blob: e74c80c6ce83f275e411c629961ebfb55de5d073 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "dart:async";
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
// Test of Error.throwWithStackTrace.
main() {
// Ensure `systemStack` is different from any other stack tracek.
var systemStack = (() => StackTrace.current)();
// Test that an error can be thrown with a system stack trace..
var error = ArgumentError("e1");
try {
Error.throwWithStackTrace(error, systemStack);"Didn't throw: e1.1");
} on Error catch (e, s) {
Expect.identical(error, e, "e1.2");
// No not expect *identical* stack trace objects.
Expect.equals("$systemStack", "$s", "e1.3");
Expect.isNotNull(error.stackTrace, "e1.4");
Expect.equals("$systemStack", "${error.stackTrace}", "e1.5");
// Test that an error can be thrown with a user-created stack trace..
var stringStack = StackTrace.fromString("Nonce");
var error = ArgumentError("e2");
try {
Error.throwWithStackTrace(error, stringStack);"Didn't throw: e2.1");
} on Error catch (e, s) {
Expect.identical(error, e, "e2.2");
// No not expect *identical* stack trace objects.
Expect.equals("$stringStack", "$s", "e2.3");
Expect.isNotNull(error.stackTrace, "e2.4");
Expect.equals("$stringStack", "${error.stackTrace}", "e2.5");
// Test that a non-error object can be thrown too.
var exception = FormatException("e3");
try {
Error.throwWithStackTrace(exception, systemStack);"Didn't throw: e3.1");
} on Exception catch (e, s) {
Expect.identical(exception, e, "e3.2");
// No not expect *identical* stack trace objects.
Expect.equals("$systemStack", "$s", "e3.3");
// Test that an [Error] not extending {Error} can be thrown,
// but doesn't (and cannot) set the stack trace.
var error = CustomError("e4");
try {
Error.throwWithStackTrace(error, systemStack);"Didn't throw: e4.1");
} on Error catch (e, s) {
Expect.identical(error, e, "e4.2");
// No not expect *identical* stack trace objects.
Expect.equals("$systemStack", "$s", "e4.3");
Expect.isNull(error.stackTrace, "e4.4");
// Test that an already set stack trace isn't changed.
var error = ArgumentError("e5");
StackTrace? originalStack;
try {
throw error;
} on Error catch (e) {
originalStack = e.stackTrace;
Expect.notIdentical(originalStack, systemStack);
Expect.notEquals("$originalStack", "");
try {
Error.throwWithStackTrace(error, systemStack);"Didn't throw: e5.1");
} on Error catch (e, s) {
Expect.identical(error, e, "e5.2");
// No not expect *identical* stack trace objects.
Expect.equals("$systemStack", "$s", "e5.3");
// Expect the already-set stack trace to stay.
Expect.isNotNull(error.stackTrace, "e5.4");
Expect.equals("$originalStack", "${error.stackTrace}", "e5.5");
// Works with OutOfMemoryError.
var error = const OutOfMemoryError();
try {
Error.throwWithStackTrace(error, systemStack);
} on Error catch (e, s) {
Expect.identical(error, e);
Expect.equals("$systemStack", "$s");
// Works with StackOverflowError.
var error = const StackOverflowError();
try {
Error.throwWithStackTrace(error, systemStack);
} on Error catch (e, s) {
Expect.identical(error, e);
Expect.equals("$systemStack", "$s");
// Also for live, captured, StackOverflowError.
Object error;
Never foo() => foo() + 1;
try {
foo(); // Force stack overflow.
} catch (e, s) {
error = e;
// Some platforms might use another error than StackOverflowError.
// Should work with whichever object gets here.
try {
Error.throwWithStackTrace(error, systemStack);
} catch (e, s) {
Expect.identical(error, e);
Expect.equals("$systemStack", "$s");
asyncTest(() async {
var theFuture = Future.value(null);
// Test that throwing inside an asynchronous context can be caught.
var error = ArgumentError("e6");
try {
await theFuture;
Error.throwWithStackTrace(error, systemStack);"Didn't throw: e6.1");
await theFuture;
} on Error catch (e, s) {
Expect.identical(error, e, "e6.2");
// No not expect *identical* stack trace objects.
Expect.equals("$systemStack", "$s", "e6.3");
Expect.isNotNull(error.stackTrace, "e6.4");
Expect.equals("$systemStack", "${error.stackTrace}", "e6.5");
// Test that throwing in asynchronous context can be locally uncaught.
var error = ArgumentError("e7");
var future = () async {
await theFuture;
Error.throwWithStackTrace(error, systemStack);"Didn't throw: e7.1");
await theFuture;
return null; // Force future type to Future<dynamic>
future.catchError((e, s) {
Expect.identical(error, e, "e7.2");
// No not expect *identical* stack trace objects.
Expect.equals("$systemStack", "$s", "e7.3");
Expect.isNotNull(error.stackTrace, "e7.4");
Expect.equals("$systemStack", "${error.stackTrace}", "e7.5");
// Test throwing an uncaught async error caught by the Zone.
var error = ArgumentError("e8");
await runZonedGuarded(() {
// Make an uncaught asynchronous error.
(() async {
await theFuture;
Error.throwWithStackTrace(error, systemStack);"Didn't throw: e8.1");
await theFuture;
}, (e, s) {
Expect.identical(error, e, "e8.2");
// No not expect *identical* stack trace objects.
Expect.equals("$systemStack", "$s", "e8.3");
Expect.isNotNull(error.stackTrace, "e8.4");
Expect.equals("$systemStack", "${error.stackTrace}", "e8.5");
class CustomError implements Error {
final String message;
StackTrace? get stackTrace => null;
String toString() => "CustomError: $message";