blob: bfd7d4c011a2289f5e6c7918bd4530e1108412d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Dart test program for testing serialization of messages.
// VMOptions=--enable_type_checks --enable_asserts
library MessageTest;
import 'dart:isolate';
import '../../pkg/unittest/lib/unittest.dart';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Message passing test.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class MessageTest {
static const List list1 = const ["Hello", "World", "Hello", 0xfffffffffff];
static const List list2 = const [null, list1, list1, list1, list1];
static const List list3 = const [list2, 2.0, true, false, 0xfffffffffff];
static const Map map1 = const {
"a=1" : 1, "b=2" : 2, "c=3" : 3,
static const Map map2 = const {
"list1" : list1, "list2" : list2, "list3" : list3,
static const List list4 = const [map1, map2];
static const List elms = const [
list1, list2, list3, list4,
static void VerifyMap(Map expected, Map actual) {
expect(expected, isMap);
expect(actual, isMap);
expect(actual.length, expected.length);
testForEachMap(key, value) {
if (value is List) {
VerifyList(value, actual[key]);
} else {
expect(actual[key], value);
static void VerifyList(List expected, List actual) {
for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
if (expected[i] is List) {
VerifyList(expected[i], actual[i]);
} else if (expected[i] is Map) {
VerifyMap(expected[i], actual[i]);
} else {
expect(actual[i], expected[i]);
static void VerifyObject(int index, var actual) {
var expected = elms[index];
expect(expected, isList);
expect(actual, isList);
expect(actual.length, expected.length);
VerifyList(expected, actual);
pingPong() {
int count = 0;
bool isFirst = true;
IsolateSink replyTo;
stream.listen((var message) {
if (isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
replyTo = message;
// Check if the received object is correct.
if (count < MessageTest.elms.length) {
MessageTest.VerifyObject(count, message);
// Bounce the received object back so that the sender
// can make sure that the object matches.
}, onDone: () {
main() {
test("send objects and receive them back", () {
IsolateSink remote = streamSpawnFunction(pingPong);
MessageBox box = new MessageBox();
// Send objects and receive them back.
for (int i = 0; i < MessageTest.elms.length; i++) {
var sentObject = MessageTest.elms[i];
// TODO(asiva): remove this local var idx once thew new for-loop
// semantics for closures is implemented.
var idx = i;
// Send recursive objects and receive them back.
List local_list1 = ["Hello", "World", "Hello", 0xffffffffff];
List local_list2 = [null, local_list1, local_list1 ];
List local_list3 = [local_list2, 2.0, true, false, 0xffffffffff];
List sendObject = new List(5);
sendObject[0] = local_list1;
sendObject[1] = sendObject;
sendObject[2] = local_list2;
sendObject[3] = sendObject;
sendObject[4] = local_list3;
// Shutdown the MessageServer.
int receivedCounter = 0; {
if (receivedCounter < MessageTest.elms.length) {
MessageTest.VerifyObject(receivedCounter, message);
} else if (receivedCounter == MessageTest.elms.length) {
var replyObject = message;
expect(sendObject, isList);
expect(replyObject, isList);
expect(sendObject.length, equals(replyObject.length));
expect(replyObject[1], same(replyObject));
expect(replyObject[3], same(replyObject));
expect(replyObject[0], same(replyObject[2][1]));
expect(replyObject[0], same(replyObject[2][2]));
expect(replyObject[2], same(replyObject[4][0]));
expect(replyObject[0][0], same(replyObject[0][2]));
// Bigint literals are not canonicalized so do a == check.
expect(replyObject[0][3], equals(replyObject[4][4]));
} else {
// Reply from done.
expect(message, MessageTest.elms.length + 1);