blob: 648859aed9a3182f168ce5b615ee70d85399d320 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer_utilities/tools.dart';
import 'api.dart';
import 'codegen_dart.dart';
import 'from_html.dart';
final GeneratedFile target = GeneratedFile(
'lib/protocol/protocol_constants.dart', (String pkgPath) async {
var visitor = CodegenVisitor(readApi(pkgPath));
return visitor.collectCode(visitor.visitApi);
/// A visitor that produces Dart code defining constants associated with the
/// API.
class CodegenVisitor extends DartCodegenVisitor with CodeGenerator {
CodegenVisitor(Api api) : super(api) {
codeGeneratorSettings.commentLineLength = 79;
codeGeneratorSettings.docCommentStartMarker = null;
codeGeneratorSettings.docCommentLineLeader = '/// ';
codeGeneratorSettings.docCommentEndMarker = null;
codeGeneratorSettings.languageName = 'dart';
/// Generate all of the constants associates with the [api].
void generateConstants() {
var visitor = _ConstantVisitor(api);
var constants = visitor.constants;
constants.sort((first, second) =>;
for (var constant in constants) {
/// Generate the given [constant].
void generateContant(_Constant constant) {
write('const String ');
write(' = ');
void visitApi() {
outputHeader(year: '2017');
/// A representation of a constant that is to be generated.
class _Constant {
/// The name of the constant.
final String name;
/// The value of the constant.
final String value;
/// Initialize a newly created constant.
_Constant(, this.value);
/// A visitor that visits an API to compute a list of constants to be generated.
class _ConstantVisitor extends HierarchicalApiVisitor {
/// The list of constants to be generated.
List<_Constant> constants = <_Constant>[];
/// Initialize a newly created visitor to visit the given [api].
_ConstantVisitor(Api api) : super(api);
void visitNotification(Notification notification) {
var domainName = notification.domainName;
var event = notification.event;
var constantName = _generateName(domainName, 'notification', event);
constants.add(_Constant(constantName, "'$domainName.$event'"));
_addFieldConstants(constantName, notification.params);
void visitRequest(Request request) {
var domainName = request.domainName;
var method = request.method;
var requestConstantName = _generateName(domainName, 'request', method);
constants.add(_Constant(requestConstantName, "'$domainName.$method'"));
_addFieldConstants(requestConstantName, request.params);
var responseConstantName = _generateName(domainName, 'response', method);
_addFieldConstants(responseConstantName, request.result);
/// Generate a constant for each of the fields in the given [type], where the
/// name of each constant will be composed from the [parentName] and the name
/// of the field.
void _addFieldConstants(String parentName, TypeObject? type) {
if (type == null) {
type.fields.forEach((TypeObjectField field) {
var name =;
var components = <String>[];
var fieldConstantName = _fromComponents(components);
constants.add(_Constant(fieldConstantName, "'$name'"));
/// Return a name generated by converting each of the given [components] to an
/// uppercase equivalent, then joining them with underscores.
String _fromComponents(List<String> components) => component) => component.toUpperCase()).join('_');
/// Generate a name from the [domainName], [kind] and [name] components.
String _generateName(String domainName, String kind, String name) {
var components = <String>[];
return _fromComponents(components);
/// Return the components of the given [string] that are indicated by an upper
/// case letter.
Iterable<String> _split(String first) {
var regExp = RegExp('[A-Z]');
var components = <String>[];
var start = 1;
var index = first.indexOf(regExp, start);
while (index >= 0) {
components.add(first.substring(start - 1, index));
start = index + 1;
index = first.indexOf(regExp, start);
components.add(first.substring(start - 1));
return components;