| Problems reported: |
| |
| parser/general/ambiguous_builder_01:5:1: A function declaration needs an explicit list of parameters. |
| x.y = 42; |
| ^ |
| |
| parser/general/ambiguous_builder_01:5:2: Expected a function body, but got '.'. |
| x.y = 42; |
| ^ |
| |
| parser/general/ambiguous_builder_01:5:2: Expected a declaration, but got '.'. |
| x.y = 42; |
| ^ |
| |
| parser/general/ambiguous_builder_01:5:3: Variables must be declared using the keywords 'const', 'final', 'var' or a type name. |
| x.y = 42; |
| ^ |
| |
| parser/general/ambiguous_builder_01:6:1: A function declaration needs an explicit list of parameters. |
| x.z = true; |
| ^ |
| |
| parser/general/ambiguous_builder_01:6:2: Expected a function body, but got '.'. |
| x.z = true; |
| ^ |
| |
| parser/general/ambiguous_builder_01:6:2: Expected a declaration, but got '.'. |
| x.z = true; |
| ^ |
| |
| parser/general/ambiguous_builder_01:6:3: Variables must be declared using the keywords 'const', 'final', 'var' or a type name. |
| x.z = true; |
| ^ |
| |
| beginCompilationUnit(x) |
| beginMetadataStar(x) |
| endMetadataStar(0) |
| beginTopLevelMember(x) |
| beginTopLevelMethod(, null) |
| handleNoType() |
| handleIdentifier(x, topLevelFunctionDeclaration) |
| handleNoTypeVariables(.) |
| handleRecoverableError(MissingFunctionParameters, x, x) |
| beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) |
| endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) |
| handleAsyncModifier(null, null) |
| handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedFunctionBody, Expected a function body, but got '.'., null, {token: .}], ., .) |
| handleInvalidFunctionBody({) |
| endTopLevelMethod(x, null, }) |
| endTopLevelDeclaration(.) |
| beginMetadataStar(.) |
| endMetadataStar(0) |
| beginTopLevelMember(.) |
| handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedDeclaration, Expected a declaration, but got '.'., null, {token: .}], ., .) |
| handleInvalidTopLevelDeclaration(.) |
| endTopLevelDeclaration(y) |
| beginMetadataStar(y) |
| endMetadataStar(0) |
| beginTopLevelMember(y) |
| beginFields(.) |
| handleRecoverableError(MissingConstFinalVarOrType, y, y) |
| handleNoType(.) |
| handleIdentifier(y, topLevelVariableDeclaration) |
| beginFieldInitializer(=) |
| handleLiteralInt(42) |
| endFieldInitializer(=, ;) |
| endTopLevelFields(null, null, null, null, null, 1, y, ;) |
| endTopLevelDeclaration(x) |
| beginMetadataStar(x) |
| endMetadataStar(0) |
| beginTopLevelMember(x) |
| beginTopLevelMethod(;, null) |
| handleNoType(;) |
| handleIdentifier(x, topLevelFunctionDeclaration) |
| handleNoTypeVariables(.) |
| handleRecoverableError(MissingFunctionParameters, x, x) |
| beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) |
| endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) |
| handleAsyncModifier(null, null) |
| handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedFunctionBody, Expected a function body, but got '.'., null, {token: .}], ., .) |
| handleInvalidFunctionBody({) |
| endTopLevelMethod(x, null, }) |
| endTopLevelDeclaration(.) |
| beginMetadataStar(.) |
| endMetadataStar(0) |
| beginTopLevelMember(.) |
| handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedDeclaration, Expected a declaration, but got '.'., null, {token: .}], ., .) |
| handleInvalidTopLevelDeclaration(.) |
| endTopLevelDeclaration(z) |
| beginMetadataStar(z) |
| endMetadataStar(0) |
| beginTopLevelMember(z) |
| beginFields(.) |
| handleRecoverableError(MissingConstFinalVarOrType, z, z) |
| handleNoType(.) |
| handleIdentifier(z, topLevelVariableDeclaration) |
| beginFieldInitializer(=) |
| handleLiteralBool(true) |
| endFieldInitializer(=, ;) |
| endTopLevelFields(null, null, null, null, null, 1, z, ;) |
| endTopLevelDeclaration(void) |
| beginMetadataStar(void) |
| endMetadataStar(0) |
| beginTopLevelMember(void) |
| beginTopLevelMethod(;, null) |
| handleVoidKeyword(void) |
| handleIdentifier(foo, topLevelFunctionDeclaration) |
| handleNoTypeVariables(() |
| beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) |
| endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) |
| handleAsyncModifier(null, null) |
| beginBlockFunctionBody({) |
| beginIfStatement(if) |
| handleIdentifier(x, expression) |
| handleNoTypeArguments(!=) |
| handleNoArguments(!=) |
| handleSend(x, !=) |
| beginBinaryExpression(!=) |
| handleLiteralNull(null) |
| endBinaryExpression(!=) |
| handleParenthesizedCondition(() |
| beginThenStatement({) |
| beginBlock({, BlockKind(statement)) |
| endBlock(0, {, }, BlockKind(statement)) |
| endThenStatement(}) |
| endIfStatement(if, null) |
| endBlockFunctionBody(1, {, }) |
| endTopLevelMethod(void, null, }) |
| endTopLevelDeclaration() |
| endCompilationUnit(7, ) |