blob: acd465c65f7e694daa29cc2ad35ca41b8e3c0fc2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.utf;
* Decodes the UTF-32 bytes as an iterable. Thus, the consumer can only convert
* as much of the input as needed. Determines the byte order from the BOM,
* or uses big-endian as a default. This method always strips a leading BOM.
* Set the replacementCharacter to null to throw an ArgumentError
* rather than replace the bad value.
IterableUtf32Decoder decodeUtf32AsIterable(List<int> bytes, [
int offset = 0, int length,
return new IterableUtf32Decoder._(
() => new Utf32BytesDecoder(bytes, offset, length, replacementCodepoint));
* Decodes the UTF-32BE bytes as an iterable. Thus, the consumer can only convert
* as much of the input as needed. This method strips a leading BOM by default,
* but can be overridden by setting the optional parameter [stripBom] to false.
* Set the replacementCharacter to null to throw an ArgumentError
* rather than replace the bad value.
IterableUtf32Decoder decodeUtf32beAsIterable(List<int> bytes, [
int offset = 0, int length, bool stripBom = true,
return new IterableUtf32Decoder._(
() => new Utf32beBytesDecoder(bytes, offset, length, stripBom,
* Decodes the UTF-32LE bytes as an iterable. Thus, the consumer can only convert
* as much of the input as needed. This method strips a leading BOM by default,
* but can be overridden by setting the optional parameter [stripBom] to false.
* Set the replacementCharacter to null to throw an ArgumentError
* rather than replace the bad value.
IterableUtf32Decoder decodeUtf32leAsIterable(List<int> bytes, [
int offset = 0, int length, bool stripBom = true,
return new IterableUtf32Decoder._(
() => new Utf32leBytesDecoder(bytes, offset, length, stripBom,
* Produce a String from a sequence of UTF-32 encoded bytes. The parameters
* allow an offset into a list of bytes (as int), limiting the length of the
* values be decoded and the ability of override the default Unicode
* replacement character. Set the replacementCharacter to null to throw an
* ArgumentError rather than replace the bad value.
String decodeUtf32(List<int> bytes, [int offset = 0, int length,
return new String.fromCharCodes((new Utf32BytesDecoder(bytes, offset, length,
* Produce a String from a sequence of UTF-32BE encoded bytes. The parameters
* allow an offset into a list of bytes (as int), limiting the length of the
* values be decoded and the ability of override the default Unicode
* replacement character. Set the replacementCharacter to null to throw an
* ArgumentError rather than replace the bad value.
String decodeUtf32be(
List<int> bytes, [int offset = 0, int length, bool stripBom = true,
new String.fromCharCodes((new Utf32beBytesDecoder(bytes, offset, length,
stripBom, replacementCodepoint)).decodeRest());
* Produce a String from a sequence of UTF-32LE encoded bytes. The parameters
* allow an offset into a list of bytes (as int), limiting the length of the
* values be decoded and the ability of override the default Unicode
* replacement character. Set the replacementCharacter to null to throw an
* ArgumentError rather than replace the bad value.
String decodeUtf32le(
List<int> bytes, [int offset = 0, int length, bool stripBom = true,
new String.fromCharCodes((new Utf32leBytesDecoder(bytes, offset, length,
stripBom, replacementCodepoint)).decodeRest());
* Produce a list of UTF-32 encoded bytes. This method prefixes the resulting
* bytes with a big-endian byte-order-marker.
List<int> encodeUtf32(String str) =>
encodeUtf32be(str, true);
* Produce a list of UTF-32BE encoded bytes. By default, this method produces
* UTF-32BE bytes with no BOM.
List<int> encodeUtf32be(String str, [bool writeBOM = false]) {
List<int> utf32CodeUnits = stringToCodepoints(str);
List<int> encoding = new List<int>(4 * utf32CodeUnits.length +
(writeBOM ? 4 : 0));
int i = 0;
if (writeBOM) {
encoding[i++] = 0;
encoding[i++] = 0;
encoding[i++] = UNICODE_UTF_BOM_HI;
encoding[i++] = UNICODE_UTF_BOM_LO;
for (int unit in utf32CodeUnits) {
encoding[i++] = (unit >> 24) & UNICODE_BYTE_ZERO_MASK;
encoding[i++] = (unit >> 16) & UNICODE_BYTE_ZERO_MASK;
encoding[i++] = (unit >> 8) & UNICODE_BYTE_ZERO_MASK;
encoding[i++] = unit & UNICODE_BYTE_ZERO_MASK;
return encoding;
* Produce a list of UTF-32LE encoded bytes. By default, this method produces
* UTF-32BE bytes with no BOM.
List<int> encodeUtf32le(String str, [bool writeBOM = false]) {
List<int> utf32CodeUnits = stringToCodepoints(str);
List<int> encoding = new List<int>(4 * utf32CodeUnits.length +
(writeBOM ? 4 : 0));
int i = 0;
if (writeBOM) {
encoding[i++] = UNICODE_UTF_BOM_LO;
encoding[i++] = UNICODE_UTF_BOM_HI;
encoding[i++] = 0;
encoding[i++] = 0;
for (int unit in utf32CodeUnits) {
encoding[i++] = unit & UNICODE_BYTE_ZERO_MASK;
encoding[i++] = (unit >> 8) & UNICODE_BYTE_ZERO_MASK;
encoding[i++] = (unit >> 16) & UNICODE_BYTE_ZERO_MASK;
encoding[i++] = (unit >> 24) & UNICODE_BYTE_ZERO_MASK;
return encoding;
* Identifies whether a List of bytes starts (based on offset) with a
* byte-order marker (BOM).
bool hasUtf32Bom(
List<int> utf32EncodedBytes, [int offset = 0, int length]) {
return hasUtf32beBom(utf32EncodedBytes, offset, length) ||
hasUtf32leBom(utf32EncodedBytes, offset, length);
* Identifies whether a List of bytes starts (based on offset) with a
* big-endian byte-order marker (BOM).
bool hasUtf32beBom(List<int> utf32EncodedBytes, [int offset = 0, int length]) {
int end = length != null ? offset + length : utf32EncodedBytes.length;
return (offset + 4) <= end &&
utf32EncodedBytes[offset] == 0 && utf32EncodedBytes[offset + 1] == 0 &&
utf32EncodedBytes[offset + 2] == UNICODE_UTF_BOM_HI &&
utf32EncodedBytes[offset + 3] == UNICODE_UTF_BOM_LO;
* Identifies whether a List of bytes starts (based on offset) with a
* little-endian byte-order marker (BOM).
bool hasUtf32leBom(List<int> utf32EncodedBytes, [int offset = 0, int length]) {
int end = length != null ? offset + length : utf32EncodedBytes.length;
return (offset + 4) <= end &&
utf32EncodedBytes[offset] == UNICODE_UTF_BOM_LO &&
utf32EncodedBytes[offset + 1] == UNICODE_UTF_BOM_HI &&
utf32EncodedBytes[offset + 2] == 0 && utf32EncodedBytes[offset + 3] == 0;
typedef Utf32BytesDecoder Utf32BytesDecoderProvider();
* Return type of [decodeUtf32AsIterable] and variants. The Iterable type
* provides an iterator on demand and the iterator will only translate bytes
* as requested by the user of the iterator. (Note: results are not cached.)
// TODO(floitsch): Consider removing the extend and switch to implements since
// that's cheaper to allocate.
class IterableUtf32Decoder extends IterableBase<int> {
final Utf32BytesDecoderProvider codeunitsProvider;
Utf32BytesDecoder get iterator => codeunitsProvider();
* Abstrace parent class converts encoded bytes to codepoints.
abstract class Utf32BytesDecoder implements _ListRangeIterator {
final _ListRangeIterator utf32EncodedBytesIterator;
final int replacementCodepoint;
int _current = null;
this.utf32EncodedBytesIterator, this.replacementCodepoint);
factory Utf32BytesDecoder(List<int> utf32EncodedBytes, [
int offset = 0, int length,
if (length == null) {
length = utf32EncodedBytes.length - offset;
if (hasUtf32beBom(utf32EncodedBytes, offset, length)) {
return new Utf32beBytesDecoder(utf32EncodedBytes, offset + 4, length - 4,
false, replacementCodepoint);
} else if (hasUtf32leBom(utf32EncodedBytes, offset, length)) {
return new Utf32leBytesDecoder(utf32EncodedBytes, offset + 4, length - 4,
false, replacementCodepoint);
} else {
return new Utf32beBytesDecoder(utf32EncodedBytes, offset, length, false,
List<int> decodeRest() {
List<int> codeunits = new List<int>(remaining);
int i = 0;
while (moveNext()) {
codeunits[i++] = current;
return codeunits;
int get current => _current;
bool moveNext() {
_current = null;
if (utf32EncodedBytesIterator.remaining < 4) {
if (replacementCodepoint != null) {
_current = replacementCodepoint;
return true;
} else {
throw new ArgumentError(
"Invalid UTF32 at ${utf32EncodedBytesIterator.position}");
} else {
int codepoint = decode();
if (_validCodepoint(codepoint)) {
_current = codepoint;
return true;
} else if (replacementCodepoint != null) {
_current = replacementCodepoint;
return true;
} else {
throw new ArgumentError(
"Invalid UTF32 at ${utf32EncodedBytesIterator.position}");
int get position => utf32EncodedBytesIterator.position ~/ 4;
void backup([int by = 1]) {
utf32EncodedBytesIterator.backup(4 * by);
int get remaining => (utf32EncodedBytesIterator.remaining + 3) ~/ 4;
void skip([int count = 1]) {
utf32EncodedBytesIterator.skip(4 * count);
int decode();
* Convert UTF-32BE encoded bytes to codepoints by grouping 4 bytes
* to produce the unicode codepoint.
class Utf32beBytesDecoder extends Utf32BytesDecoder {
Utf32beBytesDecoder(List<int> utf32EncodedBytes, [int offset = 0,
int length, bool stripBom = true,
(new _ListRange(utf32EncodedBytes, offset, length)).iterator,
replacementCodepoint) {
if (stripBom && hasUtf32beBom(utf32EncodedBytes, offset, length)) {
int decode() {
int value = utf32EncodedBytesIterator.current;
value = (value << 8) + utf32EncodedBytesIterator.current;
value = (value << 8) + utf32EncodedBytesIterator.current;
value = (value << 8) + utf32EncodedBytesIterator.current;
return value;
* Convert UTF-32BE encoded bytes to codepoints by grouping 4 bytes
* to produce the unicode codepoint.
class Utf32leBytesDecoder extends Utf32BytesDecoder {
Utf32leBytesDecoder(List<int> utf32EncodedBytes, [int offset = 0,
int length, bool stripBom = true,
(new _ListRange(utf32EncodedBytes, offset, length)).iterator,
replacementCodepoint) {
if (stripBom && hasUtf32leBom(utf32EncodedBytes, offset, length)) {
int decode() {
int value = utf32EncodedBytesIterator.current;
value += (utf32EncodedBytesIterator.current << 8);
value += (utf32EncodedBytesIterator.current << 16);
value += (utf32EncodedBytesIterator.current << 24);
return value;
bool _validCodepoint(int codepoint) {
return (codepoint >= 0 && codepoint < UNICODE_UTF16_RESERVED_LO) ||
(codepoint > UNICODE_UTF16_RESERVED_HI &&