| // Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| part of dart._vmservice; |
| |
| enum MessageType { Request, Notification, Response } |
| |
| class Message { |
| final _completer = Completer<Response>.sync(); |
| bool get completed => _completer.isCompleted; |
| |
| /// Future of response. |
| Future<Response> get response => _completer.future; |
| Client? client; |
| |
| // Is a notification message (no serial) |
| final MessageType type; |
| |
| // Client-side identifier for this message. |
| final serial; |
| |
| final String? method; |
| |
| final params = <String, dynamic>{}; |
| final result = {}; |
| final error = {}; |
| |
| factory Message.fromJsonRpc(Client? client, Map map) { |
| if (map.containsKey('id')) { |
| final id = map['id']; |
| if (id != null && id is! num && id is! String) { |
| throw Exception("'id' must be a number, string, or null."); |
| } |
| if (map.containsKey('method')) { |
| return Message._fromJsonRpcRequest(client, map); |
| } |
| if (map.containsKey('result')) { |
| return Message._fromJsonRpcResult(client, map); |
| } |
| if (map.containsKey('error')) { |
| return Message._fromJsonRpcError(client, map); |
| } |
| } else if (map.containsKey('method')) { |
| return Message._fromJsonRpcNotification(client, map); |
| } |
| throw Exception('Invalid message format'); |
| } |
| |
| // http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification#request_object |
| Message._fromJsonRpcRequest(Client? client, Map map) |
| : client = client, |
| type = MessageType.Request, |
| serial = map['id'], |
| method = map['method'] { |
| if (map['params'] != null) { |
| params.addAll(map['params']); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification#notification |
| Message._fromJsonRpcNotification(Client? client, Map map) |
| : client = client, |
| type = MessageType.Notification, |
| method = map['method'], |
| serial = null { |
| if (map['params'] != null) { |
| params.addAll(map['params']); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification#response_object |
| Message._fromJsonRpcResult(Client? client, Map map) |
| : client = client, |
| type = MessageType.Response, |
| serial = map['id'], |
| method = null { |
| result.addAll(map['result']); |
| } |
| |
| // http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification#response_object |
| Message._fromJsonRpcError(Client? client, Map map) |
| : client = client, |
| type = MessageType.Response, |
| serial = map['id'], |
| method = null { |
| error.addAll(map['error']); |
| } |
| |
| static String _methodNameFromUri(Uri uri) { |
| if (uri == null || uri.pathSegments.length == 0) { |
| return ''; |
| } |
| return uri.pathSegments[0]; |
| } |
| |
| Message.forMethod(String method) |
| : client = null, |
| method = method, |
| type = MessageType.Request, |
| serial = ''; |
| |
| Message.fromUri(this.client, Uri uri) |
| : type = MessageType.Request, |
| serial = '', |
| method = _methodNameFromUri(uri) { |
| params.addAll(uri.queryParameters); |
| } |
| |
| Message.forIsolate(this.client, Uri uri, RunningIsolate isolate) |
| : type = MessageType.Request, |
| serial = '', |
| method = _methodNameFromUri(uri) { |
| params.addAll(uri.queryParameters); |
| params['isolateId'] = isolate.serviceId; |
| } |
| |
| Uri toUri() => Uri(path: method!, queryParameters: params); |
| |
| dynamic toJson() => throw 'unsupported'; |
| |
| Map<String, dynamic> forwardToJson([Map<String, dynamic>? overloads]) { |
| final json = <String, dynamic>{'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': serial}; |
| switch (type) { |
| case MessageType.Request: |
| case MessageType.Notification: |
| json['method'] = method; |
| if (params.isNotEmpty) { |
| json['params'] = params; |
| } |
| break; |
| case MessageType.Response: |
| if (result.isNotEmpty) { |
| json['result'] = result; |
| } |
| if (error.isNotEmpty) { |
| json['error'] = error; |
| } |
| } |
| if (overloads != null) { |
| json.addAll(overloads); |
| } |
| return json; |
| } |
| |
| // Calls toString on all non-String elements of [list]. We do this so all |
| // elements in the list are strings, making consumption by C++ simpler. |
| // This has a side effect that boolean literal values like true become 'true' |
| // and thus indistinguishable from the string literal 'true'. |
| List<String> _makeAllString(List list) { |
| var new_list = List<String>.filled(list.length, ""); |
| for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { |
| new_list[i] = list[i].toString(); |
| } |
| return new_list; |
| } |
| |
| Future<Response> sendToIsolate( |
| List<RawReceivePort> ports, SendPort sendPort) { |
| final receivePort = RawReceivePort(null, 'Isolate Message'); |
| // Keep track of receive port associated with the request so we can close |
| // it if isolate exits before sending a response. |
| ports.add(receivePort); |
| receivePort.handler = (value) { |
| receivePort.close(); |
| ports.remove(receivePort); |
| _setResponseFromPort(value); |
| }; |
| final keys = _makeAllString(params.keys.toList(growable: false)); |
| final values = _makeAllString(params.values.toList(growable: false)); |
| final request = List<dynamic>.filled(6, null) |
| ..[0] = 0 // Make room for OOB message type. |
| ..[1] = receivePort.sendPort |
| ..[2] = serial |
| ..[3] = method |
| ..[4] = keys |
| ..[5] = values; |
| if (!sendIsolateServiceMessage(sendPort, request)) { |
| receivePort.close(); |
| ports.remove(receivePort); |
| _completer.complete(Response.internalError( |
| 'could not send message [${serial}] to isolate')); |
| } |
| return _completer.future; |
| } |
| |
| // We currently support two ways of passing parameters from Dart code to C |
| // code. The original way always converts the parameters to strings before |
| // passing them over. Our goal is to convert all C handlers to take the |
| // parameters as Dart objects but until the conversion is complete, we |
| // maintain the list of supported methods below. |
| bool _methodNeedsObjectParameters(String method) { |
| switch (method) { |
| case '_listDevFS': |
| case '_listDevFSFiles': |
| case '_createDevFS': |
| case '_deleteDevFS': |
| case '_writeDevFSFile': |
| case '_writeDevFSFiles': |
| case '_readDevFSFile': |
| case '_spawnUri': |
| return true; |
| default: |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Future<Response> sendToVM() { |
| final receivePort = RawReceivePort(null, 'VM Message'); |
| receivePort.handler = (value) { |
| receivePort.close(); |
| _setResponseFromPort(value); |
| }; |
| var keys = params.keys.toList(growable: false); |
| var values = params.values.toList(growable: false); |
| if (!_methodNeedsObjectParameters(method!)) { |
| keys = _makeAllString(keys); |
| values = _makeAllString(values); |
| } |
| final request = List<dynamic>.filled(6, null) |
| ..[0] = 0 // Make room for OOB message type. |
| ..[1] = receivePort.sendPort |
| ..[2] = serial |
| ..[3] = method |
| ..[4] = keys |
| ..[5] = values; |
| |
| if (_methodNeedsObjectParameters(method!)) { |
| // We use a different method invocation path here. |
| sendObjectRootServiceMessage(request); |
| } else { |
| sendRootServiceMessage(request); |
| } |
| |
| return _completer.future; |
| } |
| |
| void _setResponseFromPort(dynamic response) { |
| if (response == null) { |
| // We should only have a null response for Notifications. |
| assert(type == MessageType.Notification); |
| return null; |
| } |
| _completer.complete(Response.from(response)); |
| } |
| |
| void setResponse(String response) => |
| _completer.complete(Response(ResponsePayloadKind.String, response)); |
| |
| void setErrorResponse(int code, String details) => |
| setResponse(encodeRpcError(this, code, details: '$method: $details')); |
| } |
| |
| @pragma("vm:external-name", "VMService_SendIsolateServiceMessage") |
| external bool sendIsolateServiceMessage(SendPort sp, List m); |
| |
| @pragma("vm:external-name", "VMService_SendRootServiceMessage") |
| external void sendRootServiceMessage(List m); |
| |
| @pragma("vm:external-name", "VMService_SendObjectRootServiceMessage") |
| external void sendObjectRootServiceMessage(List m); |