blob: 656ddf8edb2f5ad55c17e073ec4af3f02c5f57b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library watcher.test.utils;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:scheduled_test/scheduled_test.dart';
import 'package:unittest/compact_vm_config.dart';
import 'package:watcher/watcher.dart';
import 'package:watcher/src/stat.dart';
/// The path to the temporary sandbox created for each test. All file
/// operations are implicitly relative to this directory.
String _sandboxDir;
/// The [DirectoryWatcher] being used for the current scheduled test.
DirectoryWatcher _watcher;
/// The index in [_watcher]'s event stream for the next event. When event
/// expectations are set using [expectEvent] (et. al.), they use this to
/// expect a series of events in order.
var _nextEvent = 0;
/// The mock modification times (in milliseconds since epoch) for each file.
/// The actual file system has pretty coarse granularity for file modification
/// times. This means using the real file system requires us to put delays in
/// the tests to ensure we wait long enough between operations for the mod time
/// to be different.
/// Instead, we'll just mock that out. Each time a file is written, we manually
/// increment the mod time for that file instantly.
Map<String, int> _mockFileModificationTimes;
void initConfig() {
filterStacks = true;
/// Creates the sandbox directory the other functions in this library use and
/// ensures it's deleted when the test ends.
/// This should usually be called by [setUp].
void createSandbox() {
var dir = new Directory("").createTempSync();
_sandboxDir = dir.path;
_mockFileModificationTimes = new Map<String, int>();
mockGetModificationTime((path) {
path = p.normalize(p.relative(path, from: _sandboxDir));
// Make sure we got a path in the sandbox.
assert(p.isRelative(path) && !path.startsWith(".."));
return new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(
// Delete the sandbox when done.
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
if (_sandboxDir != null) {
new Directory(_sandboxDir).deleteSync(recursive: true);
_sandboxDir = null;
_mockFileModificationTimes = null;
}, "delete sandbox");
/// Creates a new [DirectoryWatcher] that watches a temporary directory.
/// Normally, this will pause the schedule until the watcher is done scanning
/// and is polling for changes. If you pass `false` for [waitForReady], it will
/// not schedule this delay.
/// If [dir] is provided, watches a subdirectory in the sandbox with that name.
DirectoryWatcher createWatcher({String dir, bool waitForReady}) {
if (dir == null) {
dir = _sandboxDir;
} else {
dir = p.join(_sandboxDir, dir);
// Use a short delay to make the tests run quickly.
_watcher = new DirectoryWatcher(dir,
pollingDelay: new Duration(milliseconds: 100));
// Wait until the scan is finished so that we don't miss changes to files
// that could occur before the scan completes.
if (waitForReady != false) {
schedule(() => _watcher.ready, "wait for watcher to be ready");
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
_nextEvent = 0;
_watcher = null;
}, "reset watcher");
return _watcher;
/// Expects that the next set of events will all be changes of [type] on
/// [paths].
/// Validates that events are delivered for all paths in [paths], but allows
/// them in any order.
void expectEvents(ChangeType type, Iterable<String> paths) {
var pathSet = paths
.map((path) => p.join(_sandboxDir, path))
// Create an expectation for as many paths as we have.
var futures = [];
for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
// Immediately create the futures. This ensures we don't register too
// late and drop the event before we receive it.
var future = {
expect(event.type, equals(type));
expect(pathSet, contains(event.path));
// Make sure the schedule is watching it in case it fails.
// Schedule it so that later file modifications don't occur until after this
// event is received.
schedule(() => Future.wait(futures),
"wait for $type events on ${paths.join(', ')}");
void expectAddEvent(String path) => expectEvents(ChangeType.ADD, [path]);
void expectModifyEvent(String path) => expectEvents(ChangeType.MODIFY, [path]);
void expectRemoveEvent(String path) => expectEvents(ChangeType.REMOVE, [path]);
void expectRemoveEvents(Iterable<String> paths) {
expectEvents(ChangeType.REMOVE, paths);
/// Schedules writing a file in the sandbox at [path] with [contents].
/// If [contents] is omitted, creates an empty file. If [updatedModified] is
/// `false`, the mock file modification time is not changed.
void writeFile(String path, {String contents, bool updateModified}) {
if (contents == null) contents = "";
if (updateModified == null) updateModified = true;
schedule(() {
var fullPath = p.join(_sandboxDir, path);
// Create any needed subdirectories.
var dir = new Directory(p.dirname(fullPath));
if (!dir.existsSync()) {
dir.createSync(recursive: true);
new File(fullPath).writeAsStringSync(contents);
// Manually update the mock modification time for the file.
if (updateModified) {
// Make sure we always use the same separator on Windows.
path = p.normalize(path);
var milliseconds = _mockFileModificationTimes.putIfAbsent(path, () => 0);
}, "write file $path");
/// Schedules deleting a file in the sandbox at [path].
void deleteFile(String path) {
schedule(() {
new File(p.join(_sandboxDir, path)).deleteSync();
}, "delete file $path");
/// Schedules renaming a file in the sandbox from [from] to [to].
/// If [contents] is omitted, creates an empty file.
void renameFile(String from, String to) {
schedule(() {
new File(p.join(_sandboxDir, from)).renameSync(p.join(_sandboxDir, to));
// Make sure we always use the same separator on Windows.
to = p.normalize(to);
// Manually update the mock modification time for the file.
var milliseconds = _mockFileModificationTimes.putIfAbsent(to, () => 0);
}, "rename file $from to $to");
/// Schedules deleting a directory in the sandbox at [path].
void deleteDir(String path) {
schedule(() {
new Directory(p.join(_sandboxDir, path)).deleteSync(recursive: true);
}, "delete directory $path");
/// A [Matcher] for [WatchEvent]s.
class _ChangeMatcher extends Matcher {
/// The expected change.
final ChangeType type;
/// The expected path.
final String path;
_ChangeMatcher(this.type, this.path);
Description describe(Description description) {
description.add("$type $path");
bool matches(item, Map matchState) =>
item is WatchEvent &&
item.type == type &&
p.normalize(item.path) == p.normalize(path);