blob: d1d4f5f26449b2764ab6da0959c3310e409d9098 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library mirrors_util;
import 'dart:collection' show Queue, IterableBase;
import 'source_mirrors.dart';
// Utility functions for using the Mirror API
String nameOf(DeclarationMirror mirror) =>
String qualifiedNameOf(DeclarationMirror mirror) =>
// TODO(johnniwinther): Handle private names.
Symbol symbolOf(String name, [LibraryMirror library]) => new Symbol(name);
* Return the display name for [mirror].
* The display name is the normal representation of the entity name. In most
* cases the display name is the simple name, but for a setter 'foo=' the
* display name is simply 'foo' and for the unary minus operator the display
* name is 'operator -'. For 'dart:' libraries the display name is the URI and
* not the library name, for instance 'dart:core' instead of 'dart.core'.
* The display name is not unique.
String displayName(DeclarationMirror mirror) {
if (mirror is LibraryMirror) {
LibraryMirror library = mirror;
if (library.uri.scheme == 'dart') {
return library.uri.toString();
} else if (mirror is MethodMirror) {
String simpleName = nameOf(mirror);
if (mirror.isSetter) {
// Remove trailing '='.
return simpleName.substring(0, simpleName.length-1);
} else if (mirror.isOperator) {
return 'operator ${operatorName(mirror)}';
} else if (mirror.isConstructor) {
String className = displayName(mirror.owner);
if (simpleName == '') {
return className;
} else {
return '$className.$simpleName';
return MirrorSystem.getName(mirror.simpleName);
* Returns the operator name if [methodMirror] is an operator method,
* for instance [:'<':] for [:operator <:] and [:'-':] for the unary minus
* operator. Return [:null:] if [methodMirror] is not an operator method.
String operatorName(MethodMirror methodMirror) {
if (methodMirror.isOperator) {
if (methodMirror.simpleName == const Symbol('unary-')) {
return '-';
} else {
return nameOf(methodMirror);
return null;
* Returns an iterable over the type declarations directly inheriting from
* the declaration of [type] within [mirrors].
Iterable<ClassMirror> computeSubdeclarations(MirrorSystem mirrors,
ClassMirror type) {
type = type.originalDeclaration;
var subtypes = <ClassMirror>[];
mirrors.libraries.forEach((_, library) {
.where((mirror) => mirror is ClassMirror)
.forEach((ClassMirror otherType) {
var superClass = otherType.superclass;
if (superClass != null) {
superClass = superClass.originalDeclaration;
if (superClass == type) {
final superInterfaces = otherType.superinterfaces;
for (ClassMirror superInterface in superInterfaces) {
superInterface = superInterface.originalDeclaration;
if (superInterface == type) {
return subtypes;
class HierarchyIterable extends IterableBase<ClassMirror> {
final bool includeType;
final ClassMirror type;
HierarchyIterable(this.type, {bool includeType})
: this.includeType = includeType;
Iterator<ClassMirror> get iterator =>
new HierarchyIterator(type, includeType: includeType);
* [HierarchyIterator] iterates through the class hierarchy of the provided
* type.
* First the superclass relation is traversed, skipping [Object], next the
* superinterface relation and finally is [Object] visited. The supertypes are
* visited in breadth first order and a superinterface is visited more than once
* if implemented through multiple supertypes.
class HierarchyIterator implements Iterator<ClassMirror> {
final Queue<ClassMirror> queue = new Queue<ClassMirror>();
ClassMirror object;
ClassMirror _current;
HierarchyIterator(ClassMirror type, {bool includeType}) {
if (includeType) {
} else {
ClassMirror push(ClassMirror type) {
if (type.superclass != null) {
if (isObject(type.superclass)) {
object = type.superclass;
} else {
return type;
ClassMirror get current => _current;
bool moveNext() {
_current = null;
if (queue.isEmpty) {
if (object == null) return false;
_current = object;
object = null;
return true;
} else {
_current = push(queue.removeFirst());
return true;
LibraryMirror getLibrary(DeclarationMirror declaration) {
while (declaration != null && declaration is! LibraryMirror) {
declaration = declaration.owner;
return declaration;
Iterable<DeclarationMirror> membersOf(
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> declarations) {
return declarations.values.where(
(mirror) => mirror is MethodMirror || mirror is VariableMirror);
Iterable<TypeMirror> classesOf(
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> declarations) {
return new _TypeOfIterable<ClassMirror>(declarations.values);
Iterable<TypeMirror> typesOf(
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> declarations) {
return new _TypeOfIterable<TypeMirror>(declarations.values);
Iterable<MethodMirror> methodsOf(
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> declarations) {
return anyMethodOf(declarations).where((mirror) => mirror.isRegularMethod);
Iterable<MethodMirror> constructorsOf(
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> declarations) {
return anyMethodOf(declarations).where((mirror) => mirror.isConstructor);
Iterable<MethodMirror> settersOf(
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> declarations) {
return anyMethodOf(declarations).where((mirror) => mirror.isSetter);
Iterable<MethodMirror> gettersOf(
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> declarations) {
return anyMethodOf(declarations).where((mirror) => mirror.isGetter);
Iterable<MethodMirror> anyMethodOf(
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> declarations) {
return new _TypeOfIterable<MethodMirror>(declarations.values);
Iterable<VariableMirror> variablesOf(
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> declarations) {
return new _TypeOfIterable<VariableMirror>(declarations.values);
class _TypeOfIterable<T> extends IterableBase<T> {
final Iterable _source;
Iterator<T> get iterator => new _TypeOfIterator<T>(_source.iterator);
class _TypeOfIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {
final Iterator _source;
T get current => _source.current;
bool moveNext() {
while(_source.moveNext()) {
if (_source.current is T) {
return true;
return false;
bool isObject(TypeMirror mirror) =>
mirror is ClassMirror && mirror.superclass == null;
/// Returns `true` if [cls] is declared in a private dart library.
bool isFromPrivateDartLibrary(ClassMirror cls) {
if (isMixinApplication(cls)) cls = cls.mixin;
var uri = getLibrary(cls).uri;
return uri.scheme == 'dart' && uri.path.startsWith('_');
/// Returns `true` if [mirror] reflects a mixin application.
bool isMixinApplication(Mirror mirror) {
return mirror is ClassMirror && mirror.mixin != mirror;
* Returns the superclass of [cls] skipping unnamed mixin applications.
* For instance, for all of the following definitions this method returns [:B:].
* class A extends B {}
* class A extends B with C1, C2 {}
* class A extends B implements D1, D2 {}
* class A extends B with C1, C2 implements D1, D2 {}
* class A = B with C1, C2;
* abstract class A = B with C1, C2 implements D1, D2;
ClassSourceMirror getSuperclass(ClassSourceMirror cls) {
ClassSourceMirror superclass = cls.superclass;
while (isMixinApplication(superclass) && superclass.isNameSynthetic) {
superclass = superclass.superclass;
return superclass;
* Returns the mixins directly applied to [cls].
* For instance, for all of the following definitions this method returns
* [:C1, C2:].
* class A extends B with C1, C2 {}
* class A extends B with C1, C2 implements D1, D2 {}
* class A = B with C1, C2;
* abstract class A = B with C1, C2 implements D1, D2;
Iterable<ClassSourceMirror> getAppliedMixins(ClassSourceMirror cls) {
List<ClassSourceMirror> mixins = <ClassSourceMirror>[];
ClassSourceMirror superclass = cls.superclass;
while (isMixinApplication(superclass) && superclass.isNameSynthetic) {
superclass = superclass.superclass;
if (mixins.length > 1) {
mixins = new List<ClassSourceMirror>.from(mixins.reversed);
if (isMixinApplication(cls)) {
return mixins;
* Returns the superinterfaces directly and explicitly implemented by [cls].
* For instance, for all of the following definitions this method returns
* [:D1, D2:].
* class A extends B implements D1, D2 {}
* class A extends B with C1, C2 implements D1, D2 {}
* abstract class A = B with C1, C2 implements D1, D2;
Iterable<ClassMirror> getExplicitInterfaces(ClassMirror cls) {
if (isMixinApplication(cls)) {
bool first = true;
ClassMirror mixin = cls.mixin;
bool filter(ClassMirror superinterface) {
if (first && superinterface == mixin) {
first = false;
return false;
return true;
return cls.superinterfaces.where(filter);
return cls.superinterfaces;
final RegExp _singleLineCommentStart = new RegExp(r'^///? ?(.*)');
final RegExp _multiLineCommentStartEnd =
new RegExp(r'^/\*\*? ?([\s\S]*)\*/$', multiLine: true);
final RegExp _multiLineCommentLineStart = new RegExp(r'^[ \t]*\* ?(.*)');
* Pulls the raw text out of a comment (i.e. removes the comment
* characters).
String stripComment(String comment) {
Match match = _singleLineCommentStart.firstMatch(comment);
if (match != null) {
return match[1];
match = _multiLineCommentStartEnd.firstMatch(comment);
if (match != null) {
comment = match[1];
var sb = new StringBuffer();
List<String> lines = comment.split('\n');
for (int index = 0 ; index < lines.length ; index++) {
String line = lines[index];
if (index == 0) {
sb.write(line); // Add the first line unprocessed.
match = _multiLineCommentLineStart.firstMatch(line);
if (match != null) {
} else if (index < lines.length-1 || !line.trim().isEmpty) {
// Do not add the last line if it only contains white space.
// This interprets cases like
// /*
// * Foo
// */
// as "\nFoo\n" and not as "\nFoo\n ".
return sb.toString();
throw new ArgumentError('Invalid comment $comment');
* Looks up [name] in the scope [declaration].
* If [name] is of the form 'a.b.c', 'a' is looked up in the scope of
* [declaration] and if unresolved 'a.b' is looked in the scope of
* [declaration]. Each identifier of the remaining suffix, 'c' or 'b.c', is
* then looked up in the local scope of the previous result.
* For instance, assumming that [:Iterable:] is imported into the scope of
* [declaration] via the prefix 'col', 'col.Iterable.E' finds the type
* variable of [:Iterable:] and 'col.Iterable.contains.element' finds the
* [:element:] parameter of the [:contains:] method on [:Iterable:].
DeclarationMirror lookupQualifiedInScope(DeclarationSourceMirror declaration,
String name) {
// TODO(11653): Support lookup of constructors using the [:new Foo:]
// syntax.
int offset = 1;
List<String> parts = name.split('.');
DeclarationMirror result = declaration.lookupInScope(parts[0]);
if (result == null && parts.length > 1) {
// Try lookup of ``.
result = declaration.lookupInScope('${parts[0]}.${parts[1]}');
offset = 2;
if (result == null) return null;
LibraryMirror library = getLibrary(result);
while (result != null && offset < parts.length) {
result = _lookupLocal(result, symbolOf(parts[offset++], library));
return result;
DeclarationMirror _lookupLocal(Mirror mirror, Symbol id) {
DeclarationMirror result;
if (mirror is LibraryMirror) {
// Try member lookup.
result = mirror.declarations[id];
} else if (mirror is ClassMirror) {
// Try member lookup.
result = mirror.declarations[id];
if (result != null) return result;
// Try type variables.
result = mirror.typeVariables.firstWhere(
(TypeVariableMirror v) => v.simpleName == id, orElse: () => null);
} else if (mirror is MethodMirror) {
result = mirror.parameters.firstWhere(
(ParameterMirror p) => p.simpleName == id, orElse: () => null);
return result;