blob: a03c7f1a2718f2207e73ebc7b62e9f7dc0ba29e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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* This library is used to convert data from a map to a YAML string.
library dart2yaml;
* Gets a String representing the input Map in YAML format.
String getYamlString(Map documentData) {
StringBuffer yaml = new StringBuffer();
_addLevel(yaml, documentData, 0);
return yaml.toString();
* This recursive function adds to its input StringBuffer and builds
* a YAML string from the input Map.
// TODO(tmandel): Fix quotes with String objects.
void _addLevel(StringBuffer yaml, Map documentData, int level) {
documentData.keys.forEach( (key) {
_calcSpaces(level, yaml);
yaml.write("\"$key\" : ");
if (documentData[key] is Map) {
_addLevel(yaml, documentData[key], level + 1);
} else if (documentData[key] is List) {
var elements = documentData[key];
elements.forEach( (element) {
if (element is Map) {
_addLevel(yaml, element, level + 1);
} else {
_calcSpaces(level + 1, yaml);
yaml.write("- ${_processElement(element)}");
} else {
* Returns an escaped String form of the inputted element.
String _processElement(var element) {
return "\"${element.toString().replaceAll("\"", "\\\"")}\"\n";
* Based on the depth in the file, this function returns the correct spacing
* for an element in the YAML output.
void _calcSpaces(int spaceLevel, StringBuffer yaml) {
for (int i = 0; i < spaceLevel; i++) {
yaml.write(" ");