blob: c521aa59d0268496e3c903b67a6898683a2eec79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import 'dart:convert';
final TESTS = [
[ 5, '5' ],
[ -42, '-42' ],
[ 3.14, '3.14' ],
[ true, 'true' ],
[ false, 'false' ],
[ null, 'null' ],
[ 'quote"or\'', '"quote\\"or\'"' ],
[ '', '""' ],
[ [], "[]" ],
[ [3, -4.5, true, "hi", false], '[3,-4.5,true,"hi",false]' ],
[ [null], "[null]" ],
[ [[null]], "[[null]]" ],
[ [[3]], "[[3]]" ],
[ {}, "{}" ],
[ { "x": 3, "y": 4.5, "z": "hi", "u": true, "v": false },
'{"x":3,"y":4.5,"z":"hi","u":true,"v":false}' ],
[ { "x": null }, '{"x":null}' ],
[ { "x": {} }, '{"x":{}}' ],
// Note that -0.0 won't be treated the same in JS. The Json spec seems to
// allow it, though.
[ { "hi there": 499, "'":-0.0 }, '{"hi there":499,"\'":-0.0}' ],
[ r'\foo', r'"\\foo"' ],
class MyStringConversionSink extends StringConversionSinkBase {
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
var callback;
addSlice(str, start, end, bool isLast) {
buffer.write(str.substring(start, end));
if (isLast) close();
close() {
String encode(Object o) {
var result;
var encoder = new JsonEncoder();
ChunkedConversionSink stringSink =
new MyStringConversionSink((x) => result = x);
var objectSink = new JsonEncoder().startChunkedConversion(stringSink);
return result;
String encode2(Object o) {
var result;
var encoder = new JsonEncoder();
ChunkedConversionSink stringSink =
new StringConversionSink.withCallback((x) => result = x);
var objectSink = encoder.startChunkedConversion(stringSink);
return result;
main() {
for (var test in TESTS) {
var o = test[0];
var expected = test[1];
Expect.equals(expected, encode(o));
Expect.equals(expected, encode2(o));