 'server.status':
if (_analysisFinishedCompleter != null) {
var params = ServerStatusParams.fromNotification(notification);
var analysis = params.analysis;
if (analysis != null && !analysis.isAnalyzing) {
case 'analysis.analyzedFiles':
var params = AnalysisAnalyzedFilesParams.fromNotification(notification);
_analyzedFiles = params.directories;
case 'analysis.errors':
var params = AnalysisErrorsParams.fromNotification(notification);
_errorMap.pathMap[params.file] = params.errors;
case 'analysis.flushResults':
// new AnalysisFlushResultsParams.fromNotification(notification);
case 'analysis.folding':
// new AnalysisFoldingParams.fromNotification(notification);
case 'analysis.highlights':
// new AnalysisHighlightsParams.fromNotification(notification);
case 'analysis.implemented':
// new AnalysisImplementedParams.fromNotification(notification);
case 'analysis.invalidate':
// new AnalysisInvalidateParams.fromNotification(notification);
case 'analysis.navigation':
// new AnalysisNavigationParams.fromNotification(notification);
case 'analysis.occurrences':
// new AnalysisOccurrencesParams.fromNotification(notification);
case 'analysis.outline':
// new AnalysisOutlineParams.fromNotification(notification);
case 'analysis.overrides':
// new AnalysisOverridesParams.fromNotification(notification);
case 'completion.results':
// new CompletionResultsParams.fromNotification(notification);
case 'search.results':
// new SearchResultsParams.fromNotification(notification);
case 'execution.launchData':
// new ExecutionLaunchDataParams.fromNotification(notification);
throw StateError('Unhandled notification: ${notification.toJson()}');
/// Handle a [response] received from the server.
void _handleResponse(Response response) {
var id =;
var requestData = _requestDataMap[id]!;
// switch (requestData.method) {
// case "analysis.getErrors":
// break;
// case "analysis.getHover":
// break;
// case "analysis.getLibraryDependencies":
// break;
// case "analysis.getNavigation":
// break;
// case "analysis.getReachableSources":
// break;
// case "analysis.reanalyze":
// break;
// case "analysis.setAnalysisRoots":
// break;
// case "analysis.setGeneralSubscriptions":
// break;
// case "analysis.setPriorityFiles":
// break;
// case "analysis.setSubscriptions":
// break;
// case 'analysis.updateContent':
// break;
// case "analysis.updateOptions":
// break;
// case "completion.getSuggestions":
// break;
// case "diagnostic.getDiagnostics":
// break;
// case "edit.format":
// break;
// case "edit.getAssists":
// break;
// case "edit.getAvailableRefactorings":
// break;
// case "edit.getFixes":
// break;
// case "edit.getRefactoring":
// break;
// case "edit.organizeDirectives":
// break;
// case "edit.sortMembers":
// break;
// case "execution.createContext":
// break;
// case "execution.deleteContext":
// break;
// case "execution.mapUri":
// break;
// case "execution.setSubscriptions":
// break;
// case "search.findElementReferences":
// break;
// case "search.findMemberDeclarations":
// break;
// case "search.findMemberReferences":
// break;
// case "search.findTopLevelDeclarations":
// break;
// case "search.getTypeHierarchy":
// break;
// case "server.getVersion":
// break;
// case "server.setSubscriptions":
// break;
// case "server.shutdown":
// break;
// default:
// throw new StateError('Unhandled response: ${response.toJson()}');
// }
/// Handle a [line] of input read from stderr.
void _handleStdErr(String line) {
var trimmedLine = line.trim();
logger?.log(fromStderr, '$trimmedLine');
throw StateError('Message received on stderr: "$trimmedLine"');
/// Handle a [line] of input read from stdout.
void _handleStdOut(String line) {
/// Cast the given [value] to a Map, or throw an [ArgumentError] if the
/// value cannot be cast.
Map<String, Object?> asMap(Object value) {
if (value is Map<String, Object?>) {
return value;
throw ArgumentError('Expected a Map, found a ${value.runtimeType}');
var trimmedLine = line.trim();
if (trimmedLine.isEmpty ||
trimmedLine.startsWith('The Dart VM service is listening on ')) {
logger?.log(fromServer, '$trimmedLine');
var message = asMap(json.decoder.convert(trimmedLine) as Object);
if (message.containsKey('id')) {
// The message is a response.
var response = Response.fromJson(message)!;
} else {
// The message is a notification.
var notification = Notification.fromJson(message);
var event = notification.event;
_notificationCountMap[event] = (_notificationCountMap[event] ?? 0) + 1;
/// Start listening to output from the server.
void _listenToOutput() {
/// Install the given [handler] to listen to transformed output from the
/// given [stream].
void installHandler(
Stream<List<int>> stream, void Function(String) handler) {
installHandler(_process!.stdout, _handleStdOut);
installHandler(_process!.stderr, _handleStdErr);
/// Send a command to the server. An 'id' will be automatically assigned.
RequestData _send(String method, Map<String, dynamic>? params) {
var id = '${_nextId++}';
var requestData = RequestData(id, method, params, currentTime);
_requestDataMap[id] = requestData;
var command = <String, dynamic>{'id': id, 'method': method};
if (params != null) {
command['params'] = params;
var line = json.encode(command);
logger?.log(fromClient, '$line');
return requestData;