blob: 3db4ab59e76a9f3f6cbc14d1efc29f9c2dbcb88a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library frame;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'trace.dart';
// #1 Foo._bar (file:///home/nweiz/code/stuff.dart:42:21)
final _vmFrame = new RegExp(
r'^#\d+\s+([^\s].*) \((.+):(\d+):(\d+)\)$');
// at$0 (
// at
final _v8Frame = new RegExp(
r'^\s*at (?:([^\s].*) \((.+):(\d+):(\d+)\)|(.+):(\d+):(\d+))$');
final _firefoxFrame = new RegExp(
// foo/bar.dart 10:11 in Foo._bar
// in Foo._bar
final _friendlyFrame = new RegExp(
r'^([^\s]+)(?: (\d+):(\d+))?\s+([^\d][^\s]*)$');
final _initialDot = new RegExp(r"^\.");
/// A single stack frame. Each frame points to a precise location in Dart code.
class Frame {
/// The URI of the file in which the code is located.
/// This URI will usually have the scheme `dart`, `file`, `http`, or `https`.
final Uri uri;
/// The line number on which the code location is located.
/// This can be null, indicating that the line number is unknown or
/// unimportant.
final int line;
/// The column number of the code location.
/// This can be null, indicating that the column number is unknown or
/// unimportant.
final int column;
/// The name of the member in which the code location occurs.
/// Anonymous closures are represented as `<fn>` in this member string.
final String member;
/// Whether this stack frame comes from the Dart core libraries.
bool get isCore => uri.scheme == 'dart';
/// Returns a human-friendly description of the library that this stack frame
/// comes from.
/// This will usually be the string form of [uri], but a relative URI will be
/// used if possible.
String get library {
if (uri.scheme != 'file') return uri.toString();
return path.relative(path.fromUri(uri));
/// Returns the name of the package this stack frame comes from, or `null` if
/// this stack frame doesn't come from a `package:` URL.
String get package {
if (uri.scheme != 'package') return null;
return uri.path.split('/').first;
/// A human-friendly description of the code location.
String get location {
if (line == null || column == null) return library;
return '$library $line:$column';
/// Returns a single frame of the current stack.
/// By default, this will return the frame above the current method. If
/// [level] is `0`, it will return the current method's frame; if [level] is
/// higher than `1`, it will return higher frames.
factory Frame.caller([int level=1]) {
if (level < 0) {
throw new ArgumentError("Argument [level] must be greater than or equal "
"to 0.");
return new Trace.current(level + 1).frames.first;
/// Parses a string representation of a Dart VM stack frame.
factory Frame.parseVM(String frame) {
// The VM sometimes folds multiple stack frames together and replaces them
// with "...".
if (frame == '...') {
return new Frame(new Uri(), null, null, '...');
var match = _vmFrame.firstMatch(frame);
if (match == null) {
throw new FormatException("Couldn't parse VM stack trace line '$frame'.");
var uri = Uri.parse(match[2]);
var member = match[1].replaceAll("<anonymous closure>", "<fn>");
return new Frame(uri, int.parse(match[3]), int.parse(match[4]), member);
/// Parses a string representation of a Chrome/V8 stack frame.
factory Frame.parseV8(String frame) {
var match = _v8Frame.firstMatch(frame);
if (match == null) {
throw new FormatException("Couldn't parse V8 stack trace line '$frame'.");
// V8 stack frames can be in two forms.
if (match[2] != null) {
// The first form looks like " at FUNCTION (URI:LINE:COL)"
var uri = Uri.parse(match[2]);
var member = match[1].replaceAll("<anonymous>", "<fn>");
return new Frame(uri, int.parse(match[3]), int.parse(match[4]), member);
} else {
// The second form looks like " at URI:LINE:COL", and is used for
// anonymous functions.
var uri = Uri.parse(match[5]);
return new Frame(uri, int.parse(match[6]), int.parse(match[7]), "<fn>");
/// Parses a string representation of a Firefox stack frame.
factory Frame.parseFirefox(String frame) {
var match = _firefoxFrame.firstMatch(frame);
if (match == null) {
throw new FormatException(
"Couldn't parse Firefox stack trace line '$frame'.");
var uri = Uri.parse(match[3]);
var member = match[1];
if (member == "") {
member = "<fn>";
} else if (match[2] != null) {
member = "$member.<fn>";
// Some Firefox members have initial dots. We remove them for consistency
// with other platforms.
member = member.replaceFirst(_initialDot, '');
return new Frame(uri, int.parse(match[4]), null, member);
/// Parses this package's string representation of a stack frame.
factory Frame.parseFriendly(String frame) {
var match = _friendlyFrame.firstMatch(frame);
if (match == null) {
throw new FormatException(
"Couldn't parse package:stack_trace stack trace line '$frame'.");
var uri = Uri.parse(match[1]);
// If there's no scheme, this is a relative URI. We should interpret it as
// relative to the current working directory.
if (uri.scheme == '') {
uri = path.toUri(path.absolute(path.fromUri(uri)));
var line = match[2] == null ? null : int.parse(match[2]);
var column = match[3] == null ? null : int.parse(match[3]);
return new Frame(uri, line, column, match[4]);
Frame(this.uri, this.line, this.column, this.member);
String toString() => '$location in $member';