| Problems reported: |
| |
| parser/nnbd/issue_40805_03:3:3: Members can't be declared to be both 'final' and 'covariant'. |
| covariant final int x = 42; |
| ^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| beginCompilationUnit(class) |
| beginMetadataStar(class) |
| endMetadataStar(0) |
| beginClassOrNamedMixinApplicationPrelude(class) |
| handleIdentifier(C, classOrMixinDeclaration) |
| handleNoTypeVariables({) |
| beginClassDeclaration(class, null, C) |
| handleNoType(C) |
| handleClassExtends(null, 1) |
| handleClassNoWithClause() |
| handleClassOrMixinImplements(null, 0) |
| handleClassHeader(class, class, null) |
| beginClassOrMixinBody(DeclarationKind.Class, {) |
| beginMetadataStar(covariant) |
| endMetadataStar(0) |
| beginMember() |
| beginFields({) |
| handleRecoverableError(FinalAndCovariant, covariant, covariant) |
| handleIdentifier(int, typeReference) |
| handleNoTypeArguments(x) |
| handleType(int, null) |
| handleIdentifier(x, fieldDeclaration) |
| beginFieldInitializer(=) |
| handleLiteralInt(42) |
| endFieldInitializer(=, ;) |
| endClassFields(null, null, null, null, null, final, 1, covariant, ;) |
| endMember() |
| endClassOrMixinBody(DeclarationKind.Class, 1, {, }) |
| endClassDeclaration(class, }) |
| endTopLevelDeclaration() |
| endCompilationUnit(1, ) |