blob: 9d8b237ef4bea4a38cab51ecaf3c21e29984d3ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Patch file for the dart:async library.
import 'dart:_isolate_helper' show IsolateNatives, TimerImpl;
import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS, DART_CLOSURE_TO_JS;
patch class Timer {
patch factory Timer(Duration duration, void callback()) {
int milliseconds = duration.inMilliseconds;
if (milliseconds < 0) milliseconds = 0;
return new TimerImpl(milliseconds, callback);
patch factory Timer.periodic(Duration duration, void callback(Timer timer)) {
int milliseconds = duration.inMilliseconds;
if (milliseconds < 0) milliseconds = 0;
return new TimerImpl.periodic(milliseconds, callback);
patch class _AsyncRun {
patch static void _enqueueImmediate(void callback()) {
// TODO(9002): don't use the Timer to enqueue the immediate callback.;
patch class DeferredLibrary {
patch Future<bool> load() {
return _load(libraryName, uri);
// TODO(ahe): This should not only apply to this isolate.
final _loadedLibraries = <String, Completer<bool>>{};
Future<bool> _load(String libraryName, String uri) {
// TODO(ahe): Validate libraryName. Kasper points out that you want
// to be able to experiment with the effect of toggling @DeferLoad,
// so perhaps we should silently ignore "bad" library names.
Completer completer = new Completer<bool>();
Future<bool> future = _loadedLibraries[libraryName];
if (future != null) {
future.then((_) { completer.complete(false); });
return completer.future;
_loadedLibraries[libraryName] = completer.future;
if (uri == null) {
uri = IsolateNatives.thisScript;
int index = uri.lastIndexOf('/');
uri = '${uri.substring(0, index + 1)}part.js';
if (_hasDocument) {
// Inject a script tag.
var script = JS('', 'document.createElement("script")');
JS('', '#.type = "text/javascript"', script);
JS('', '#.async = "async"', script);
JS('', '#.src = #', script, uri);
var onLoad = JS('', '#.bind(null, #)',
DART_CLOSURE_TO_JS(_onDeferredLibraryLoad), completer);
JS('', '#.addEventListener("load", #, false)', script, onLoad);
JS('', 'document.body.appendChild(#)', script);
} else if (JS('String', 'typeof load') == 'function') { {
JS('void', 'load(#)', uri);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedError('load not supported');
return completer.future;
/// Used to implement deferred loading. Used as callback on "load"
/// event above in [load].
_onDeferredLibraryLoad(Completer<bool> completer, event) {
bool get _hasDocument => JS('String', 'typeof document') == 'object';